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词汇 use
释义 use (noun) use 7 ENTRIES FOUND: use (verb) use (noun) used (adjective) used to (adjective) used to (verb) ill-used (adjective) bathroom (noun) 1 use /ˈjuːz/ verb uses; used; using 1 use /ˈjuːz/ verb uses; used; using Learner's definition of USE 1  [+ object] : to do something with (an object, machine, person, method, etc.) in order to accomplish a task, do an activity, etc.使用;利用;运用 I need to use the phone when you're done.你打完电话后,让我用一下。 The machine is easy to use.这台机器易于使用。 After the accident, she could no longer use her legs.事故之后,她再也不能使用双腿了。 We use only organic fertilizers on our farm.我们在农场只施用有机肥。 They make paper using traditional Japanese methods.他们用传统的日式方法造纸。 He used his time there well/wisely.他很好地/合理地利用了在那儿的时间。 Don't use that kind of language with me! [=don't talk to me in that way]不要那样跟我说话! Will you use [=hire, employ] a contractor or oversee the construction of the house yourself?你准备雇用一个承包人还是亲自监管房屋的修建? Which accountant/bank do you use?你用的是哪个会计师/哪家银行? Maybe if we use our heads [=think carefully], we can figure this out.也许我们好好动一动脑筋,就能解决这个问题。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 Use this knife to cut the bread.用这把刀切面包。 More and more people are using the Internet to find/get information.越来越多的人在使用互联网查找/获取信息。 — often + for She used the money for college.她用这笔钱上了大学。 — often + as We use that room as an office.我们把那个房间用作办公室。 The word “place” can be used as a noun or verb.单词place既可用作名词也可用作动词。 2  [+ object] : to take (something) from a supply in order to function or to do a task消耗 a new kind of light bulb that uses very little electricity耗电量很低的新型灯泡 Did you use all the eggs?你把所有的鸡蛋都用光了吗? Who used the last match?谁用了最后一根火柴? The car uses a lot of gas.这辆车耗油量大。 — often + up Did you use up all the eggs?你用光了所有的鸡蛋吗? 3  [+ object] — used to say that something is needed or to ask if something is needed or wanted需要; — usually used with can or could通常与can或could连用 Can you use this lamp? I don't want it anymore.你需要用这盏灯吗?我用不着它了。 The house could use [=it needs] a coat of paint.这所房子需要刷一遍漆。 You look like you could use some sleep. [=you look like you need to sleep; you look tired]你看上去需要睡一觉。 I sure could use some help.我确实需要一些帮助。 4  a  [+ object] : to eat, drink, etc., (something) regularly(定时)食用,饮用,服用 I don't use [=(more commonly) take] sugar in my tea.我喝茶不放糖。 She stopped using alcohol/drugs a year ago.她一年前戒了酒/毒。 b  [no object] informal : to take illegal drugs regularly吸(毒);服用(毒品) How long has he been using?他吸毒多久了? 5  [+ object] a  : to treat (someone) well in order to get something for yourself(施展手段)利用(别人) I realized that she was just using me (for my money).我意识到她不过是(为了我的钱)在利用我。 b  : to treat (someone who is generous or helpful) unfairly亏待 I'd been driving them all over the place, and I was beginning to feel used.我一直开车带他们到处转,可我开始觉得自己被利用了。 use up [phrasal verb] use up (something) or use (something) up : to take (all of something) from a supply用光;用完 She quickly used up (all of) her inheritance.她很快花光了(所有)继承的财产。 Don't shower too long and use up (all) the hot water.淋浴不要太久,别把热水(全)都用完了。 — see also 1use 2 (above) — see also used, used to 2 use /ˈjuːs/ noun plural uses 2 use /ˈjuːs/ noun plural uses Learner's definition of USE 1  [noncount] a  : the act of using something用;使用 The knife has become dull from constant use. [=from being used very often over a period of time]因为使用频繁,这把刀已经变钝了。 Two players were suspended for illegal drug use.因使用违禁药物,两名选手被暂停参赛。 — often + of The law requires the use of seat belts. [=the law requires people to wear seat belts]法律要求大家使用安全带。 