

单词 blunt
释义 blunt (verb) blunt 2 ENTRIES FOUND: blunt (adjective) blunt (verb) 1 blunt /ˈblʌnt/ adjective blunter; bluntest 1 blunt /ˈblʌnt/ adjective blunter; bluntest Learner's definition of BLUNT [also more blunt; most blunt] 1  : having a thick edge or point : not sharp不锋利的;钝的 scissors with blunt [=rounded] ends钝剪刀 He was hit over the head with a blunt instrument. [=an object without sharp edges or points]他被钝器击中头部。 ◊ Blunt trauma is a serious injury caused by being hit by something that does not have sharp edges.钝创伤(因钝器击中造成的外伤) She suffered blunt trauma to the head.她头部被钝器击伤。 2  : saying or expressing something in a very direct way that may upset some people直言不讳的;说话生硬的 blunt language生硬的语言 a blunt statement直言不讳的声明 To be perfectly blunt, I find her annoying.十分坦率地说,我发现她这个人很讨厌。 He was blunt about needing more privacy.他直截了当地表示自己需要更多的隐私。 — bluntly adverb She bluntly refused their offer.她毫不客气地拒绝了他们的报价。 To put it bluntly, I think he's out of his mind.不客气地说,我觉得他昏了头了。 — bluntness noun [noncount] He replied with characteristic bluntness.他以自己特有的率直做出了答复。 2 blunt /ˈblʌnt/ verb blunts; blunted; blunting 2 blunt /ˈblʌnt/ verb blunts; blunted; blunting Learner's definition of BLUNT [+ object] : to make (something) less sharp使变钝 a weapon blunted by use用钝了的武器 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The stress and fatigue had blunted [=weakened] his reflexes.压力和疲劳使他反应迟钝。 They tried to blunt [=soften] their criticism by praising her energy and enthusiasm.他们夸她精力充沛、热情洋溢,目的是尽量不让批评显得过于尖锐。




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