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词汇 turn
释义 turn (noun) turn 47 ENTRIES FOUND: turn (verb) turn (noun) turning (noun) turning point (noun) turn-on (noun) turn-up (noun) turn signal (noun) about-turn (noun) star turn (noun) three-point turn (noun) U-turn (noun) well-turned (adjective) account (noun) back (noun) blind (adjective) cheek (noun) clock (noun) corner (noun) deaf (adjective) ear (noun) every (adjective) eye (noun) hair (noun) hand (noun) head (noun) heel (noun) inside (adverb) king's evidence (noun) knife (noun) leaf (noun) new (adjective) nose (noun) plowshare (noun) Queen's evidence (noun) state's evidence (noun) stomach (noun) sword (noun) table (noun) tail (noun) toss (verb) trump (noun) turtle (noun) twist (verb) upside down (adverb) waterworks (noun) worm (noun) wound (noun) 1 turn /ˈtɚn/ verb turns; turned; turning 1 turn /ˈtɚn/ verb turns; turned; turning Learner's definition of TURN 1  : to move around a central point转动;旋转 [no object] The Earth turns [=rotates, revolves] on its axis.地球绕着地轴自转。 — often + around We spun the top and watched it turn around in circles.我们把陀螺转动起来,看着它一圈圈地旋转。 [+ object] He turned the key and opened the door.他转动钥匙打开了门。 She slowly turned the doorknob.她慢慢地转动门把手。 Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left.把方向盘向左打满。 Someone turned the switch and the lights came on.有人转动开关开了灯。 2  a  : to cause your body or a part of your body to face a different direction转身;扭转(身体某部位) [no object] They turned and walked away.他们转身走开了。 She turned to leave—but stopped.她转身要离开——却又停下了。 She turned (around) to look at me.她转过身来看我。 They turned (away) from the gruesome sight.他们扭过脸去不看这可怕的场面。 He turned aside/sideways to let me pass.他侧了侧身让我过去。 The patient turned onto his side.病人侧过身去。 The photographer asked her to turn slightly to her/the left.摄影师让她稍微往左转一下。 [+ object] He turned himself around to see the back of his shirt in the mirror.他转过身去,从镜子中看衬衫的后面。 She turned her face away from the camera.她把脸转开以躲避镜头。 b  : to cause (something or a side of something) to face an opposite or different direction(使)翻转,翻动;把…翻面 [+ object] Turn the picture (around) so that I can see it.把图片转过来,让我看看。 I think you should turn [=flip] the pancakes now.我觉得你现在应该把煎饼翻个面。 Turn the page (over).把这页翻过去。 The tag says to turn the shirt inside out before washing it.标签上写着衬衫要翻过来洗。 He turned up/down the collar of his jacket.他把夹克领子翻起来/下来。 Before planting the seeds, she turned the soil. [=brought lower levels of soil to the surface by digging]播种之前她先翻整了土地。 [no object] The plant's leaves had turned toward the window.植物的叶子都已经转向了窗户。 3  a  : to move in a particular direction and especially toward the left or right向(左或右)转;转向 [no object] A car turned into the driveway.小汽车驶入了私人车道。 He ran down the street and turned toward the park.他沿着街道跑,之后转向了公园的方向。 Turn left at the next intersection.在下一个十字路口左转。 Turn right onto Main Street.右转上主街。 Turn here.在这里转弯。 [+ object] He turned the light in the direction of the noise.他把灯转向了噪声的方向。 She turned the car into the driveway.她把车开进了私家车道。 The bicyclists turned the corner [=they rode around the corner] at full speed.自行车手们全速骑过转弯处。 b  [no object] : to begin to go in a different direction改变方向 The road turns sharply to the right up ahead.前方道路向右急转弯。 The river turns east for a few miles and then continues south.河流向东流了几英里之后又向南流去。 c  [no object] of a tide : to begin to move in the opposite direction(潮)涨,退 We're waiting for the tide to turn.我们正在等待涨潮/退潮。 4  : to change into a different state or form改变状态;改变形状 [no object] The leaves turn [=they change color] in the fall.树叶在秋天变颜色。 The milk has turned. [=it has become sour]牛奶坏了。 His luck turned, and he lost all his winnings.他的好运到头,所有赢的钱都输了。 — often + into or to The argument quickly turned into a fistfight.争论很快变成了互殴。 The sofa can turn into a bed.这张沙发可以变成床。 He has seen his little girl turn into a bright, beautiful woman.他看到自己的小女孩长成了一个聪明漂亮的女人。 Water turns to ice at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.水在华氏32度时结成冰。 