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词汇 waste
释义 waste (verb) waste (adjective) waste 10 ENTRIES FOUND: waste (noun) waste (verb) waste (adjective) wasted (adjective) waste bin (noun) waste disposal unit (noun) waste product (noun) toxic waste (noun) haste (noun) lay (verb) 1 waste /ˈweɪst/ noun plural wastes 1 waste /ˈweɪst/ noun plural wastes Learner's definition of WASTE 1  a  [noncount] : loss of something valuable that occurs because too much of it is being used or because it is being used in a way that is not necessary or effective浪费 The current system causes a lot of waste.现行体制造成了巨大的浪费。 We need to find ways to reduce/avoid unnecessary waste.我们需要想办法减少/避免不必要的浪费。 b  [singular] : an action or use that results in the unnecessary loss of something valuable滥用;糟蹋 These old computers are still useful. It seems like such a waste to throw them away.这些旧电脑还能用,把它们扔掉似乎太浪费了。 Any further investment would be a waste of valuable resources.任何进一步的投资都是对宝贵资源的浪费。 The show was a waste of money. [=a bad use of money]这场演出就是糟蹋钱。 The lecture was a waste of time. [=a bad use of time]这个讲座就是浪费时间。 c  [singular] : a situation in which something valuable is not being used or is being used in a way that is not appropriate or effective未能充分利用;没有物尽其用;没有人尽其才 That role was a waste of her talents. [=a poor use of her talents]她演那个角色屈才了。 2  : material that is left over or that is unwanted after something has been made, done, used, etc.废弃物;垃圾 [noncount] hazardous waste有害废弃物 disposal of industrial waste工业废料的处理 waste removal垃圾清除 The city oversees waste disposal contracts.市城府负责监督废弃物处理合约的履行。 household waste [=trash, rubbish]生活垃圾 [count] hazardous wastes有害废弃物 household wastes生活垃圾 — see also toxic waste 3  [noncount] : the solid and liquid substances that are produced by the body : feces and urine粪便;尿液 liquid/solid waste尿液;粪便 a waste treatment plant粪便处理厂 4  wastes [plural] literary : a large and empty area of land : wasteland荒原;荒漠地区;不毛之地 the frozen wastes of the tundra冰封的冻原 a waste of space chiefly British, informal : a worthless person or thing无用的人;无价值的东西 He's a complete waste of space.他是个彻头彻尾的废物。 go to waste : to not be used : to be wasted被浪费掉;被扔掉 It's a shame to see all that food go to waste.看到那么多食物被扔掉真令人羞愧。 They don't let anything go to waste when they're camping.他们野营时不会丢弃任何东西。 haste makes waste — see haste lay waste to — see 1lay 2 waste /ˈweɪst/ verb wastes; wasted; wasting 2 waste /ˈweɪst/ verb wastes; wasted; wasting Learner's definition of WASTE [+ object] 1  : to use (something valuable) in a way that is not necessary or effective : to use more of (something) than is necessary浪费;滥用 Don't waste water during the summer drought.夏季干旱期间不要浪费水。 He always wasted his money on useless gadgets.他总是把钱浪费在那些没用的小玩意儿上。 Turn off the lights so we don't waste electricity.把灯关上,这样我们就不会浪费电。 I think he's just wasting my time.我认为他纯粹是在浪费我的时间。 We can't afford to waste so much food.我们承受不起浪费这么多食物。 2  : to use (something or someone) in a way that does not produce a valuable result or effect : to fail to use (something or someone) in an appropriate or effective way未能充分利用;没有物尽其用;没有人尽其才 We can't afford to waste this opportunity.浪费这个机会,我们可承担不起。 She's a good writer but she's wasting her talent. [=she's not using her talent to do the things that she should be doing]她是名出色的作家,但她却在浪费自己的才华。 — often used as (be) wasted常用作(be) wasted My efforts were wasted.我的努力白费了。 He was wasted in that job. [=his talents/skills were not being used in the job]他做那份工作屈才了。 3  slang : to kill or murder (someone)杀害,谋杀(某人) Someone wasted him.有人把他谋杀了。 waste away [phrasal verb] : to become thinner and weaker because of illness or lack of food(因疾病或饥饿)变得瘦弱 The disease caused her to waste away.这种病使她变得瘦弱不堪。 waste no time : to do something quickly抓紧时间做 We wasted no time getting our tickets. [=we hurried to get our tickets]我们赶紧去取我们的票。 waste not, want not — used to say that if you never waste things you will always have what you need俭以防匮;勤俭节约,吃穿不缺 waste your breath — see breath 3 waste /ˈweɪst/ adjective 3 waste /ˈweɪst/ adjective Learner's definition of WASTE always used before a noun : of, relating to, or being material that is left over or unwanted after something has been made, done, used, etc.废弃的;丢弃的;无用的 waste material/water废料;废水




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