We talked about the author's use of irony in the novel.我们探讨了小说中作者对反语的运用。 b  : the state of being used使用;得到利用 All of the computers are currently in use. [=are currently being used]目前所有电脑都在使用中。 When did the word first come into use? [=when was the word first used?]这个词是什么时候开始使用的? Typewriters have practically gone out of use. [=almost no people use typewriters anymore]打字机实际上已经没人用了。 2  a  [count] : a way in which something is or can be used用途;功能;用法 This tool has many uses. [=you can do many things with this tool]这件工具有多种用途。 Doctors have found a new use for the drug.医生们发现了这种药品的新用途。 According to the dictionary, the word has two uses.根据这部词典,该词有两种用法。 The technique has its uses [=the technique is useful in some ways], but better methods are available.这种技术有一定的用途,但还有更好的方法可以采用。 b  [singular] : a way to use something or someone用处 — usually + for I thought you might be able to find a use for this lamp. [=I thought that you might be able to use this lamp for some purpose]我以为你或许能让这盏灯派上用场。 Thanks for volunteering. I'm sure we'll be able to find a use for someone with your skills and experience.谢谢你毛遂自荐。我敢肯定我们一定会让有你这样技术和经验的人派上用场。 Do you have a/any use for this old computer?这台旧电脑你还有什么用吗? 3  [noncount] : the opportunity or right to use something使用机会;使用权 She gave me the use of her car [=she allowed me to use her car] while she was away.她不在时允许我用她的车。 The pool is for the use of hotel guests only. [=only hotel guests are allowed to swim in the pool]游泳池仅对酒店客人开放。 4  [noncount] — used to say that something or someone is or is not helpful or useful有(或无)用;有(或无)帮助 It's too small to be of use.它太小了,没什么用。 I don't think that dreams are of much use in predicting the future. [=I don't think that dreams help people predict the future]我认为梦对于预测未来没什么用。 Go home and rest. You're no use to us if you're sick. [=you cannot help us if you're sick]回家休息吧。如果你病了就没法帮我们了。 He's been of no use at all to me. [=he hasn't helped me at all]他根本就没帮过我。 I felt that I could be of some use to her. [=that I could help her in some way]我觉得也许能帮上她什么忙。 There's no use (in) worrying about the past. [=worrying about the past will not help, make anything better, etc.]为过去的事烦恼无济于事。 “You should talk to her.” “What's the use? [=talking to her will not help] She's not going to change her mind.”“你应该跟她谈谈。”“那有什么用呢?她不会改变主意的。” What's the use of trying? It won't help.尝试有何用?根本无济于事。 5  [noncount] : the ability or power to use something运用…的能力;功能 — + of He lost (the) use of his legs in a car accident.一次车祸使他双腿丧失了功能。 have no use for or not have any use for : to not like or value (someone or something)不喜欢;不重视 I have no use for such rude people.我不喜欢这么粗鲁的人。 I'm a logical person. I have no use for sentimentality.我是个理智的人,不喜欢多愁善感。 it's no use — used to say that something you have tried to do cannot be done没有意义;没有用处 It's no use—the door won't open.一点用都没有——这扇门打不开。 We tried our hardest, but it was no use.我们尽了最大努力,但无济于事。 make use of : to use (something)使用;运用;利用 She made use of the money to pay for college.她用这笔钱上了大学。 He tried to make good/better use of his spare time. [=he tried to use it in a better and more productive way]他尽量充分/更好地把他的业余时间利用起来。 put (something) to (good) use : to use (something) in an effective way有效使用;有效利用 I'm looking forward to putting my new skills to use. [=to using my new skills; to doing what I have just learned to do]我期待着能够运用我的新技能。 Thanks for the donation. We'll put it to good use. [=we'll do something good with it]感谢捐赠,我们会好好利用它。




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