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词汇 bold
释义 bold (noun) bold 4 ENTRIES FOUND: bold (adjective) bold (noun) bold-faced (adjective) brass (noun) 1 bold /ˈboʊld/ adjective bolder; boldest 1 bold /ˈboʊld/ adjective bolder; boldest Learner's definition of BOLD [also more bold; most bold] 1  a  : not afraid of danger or difficult situations勇敢的;无畏的 The area was settled by bold [=brave, courageous] pioneers.勇敢的拓荒者定居在这个地区。 Few politicians have been bold enough to oppose the plan to cut taxes.几乎没有政治家敢于反对这项减税计划。 b  : showing or needing confidence or lack of fear大胆的;有胆识的 It's a bold plan that might fail.这是一个有可能失败的大胆计划。 Hiring a novice was a bold move.雇用新手是个大胆的举动。 2  : very confident in a way that may seem rude or foolish冒失的;鲁莽的 He punished the bold child for talking back.他惩罚了那个放肆的小孩,因为他顶嘴。 He was/made so bold as to guarantee a victory. [=he confidently guaranteed a victory]他太冒失了,竟然保证一定会取胜。 I'd like to offer a few criticisms, if I may be so bold.恕我冒昧,我想提几点批评意见。 3  : very noticeable or easily seen显著的;醒目的 She wore a dress with bold stripes.她穿了一条有着醒目条纹的连衣裙。 The painting is done in bold colors.这幅画色彩明快。 4  literary : very steep陡峭的 bold cliffs绝壁 5  : bold-faced 2 The headline was printed in large, bold type/lettering.标题是用大号粗体字排印的。 (as) bold as brass : not afraid at all : very confident or bold胆大妄为的 I was too nervous to do it, but my sister went right up to him (as) bold as brass and asked for his autograph.我紧张得不敢找他,但我姐姐胆大,直接上前去找他要签名。 — boldly adverb He was boldly direct.他说话太冒失。 a boldly original painting色彩明快的绘画原作 a boldly striped shirt鲜艳醒目的条纹衬衫 — boldness noun [noncount] 2 bold /ˈboʊld/ noun 2 bold /ˈboʊld/ noun Learner's definition of BOLD [noncount] : boldface




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