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词汇 way
释义 way (adverb) way 68 ENTRIES FOUND: way (noun) way (adverb) way-out (adjective) ways (noun) ways and means (noun) way station (noun) Milky Way (noun) one-way (adjective) one-way mirror (noun) out-of-the-way (adjective) right-of-way (noun) three-way (adjective) two-way (adjective) two-way mirror (noun) under way (adverb) white way (noun) bad (adjective) bank (noun) bulldoze (verb) change (verb) claw (verb) clear (adjective) come (verb) cookie (noun) crumble (verb) cut (verb) error (noun) every (adjective) feel (verb) fight (verb) find (verb) flesh (noun) force (verb) form (noun) give (verb) go (verb) hard (adjective) harm (noun) know (verb) laugh (verb) lead (verb) long (adjective) look (verb) lose (verb) make (verb) mend (verb) merry (adjective) open (verb) ordinary (adjective) other (adjective) part (verb) parting (noun) pave (verb) pay (verb) pick (verb) point (verb) rub (verb) see (verb) separate (adjective) slice (verb) swing (verb) that (adjective) which (adjective) will (noun) wise (adjective) work (verb) worst (adjective) wrong (adjective) 1 way /ˈweɪ/ noun plural ways 1 way /ˈweɪ/ noun plural ways Learner's definition of WAY 1  [count] a  : how someone or something does something : how someone or something behaves, appears, feels, etc.方式;作风 — usually singular通常用单数 I like the way she looks/dresses/laughs. [=I like her appearance/clothing/laugh]我喜欢她的样子/着装/笑声。 The way he treats his mother is so sweet.他对待自己的母亲可真体贴。 The machine isn't working the way it's supposed to.这部机器没有正常运转。 It's strange the way things seem to happen for a reason.令人奇怪的是,似乎一切都事出有因。 Do you really think that way about them? [=is that really your opinion of them?]你真的那样看待他们? The steak was rare, just the way I like it.这牛排很嫩,正是我喜欢吃的。 Well, Your Honor, it happened this way. [=this is what happened]哦,法官大人,事情就这么发生了。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 That's no way to talk to your father. [=you should not talk to your father using those words, that tone of voice, etc.]不能那样跟你爸爸说话。 There is no easy way to say this: you have to leave.说这话是不得已的:你得离开了。 — often used with in常与in连用 She explains things in a way that children can understand.她用儿童能够理解的方式来解释事物。 He spoke in a calm and gentle way. [=manner]他讲起话来心平气和。 I said that she was quirky, but I meant it in a good/positive way.我说她有点怪,但我并无恶意。 In a strange way, I've always known I would go back there.莫名其妙的是,我一直都知道自己会回到那里。 I try to be nice to everyone, and in the same way, I expect everyone to be nice to me.我努力善待每一个人,同样,我也希望大家能善待我。 He wants to win in a big way. [=very much]他特别想赢。 In a small way [=to a small extent or degree], the experience helped me understand what it's like to be homeless.在一定程度上,这次经历让我体会到了无家可归的滋味。 Their story is a tragedy in more ways than one. [=it is a tragedy for more than one reason]从许多方面看,他们的故事都是一场悲剧。 The way things are going [=if things continue to happen like this], I may lose my job.照此下去,我可能会失业。 We were disappointed when we lost, but that's the way it/life goes. [=it is a fact that bad or disappointing things happen sometimes]当我们失败时会感到失望,但生活就是这样。 Let's stop here. That/This way [=by doing that/this] we can look at the map before we get off the highway.咱们在这里停一下。那样/这样我们可以在下公路前先看一看地图。 b  : a method or system that can be used to do something(做某事的)方法,手段 We'll try doing it your way first.我们会首先尝试按你的方法来做这事。 Let me explain it this way.让我这样来解释它。 What are some (of the) ways that you deal with stress?你都用些什么方法来缓解压力? You can pay for your purchase in one/either of two ways: by cash or by credit card.购物付款可用两种支付方式之一:现金或信用卡。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 I've tried lots of different ways to lose weight.我已经试过很多种方法来减肥了。 That is a good way to look at the problem.那是看待这个问题的一种好办法。 There's no way to know what will happen next.