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词汇 walk
释义 walk (noun) walk 24 ENTRIES FOUND: walk (verb) walk (noun) walk-in (adjective) walk-in (noun) walking (noun) walking (adjective) walking papers (noun) walking stick (noun) walk-on (noun) walk-through (noun) walk-up (noun) power walk (verb) space walk (noun) air (noun) aisle (noun) cock (noun) egg (noun) eggshell (noun) job (noun) life (noun) park (noun) plank (noun) run (verb) tall (adjective) 1 walk /ˈwɑːk/ verb walks; walked; walking 1 walk /ˈwɑːk/ verb walks; walked; walking Learner's definition of WALK 1  a  [no object] : to move with your legs at a speed that is slower than running走;行走;步行 Is your grandson walking yet?你孙子现在会走路了吗? It's a lovely day—let's walk (instead of driving).天气不错——我们走走吧(别开车)。 He walks home from school every day.他每天都从学校走回家。 It's not far; you can walk there in five minutes.那儿离得不远,你五分钟就能走到。 It was a while after the accident before she could walk again.事故发生后好一会儿,她才又能迈步。 He walked away without saying goodbye!他没有告别就走了! She turned and walked away from him.她转身从他身边走开了。 The driver walked away from the accident unharmed.司机毫发无损地离开了事故现场。 They walk around the neighborhood every morning for exercise.他们每天早上都在住所附近走走锻炼身体。 We walked around the city all day seeing the sights.我们一整天都在市区步行观光。 He walked to the store.他是走到商店的。 He walked with her to the library.他和她走着去图书馆了。 We had to walk up five flights of stairs to his apartment.我们得往上走五层楼才能到他的公寓。 She walked up to the counter and ordered a coffee.她走到柜台前,点了一杯咖啡。 You don't have to knock. Just walk right in.你不必敲门,直接走进来就行。 Her father walked in when they were kissing. = They were kissing when in walked her father.他们正在亲吻时,她父亲走了进来。 He walked into the room. [=he entered the room by walking]他走进了房间。 She wasn't paying attention and walked into the sign. [=she accidentally hit the sign while walking past it]她走路没留神,撞在了指示牌上。 We like to go walking [=go for walks; take walks] in the morning.我们喜欢在早上散步。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 We can't let these big corporations just walk in and take over the town!我们不能让这些大公司闯进来占据这个小城! — see also sleepwalk b  [+ object] : to go with (someone) to a place by walking : to walk with (someone)陪(某人)走;护送(某人) She walks her children home from school.她陪孩子们从学校走回家。 The nurse walked the patient to the bathroom.那名护士陪病人走到盥洗室。 I'll walk you to your car.我把你送到你停车的地方。 c  [+ object] : to cause (an animal) to go for a walk with you : to take (an animal) for a walk(牵着动物)走,遛;(带着动物)散步 He walks the dog at least three times a day.他每天至少遛三次狗。 She walked the horse to the stable.她把马牵到了马厩里。 d  [+ object] : to cause (something) to move with you while walking推着…走 She walked her bike up the hill.她推着自行车上了山。 2  [+ object] : to move (something) in a way that is like walking把(某物)移走;使(某物)移动 They walked the heavy bookcase over to the wall by moving one end at a time.他们一次搬一头,才把沉重的书架移到了墙边。 He walked his fingers along the baby's belly.他的手指迈步似的顺着婴儿的肚子移动。 3  [+ object] : to pass over, through, or along (something) by walking(步行)越过,穿过,沿着…前行 We walked four miles.我们走了四英里。 We walked the whole trail.我们步行走完了这条小路。 It is no longer safe to walk the streets at night.夜间在大街上走已不再安全。 She slowly walked the tightrope.她缓慢地走过绷紧的钢丝。 police officers walking the beat在辖区巡逻的警官 4  baseball a  [no object] of a batter : to get to first base by not swinging at four pitches that are balls(击球手)四坏球自由上垒;保送上一垒 She walked her first time at bat.她第一次自由上垒。 b  [+ object] of a pitcher : to cause (a batter) to go to first base by throwing four pitches that are balls(投手使击球手)自由上垒;保送(击球手)上一垒 He walked the first two batters.他连续投出坏球,让前两名击球手自由上垒。 5  [no object] : to be allowed to go free without being punished for a crime被无罪释放;未获刑罚 He walked on a technicality.根据诉讼程序上的一个细则,他被无罪释放。 