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词汇 tight
释义 tight (adverb) tight 9 ENTRIES FOUND: tight (adjective) tight (adverb) tight-knit (adjective) tight-lipped (adjective) tight end (noun) hang (verb) ship (noun) sit (verb) sleep (verb) 1 tight /ˈtaɪt/ adjective tighter; tightest 1 tight /ˈtaɪt/ adjective tighter; tightest Learner's definition of TIGHT 1  : difficult to move : fastened, attached, or held in a position that is not easy to move很难移动的;系紧的;拴住的 The lid is too tight. I can't loosen it.盖子太紧,我打不开。 She made a tight knot in the rope.她在绳子上打了一个很紧的结。 Keep a tight grip/hold on his hand when you cross the street.过马路时,要抓紧他的手。 — opposite loose 2  : fitting very close to your body紧身的 tight [=snug] T-shirts紧身T恤衫 a tight pair of jeans = a pair of tight jeans一条紧身牛仔裤 These shoes are too tight. [=they are too small]这双鞋太紧了。 a tight bandage很紧的绷带 — opposite loose; see also skintight 3  : flat or firm from being pulled or stretched拉紧的;绷紧的 a tight wire/string拉紧的金属线/细绳 Pull the ribbon tight and make a bow.拉紧丝带,然后打一个蝴蝶结。 — opposite loose 4  : tense or stiff : not relaxed紧张的;不放松的 Her muscles were tight.她的肌肉很僵硬。 His throat/chest felt tight.他觉得嗓子/胸部发紧。 a tight smile生硬的微笑 She answered in a tight voice.她用紧张的声音回答了问题。 — opposite loose 5  : hard and muscular结实的;有肌肉感的 an athlete with a tight stomach/body腹部/身体肌肉结实的运动员 He has tight abs.他的腹肌很硬实。 6  : having parts that are very close together紧密的 The cat was curled into a tight ball.那只猫蜷缩成紧紧的一团。 a fabric with a tight weave编织密实的织物 The swimming goggles should create a tight seal around your eyes.这种游泳镜在眼眶处的密封性应当很好。 — see also airtight, watertight 7  : not having or allowing much room狭小的 Space was tight at their first home. [=their first home was small; they did not have much room]他们的第一个家空间很狭小。 There's a tight space you can crawl through underneath the house.房子下面有狭小的空间可让人爬行通过。 The tunnel gets pretty tight up ahead.隧道再往前变得很狭窄。 We got everything into the suitcase, but it was a tight squeeze. [=the suitcase was very full/packed]我们把所有东西都装进箱子里了,但塞得很满。 8  : not having or allowing much time时间紧张的 We are on a tight schedule.我们的日程安排很满。 The project has a very tight deadline.这个工程的截止期很快就要到了。 Time was tight, so we couldn't stay long.时间很紧,所以我们不能待得太久。 9  : close or equal in score, progress, or ability势均力敌的 It was a very tight race/game.这场赛跑/比赛势均力敌。 It was one of the tightest presidential elections in history.这是有史以来竞争最激烈的一次总统大选。 The teams play in a tight division.各队势均力敌地进行比赛。 10  : not allowing much freedom : strict about controlling what happens严格控制的 She kept a tight hand on the business. [=she controlled the business in a very strict way]她非常严格地管理企业。 The mayor put tighter security in place for the concert.市长为音乐会安排了更严密的安保措施。 He has people working for him, but he has/keeps a tight rein on every part of the process.他有一批人为他工作,但是他极其严格地把控着过程的每一部分。 11  : difficult or awkward困难的;棘手的 You've put me in a tight spot. [=a difficult position]你把我置于非常困难的境地。 They were in a tight spot financially. [=they did not have much money; they were having financial problems]他们经济遇到了困难。 12  a  : low in supply : not easily available紧张的;不宽裕的 We can't afford a vacation right now because money is tight. [=scarce]由于缺钱,我们现在没法去度假。 Jobs are tight right now. [=there are not many jobs available right now]现在就业岗位很紧张。 b  — used to describe a situation that is difficult because there is not enough of something因匮乏而困难的 Things have been a little tight [=money has been scarce] since I lost my job.自从我失业以来,经济上就有点困难。 a tight job market [=a situation in which there are few jobs]紧张的就业市场 13  informal + usually disapproving : not giving or spending money freely : stingy or cheap吝啬的;小气的 He's pretty tight with his money.他花钱很小气。 14  : having a close personal or professional relationship关系密切的 We've been tight [=very friendly] for a long time.我们一直以来关系很好。 a tight group of friends关系好的一群朋友 — often + with She's tight with the boss.她和老板关系很好。 15  : curving or changing direction suddenly急转弯的;陡的 There is a tight [=sharp] bend in the road up ahead.前面的路有一处急转弯。 Make a tight right turn at the traffic light.到了交通信号灯处往右急转弯。 16  informal + old-fashioned : very drunk烂醉的 getting tight at a bar在酒吧喝得烂醉 run a tight ship — see 1ship — tightly adverb The shirt fits too tightly around the arms.这件衬衫袖子太紧了。 The luggage was secured tightly to the top of the car.行李牢牢捆在车顶上了。 Hold on tightly to the railing.抓紧栏杆。 shelves packed tightly with books塞满了书的架子 a tightly knit [=tight-knit] family关系融洽的一家人 — tightness noun [noncount] He felt some muscle tightness in his back.他觉得背部肌肉有点僵硬。 2 tight /ˈtaɪt/ adverb 2 tight /ˈtaɪt/ adverb Learner's definition of TIGHT : in a tight way紧紧地 Hold on tight.抓紧 Is the door shut tight?门关严实了吗? She screwed the cap on tight.她把瓶盖拧紧了。 Don't close the lid so tight.别把盖子盖得太紧。 We were packed as tight as sardines on the bus.我们在公共汽车上被挤得像沙丁鱼一样。 hang tight — see 1hang sit tight — see sit sleep tight — see 1sleep




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