Her cereal had turned to mush.她的麦片已经变成了稠稠的粥。 [+ object] — often + into or to The witch turned the prince into a frog.女巫把王子变成了青蛙。 The studio plans to turn the book into a movie.电影制片厂计划把这本书拍成电影。 There are plans to turn the old school into an apartment building.有计划要把这所旧学校改造成公寓楼。 The cold weather turned the water to ice.寒冷的天气使水结成了冰。 Her stare, it was said, could turn men to stone.据说她的凝视能把男人变成石头。 5  a  [linking verb] : to change to a different state, condition, etc. : become变成;成为 The milk has turned sour.牛奶变酸了。 The weather turned cold overnight.天气一夜间变冷了。 His hair was beginning to turn gray.他的头发开始变白了。 She turned red with embarrassment.她尴尬得脸红了。 It was beginning to turn dark outside.外面天渐渐黑了。 an actress turned director [=an actress who became a director]转做导演的女演员 Two of his teammates have decided to turn pro. [=to become professional athletes]他的两个队友决定转为职业运动员。 She was a spy who turned traitor [=became a traitor] and gave secret information to the enemy.她是个叛变的间谍,把机密信息提供给了敌人。 b  [+ object] : to cause (someone or something) to change in a specified way使…按特定方式改变 A drought would turn things from bad to worse for the farmers.干旱将使农民的情况变得越来越糟。 The events of his life had turned [=made] him bitter.他一生中的遭际使他变得牢骚满腹。 The sun turned her skin (a) golden brown.阳光把她的皮肤晒成了金棕色。 c  [linking verb] : to reach a particular age达到(某年龄) She turned two years old last week.她上周满两岁了。 He moved away from home when he turned 20.他20岁时就从家里搬出去住了。 6  [+ object] : to change the volume, temperature, channel, etc., of (something) by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.调整(音量、温度);调换(频道) Turn the TV to channel 4.把电视调到4频道。 He turned the oven to 400 degrees.他把烤箱调到了400度。 The lights in the room had been turned low.屋子里的灯已经调暗了。 — see also turn down (below), turn up (below) 7  [+ object] : to direct (your thoughts, attention, etc.) toward or away from something : to start or stop thinking about or paying attention to someone or something转移(注意力) He turned his thoughts to home. [=he began to think of home]他想起家来了。 She turned her attention to the child.她把注意力转移到了孩子身上。 I could not turn my mind away from the idea.我摆脱不了那个想法。 Their efforts were turned to defending the country's borders.他们的工作转向了保卫国家边界。 8  [+ object] : to earn (a profit)获得(利益) He turned a quick profit.他很快就有了收益。 (chiefly Brit) people looking to turn a penny or two [=to earn a profit]想从中牟利的人 9  [+ object] : to perform (a particular action)表演;做 The team turned a double play to end the inning.球队表演了一记双杀结束了这局。 She learned how to turn a cartwheel.她学会了如何做侧手翻。 They were living on the streets and turning tricks [=taking money for sex] to survive.她们在街头漂泊,靠卖身为生。 10  [+ object] : to form (a sentence, phrase, etc.) in a particular way造(句);组(词) perfectly turned phrases完美组合的短语 He knows how to turn a sentence.他会造句。 11  [+ object] : to injure (your ankle) by moving it in an unnatural way崴(脚) She turned [=twisted] her ankle during the game.她在比赛中把脚崴了。 12  [+ object] : to create or shape (something) from a piece of wood or metal by using a special machine (called a lathe)(在车床上)车削 turn a set of table legs在车床上车一组桌腿 ◊ In addition to the phrases shown below, turn occurs in many idioms that are shown at appropriate entries throughout the dictionary. For example, turn a blind eye can be found at 1blind and turn the tables can be found at 1table.除以下短语之外,turn也会在本词典许多相关词条下的习语中出现。例如,在BLND词条下有turn a blind eye,在TABLE词条下有turn the tables。 turn against [phrasal verb] 1  a  turn against (someone or something) : to stop supporting or being friendly to (someone or something)不支持;反目成仇 The senator eventually turned against the war.这位参议员最终反对了这场战争。 She turned against her best friend.她与最好的朋友反目成仇了。 b  turn (someone) against (someone) : to cause (someone) to stop being friendly toward (someone)使反目成仇;使变得敌对 He tried to turn our friends against us.他企图让朋友们与我们作对。 2  turn (something) against (someone) : to use (something) in a way that harms (someone)利用(某事)伤害(某人) She started turning my argument against me.她开始利用我的论点攻击我。 