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词汇 wash
释义 wash (noun) wash 13 ENTRIES FOUND: wash (verb) wash (noun) wash-and-wear (adjective) washed-out (adjective) washed-up (adjective) washing (noun) washing machine (noun) washing powder (noun) washing soda (noun) washing-up (noun) washing-up liquid (noun) car wash (noun) hand (noun) 1 wash /ˈwɑːʃ/ verb washes; washed; washing 1 wash /ˈwɑːʃ/ verb washes; washed; washing Learner's definition of WASH 1  : to clean (something) with water and usually soap清洗;洗涤 [+ object] wash clothes洗衣服 wash the windows清洗窗户 wash your hair洗头发 We have to wash the dishes.我们得把盘子洗洗。 Did you wash your hands?你洗手了吗? Wash [=rinse] the vegetables in the sink.把蔬菜在洗涤池里洗一洗。 [no object] Tell the kids to please wash [=to wash their hands, faces, etc.] before eating.告诉孩子们请餐前洗手。 That shirt washes well. [=that shirt can be washed easily and without being damaged]那件衬衣很耐洗。 2  a  [+ object] : to carry (something) by the movement of water冲刷;冲走 The flooding washed sand and silt all over the area.洪水把泥沙冲得到处都是。 A sailor was washed overboard [=knocked off the ship and into the water] during the storm.一名水手在暴风雨中被冲下甲板卷入大海。 A lot of debris was washed ashore [=brought onto the shore by waves] during the storm.在暴风雨中大量残骸被冲上了岸。 The house is in danger of being washed out to sea. [=being carried out to sea by the movement of the water]这幢房子有被巨浪掀进海里的危险。 b  [no object] : to be carried by the movement of water被冲走;被冲向 The pollution washes into rivers from nearby factories.附近工厂的污染物被冲进了河流。 3  [no object] : to move by flowing流过;冲刷 Water washed over the deck of the ship.水从船的甲板上流过。 Waves washed up onto the beach.海浪冲刷着海滩。 4  [no object] informal : to be believable or acceptable令人相信或接受 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 That story won't wash. [=that story is not believable]那则报道不可信。 These claims won't wash. [=these are not believable claims]这些声明不可信。 Blaming her poor grades on the teacher just doesn't wash. [=is not acceptable]把她的成绩不佳归咎于老师不能让人信服。 wash away [phrasal verb] 1  wash (something) away or wash away (something) : to carry (something) away by the movement of water冲掉;冲走 The waves at high tide washed our beach towels away.涨潮时的海浪把我们的沙滩浴巾冲走了。 The footprints in the sand were washed away.沙滩上的脚印被冲没了。 The bridge was washed away by flooding last year.那座桥去年被洪水冲垮了。 Heavy rain washed away the grass seed.大雨把草籽都冲走了。 2  : to get rid of (something, such as unhappy or unpleasant thoughts) completely彻底消除(不愉快的想法等) Take a vacation to wash away your troubles.休个假,把你的烦恼一扫而光。 wash down [phrasal verb] 1  wash (something) down or wash down (something) : to clean (something) with water(用水)清洗,冲洗 We'll have to wash down the walls before we paint them.我们必须把墙壁都冲洗干净后再粉刷。 2  : to drink something after eating (food)吃完(食物)喝…;就着…喝 The kids washed down their cookies with milk.孩子们边吃饼干边喝牛奶。 wash off [phrasal verb] 1  wash (something) off or wash off (something) : to clean (something) by using water(用水)冲洗 Wash the mud off the bikes before you put them away.把那些自行车上的泥冲洗干净再把它们放回原处。 2  : to be able to be removed or cleaned by washing能被冲洗掉;能被洗掉 This makeup washes off easily.这种化妆品易清洗。 Does that ink wash off?那块墨迹洗得掉吗? wash out [phrasal verb] 1  : to be able to be removed or cleaned by washing能被洗掉 The wine stain won't wash out.这块酒渍洗不掉了。 2  wash (something) out or wash out (something) a  : to clean the inside of (something, such as a cup or pot) with water洗净,清洗(杯子、壶等内部) Just wash out the coffee cups before you go.你把那些咖啡杯都洗干净后再走。 b  : to damage or carry away (something) by the force of moving water冲垮;冲毁;冲走 The flooding river washed out the bridge.泛滥的河水把那座桥冲垮了。 The flood washed out the road.洪水冲垮了路面。 