

单词 think
释义 think (noun) think 21 ENTRIES FOUND: think (verb) think (noun) thinking (noun) thinking (adjective) thinking cap (noun) think tank (noun) forward-thinking (adjective) lateral thinking (noun) wishful thinking (noun) badly (adverb) better (noun) big (adverb) box (noun) come (verb) fit (adjective) hear (verb) less (pronoun) let (verb) much (pronoun) outside (preposition) twice (adverb) 1 think /ˈθɪŋk/ verb thinks; thought /ˈθɑːt/ ; thinking 1 think /ˈθɪŋk/ verb thinks; thought /ˈθɑːt/ ; thinking Learner's definition of THINK 1  : to believe that something is true, that a particular situation exists, that something will happen, etc.相信;认为 [+ object] — often + that I thought (that) I heard your voice.我觉得我听见了你的声音。 She thinks (that) she knows the answer.她认为自己知道答案。 I think (that) you can do it.我相信你能做到。 We didn't think [=expect] (that) we would have any trouble.当时我们认为不会有任何麻烦。 Did you really/honestly think (that) I would agree with you?你真的相信我会同意你的看法吗? I never thought (that) I would become a teacher.我从没想过自己会当上老师。 Who would have thought (that) we would meet each other here?谁会想到我们会在这里碰面呢? He never thought (that) she would leave him.他从没想过她会离开自己。 I hate to think (that) we will never see each other again.我不愿意去想我们以后再也不会相见了。 It was once thought (that) the Earth was flat. = The Earth was once thought to be flat.人们曾经认为地球是平的。 He is thought to have drowned.人们认为他已经溺水身亡了。 “Has she accepted the job?” “I (don't) think so.”“她已经接受这份工作了吗?”“我想是的(我认为没有)。” Am I right in thinking (that) you used to work there?我想你以前在那里工作过,对吗? “I can beat you.” “That's what you think.” [=you might believe that you can beat me, but you're wrong]“我能打败你。”“你那是一厢情愿吧。” “Where is he?” “He's still at home.” “I thought as much.” [=I thought he was still at home]“他在哪?”“还在家里。”“我也是这么想的。” Well, yes. I should think so.唉,是的。我看就是这样。 You would think (that) the school would have dictionaries in the classrooms. [=the school should have dictionaries in the classroom]你可能会认为学校本应在教室里备几本词典。 $50 is enough, I would have thought.我本来以为50美元就够了。 [no object] It's going to be much more difficult than they think. [=suspect, expect]那将比他们想象的要困难得多。 We may finish sooner than you think.我们可能会比你预想的提前完成。 2  : to have an opinion about someone or something认为;觉得 [+ object] It's hot in here, don't you think? [=don't you agree?]这里很热,你不觉得吗? People think he is one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time. = He is thought to be one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time.人们认为他是有史以来最伟大的爵士音乐家之一。 I think he should apologize. = I should/would think he would apologize.我想他应该道歉。 Is this a good use of our tax dollars? I think not/so. [=I don't/do believe that it is]这是在很好地利用我们纳税人的钱吗?我认为不是/是。 You should think yourself [=consider yourself] lucky/fortunate to have gotten off with only a warning!你应该觉得自己很幸运,免遭惩罚,只受到了一次警告! — often + that I thought (that) the movie was excellent.我认为那部电影很精彩。 He thinks (that) he is a good writer.他认为自己是一个好作家。 Where do you think (that) we should eat?你认为我们该去哪儿吃饭? Do you think (that) we should buy the house?你认为我们该买那所房子吗? They think (that) it is unfair to have a rule like that. = They think it unfair to have a rule like that.他们认为那样的规定是不公平的。 [no object] — + about or of What did you think about/of the movie? [=did you like or dislike the movie?]你觉得这部影片怎么样? I told him exactly what I thought of him!我把我对他的看法如实告诉他了。 3  : to form or have (a particular thought) in your mind有…想法 [+ object] “He's handsome,” she thought (to herself).“他很英俊。”她心里想。 You should relax and try to think pleasant thoughts.你应该放松一下,尽量想些高兴的事。 I was just thinking what it would be like to be a doctor.我当时只是在想做一名医生会是什么样。 I dread to think how he will react.我不敢想象他将会作何反应。 