He tried to turn her many years of experience in Washington against her. [=tried to persuade people that her experience was not a good thing]他试图利用她在华盛顿多年的生活经历攻击她。 turn around [phrasal verb] or chiefly British turn round 1  turn around or turn around (something) or turn (something) around : to cause a vehicle to travel in the opposite direction使车辆掉头 We turned around in someone's driveway.我们在人家的私人车道上掉了头。 She turned the car around and drove back home.她掉转车头开回了家。 2  a  : to change and become better or more successful好转;有起色 Recently, the company has turned around, and it should have a profitable year.公司近来有所好转,今年应该会赢利。 The economy should turn around soon.经济应该很快就会有起色。 b  turn around (something) or turn (something) around : to change (something) in a way that makes it better or more successful使…好转 The new CEO has really turned the company around in the past year.新任首席执行官在过去的一年确实使公司有了起色。 You need to turn your life around before it's too late.你得趁早扭转自己的命运。 3  turn around and (do something) informal : to act in an unexpected or surprising way by doing (something specified)(突然地、出人意料地)转而做… He just turned around and left school. [=he just suddenly left school]他就那样突然离开了学校。 You can't turn around and say that you don't want to go. I already bought the tickets!你不能突然说你不想去。我票都已经买好了! — see also turnaround turn away [phrasal verb] turn away (someone) or turn (someone) away : to refuse to allow (someone) to enter a place拒之门外 All the seats were sold and a large crowd had to be turned away.所有座位都卖光了,一大群人不得不被拒之门外。 The homeless shelter will not turn away people in need.流浪人员收容所不会把需要帮助的人拒之门外。 We turn away hundreds of applicants each year.我们每年都会拒绝数百名申请者。 turn back [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to move in the opposite direction in order to return to a place返回 The sun is setting. It's time to turn back.太阳要落山了,该回去了。 It's too late to turn back. We have to keep going.现在返回已经太晚了,我们只能继续前进。 b  : to return to an earlier place or time回到(以前的地点或时间) Turn back to the first page.翻回到第一页。 Once you start the process, there's no turning back. [=you must continue the process]你一旦启动了这个流程,就必须进行下去。 2  turn back (someone or something) or turn (someone or something) back a  : to force (someone or something) to move in an opposite direction使…往回走 They fought to turn back the enemy.他们奋起反抗,以将敌军赶回去。 If I could turn back (the hands of) time [=return to a condition that existed in the past], I would.如果我能,我就会让时间倒流。 b  : to force (someone or something) to return to a place使…返回某处 The refugees were turned back at the border.难民们在边界处被遣返。 turn down [phrasal verb] 1  turn down (something) or turn (something) down : to lower the volume, temperature, etc., of something by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.调低(音量、温度等) Please turn down the heat.请把暖气调低点儿。 The lights in the restaurant were turned down low.餐厅的灯光调得很暗。 He turned the volume down on the TV. = He turned down the TV.他把电视机的音量调小了。 Turn the oven down to 325 degrees.把烤箱的温度调低到325度。 — see also 1turn 6 (above) 2  turn down (something) or turn (something) down : to fold (something) down or back折叠 She turned down the bedsheets.她把被单折了过来。 He turned down the corner of the page.他把那一页折了个角。 3  turn down (someone or something) or turn (someone or something) down : to say no to (someone or something) especially in a polite way回绝;婉拒 She turned the offer down.她拒绝了那份好意。 They turned down our invitation.他们婉言谢绝了我们的邀请。 I asked her out , but she turned me down.我约她出去,可是她婉拒了我。 turn in [phrasal verb] 1  : to enter a place by turning from a road or path(经由某道路)进入 Here's the house. You can turn in up there.这就是那所房子,你从那边拐过去就到了。 2  : to go to bed上床睡觉 It's time to turn in.该上床睡觉了。 3  turn (something) in or turn in (something) a  chiefly US : to give (something) to a person who will review or accept it提交;上交 He turned in [=handed in] his application/resignation yesterday.他昨天提交了申请/辞呈。 Students should turn their papers in on Thursday.学生们应该周四提交论文。 b  : to return (something that you have borrowed, found, etc.)