Although there was evidence against her, she walked free because of an illegal search by the police.尽管有证据指控她,但由于警方的一次非法搜查,她被无罪释放了。 walk away [phrasal verb] 1  : to decide not to do or be involved in something一走了之;脱身;逃避 If you don't like the deal, you can just walk away.如果你不喜欢这笔交易,可以一走了之。 — often + from He walked away from a chance to play professional baseball to join the Peace Corps.他放弃了打职业棒球的机会,加入了美国和平队。 You can't just walk away from your responsibilities!你不能就这么不负责任地一走了之! She is not one to walk away from a challenge.她不是个回避挑战的人。 2  walk away with (something) informal : to win (something) especially in an easy way轻易取胜;轻易获得 She walked away with the election.她轻松当选。 He walked away with first place.他轻松拿下第一名。 She had the winning ticket and walked away with $50,000!她中了彩票,轻轻松松赢了5万美元! walk before you (can) run : to learn the basics before trying to do something more advanced学会走再学跑 Don't get ahead of yourself. You have to walk before you can run.不要操之过急,你要先会走才能跑。 walk down the aisle — see aisle walking on air — see 1air walk in on [phrasal verb] walk in on (someone or something) : to enter a room and interrupt (someone or something)进屋撞见 He walked in on me when I was getting dressed.我正穿衣服时,他闯了进来。 She walked in on the meeting.她贸然进来打断了会议。 walk into [phrasal verb] 1  walk into (something) : to become involved in or fooled by (something) because you are not aware of what is really happening不意落入;不明智地陷入 He walked right into our trap.他稀里糊涂地落入我们的陷阱。 “I can't believe you fell for that old joke!” “Yeah, I guess I walked right into that one.”“真不敢相信你会喜欢那个老掉牙的笑话!”“是啊,我也不知怎么就迷上它了。” 2  chiefly British : to get (a job) very easily轻易获得(工作) After college, she walked straight into a job.大学毕业后,她轻轻松松就找到了工作。 walk it informal 1  : to go to a place by walking徒步去(某地) “Should we take the car?” “It's not that far. Let's just walk it.”“我们要不要坐车?”“不远,我们走着去就行了。” 2  British : to do something successfully and easily轻易取胜;轻易获得 It's an easy exam. You'll walk it.考试很简单,你可以轻松通过。 walk off [phrasal verb] 1  : to leave somewhere suddenly especially as a way of showing disapproval(尤指表示不满而)突然离开,愤然离去 She slapped him in the face and walked off.她扇了他一耳光后愤然离去。 2  walk off (something) or walk (something) off : to get rid of (something) by walking以散步消除… He walked off a cramp in his leg.他走了走,腿就不抽筋了。 That was a pretty big dinner. Let's walk some of it off in the park.晚餐真是吃多了。我们去公园走走,消消食吧。 3  walk off with (something) informal a  : to steal (something)顺手牵羊;顺便偷走 He walked off with $500,000 worth of jewelry.他顺手偷走了价值50万美元的珠宝。 b  : to win (something) especially in an easy or impressive way轻易赢得;让人印象深刻地赢得 They walked off with the state championship.他们轻松夺得州冠军。 walk off the/your job chiefly US, informal : to stop working and go on strike停止工作;罢工 Teachers walked off the job today.教师们今天罢工了。 walk on eggshells informal or US walk on eggs : to be very careful about what you say or do小心翼翼地行事;谨言慎行 She is very touchy, so you have to walk on eggshells around her.她非常敏感,因此你在她身边要小心行事。 walk out [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to leave somewhere suddenly especially as a way of showing disapproval(尤指表示不满而)突然离开,愤然离去 His racist remark caused many people in the audience to walk out.他的种族主义言论让许多听众愤然离场。 — often + of A whole group of angry parents walked out of the meeting.全体家长气愤地离开了会场。 b  : to go on strike罢工 The workers walked out over a wage dispute.工人们因工资纠纷而罢工。 2  informal a  walk out on (someone) : to leave (someone) suddenly and unexpectedly : to abandon or desert (someone)抛弃;遗弃 He walked out on his wife and children.他突然抛弃了妻子和孩子们。 b  walk out on (something) : to leave before the completion of (something)半途而废;半截撂挑子 The director has reportedly walked out on the movie.据说电影导演半截撂了挑子。 