Why do you always think the worst?你为什么总是朝最坏的方向想? Just think how nice it would be to live here.想想看,住在这里该有多好啊。 [no object] Just think—in two days we'll be on vacation, lying on the beach.试想一下——两天之后我们就躺在沙滩上度假喽。 — usually + about or of I was just thinking about you.我刚才正在想你呢。 I was thinking of the time we rented that cabin in the mountains.我刚才正在思念我们在山上租住小房子的那段时光。 Just think about how much money we'll save.想想看我们将会省下多少钱。 4  a  : to use your mind to understand or decide something思考;考虑 [no object] Think before you answer the question.仔细考虑一下再回答这个问题。 The game teaches students how to think.这个游戏教学生们如何思考。 Let me think. Where did I see your car keys?让我想想,我曾在哪儿见过你的车钥匙? Don't disturb him: he's thinking.别打扰他,他正在思考。 You have to think positive/positively if you want to succeed.如果你想成功就得有积极向上的心态。 — often + about We thought long and hard about it before we reached our decision.我们是经过长时间认真思考后才做出决定的。 The lecture gave the students a lot to think about.这次讲座引发了学生的很多思考。 I have thought very deeply about this problem, trying to find an answer.我已经深入地思考过这个问题,努力想找出答案。 Think about the offer. You might change your mind.考虑一下这个报价,也许你会改变主意。 Do you ever think about what you are going to do after you graduate?你考虑过毕业以后要做什么吗? If/When you think about it, the argument does make sense.如果你仔细想想/当你仔细想想的时候,(你会意识到)论据确实说得通。 [+ object] Give me a minute to think what to do.让我想一下该怎么办。 He couldn't think where they would have gone.他想象不出他们会去哪里。 You're awfully quiet. What are you thinking?你出奇地安静,在想什么呢? I can't believe he did that! What was he thinking?我不敢相信那是他干的!他到底是怎么想的? b  [+ object] : to have thoughts about (something)想;惦记 She talks and thinks business all the time.她整天说的想的都是生意。 He is always thinking [=thinking about] money.他总是在考虑钱的事。 5  [+ object] : to remember (something)记起;记得 Can you think where you put it?你记不记得把它放哪儿了? She was trying to think where she had heard that name before.她在努力回忆以前是在哪儿听到过那个名字。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 Neither of us thought to close the garage door.我们俩谁都没有记着去关车库门。 She never thinks to call home.她从来都不记得打电话回家。 He never thought to ask how we are doing.他从来都不记得问我们过得怎么样。 6  [+ object] : to have thoughts about possibly doing (something) : to have the intention of doing (something)想做;打算做 I think I'll give him a call today.我打算今天给他打个电话。 7  [+ object] a  — used to make a statement or suggestion less definite用于使语气或建议不太绝对 They used to live here, I think. [=I believe that they used to live here, although I'm not sure]他们曾经住过这儿,我想是这样。 I thought maybe we could go for a walk in the park.我想也许我们可以去公园走走。 I was thinking we might have dinner together some time.我在想什么时候我们可以一起吃顿饭。 b  — used to politely ask someone to do something or give you something用于礼貌地请某人做某事 Do you think (that) you could give me a ride to the airport? [=could you give me a ride to the airport?]请问你能让我搭个便车去机场吗? Do you think I could borrow the car tonight, Dad?爸爸,今晚我能借用一下你的车吗? c  — used in questions that show anger or surprise about what someone has done or is doing用于疑问句,表示对某人的行为感到愤怒或惊讶 What do you think you're doing? I just said you couldn't have one.你知道你在做什么吗?我才说过你不能吃。 Where do you think you're going? [=where are you going?] No one gave you permission to leave.你要去哪里?没人允许你离开。 Who do you think you are, barging in here like that?你以为你是谁呀,就这么闯进来? come to think of it — see 1come don't even think about (doing) it informal — used to tell someone in a forceful way that something is not allowed想都别想 It's illegal to park here. Don't even think about it!把车停在这儿是违法的,想都别想! not think anything of : to not think of (something) as being important or unusual认为…不重要;不把…当回事 I didn't think anything of it at the time—but it turned out to be the clue that would solve the case.