交还;退还 Please turn in [=return] the art supplies when you are finished with them.用完美术用品请交还。 She found a set of keys and turned them in to the secretary at the front desk.她发现了一串钥匙,交给了前台的秘书。 Has anyone turned in a wallet recently?最近有没有人交来一个钱包? The suspended officer was asked to turn in his badge and gun.停职的警官被要求交回警徽和手枪。 c  : to perform or produce (something)表演;产生 She turned in [=gave] a fine performance.她完成了一次精彩的演出。 The company has turned in a healthy profit for the third year running.公司已经连续三年获得了可观的收益。 4  turn (someone) in a  : to give control of (someone) to the police or some other authority把(某人)交给警方 His own parents brought him to the police station and turned him in.他的亲生父母把他带到警察局交给了警方。 The escaped prisoner turned himself in (to the police). [=he went to the police and allowed himself to be arrested]逃犯(向警方)自首了。 b  : to give information about the location of (someone who has committed a crime) to the police or some other authority向警方举报(某人) His girlfriend threatened to turn him in.他女朋友威胁说要举报他。 turn loose — see let loose at 1loose turn off [phrasal verb] 1  : to go in a direction that moves you away from a straight course or main road拐弯;转入另一条路 They turned off onto the wrong road.他们拐错了路。 Turn off at the next exit.从下一个出口拐出去。 2  turn off (something) or turn (something) off : to stop the operation or flow of (something) by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.关掉 She turned off the alarm/heat/lights/water.她关了报警器/暖气/灯/水。 Should I leave the TV on or turn it off?我应该让电视机开着还是把它关了? 3  turn (someone) off or turn off (someone) informal : to cause a strong feeling of dislike in (someone) : to be unappealing to (someone)使(某人)厌烦 People who smoke turn me off.抽烟的人让我生厌。 — see also turnoff turn on [phrasal verb] 1  turn on (something) or turn (something) on : to cause (something) to work or flow by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.打开;接通 She turned on the lights/computer/radio/water.她打开了灯/电脑/收音机/水。 We turned on the heat in the house.我们打开了房子的暖气。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 He really knows how to turn on the charm. [=knows how to be charming]他确实懂得如何展现魅力。 She turned the tears on [=she started crying] to get their sympathy.她用眼泪博取他们的同情。 2  turn (someone) on or turn on (someone) informal : to cause (someone) to feel excitement or enjoyment : to be appealing to (someone)使兴奋;使感兴趣 What kind of music turns you on?你对什么音乐感兴趣? — see also turn-on 3  turn (someone) on to (something) : to cause (someone) to use or become interested in (something) for the first time使(某人)对…产生兴趣 She turned him on to water-skiing.她使他喜欢上了滑水。 He was turned on to cocaine by an acquaintance.一个熟人让他迷上了可卡因。 4  turn on (someone or something) : to attack or criticize (someone or something) in a sudden or unexpected way突然攻击 The dog suddenly turned on its owner.那只狗突然攻击了自己的主人。 The rock star's fans began to turn on him.这位摇滚明星的歌迷们突然开始批评他。 5  turn on/upon (something) a  : to be determined or decided by (something)取决于 The outcome of the election turns on [=depends on] how well the candidates perform in the next debate.竞选的结果取决于候选人在下一轮辩论中的表现。 b  : to have (something) as a main subject or interest以…为主题 The discussion turned on the question of how the money should be spent.讨论的主题是该如何使用这些钱。 6  turn (something) on (someone or something) : to use (something, such as a weapon) to harm, stop, or kill (someone or something)(利用武器等)阻止,对付,伤害 Fire hoses were turned on the protesters.消防水带被用来对付抗议者。 He killed three people before turning the gun on himself. [=before shooting himself]他杀了三个人,然后开枪自杀了。 turn out [phrasal verb] 1  : to leave your home in order to participate in or do something出门参加…;出门做… Few people turned out for the election.出来参加选举活动的人很少。 Few people turned out to vote.出来投票的人很少。 — see also turnout 1 2  a  : to happen, end, or develop in a particular way(以特定方式)发生,结束,发展 Despite some initial difficulties, everything turned out well.除了开始有一些困难,一切都很顺利。 Things don't always turn out the way you want them to.事情不总是按照你期望的方式发展。 