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词汇 tie
释义 tie (noun) tie 19 ENTRIES FOUND: tie (verb) tie (noun) tie-break (noun) tied (adjective) tie-dye (verb) tie-in (noun) tie-up (noun) tie tack (noun) black-tie (adjective) bolo tie (noun) bow tie (noun) tongue-tied (adjective) twist tie (noun) white-tie (adjective) drinks party (noun) feedbag (noun) fit (adjective) hand (noun) knot (noun) 1 tie /ˈtaɪ/ verb ties; tied; tying /ˈtajɪŋ/ 1 tie /ˈtaɪ/ verb ties; tied; tying /ˈtajɪŋ/ Learner's definition of TIE 1  a  [+ object] : to attach (someone or something) to something with a string, rope, etc.(用绳索等)捆,拴,绑 His kidnappers tied him to a chair.绑匪把他绑在椅子上。 She tied (up) the dog to a post and went into the store.她把狗拴在一根柱子上,然后进了商店。 b  [+ object] : to pass (something, such as a string, ribbon, or rope) around itself in a way that attaches it to something or holds it in place : to make a knot or bow in (something)系;打结 He tied (up) his shoelaces/necktie.他系鞋带/打领带。 She tied a scarf around her neck.她在脖子上系了条丝巾。 He tied the ropes together. [=he attached the ropes to each other by tying a knot]他把两根绳子系在一起了。 She wrapped a ribbon around the box and tied a bow. [=made a bow]她把丝带系在盒子上,然后打了个蝴蝶结。 She tied knots in the rope.她在绳子上打了结。 — often + to He tied the rope to a tree branch.他把绳子系在树枝上。 I tied the dog's leash to a post and went into the store.我把拴狗的皮带系在一根柱子上,然后进了商店。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 At the end of the book, she ties together the separate plots of the story.在书的末尾,她把分散的故事情节联系了起来。 c  : to close or hold (something) with a string, rope, etc., that is attached to it or wrapped around it [+ object](用绳索等)捆绑,固定 You need to tie your shoe.你得把鞋带系紧。 The butcher tied (up) the package with string.屠夫用绳子把包裹捆起来。 His hands and feet had been tied together.他的双手双脚被捆在了一起。 Tie your hair back (in a ponytail) so it won't fall in your face.把头发在脑后扎起来(成马尾),这样就不会挡住你的脸了。 She tied the apron loosely around her waist.她在腰上松松地系了条围裙。 [no object] The apron ties (up) in the back.这条围裙是在后面系扣的。 — see also hands are tied at 1hand 2  a  : to make the score of a game or contest equal使成平局;扳平 [+ object] She tied (up) the score with a late goal.她以一记姗姗来迟的进球扳平了比分。 He can tie (up) the game with a home run.他可以凭借本垒打让比赛打成平局。 [no object] The team still has a chance to tie.球队依然有机会扳平。 b  [no object] : to end a game, race, etc., with the same score or in the same position as another person or team打成平局;并列 He tied for first/second place. [=he and another competitor both finished with the same score in first/second place]他和另一名选手并列第一/第二名。 c  [+ object] : to achieve the same score, time, etc., as (a person, a record, etc.)追平(比分、时间等) I had the lead but he tied me by making a birdie on the last hole.我本来领先,但是他最后一洞打出小鸟球把我追平了。 Her time tied the world record.她的成绩平了世界纪录。 He tied the school's record in the high jump.他追平了学校的跳高纪录。 3  [+ object] : to connect (someone or something) to another person or thing使相联系 — usually used as (be) tied to通常用作(be) tied to He argues that poverty is closely tied to poor health. [=that poverty and poor health are closely related/connected]他论证说贫困和不良的健康状况密切相关。 The rise in crime has been tied [=linked] to drug dealing.犯罪的增多和毒品交易紧密相关。 The rate of production is tied to consumer demand. [=the rate of production depends on consumer demand]生产率和消费者的需求相关。 The prices of Web ads are tied to the number of visitors the sites have.网络广告的价格是和网站的访客数量联系在一起的。 4  [+ object] : to cause or require (someone) to be somewhere, do something, etc.使(某人)不能离开;束缚;限制 He has responsibilities that tie him to this area. [=that prevent him from leaving this area]他肩负的职责使他无法离开这一地区。 — often used as (be) tied to常用作(be) tied to She was tired of being tied to the same routine. [=of always having the same routine]她厌倦了总是重复例行工作。 He was tied to his desk all day. [=he had to work at his desk all day]他整天都在办公桌前忙碌。 I didn't want to be tied to driving her to work every day.我不想每天都被束缚着开车送她去上班。 fit to be tied — see 1fit tie down [phrasal verb] 1  tie (something or someone) down or tie down (something or someone) : to attach (something or someone) especially to a flat surface by using string, rope, etc.(用绳索等)拴紧,绑住 A storm was coming, so the captain ordered us to tie everything down.暴风雨即将来袭,船长命令我们系紧所有物品。 She tied down the flaps of the tent.她把帐篷的帘布紧紧系住。 They had him tied down on a stretcher.他们把他固定在一个担架上。 2  tie (someone) down or tie down (someone) : to limit the freedom of (someone)限制(某人)自由 Having a family ties people down.成家会把人拴住。 She doesn't want to tie herself down to a schedule.她不想被计划束缚住。 — often used as (be) tied down常用作(be) tied down You're too young to be tied down with so much responsibility.你还太年轻,不能被这么多责任所限制。 tie in [phrasal verb] 1  : to be related or connected to something与…相关;与…有联系 — + to or with The book's illustrations tie in to/with the story very well.这本书的插图和文字配合得很好。 2  tie in (something) or tie (something) in : to connect (something) to something else使联系在一起 — + to or with The teacher tied in what we learned last week with today's lesson.