当时我认为这个并不重要,结果却发现这是破获这一案件的线索。 I didn't think anything of his wearing a long coat since it was cold outside.我觉得他穿长大衣没什么可奇怪的,因为外面很冷。 not think much of : to not like (someone or something) very much不太喜欢(某人或某物) They didn't think much of my idea.他们不怎么重视我的想法。 Though the singer was very popular, she didn't think much of him.尽管这个歌手很受欢迎,她却不怎么喜欢他。 think again informal — used to say that what someone believes, expects, etc., is not true or will not happen再想想,重新考虑(用于指某人所认为或期待的不可能实现) If you think you can get away with this, think again. [=you are wrong]如果你以为你可以侥幸逃脱,那你就错了。 think ahead : to prepare for a future event or situation by thinking about what might happen预先考虑a We should have thought ahead and brought an umbrella.我们本来就该预先想到带上雨伞的。 think aloud or think out loud : to say your thoughts so that other people can hear them说出自己的想法 No, I wasn't talking to you. I was just thinking out loud.不,我不是在和你交谈,我只是说出我的想法而已。 think back [phrasal verb] : to think about something that happened in the past回想 — often + to Thinking back to my childhood, I remember summers at the beach.回顾我的童年,我还记得在沙滩上度过的夏天。 Think back to that night. What were you doing?回想一下那天晚上的情况。当时你在做什么? think better of : to decide not to do (something) after thinking further about it想想还是不做…的好 She was going to make a comment but thought better of it.她原本打算做一番评论的,但是想想还是算了。 think big — see 2big think fit — see 1fit think for yourself : to form opinions and make decisions without help from other people独立思考;独立做决定 Don't let others tell you what to believe. You need to learn to think for yourself.别让他人告诉你该相信什么,你得学会独立思考。 think less of : to not respect (someone) as much as you did before : to have a worse opinion of (someone)不像从前那样尊敬(某人);看低(某人) I hope you don't think (any) less of me now that you know about the trouble I got into when I was younger.现在你知道我年轻时惹的麻烦了,希望你不要看低我。 think nothing of 1  : to not hesitate at all about (doing something that other people think is very difficult or dangerous)不把…当回事;认为做…不算什么 She thinks nothing of running 10 miles.她认为跑10英里不是什么难事。 2  think nothing of it — used as a polite response when someone has apologized to you or thanked you别客气;别放心上 “Thanks for the ride.” “Think nothing of it—I was going in this direction anyway.”“谢谢你让我搭车。”“别客气——我本来也是去这个方向的。” “I'm so sorry.” “It's all right. Think nothing of it.”实在抱歉。”“没关系,不用在意。” think of [phrasal verb] 1  think of (something) a  : to have thoughts about possibly doing (something)打算做(某事) She is thinking of applying to grad school.她正打算申请读研究生。 He thought of sending an e-mail but decided against it.他本来想发一封电子邮件,但是后来决定不发了。 She couldn't think of ever leaving her children.她根本没有想过要离开她的孩子们。 b  : to use your mind to form or invent (something)想出(某事) The best plan they could think of was to leave.他们能想到的最佳方案就是离开。 “Can you give me an example?” “I'll think of something.”“你能给我举个例子吗?”“我来想一想。” I can't think of one reason why you shouldn't do it.你为什么不该做这事,我一个理由也想不出来。 Cell phones that can access the Internet and take pictures—what will they think of next?手机可以上网,可以拍照——接下来他们还会想到什么呢? c  : to remember (something)想起;记得 I can think of plenty of other times when you were wrong.我可记得之前有好多次是你错了。 I can't think of her name at the moment.我一时想不起她的名字了。 I just thought of a good joke.我刚好想起一个好玩的笑话。 She thought of her old home when she saw the picture.一看到那张照片,她就会想起自己的老家。 2  think of (someone or something) a  : to have a particular kind of opinion about (someone or something)对(某人或某事)有…看法 The hiring committee thought highly of her. [=had a high opinion of her]招聘委员会对她的评价很高。 She thinks a great deal of her doctor. [=she likes/respects her doctor very much]她对自己的医生评价很高。 I wouldn't want you to think badly of me.