walk over [phrasal verb] walk (all) over (someone) informal : to not consider the wishes or feelings of (someone) : to treat (someone) very badly轻蔑地对待;苛刻地对待 Don't let people walk all over you! Stand up for yourself!不要任人践踏!要维护自身权益! They thought they could just walk right over us.他们本以为能对我们为所欲为呢。 walk tall : to walk or behave in a way that shows you feel proud and confident昂首阔步;趾高气扬 After that winning performance, she can once again walk tall.那次演出获奖后,她又再次趾高气扬起来。 walk the plank : to be forced to walk along a board sticking out over the side of a ship and fall into the sea被迫走跳板(被逼走上置于船舷边上的木板,直至掉入海里) The traitor was forced to walk the plank.那个叛徒被迫走上跳板,掉进了海里。 walk the streets : to be a prostitute who finds customers by walking around in the streets做妓女(走街串巷拉嫖客) young runaways forced to walk the streets被迫成为妓女的年轻逃亡者 — see also streetwalker walk the walk informal : to do the things that you say you will do言行一致;说干就干 Don't talk the talk unless you can walk the walk! [=don't say that you can do something unless you can actually do it]别说得头头是道,除非你说到做到! walk through [phrasal verb] 1  walk through (something) : to do (something) slowly or without much effort草率处理;走过场 We walked through the whole dance routine once, then practiced each section.我们先把整套舞蹈动作简单过了一遍,然后练习每组动作。 It's a shame to see such a talented actress just walking through her part.看到如此有天赋的女演员就这样草率对待自己的角色,令人遗憾。 2  walk (someone) through (something) : to help (someone) do (something) by going through its steps slowly(循序渐进地)帮助,引导 He walked me through installing the software.他一步步地教我安装软件。 — see also walk-through 2 walk /ˈwɑːk/ noun plural walks 2 walk /ˈwɑːk/ noun plural walks Learner's definition of WALK 1  [count] : an act of walking : an act of going somewhere by walking步行;行走;散步 — usually singular通常用单数 It is a short/long walk to the restaurant.到那家餐馆走不了几步路/要走很长一段路。 It is about a five-minute walk (from here).(从这儿)步行要走大约五分钟。 a quarter mile walk四分之一英里的步行 She finished her run and slowed to a walk to cool down.她跑完步之后,减速为步行以便平静下来。 It's a nice day to go for a walk.天气不错,可以散散步。 We took a walk along the beach. = (Brit) We had a walk along the beach.我们沿着海滩散步。 He took the dog for a walk.他遛狗去了。 — see also power walk, space walk 2  [count] : a place or path for walking散步的小路;步行的路径 The cliff walk along the ocean is very popular.海边的悬崖小径很受人们欢迎。 Many exotic plants can be found along the walk.沿着这条小径能够看到许多异国植物。 (US) She raked the yard and swept off the front walk. [=walkway]她清理了庭园,打扫了门前的人行道。 — see picture at house; see also boardwalk, sidewalk 3  [count] baseball : base on balls 4  [count] : an organized event in which people walk to raise money for a particular cause or group(为某一事业或团体而组织的)步行募捐 — often + for She is participating in the walk for breast cancer research.她正在参加为乳腺癌研究举行的徒步募捐活动。 5  [count] : a particular way of walking步态 — usually singular通常用单数 His walk is just like his father's.他走路的样子跟他爸爸一模一样。 6  [singular] : a slow speed慢速 A shortage of raw materials slowed production to a walk.原料短缺极大降低了生产速度。 all walks of life or every walk of life — used to refer to people who have many different jobs or positions in society各行各业人士;各阶层 — usually used with from通常与from连用 People from all walks of life came to the carnival.各阶层民众都来到了嘉年华。 Thousands of worshippers from every walk of life joined together in prayer.数千名各界教徒聚在一起共同祈祷。 — sometimes used with of or in in U.S. English在美国英语中有时与of或in连用 Children of every walk of life attend this school.不同家庭背景的孩子就读这所学校。 people in all walks of life各界人士 cock of the walk — see 1cock walk in the park US, informal : something that is pleasant or easy愉快的事;轻而易举的事 Being a firefighter is no walk in the park.成为一名消防员绝不是件容易事。 The test should be a walk in the park for her.这个考试对她来说应该是小菜一碟。




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