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词汇 trace
释义 trace (verb) trace 4 ENTRIES FOUND: trace (noun) trace (verb) trace element (noun) sink (verb) 1 trace /ˈtreɪs/ noun plural traces 1 trace /ˈtreɪs/ noun plural traces Learner's definition of TRACE [count] 1  : a very small amount of something微量;少许 He could detect a trace [=hint] of cinnamon in the cookies.他能从饼干里尝出一丝肉桂的味道。 She spoke without a trace of irony.她说话不带有任何讽刺。 — sometimes used before another noun有时用于另一名词前 Trace amounts of the pesticide were found in many foods.许多食物中都发现了少量农药残留。 — see also trace element 2  : something (such as a mark or an object) which shows that someone or something was in a particular place痕迹;踪迹 The scientists found traces of human activity in the area.科学家们在这个地区找到了人类活动的遗迹。 The thieves left no trace of evidence behind.小偷们没有留下任何罪证。 He disappeared/vanished without a trace. [=without leaving any signs to show where he went]他消失得无影无踪。 3  technical : a line drawn by a machine to record how something (such as a heartbeat or an earthquake) changes or happens over time(由机器画出的记录心跳、地震等的)描记线 2 trace /ˈtreɪs/ verb traces; traced; tracing 2 trace /ˈtreɪs/ verb traces; traced; tracing Learner's definition of TRACE 1  [+ object] a  : to draw the outline of (something)勾画轮廓 The children traced their hands onto the sidewalk with chalk.孩子们用粉笔在人行道上画手印。 especially : to copy (a design or picture) by putting a thin piece of paper that you can see through over it and drawing on top of it(尤指把透明纸放在底样上)描摹 You can put a piece of paper over the pattern and trace it.你可以在图案上放一张纸来描摹。 b  : to draw (something, such as letters or a picture) especially in a careful way仔细写;仔细画 She traced the letters of her name.她认真地写下了自己的名字。 I traced a circle in the air/sand (with my finger).我(用手指)在空中/沙地上画了一个圆圈。 — often + out She traced the letters out on a sheet of paper.她在一张纸上写下了这些字母。 2  [+ object] : to follow the path or line of (something)沿着…线路移动 We will need to trace the electrical wires through the walls.我们得沿着墙壁上的电线检查。 She traced the edge of the book with her finger. [=she moved her finger along the edge of the book]她的手指顺着书的边沿移动。 3  : to follow (something) back to its cause, beginning, or origin : to find out where something came from追溯;追查 [+ object] — usually + to The noise was traced to a loose bolt in the car's engine.噪声是由汽车发动机里一颗松动的螺丝引起的。 The police traced the call to a payphone.警方追查到这个电话是用公用付费电话打来的。 — often + back He can trace his family history all the way back to the Pilgrims.他可以把他的家族史一直追溯到清教徒移民的时代。 The word “amiable” can be traced back to the Latin word for “friend.”单词amiable(友善的)的词源可以追溯到拉丁语表示friend(朋友)的词。 [no object] The word “amiable” traces back to the Latin word for “friend.”单词amiable(友善的)源于拉丁语表示friend(朋友)的词。 a tradition that traces back to [=goes back to] the time of the ancient Romans源自古罗马时代的传统 4  [+ object] : to describe or study the way (something) happened over time描绘,研究,追述(事物的发展历史) Her book traces the development of art through the ages.她的这本书追述了艺术的发展史。 5  [+ object] : to try to find (someone or something) by collecting and studying evidence追查,追踪(某人或某事物) The detective is in charge of tracing [=(more commonly) tracking down] missing persons.这位侦探负责查找失踪人员。 — traceable /ˈtreɪsəbəl/ adjective [more traceable; most traceable] The word “amiable” is traceable to the Latin word for “friend.”单词amiable(友善的)的词源可以追溯到拉丁语表示friend(朋友)的词。 This phone call is traceable.这个电话可查出是从哪里打来的。




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