无从知晓接下来会发生什么。 — often + of There's no way of knowing what will happen.无从知晓接下来会发生什么。 He uses art as a way of expressing his feelings.他把艺术作为一种表达情感的方式。 You have a funny way of showing that you like her.你向她示爱的方式很有趣。 This gift is my way of saying thank you for all of your help.这份礼物是我的心意,感谢你的鼎力相助。 She will become famous one way or another —if not by modeling, then by acting or singing.她无论如何都会出名的,如果不是当模特,就是靠表演或唱歌。 One way or another, it's going to happen.不管怎么样,这事都会发生。 For months, he had been trying to find a way into/to her heart. [=to make her love him]数月以来,他一直在努力获取她的芳心。 Where there's a will, there's a way. [=if you have the desire and determination to do something, you can find a method for accomplishing it]有志者,事竟成。 2  [count] : a person's usual habits, actions, qualities, etc.(某人的)习惯,行为,品质 He has a charming way about him. [=he is charming; he behaves/talks in a charming way]他身上有一种魅力。 Everyone is special in his or her own way. [=everyone has qualities that make him or her special]每个人都有自己的独特风格。 It is not his way to give up easily. [=he does not give up easily]轻言放弃不是他的风格。 She is familiar with Western ways. = She is familiar with the ways of Westerners. [=the typical habits, behaviors, etc., of people who live in the West]她熟悉西方人的行为方式。 He is becoming older and more set in his ways. [=more unwilling to change his habits, behaviors, opinions, etc.]他的年纪越来越大,生活习惯也更加难以改变了。 3  [count] a  : the series of roads, paths, etc., that can be used to go from one place to another路;道路;路线 — usually singular通常用单数 He asked the way to the museum.他询问去博物馆的路。 What's the quickest way to the library?去图书馆最快的路线是哪条? We took the long way home.我们绕了远路回家。 — often used figuratively to refer to a series of actions, procedures, etc., that can be used to achieve something常用作比喻,指成就某事的一系列行动、步骤等 One way around the problem of poor sales is to lower prices.解决销量不佳的一个办法就是降价。 He is a Broadway actor looking for a way into the movie industry.他是名百老汇演员,正在寻求进入电影业的途径。 They smoothed the way for an end to the dispute. [=they made an end to the dispute easier and more likely]他们为结束这场纠纷铺平了道路。 b  : a road, path, etc.小路;小径 — usually singular通常用单数 We could not find the way that leads to the waterfall.我们找不到通往瀑布的路。 The explorers hacked a way through the jungle.探险者们劈开了一条穿越丛林的路。 They live across the way from us. = (Brit) They live over the way from us. [=they live across from us on the other side of the street]他们住在我们街的对面。 There is another jewelry store across the way.马路对面还有一家珠宝店。 — often used in names常用于名称 He lives at 121 Village Way.他住在乡村路121号。 c  : a door, opening, etc., that is used for going into or out of a place入口;出口;出入通道;门口 Which door is the way in?哪个门是入口? The back way was blocked.后面的通道被堵住了。 This door is the only way out of the room.这扇门是房间的唯一出口。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 We're in trouble, and there is no (clear/simple) way out. [=no clear/simple way to get out of trouble]我们遇到了麻烦,无法(轻易)摆脱。 They're trying to take the easy way out. [=trying to find an easy way to avoid having to do something difficult]他们在努力找省事的解决办法。 ◊ In British English a door or passage that leads outside or to an exit door is often marked Way Out, while in U.S. English it is marked Exit.在英国英语中,出口或出口通道常标记为Way Out,而在美国英语中则标记为Exit。 4  [count] a  : the route along which someone or something is moving or intends to move : the area in front of a moving person or thing通道;行进道路;行进区域 A tree had fallen and was blocking our way.一棵树倒下了,挡住了我们的路。 She used a flashlight to light her way to the shed.她用手电筒照着通往小屋的路。 Please move—you're in my/the way. [=you are blocking my path]请让一下,你挡住了我的路。 Get out of my/the way!让开! He asked the children to stay/keep out of his way while he made dinner.做晚餐时,他让孩子们别在那儿碍他的事。 “Can you give me a ride to the library if it's not out of your way?” [=if you do not have to take another route in order to do it] “Sure, I can give you a ride. The library is on my/the way home.” [=I pass the library when I take my usual route home]“要是顺路,我能搭你的便车去图书馆吗?”“当然,我可以顺便带你去。图书馆就在我回家的路上。” I go past it on my way home.我在回家的路上经过那里。 — see also in the way, on the way, out of the way (below) b  — used with her, his, their, its, your, and our to describe someone or something that is moving forward, going somewhere, etc.与her、his、their、its、your和our连用,表示某人或某物正在前行或去某地等 Paramedics pushed their way through the crowd.护理人员从人群中挤了过去。 The snail slowly inched its way toward the water.蜗牛一点一点地爬向水源。 The river winds/snakes its way through the valley.这条河流蜿蜒地流过山谷。 He tried to buy his way into the prestigious college. [=he tried to use money to get himself accepted as a student at the college]他想花钱把自己送进那所著名的大学。 She managed to talk her way past the guard. [=she was able to convince the guard to let her pass]她设法说服保安让她过去了。 5  [count] a  : a specified or indicated direction某方向 Face this way so I can take your picture.朝这儿看,我好给你照相。 Try turning the key the other way.试着朝另一个方向转一转钥匙。 Which way should we go, left or right?我们应该朝哪个方向走,左边还是右边? They went that way.他们往那边走了。 Look both ways before crossing the street.过马路之前要两边都看一看。 The exit is this way, ladies and gentlemen.女士们,先生们,出口在这边。 She is coming/heading back this way. [=towards us]她正往回走。 The rabbit ran this way and that [=in many different directions], trying not to get caught.这只兔子四处奔跑,尽量不被抓住。 b  — used with her, his, their, its, your, and our to say that someone or something is moving toward or coming to a particular person or thing与her、his、their、its、your和our连用,表示正朝某人或某物靠近 A storm is heading our/their way. [=towards us/them]暴风雨正向我们/他们袭来。 A tax rebate may be coming your way. [=may be sent to you]退税金可能就会寄给你。 A streak of bad luck had come his way. [=he was experiencing some bad luck]厄运降临到了他的身上。 6  [singular] : a distance距离 They live a short way down the road. [=a short distance from here on the same road]他们住在这条路上,离这里不远。 He grew up a long way from here. [=far from here]他在离这里很远的地方长大。 He talked the whole/entire way home. [=throughout the entire journey home]回家的路上,他一直滔滔不绝地说着。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 If you want to run for the Senate, we'll support you every inch/step of the way. [=throughout the entire process]如果你想竞选参议员,我们会始终支持你。 He still has a way to go [=a long time to wait] before the cast on his foot can be removed.他还要等很久才能拆掉脚上的石膏。 — see also all the way (below), ways 7  [singular] informal : the area or region where someone lives(某人居住的)地区,地方 The weather has been rainy (out) our way. [=out where we live]我们这一带最近一直是多雨的天气。 I'll visit when I'm down your way again.我再到你那一带时会去拜访你的。 They live out California way. [=in or near California]他们住在加利福尼亚附近。 8  [count] a  : a particular part of something that is being thought about or discussed(思考或讨论的)某个方面 — used with in与in连用 The new computer is superior to the other one in every way. [=it is completely superior; all parts of it are superior]这台新电脑在各个方面都强于另一台电脑。 In many ways, their stories are the same. [=their stories are the same to a great degree; many parts of their stories are the same]他们的描述在很大程度上是一样的。 In some ways the movie is brilliant, but in other ways it is just horrible.这部电影在某些方面很出色,但在其他方面的确很糟糕。 Her statement is true, in a way. [=it is true to some extent; it is partly true]在一定程度上,她的话是对的。 In no way am I like my father. [=I am not at all like him; no part of me is like him]我一点儿也不像我父亲。 b  : a manner of thinking about or considering something(考虑事情的)方式,方法 The punishment was severe, but in a way it was appropriate. [=it was appropriate when you think about it from a certain point of view]这种惩罚是严厉的,但从某种角度来说又是合适的。 I started looking at the problem in a different way than I had before.我开始用与以往不同的方式来看待这个问题。 