我希望你不要对我有不好的看法。 He thinks the world of his family. [=his family is very important to him]他很看重家庭。 b  : to form or have an idea about (someone or something)认为;有…想法 People are thinking of her for president. [=are thinking that she should be the president]人们认为她应该当董事长。 Are you thinking of any place in particular?你想到了什么特别的地方吗? I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10.我正在想一个介于1和10之间的数字。 I'll be thinking of you in my prayers.我会为你祈祷的。 He thinks of them with great affection.他对他们怀有深厚的感情。 c  : to be concerned about (someone or something) when you make decisions about what to do考虑 I must think first of my family.我必须首先考虑我的家庭。 You should think of your job security.你应该考虑到你工作的安全性。 She is always thinking of the welfare of others.她总是惦念着他人的幸福。 3  think of (someone or something) as (someone or something) : to believe that (someone or something) is (a particular type of person or thing) or has (a particular quality)认为是;把…当成是 He thinks of himself as a good writer. [=he thinks/believes that he is a good writer]他认为自己是个好作家。 I think of you guys as my family.我把你们大伙儿都当成我的家人。 Play can be thought of as a child's work since it is through play that children learn.可以把玩儿视作孩子们的工作,因为通过玩耍孩子们能学到一些东西。 think out [phrasal verb] think out (something) or think (something) out : to think about (something, such as a problem) for a period of time in an effort to find a solution, make a decision, etc.想出;思考出 He spent hours thinking out the solution to the physics problem.他花了好几个小时解这道物理题。 I need time to think things out.我需要时间把事情理出个头绪。 The details of the contract have been carefully thought out.合同的细节已经详细考虑过了。 Your argument is well thought out.你的论证是经过深思熟虑的。 think outside the box — see 1box think over [phrasal verb] think (something) over or think over (something) : to think about (something) for a period of time especially in an effort to understand or make a decision about it尤指为理解某事或做决定)仔细考虑 I'll give you time to think the matter over.我会给你时间仔细考虑这件事的。 Think it over, and let me know what you decide.仔细考虑一下,然后把你的决定告诉我。 I've thought over what you said, and you're right.我仔细想过你说的话,你是对的。 think through [phrasal verb] think (something) through or think through (something) : to think about all the different parts or effects of (something) for a period of time especially in an effort to understand or make a decision about it(尤指为理解某事或做决定)全面考虑 I need time to think this through.我需要时间全面考虑一下这件事。 We have thought through the matter and have come to a decision.我们已经全面考虑过这件事,并且做出了决定。 think twice informal : to think seriously about whether you really want to do something before you do it(行动前)慎重考虑,三思而行 I'd think twice about/before doing that if I were you.如果我是你,做那件事我会三思而行。 think up [phrasal verb] think up (something) or think (something) up informal : to use your mind to form or invent (something)想出 Quick! We have to think up an excuse.快点!我们得想出个借口。 They thought up a new way of raising money for charity.他们想出一个为慈善事业筹集资金的新方法。 to think — used to express surprise or shock想想吧(用于表示吃惊) To think (that) he lied to you!想想吧,他居然对你撒谎! To think, all we needed to do was to wait a few more days.想想看,我们所要做的居然是再多等几天。 2 think /ˈθɪŋk/ noun 2 think /ˈθɪŋk/ noun Learner's definition of THINK [singular] chiefly British, informal : an act of thinking about something思考;考虑 I'd have another think about doing that if I were you.如果我是你,我会再考虑一下那件事。 Feel free to have a good think about it before you say yes.你可以好好想一下,再说同意。 have another think coming informal — used to say that someone is wrong or mistaken再想一想(用于说明某人错了) If he thinks he can fool me, he has another think coming. [=he's wrong; he can't fool me]如果他认为可以骗过我,那他就错了。




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