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词汇 upper
释义 upper (noun) upper 9 ENTRIES FOUND: upper (adjective) upper (noun) upper class (noun) upper crust (noun) upper hand (noun) upper school (noun) Upper Peninsula (proper noun) fixer-upper (noun) stiff (adjective) 1 upper /ˈʌpɚ/ adjective 1 upper /ˈʌpɚ/ adjective Learner's definition of UPPER always used before a noun 1  a  : located above another or others of the same kind上面的;上层的;较高的 the tree's upper branches树上端的枝杈 upper and lower front teeth上下门牙 the upper jaw上颌 her upper extremities/limbs [=her arms and hands]她的上肢 the wing's upper and lower surfaces翅膀的上下面 the ship's upper and lower decks船的上下甲板 Who will sleep on the upper berth?谁睡上铺? The upper stories/floors are occupied by offices.上面几层都被办公室占用了。 the upper layer of the Earth's crust地壳的外层 temperatures in the mid to upper 20s25度至30度之间的温度 b  : located at or near the top顶部的;上部的 Write your name on the upper left-hand corner of the page.把名字写在页面左上角。 relief of upper back pain背部上方疼痛的缓解 exercises to improve upper body strength [=strength in the arms, shoulders, neck, and back]改善上身力量的练习 the mountain's upper and lower slopes靠近山顶/山脚的斜坡 the upper atmosphere外大气层 There is no upper age limit for participation.参加者的年龄没有上限。 He's at the upper end of the pay scale.他的工资级别最高。 The upper two-thirds of the wall has been painted.墙上部的三分之二已经粉刷过。 2  : located toward the north北部的;偏北的 a restaurant in upper Manhattan上曼哈顿餐厅 an apartment on upper Fifth Avenue第五大道北段的公寓 the upper Great Lakes region大湖区北部 3  : above another or others in position, rank, or order(职位、级别、顺序)较高的,上层的 the upper echelons of society上流社会 upper-level executives高层管理人员 upper management高级管理层 the upper middle class中上阶层 stiff upper lip — see 1stiff 2 upper /ˈʌpɚ/ noun plural uppers 2 upper /ˈʌpɚ/ noun plural uppers Learner's definition of UPPER [count] 1  : the parts of a shoe or boot above the sole鞋帮;靴面 leather uppers皮质靴面 2  informal : a drug that gives you more energy兴奋剂;安非他明 especially : amphetamine He admitted he was on uppers.他承认服用了兴奋剂。 — compare downer on your uppers British, old-fashioned + informal : having very little money手头拮据;困窘 He'd come to me for money whenever he was on his uppers.他手头一紧就来找我要钱。




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