

单词 tie down
释义 tie down [phrasal verb] 1  tie (something or someone) down or tie down (something or someone) : to attach (something or someone) especially to a flat surface by using string, rope, etc.(用绳索等)拴紧,绑住 A storm was coming, so the captain ordered us to tie everything down.暴风雨即将来袭,船长命令我们系紧所有物品。 She tied down the flaps of the tent.她把帐篷的帘布紧紧系住。 They had him tied down on a stretcher.他们把他固定在一个担架上。 2  tie (someone) down or tie down (someone) : to limit the freedom of (someone)限制(某人)自由 Having a family ties people down.成家会把人拴住。 She doesn't want to tie herself down to a schedule.她不想被计划束缚住。 — often used as (be) tied down常用作(be) tied down You're too young to be tied down with so much responsibility.你还太年轻,不能被这么多责任所限制。 tie




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