

单词 think of
释义 think of [phrasal verb] 1  think of (something) a  : to have thoughts about possibly doing (something)打算做(某事) She is thinking of applying to grad school.她正打算申请读研究生。 He thought of sending an e-mail but decided against it.他本来想发一封电子邮件,但是后来决定不发了。 She couldn't think of ever leaving her children.她根本没有想过要离开她的孩子们。 b  : to use your mind to form or invent (something)想出(某事) The best plan they could think of was to leave.他们能想到的最佳方案就是离开。 “Can you give me an example?” “I'll think of something.”“你能给我举个例子吗?”“我来想一想。” I can't think of one reason why you shouldn't do it.你为什么不该做这事,我一个理由也想不出来。 Cell phones that can access the Internet and take pictures—what will they think of next?手机可以上网,可以拍照——接下来他们还会想到什么呢? c  : to remember (something)想起;记得 I can think of plenty of other times when you were wrong.我可记得之前有好多次是你错了。 I can't think of her name at the moment.我一时想不起她的名字了。 I just thought of a good joke.我刚好想起一个好玩的笑话。 She thought of her old home when she saw the picture.一看到那张照片,她就会想起自己的老家。 2  think of (someone or something) a  : to have a particular kind of opinion about (someone or something)对(某人或某事)有…看法 The hiring committee thought highly of her. [=had a high opinion of her]招聘委员会对她的评价很高。 She thinks a great deal of her doctor. [=she likes/respects her doctor very much]她对自己的医生评价很高。 I wouldn't want you to think badly of me.我希望你不要对我有不好的看法。 He thinks the world of his family. [=his family is very important to him]他很看重家庭。 b  : to form or have an idea about (someone or something)认为;有…想法 People are thinking of her for president. [=are thinking that she should be the president]人们认为她应该当董事长。 Are you thinking of any place in particular?你想到了什么特别的地方吗? I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10.我正在想一个介于1和10之间的数字。 I'll be thinking of you in my prayers.我会为你祈祷的。 He thinks of them with great affection.他对他们怀有深厚的感情。 c  : to be concerned about (someone or something) when you make decisions about what to do考虑 I must think first of my family.我必须首先考虑我的家庭。 You should think of your job security.你应该考虑到你工作的安全性。 She is always thinking of the welfare of others.她总是惦念着他人的幸福。 3  think of (someone or something) as (someone or something) : to believe that (someone or something) is (a particular type of person or thing) or has (a particular quality)认为是;把…当成是 He thinks of himself as a good writer. [=he thinks/believes that he is a good writer]他认为自己是个好作家。 I think of you guys as my family.我把你们大伙儿都当成我的家人。 Play can be thought of as a child's work since it is through play that children learn.可以把玩儿视作孩子们的工作,因为通过玩耍孩子们能学到一些东西。 think




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