老师把我们上周学过的内容融入今天的课程里。 The publication of the senator's book was tied in to his announcement that he will run for president.在这位参议员宣布参加总统竞选之后,他的著作也配合着出版了。 — see also tie-in tie off [phrasal verb] 1  tie off (something) or tie (something) off : to fasten or hold (something) by tying a knot or bow at its end用打结的方式固定 I finished knitting the last row and tied off the yarn.我织完了最后一行,然后把纱线打了个结。 2  : to close (something) with string, thread, etc.(用线或绳子等)结扎 The surgeon tied off the vein.外科医生给静脉结扎。 tie one on US, informal + old-fashioned : to become drunk喝醉 He really tied one on last night.他昨晚真的喝醉了。 tie on the feedbag — see feedbag tie the knot — see 1knot tie up [phrasal verb] 1  tie up or tie (something) up or tie up (something) : to become attached or to attach (something) to a fixed object with a string, rope, etc.被拴住;(用线或绳子等)拴住 They tied (the boat) up and jumped out.他们把小船拴好后跳上了岸。 The ferry ties up at the south slip.渡船在南部停泊处抛锚。 2  tie (something) up or tie up (something) a  : to deal with (something) in order to complete something处理完;完成 The project is almost finished, but we still have a few final details to tie up. = We still have to tie up some loose ends.这个工程基本完工了,但我们最后还有一些细节要处理。 The writer ties up all the loose ends at the end of the story.在故事结尾处,作者对所有零星内容做了收尾。 b  US : to prevent the use or progress of (something)使…受阻 He tied up the phone for an hour. [=he used the phone for an hour and other people could not use it]他占用了一小时的电话。 Traffic was tied up [=backed up] for hours/miles.交通堵了好几小时/英里。 3  tie up (money) in (something) or tie (money) up in (something) : to invest (money) in (something) in a way that prevents it from being used for some other purpose占用,搁死(资金);使(资金)不能挪用 They tied up all of their money in their new business.他们把所有钱都投在了新的生意里。 — usually used as (be) tied up in通常用作(be) tied up in The money was tied up in stocks.钱被投在股市里了。 4  tie up with (something) or be tied up with (something) : to be connected or related to (something)与…有联系;与…有关 Today's lesson tied up with what was taught yesterday.今天的课和昨天讲的有关联。 My life is tied up with hers.我和她的生活密不可分。 5  tie (someone) up or tie up (someone) a  : to tie rope, tape, etc., around the body, arms, or legs of (someone) in order to keep that person from moving or escaping(用绳子、胶带等)捆绑(某人) The robbers tied up the clerk.劫匪把那名职员绑了起来。 b  : to prevent (someone) from doing other things or from going to a particular place阻止(某人)做某事;阻止(某人)去某地;使脱不开身 Meetings tied me up for most of the afternoon.我一下午大部分时间都在开会。 — usually used as (be) tied up通常用作(be) tied up She was tied up in traffic.交通堵塞,她被堵在路上了。 I'd like to help but I'm a bit tied up at the moment.我很愿意帮忙,但是目前我脱不开身。 — see also 1tie 1, 2 (above), tie-up tie yourself (up) in knots — see 1knot 2 tie /ˈtaɪ/ noun plural ties 2 tie /ˈtaɪ/ noun plural ties Learner's definition of TIE [count] 1  : necktie He was wearing a suit and tie.他穿着西装,打着领带。 You have a spot on your tie.你的领带上有块污渍。 — see also bow tie 2  : a piece of string, ribbon, cord, etc., that is used for fastening, joining, or closing something(系物、拴物用的)带子,绳,索 The pants have a tie at the top.这条裤子裤腰处有抽绳。 — see also twist tie 3  a  : something (such as an idea, interest, experience, or feeling) that is shared by people or groups and that forms a connection between them纽带 — usually plural通常用复数 family ties家庭纽带 political/economic/cultural ties政治/经济/文化纽带 the ties of friendship友谊的纽带 The company has close ties to conservative groups.这家公司和保守派有密切的联系。 Recent events have strengthened/cemented the ties between our two countries.最近的事件加强/强化了我们两国之间的关系。 She has severed all ties with the company.她已经切断了和这家公司的所有联系。 The experience loosened the ties that bind (us together).这次经历疏远了我们之间的关系。 b  : a responsibility that limits a person's freedom to do other things束缚;限制 He was not ready to accept the ties of family life.他还没准备好接受家庭生活的束缚。 4  a  : the final result of a game, contest, etc., in which two or more people or teams finish with the same number of points, votes, etc.平局;相同得分 — usually singular通常用单数 The game ended in a tie. = The game was a tie. [=both teams/players had the same score at the end of the game]比赛以平局结束。 They played to a 3-3 tie. [=each team/player had 3 points when the game ended]他们打成3:3平。 There was a tie for second place.两名选手并列第二。 b  : a situation in which two or more people or teams have the same number of points, votes, etc., in a game or contest平局;得分相同 — usually singular通常用单数 She broke the tie with a goal in the final seconds of the match.在比赛最后几秒钟她的进球打破了平局。 a tie score相同的比分 5  US : one of the heavy pieces of wood to which the rails of a railroad are fastened枕木 — called also (British) sleeper 6  British, sports : a match in a sports competition (such as a soccer or tennis tournament) in which the loser is eliminated淘汰赛 They won the tie in the first round and went on to win the cup.他们在第一轮淘汰赛中胜出,然后一路打下去,赢得了奖杯。




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