As it/things turned out, I didn't need an umbrella after all.事实证明,我根本就不需要雨伞。 b  turn out to be (something) — used to say that something or someone eventually becomes something or is found to have a particular identity, quality, ability, etc.结果是;原来是 The play turned out to be a success.这部剧最终取得了成功。 The animal in the bushes turned out to be a cat.灌木丛中的动物原来是只猫。 I hope I turn out to be right.我希望结果证明我是对的。 c  turn out like (someone or something) : to become like (someone or something)变得像… He didn't want to turn out like his father.他不想变得和他父亲一样。 Nobody thought it would ever turn out like this.没人预料到事情会变成这样。 3  turn out (something) or turn (something) out a  : to cause (something) to face or point outward使…朝外;使…向外 She turned her feet out and bent down.她把脚朝外撇开并弯下腰。 He stood with his feet turned out.他双脚呈外八字站着。 b  : to cause (a lamp, flashlight, etc.) to no longer produce light by pushing a button, moving a switch, etc.关掉(灯、手电筒等) Who turned out the lights?谁关了灯? c  : to produce (something)生产 The factory turns out parts for car engines.这家工厂生产汽车发动机的零部件。 They turn out a new CD almost every year.他们几乎每年都出一张新唱片。 d  : to cause (something, such as a pocket) to become inside out将(衣袋等)翻出来 He turned out his pockets to show that they were empty.他把衣兜都翻出来证明里面是空的。 e  : to empty the contents of (something) especially for cleaning or organizing清空 She turned out the drawer.她清空了抽屉。 He turned out the closet in search of his baseball glove.为了找棒球手套,他清空了壁橱。 4  turn (someone) out or turn out (someone) a  : to force (someone) to leave a place or position驱逐;赶走 The landlord turned them out from/of the apartment for not paying the rent.因为不付房租,房东把他们赶出了公寓。 Voters are unhappy with the governor and want to turn her out.选民们对州长不满意,想要把她撵下台。 b  : to dress (yourself or someone else) in a careful or fancy way精心穿戴 — usually (be) turned out通常用作(be) turned out a handsomely turned out gentleman穿着帅气的绅士 She was turned out in a beautiful blue gown.她穿着一身漂亮的蓝色礼服亮相。 turn over [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to move and face the opposite direction翻转 She turned over (in bed) to see what time it was.她(在床上)翻了个身看时间。 The kayak turned over in the rapids.皮划艇在湍流中翻了。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 (Brit) The boat ride turned over my stomach.坐船使我的胃里翻江倒海。 b  turn over (someone or something) or turn (someone or something) over : to cause (someone or something) to face the opposite direction使…翻转 If you turn the paper over, you will find more math problems.把纸翻过来,你会看到更多的数学题。 He turned over the baby onto her back.他将小宝宝翻过身,让她仰面躺着。 2  of an engine : to start to work开始运转 The engine would not turn over.发动机启动不了。 3  turn over (something) or turn (something) over a  : to earn (a particular amount of money)挣(一定数额的钱) The store has been turning over $1,000 a week.商店每周营业额达到1000美元。 b  US, sports : to allow the other team to get possession of (a ball)丢(球) The quarterback has turned the ball over three times.四分卫丢了三次球。 — see also turnover 4 4  turn (someone or something) over to (someone) or turn over (someone or something) to (someone) : to give the control or responsibility of (someone or something) to (someone)移交;交托 I am turning the job over to you. [=I am giving you the job]我现在把工作交给你。 He turned the property over to his niece.他把房产交托给了侄女。 The case has been turned over to the district attorney.案子已被移交给了地方检察官。 The suspect was turned over to the police on Wednesday.嫌疑人于周三被移交给了警方。 5  turn (something) over to (something) or turn over (something) to (something) : to change the use of (something, such as land or a building)改变(土地或建筑等的)用途 She plans to turn over the land to growing wheat and barley.她计划改造这块土地用于种小麦和大麦。 6  turn over (something) in your mind or turn (something) over in your mind : to think about (something) in order to understand it or make a decision认真思考 She kept turning over the problem in her mind, trying to find a solution.她一直反复思考这个问题,试图找到解决方法。 7  chiefly British : to change the channel on a television set调换频道 Turn over to channel 7.换到7频道。 