

单词 town
释义 town 18 ENTRIES FOUND: town (noun) town centre (noun) town crier (noun) town hall (noun) town house (noun) town meeting (noun) county town (noun) ghost town (noun) man-about-town (noun) out-of-town (adjective) small-town (adjective) twin town (noun) Cape Town (proper noun) game (noun) hit (verb) paint (verb) red (adjective) talk (noun) town /ˈtaʊn/ noun plural towns town /ˈtaʊn/ noun plural towns Learner's definition of TOWN 1  [count] : a place where people live that is larger than a village but smaller than a city镇;市镇;集镇 a town in Georgia佐治亚州的小镇 a mining town矿业小镇 the town of Jackson, Florida佛罗里达州弥尔顿镇 The nearest shopping mall is two towns away.最近的购物中心离这里有两个集镇的距离。 town officials镇政府官员 — see also county town, ghost town, shantytown, twin town 2  a  [count] : the people in a town(全体)镇民 — usually singular通常用单数 I think the entire town has heard the news by now.我想整个镇子的人现在都已经听到这个消息了。 The whole town was at the parade.全镇的人都在游行。 b  the town : the government of a town镇政府 The town plans to increase property taxes.镇政府计划提高财产税。 3  [noncount] : the business and shopping center of a town(城镇的)商业区,中心区 We're heading to town later on.我们过一会儿要去商业区。 — see also downtown, uptown 4  : the town where someone lives(某人居住的)镇子,小城 [noncount] He left town when he was 16.他16岁时离开了家乡。 The circus is coming to town.马戏团要来镇上了。 the town parade镇上的游行 This is the best restaurant in town. [=in this town]这是镇上最好的餐厅。 Let's get together. I'll be in town next week. [=I'll be in your town next week]我们聚聚吧,我下周会去你住的镇子。 She's from out of town. [=from a different town]她是外地人。 [singular] My town has changed a lot over the years.我居住的小城这些年发生了很大的变化。 — see also hometown go to town informal : to do something in a very thorough and enthusiastic way花大力气做某事;大干一番 When they throw a party, they really go to town. [=they spend a lot of money and have a big party]他们每次举办聚会都花钱大办一场。 — often + on She really went to town on the decorations for the party.她为聚会的装饰费尽了心思。 hit the town informal : to spend time in the area of a city or town where there are a lot of restaurants, bars, etc.去娱乐场所吃喝玩乐。 We're planning to hit the town tomorrow.我们打算明天去城里吃喝玩乐。 (out) on the town informal : going to the restaurants, bars, etc., of a city or town for entertainment去娱乐场所玩乐 We spent the night out on the town.我们痛痛快快地玩了一晚上。 paint the town (red) — see 2paint the talk of the town — see 2talk




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