

单词 water
释义 water (verb) water 76 ENTRIES FOUND: water (noun) water (verb) watered-down (adjective) watering can (noun) watering hole (noun) water-repellent (adjective) water-resistant (adjective) water-ski (verb) water balloon (noun) water bed (noun) water buffalo (noun) water bug (noun) water butt (noun) water cannon (noun) water chestnut (noun) water closet (noun) water cooler (noun) water fountain (noun) water glass (noun) water gun (noun) water hole (noun) water ice (noun) water jump (noun) water level (noun) water lily (noun) water main (noun) water meadow (noun) water meter (noun) water mill (noun) water moccasin (noun) water park (noun) water pipe (noun) water pistol (noun) water polo (noun) water ski (noun) water table (noun) water tower (noun) water wings (noun) drinking water (noun) high water (noun) high-water mark (noun) holy water (noun) hot water (noun) hot-water bottle (noun) ice water (noun) mineral water (noun) mouth-watering (adjective) rose water (noun) running water (noun) soda water (noun) tap water (noun) territorial waters (noun) toilet water (noun) white water (noun) blood (noun) bridge (noun) cold (adjective) come (verb) dead (adjective) deep (adjective) duck (noun) fish (noun) head (noun) hell (noun) high (adjective) hold (verb) muddy (verb) pour (verb) stick (verb) still (adjective) test (verb) thick (adjective) toe (noun) tread (verb) troubled (adjective) vein (noun) 1 water /ˈwɑːtɚ/ noun plural waters 1 water /ˈwɑːtɚ/ noun plural waters Learner's definition of WATER 1  [noncount] : the clear liquid that has no color, taste, or smell, that falls from clouds as rain, that forms streams, lakes, and seas, and that is used for drinking, washing, etc.水 Would you like a glass of water?你想来杯水吗? bottled/mineral/spring water瓶装/矿物质/矿泉水 There's water dripping from the ceiling.天花板漏水。 Drink some water.喝点水。 drinking water [=water that is safe for drinking]饮用水 The house has hot and cold running water. [=water carried by pipes inside a building]这房子有冷热自来水。 — see also bathwater, freshwater, groundwater, holy water, ice water, mineral water, rainwater, rose water, saltwater, seawater, soda water, tap water, toilet water, white water 2  [noncount] : an area of water (such as a lake, river, or ocean)水域;(江、河、湖、海等)大片的水 deep/shallow water深/浅水域 The kids love playing in the water.孩子们喜欢在水里玩。 A stick was floating on/in the water.一根棍子漂浮在水面上。 They like to vacation near the water.他们喜欢去水边度假。 — see also underwater 3  waters [plural] : a specific area of water especially : an area of seawater某一水域(尤指海水) frigid northern waters寒冷的北方水域 coastal/shallow waters沿海/浅水水域 We are sailing in international waters.我们正航行在国际海域。 They were fishing in Canadian waters.他们正在加拿大水域捕鱼。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 We are entering into dangerous waters [=a difficult or complicated situation] whenever we discuss religion in public.每当我们公开讨论宗教时,就会陷入错综复杂的困境之中。 He began studying the murky waters [=confusing details] of copyright law.他开始研究著作权法中令人费解的内容。 The company is moving into uncharted waters [=new and unknown areas] with its Internet marketing campaign.随着互联网营销的开展,这家公司开始步入全新领域。 — see also headwaters, territorial waters 4  [noncount] : methods of travel that involve boats and ships乘船;走水路 They came by water. [=by traveling on a boat or ship]他们是乘船来的。 a fish out of water — see 1fish blood is thicker than water — see blood come hell or high water — see hell dead in the water — see 1dead hold water informal : to be possible or believable站得住脚;可信;靠谱 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 Her argument doesn't hold water. [=does not make sense]她的论点站不住脚。 His theory cannot hold water. [=his theory is wrong]他的理论行不通。 in deep water — see 1deep keep your head above water — see 1head like a duck to water — see 1duck like water informal : in large amounts大量地 He spends money like water.他挥金如土。 muddy the waters — see 2muddy pass water medical : to send urine out of the body : urinate小便;排尿 a patient who is finding it difficult to pass water感觉排尿困难的患者 pour/throw cold water on : to say that you do not like (an idea, suggestion, etc.) in a way that stops other people from doing it or from feeling enthusiastic about it给(想法、建议等)泼冷水;打消…的念头 He wanted to buy a new car, but I poured/threw cold water on that idea. [=I said he should not buy a new car]他想买辆新车,但我给他的这个念头泼了冷水。 still waters run deep — see 2still test the waters/water — see 2test tread water — see 1tread troubled waters — see troubled water breaks (US) or British waters break — used to describe what happens when fluid suddenly comes from a pregnant woman's body because her baby will be born soon(孕妇临产时)羊水破裂 Her water broke early.她的羊水提前破了。 water off a duck's back informal ◊ If something, such as criticism, advice, etc., is (like) water off a duck's back, it has no effect on someone.(像)耳旁风;不起作用;水过鸭背;毫无影响 He tried to convince her to take the job, but his advice was like water off a duck's back. [=she completely ignored his advice]他竭力想说服她接受那份工作,但他的建议被当作了耳旁风。 water under the bridge — used to say that something happened in the past and is no longer important or worth arguing about(不值一提的)陈年旧事 We had our differences in the past, but that's all water under the bridge now.我们过去存在分歧,但现在那都是陈年旧事了。 2 water /ˈwɑːtɚ/ verb waters; watered; watering 2 water /ˈwɑːtɚ/ verb waters; watered; watering Learner's definition of WATER 1  [+ object] : to pour water on (something, such as a plant)给…浇水 We need to water the lawn/garden/plants.我们需要给草坪/花园/植物浇水。 2  [+ object] : to give (an animal) water to drink给(动物)喂水 They fed and watered the horses in the barn.他们给马厩里的马喂食喂水。 3  [no object] of the eyes : to produce tears流泪 My eyes were watering as I chopped the onions.我切洋葱时流眼泪了。 4  [no object] of the mouth : to become wet with saliva especially because you want to eat or taste something流口水 Just smelling chocolate makes my mouth water. [=makes me want to taste or eat chocolate]只要闻一闻巧克力,我就会流口水。 — see also mouth-watering 5  [+ object] technical : to supply water to (a region or city)给(某地区或城市)供水 — usually used as (be) watered通常用作(be) watered The vineyards are in a region watered by two rivers.这些葡萄园位于两条河的灌溉区。 water down [phrasal verb] 1  water (something) down or water down (something) : to make (an alcoholic drink) weaker by adding water to it掺水冲淡(酒精饮料);稀释;给…加水 Someone watered down [=diluted] the punch.有人掺水稀释了潘趣酒。 2  disapproving : to make (something) less effective, powerful, etc.削弱,减少(效果、影响等) He had to water down [=simplify] the lecture for the younger students.为了照顾低年级学生,他只好简化讲座内容。 The movie watered down the lessons of the book.电影淡化了书中体现的教训。 — see also watered-down




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