

单词 turn over
释义 turn over [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to move and face the opposite direction翻转 She turned over (in bed) to see what time it was.她(在床上)翻了个身看时间。 The kayak turned over in the rapids.皮划艇在湍流中翻了。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 (Brit) The boat ride turned over my stomach.坐船使我的胃里翻江倒海。 b  turn over (someone or something) or turn (someone or something) over : to cause (someone or something) to face the opposite direction使…翻转 If you turn the paper over, you will find more math problems.把纸翻过来,你会看到更多的数学题。 He turned over the baby onto her back.他将小宝宝翻过身,让她仰面躺着。 2  of an engine : to start to work开始运转 The engine would not turn over.发动机启动不了。 3  turn over (something) or turn (something) over a  : to earn (a particular amount of money)挣(一定数额的钱) The store has been turning over $1,000 a week.商店每周营业额达到1000美元。 b  US, sports : to allow the other team to get possession of (a ball)丢(球) The quarterback has turned the ball over three times.四分卫丢了三次球。 — see also turnover 4 4  turn (someone or something) over to (someone) or turn over (someone or something) to (someone) : to give the control or responsibility of (someone or something) to (someone)移交;交托 I am turning the job over to you. [=I am giving you the job]我现在把工作交给你。 He turned the property over to his niece.他把房产交托给了侄女。 The case has been turned over to the district attorney.案子已被移交给了地方检察官。 The suspect was turned over to the police on Wednesday.嫌疑人于周三被移交给了警方。 5  turn (something) over to (something) or turn over (something) to (something) : to change the use of (something, such as land or a building)改变(土地或建筑等的)用途 She plans to turn over the land to growing wheat and barley.她计划改造这块土地用于种小麦和大麦。 6  turn over (something) in your mind or turn (something) over in your mind : to think about (something) in order to understand it or make a decision认真思考 She kept turning over the problem in her mind, trying to find a solution.她一直反复思考这个问题,试图找到解决方法。 7  chiefly British : to change the channel on a television set调换频道 Turn over to channel 7.换到7频道。 8  turn over (a place) or turn (a place) over British slang : to make a mess of (a place) while robbing it洗劫;(偷盗东西时)翻箱倒柜 The shop has been turned over three times in the last year.这家店去年三次遭劫。 turn




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