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词汇 trick
释义 trick (verb) trick (adjective) trick 15 ENTRIES FOUND: trick (noun) trick (verb) trick (adjective) trick or treat (noun) confidence trick (noun) con trick (noun) dirty tricks (noun) hat trick (noun) one-trick pony (noun) book (noun) do (verb) dog (noun) miss (verb) teach (verb) trade (noun) 1 trick /ˈtrɪk/ noun plural tricks 1 trick /ˈtrɪk/ noun plural tricks Learner's definition of TRICK [count] 1  : an action that is meant to deceive someone诡计;花招;计谋 It was a trick to persuade her to give him money.这是说服她给他钱的一个诡计。 That was a dirty/mean/rotten trick. [=an unkind or unfair thing to do]那是一个肮脏/卑劣/恶毒的计谋。 — see also dirty tricks 2  : something done to surprise or confuse someone and to make other people laugh恶作剧;戏弄;捉弄 He played a trick on me. [=he tricked me]他捉弄了我。 She enjoys playing tricks on her friends.她喜欢捉弄朋友。 3  : a clever and skillful action that someone performs to entertain or amuse people戏法;把戏 For his last trick, the magician made a rabbit disappear.在最后一个戏法里,魔术师把兔子变没了。 magic/card/circus tricks魔术/纸牌/马戏团戏法 4  : a clever and effective way of doing something技巧;诀窍;窍门 I know a good trick for removing stains from clothes.我知道一个去掉衣服上污渍的窍门。 He knows a lot of useful programming tricks.他知道许多有用的编程技巧。 a handy trick for remembering names记名字的小诀窍 He has a lot of experience with gardening, so he should be able to show/teach us a trick or two. [=he should be able to give us good advice about gardening]他园艺经验丰富,应该能展示/教给我们一些技巧。 5  : something that causes confusion or that makes something seem different from what it actually is引起错觉(或幻觉、假象)的事物 He was so tired his mind was playing tricks on him. [=he could not think clearly]他累糊涂了。 The paint looked blue, but it was just a trick of the light. [=the light made the paint appear blue even though it was a different color]涂料看起来是蓝色的,但那只是光线造成的错觉。 6  : the cards that are played in one round of a card game(纸牌的)一圈;一圈所打的牌 She has won the last three tricks.她赢了最后三圈牌。 7  US, informal : a sex act performed by a prostitute(妓女)接客卖淫 She was living on the street and turning tricks [=taking money for sex] to survive.她流落街头,以接客卖淫为生。 do the trick informal : to produce a desired result : to solve a problem奏效;起作用;解决问题 One small adjustment will do the trick.一个小小的调整就能解决问题。 every trick in the book ◊ If you try every trick in the book, you do everything you can to achieve something.浑身解数 They'll use every trick in the book to get you to buy their products.他们会使出浑身解数让你购买他们的产品。 He tried every trick in the book [=he tried every method he knew] to get the car started, but nothing worked.他想尽办法发动汽车,但都失败了。 never/not miss a trick informal : to notice everything : to always know what is happening对所发生的事无所不晓 He never misses a trick.他什么事都看在眼里。 trick of the/your trade — see 1trade up to your (old) tricks informal ◊ If you are up to your (old) tricks, you are doing the kind of dishonest things that you have done in the past.故伎重施 you can't teach an old dog new tricks — see 1dog — see also hat trick, trick or treat 2 trick /ˈtrɪk/ verb tricks; tricked; tricking 2 trick /ˈtrɪk/ verb tricks; tricked; tricking Learner's definition of TRICK [+ object] : to deceive (someone)欺骗;蒙骗 He tricked her by wearing a disguise.他乔装打扮蒙骗了她。 trick into [phrasal verb] trick (someone or something) into (something) : to use a trick to make (someone or something) do (something)诱使(某人)做(某事);诱骗 He was tricked into buying the car. [=he bought the car because he was deceived]他被哄骗买了那辆车。 trick out [phrasal verb] 1  trick (someone) out : to dress (someone or yourself) in an unusual way以不寻常的方式打扮(某人或自己) — usually + in She was tricked out in a horrible, brightly colored costume.她穿了一身难看的、艳俗的衣服。 2  trick (something) out or trick out (something) : to decorate (something)装饰 — usually + with The room was tricked out with ribbons and streamers.这间屋子装饰了丝带和飘带。 trick out of [phrasal verb] trick (someone) out of (something) : to use a trick to get (something) from (someone)(从某人处)骗走,骗取(某物) She was tricked out of [=cheated out of] her savings.她的存款被骗走了。 3 trick /ˈtrɪk/ adjective 3 trick /ˈtrɪk/ adjective Learner's definition of TRICK always used before a noun 1  : using methods that are meant to deceive someone骗人的;弄虚作假的 trick photography [=photography that uses special methods to make things that are not real seem to be real]特技摄影 a trick question [=a deceptive question that is intended to make you give an answer that is not correct or that causes trouble for you]陷阱问题 2  : done in a clever or entertaining way巧妙的;取乐的 a trick shot in pool美式台球的花样挥杆 3  US : weak and tending to fail suddenly突然撑不住的;虚弱有毛病的 He has a trick knee.他的膝盖有时会发软。




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