8  turn over (a place) or turn (a place) over British slang : to make a mess of (a place) while robbing it洗劫;(偷盗东西时)翻箱倒柜 The shop has been turned over three times in the last year.这家店去年三次遭劫。 turn to [phrasal verb] 1  turn to (someone or something) : to go to (someone or something) for support, information, etc.向…求助 I was all alone and had no one to turn to.我独自一人,求助无门。 She became depressed and turned to drugs. [=began using drugs]她变得抑郁,开始吸毒。 — often + for She turned to a friend for help.她向一个朋友求助。 He turned to the employment agency for support.他向职业介绍所寻求支持。 Turn to [=refer to] the handout for the exact figures.具体的数字请参看讲义。 2  turn to (something) a  : to become involved in or with (something)被卷入;陷入 He turned to a life of crime.他走上了犯罪的道路。 She sang rock music before turning to the blues.在改唱布鲁斯之前她是唱摇滚乐的。 b  : to begin to deal with (something different) as a topic转变主题 The conversation eventually turned to politics.谈话最终转移到了政治上。 We should turn to the next item on the list.我们应当看到表上的下一项了。 c  : to turn the pages of a book, magazine, etc., until you have reached the desired or specified page翻到(书、杂志等的某页) She turned ahead to the third chapter.她往前翻到了第三章。 Please turn (over) to page 22 of your textbook.请翻到教科书的第22页。 turn up [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to be found usually unexpectedly意外被发现 I'm sure your ring will turn up somewhere.你肯定会在某个地方找到你的戒指的。 New evidence has turned up.意外发现了新的证据。 b  : to be found to be in a specified condition被发现处于…状态 The missing person eventually turned up dead.失踪人员最终被发现已经死亡。 He turned up missing at roll call. [=he was not present at roll call]点名时他不在场。 c  turn up (something) or turn (something) up : to find or discover (something)找到;发现 I'll let you know if I turn up anything interesting.如果我发现什么有趣的事会告诉你的。 2  : to happen unexpectedly意外发生 Something is always turning up to prevent us from getting together.总有意外情况发生,弄得我们见不了面。 3  a  : to arrive at a place到达 And who should turn up at the ceremony but John!约翰竟然出现在仪式现场! Things were looking bad, but he was sure someone would turn up to save him.事情看起来有点糟,但他确信会有人来救他。 b  : to appear in a place出现 Her name is always turning up in the newspapers.她的名字总是出现在报纸上。 4  turn up (something) or turn (something) up a  : to increase the volume, temperature, etc., of something by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.调高(音量、温度等) I turned up the heat.我调高了暖气的温度。 Please turn the volume up on the TV. = Please turn the TV up.请把电视机的音量调大。 The oven was turned up to 400 degrees.烤箱被调高到了400度。 b  : to make (a skirt, a pair of pants, etc.) shorter把(裙子、裤子等)改短 These pants need to be turned up a little.这条裤子需要改短一点。 — opposite let down at 1let 2 turn /ˈtɚn/ noun plural turns 2 turn /ˈtɚn/ noun plural turns Learner's definition of TURN [count] 1  : an opportunity or responsibility to do or use something before or after other people(轮到的)机会 You have to wait your turn in line.你需要排队等着轮到你。 Is it my turn yet?轮到我了吗? Can I please have/take a turn on your bike? [=can I have a chance to use your bike?]我能用用你的自行车吗? — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 Whose turn is it to do the dishes?轮到谁洗碗了? It's her turn to bat.轮到她击球了。 You've made me suffer in the past, so now it's your turn to suffer!过去你让我备受煎熬,所以现在轮到你受罪了! 2  : an act of turning something around a central point旋转;转动 Give the wheel another turn.让轮子再转一圈。 He tightened the screw with one last turn.他最后拧了一圈,把螺丝拧紧。 With a turn of the switch, the lights came back on.转动开关之后,灯重新亮了起来。 3  : an act of changing the direction that someone or something is facing or moving in转弯;转向 Take a left-hand turn at the next intersection.在下一个十字路口左转。 I made a right turn [=I turned right] onto Main Street.我右转上了主街。 a quick turn of her head她迅速的一扭头 — see also three-point turn, u-turn 4  : a change in the state or condition of something改变;变化 — usually used with take通常与take连用 The stock market took a sharp downward turn today.股市今天急剧下跌。 The conversation suddenly took an unexpected turn when he announced that he was getting married.