c  : to cause (something, such as a sports event) to be stopped or canceled because of rain(因下雨而)停止,取消(体育比赛等) Rain washed out Friday's game.大雨使得周五的比赛取消了。 This weekend's game was washed out.这周末的比赛因为下雨而被取消。 3  US, informal : to fail to successfully complete a course of training because you do not have the necessary qualities, skills, or abilities未能完成培训项目;出局 This program is so tough, at least 30 percent of the students will wash out before the end of the first year.这个课程太难了,第一学年结束前至少有30%的学生将无法达标。 — see also washout wash over [phrasal verb] 1  wash over (someone or something) : to affect or be felt by (someone) thoroughly and deeply深刻影响;使深切感到 A deep sadness suddenly washed over me.一种深切的伤感突然向我袭来。 I felt relief washing over me.我顿时感到彻底放松了。 Just close your eyes and let the music wash over you.闭上眼睛,让音乐润泽你的身心。 2  : to appear on (a person's face) suddenly(在面部)闪现 A look of surprise washed over his face.他脸上闪现出惊讶的表情。 wash up [phrasal verb] 1  : to be carried by the movement of water to the shore(被波浪)冲上岸 Trash washed up on the beach after the storm.暴风雨过后,垃圾被冲上了沙滩。 2  US : to wash your hands, face, etc.洗(手、脸等) It will just take me a minute to wash up and then we can go.我快速洗个脸,然后我们就走。 3  chiefly British : to wash the dishes after a meal(餐后)洗餐具 I cooked dinner and he washed up afterwards.我做的晚饭,吃完之后他洗的碗。 wash your hands of : to say or decide that you will no longer deal with or be responsible for (someone or something) because you are angry, disgusted, etc. : to refuse to be involved with (something or someone) anymore(由于生气、厌烦)撒手不管,洗手不干 I've tried to help them and they won't listen to me, so I'm washing my hands of the whole mess.我尽力帮助他们,但他们不愿听我的,所以这个烂摊子我是不打算管了。 2 wash /ˈwɑːʃ/ noun plural washes 2 wash /ˈwɑːʃ/ noun plural washes Learner's definition of WASH 1  [count] : an act of cleaning something by using water and soap : an act of washing something洗;洗涤 — usually singular通常用单数 My car needs a wash. [=needs to be washed]我的车需要洗洗了。 (Brit) I'll have a quick wash [=(US) I'll wash up] before dinner.我很快洗个澡再吃饭。 2  [singular] : a group of clothes, towels, sheets, etc., that are being washed or that are going to be washed : laundry正在洗的衣物;将要洗的衣物 My jeans are in the wash.我的牛仔裤正洗着呢。 (Brit) I'll put a wash on [=I'll put laundry in the washing machine] when I get home.到家后我会把要洗的衣物都放到洗衣机里。 3  [singular] : the movement of water水的流动 We could hear the wash of the waves against the rocks.我们可以听见海浪拍打岩石的声音。 especially : the waves made in the water after a moving boat passes by(尤指小船驶过划出的)海浪,波浪 The wash from speedboats is dangerous for swimmers.快艇掀起的海浪对游泳者来说很危险。 4  [count] : a thin layer of paint薄涂层 a thin wash of white paint薄薄的一层白漆 — see also whitewash 5  [count] a  : a liquid used for cleaning清洗液;清洗剂 They used a chemical wash to clean the bricks.他们用化学清洗液清洗砖头。 — see also mouthwash b  : a soap or lotion for the skin肥皂液;沐浴液;洗面奶 an antibacterial skin wash抗菌净肤液 6  [singular] US, informal : a situation in which losses and gains balance each other平局;平手 You won the first game and I won the second, so it's a wash. [=we are even]你赢了第一场,我赢了第二场,所以我们打了个平局。 The price is less online than at the store, but once you add shipping costs, it's a wash. [=the two prices are about the same]网上的价格比店里的便宜,但是只要你一加邮费,基本就扯平了。 it will all come out in the wash informal 1  — used to say that a problem is not serious and will be solved in the future问题(并不严重)终将被解决;事情会迎刃而解 Don't worry about it. It will all come out in the wash.别担心,事情总会解决的。 2  — used to say that the truth will be known in the future终将水落石出;将会真相大白 No one knows who was responsible, but surely it will all come out in the wash.没人知道责任在谁,但事情一定会水落石出的。




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