他宣布了要结婚的消息,这让谈话突然改变了话题。 Business took a turn for the worse/better. [=it became worse/better]生意每况愈下/日趋好转。 There has been a dramatic turn of events. [=something important and surprising has happened]形势发生了戏剧性的变化。 It's hard to follow all the twists and turns [=the surprising changes] of the plot.要搞懂这些迂回曲折的情节很困难。 5  a  US : a place where a road connects to another road that goes in a different direction交叉路口 I think we took a wrong turn. [=(Brit) turning]我觉得我们走错路口了。 b  : a place where a road, path, etc., changes direction转弯处;弯道 There is a dangerous turn up ahead.前方有一处危险弯道。 The runners are coming down the straightaway and heading into the turn.运动员正沿直道跑过来,即将进入弯道。 The road through the mountains has many twists and turns. [=curves and frequent changes of direction]山路多处迂回曲折。 6  : an act that affects someone in a particular way(影响他人的)举止,行为 He did me a nasty turn.他对我很凶。 You have done me a few good turns, so now let me help you.你给过我一些帮助,所以现在让我来帮你吧。 One good turn deserves another. [=if someone does something nice for you, you should do something nice for that person]好心应该得到好报。 7  : a public appearance or performance(公开的)亮相,表演 The actor makes frequent guest turns on the show.这位演员经常在节目中客串演出。 — see also star turn 8  old-fashioned : a short walk or ride散步;转一圈 — usually singular通常用单数 They took a turn [=went for a stroll] through the park.他们在公园转了一圈。 9  old-fashioned : a sudden feeling of being frightened突然的受惊 — usually singular通常用单数 He startled me and gave me quite a turn.他吓了我一跳,真把我吓得不轻。 10  British, old-fashioned : a sudden, short period of feeling slightly ill, faint, or dizzy(疾病的)一阵发作;不适 — usually singular通常用单数 He had a turn and had to lie down.他感到一阵不适,不得不躺下。 at every turn : in a constant or continuous way : each time a person tries to do something每次;事事;处处 They opposed her at every turn.他们处处与她作对。 by turns — used to describe different things that happen one after another轮流;交替 The book was praised and criticized by turns.这本书时而被褒时而被贬。 The stories in the collection are, by turns, curious, tragic, disturbing, and heartening.这本文集里的故事有的离奇,有的悲情,有的令人不安,有的令人振奋。 done to a turn British : cooked, performed, etc., in a perfect way : done to perfection(烹饪或表演等)恰到好处 The chicken was done to a turn.这鸡做得火候刚好。 in turn 1  : following one after another in a particular order轮流;依次 Each witness in turn gave his or her version of what happened.每位目击者轮流讲述了事情的经过。 The algae feeds the fish, which in turn become food for larger sea animals.鱼类以藻类为食,又成为更大的海洋动物的食物。 2  : as a result结果是;因此 I supported him and expected that he, in turn, would support me.我支持他,希望他也因此支持我。 on the turn British : about to start changing即将变化 The political situation in the country is on the turn.这个国家的政治形势即将发生变化。 out of turn 1  : not at the time you are expected to do something according to a set order没轮到 She rolled the dice out of turn. [=when it was not her turn]还没轮到她时她就掷了色子。 2  : at a wrong or improper time or place不合时宜 Excuse me for speaking out of turn [=for speaking when it is not proper for me to speak], but I don't believe you are treating him fairly.请原谅我不合时宜地发言,但是我认为你没有公正地对待他。 take turns also British take it in turns ◊ If people take turns doing or using something or take it in turns to do or use something, they do or use it one after another in order to share the responsibility or opportunity of doing or using it.依次;轮流 We take turns washing the dishes.我们轮流洗碗。 The kids took turns on the swing.孩子们轮流荡秋千。 the turn of the century : the beginning of a new century世纪之初 We were discussing how Americans lived at the turn of the 19th/last century.我们正在讨论19/上个世纪初美国人是如何生活的。 turn of mind : a way of thinking思维方式 He has a philosophical/inquiring turn of mind.他有哲学/探究的思维方式。 Her turns of mind are revealed in her journals.她的思想方法体现在她的日记中。 turn of phrase : a way of saying or describing something表达方式;措辞 a nice turn of phrase精彩的措辞 turn of speed British : an increase in speed or progress加速 The horse gave an impressive turn of speed.这匹马突然加速了。




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