To my way of thinking [=in my opinion], this is the best strategy. = The way I see it, this is the best strategy.在我看来,这是最佳策略。 9  [singular] : the situation that exists情况;状态 People are dying of hunger, and it doesn't have to be that way. [=the situation can be changed]人们即将死于饥饿,这种情况并非不可改变。 Business is good, and we are doing everything we can to keep it that way.生意很不错,我们正竭尽全力把这种态势保持下去。 There's nothing we can do to help them. That's just the way things are.我们无法帮助他们,目前的情况就是那样。 10  [count] : one of usually two possible decisions, actions, or results(两种可能中的一个)决定,行动,后果 We thought she would vote against the bill, but surprisingly she voted/went the other way. [=she voted for the bill]我们以为她会投票反对这项议案,但出人意料的是,她投了赞成票。 I can't see how the election could have gone any other way. [=how it could have had a different result]我看不出这次选举如何会出现不同的结果。 I'm not sure if I will take the bus or train, but either way [=whether I take the bus or the train] I will be there tonight.我不确定是坐汽车还是坐火车,但无论如何,我今晚会到那里。 It's all right with me either way. [=both possibilities are acceptable to me]这两种情况我都行。 You can have either lower taxes or better-funded public programs; you can't have it both ways.你要么支付较低的税款,要么参与较多资金投入的公共项目,但你不能二者兼得。 He wants it both ways.他想二者兼顾。 Yes or no? Give me an answer one way or the other.同意还是不同意?不管怎样,给我一个答案。 I don't have an opinion one way or the other.无论怎样,我都没有意见。 — see also go either way (below) 11  [count] : one of a specified number of usually equal parts into which something (such as an amount of money) is divided(平分成的)部分 The money was divided three ways. [=it was divided into three amounts]这笔钱被分成了三份。 all the way 1  : to the full or entire extent : as far as possible完全地;尽可能地 You have to pull the lever all the way back.你得把杠杆尽可能地往后拉。 We were seated all the way in the back.我们坐在最后面。 2  : throughout an entire process or period of time自始至终;一直 His family was with him all the way through his candidacy.竞选期间,他的家人一直支持他。 They sang songs all the way home. [=throughout the journey home]他们一路唱着歌回家了。 3  : to the fullest and most complete extent毫无保留地 I am with you all the way. = I support you all the way. [=I support every part of what you are doing]我全力支持你。 4  : over an entire distance一路上;远路(而来) She ran all the way there.她一路跑到了那里。 You came all this way [=all the way to here] just to see me?你大老远过来就为了看看我吗? — see also go all the way (below), 1way 6 (above) a long way — see 1long by the way — used in speech to introduce a statement or question that may or may not relate to the current topic of conversation顺便提一下;附带问一句 By the way, I really like your shoes.顺便提一句,我很喜欢你的鞋。 By the way, did you hear what happened today?顺便问一句,你听说今天发生什么事了吗? When do you leave for college, by the way?对了,你什么时候去上大学? by way of 1  : by traveling through (a place) : via途经;经过;经由 She came here from China by way of England.她从中国途经英格兰来到了这里。 2  : for the purpose of giving, making, or doing (something specified)为了…;意在… She said that many people are finding ways to improve their diets, and she mentioned her own family by way of example. [=as an example; in order to give an example]她说许多人在寻找改善饮食的方法,然后她提到自己家人作为例证。 This vase is slightly discolored. By way of comparison [=in order to make a comparison], examine the vase on the left.这个花瓶有点褪色,查看左边的花瓶做一下对比。 change your ways : to improve your behavior, habits, or beliefs改善行为;改变习惯;改变信仰 If you want to live a long life, you'd better change your ways!要想长寿,最好改变你的生活方式! a former racist who has changed her ways改变观念的昔日种族主义者 clear the way 1  : to make the area through which someone or something is trying to pass open and able to be used让路;让行 Clear the way, please. [=move away from the area I am trying to pass through]请让一下路。 She directed traffic to clear the way for the ambulance.她疏导交通以便为救护车让路。 2  : to allow something to happen or develop为…排除障碍 The truce would clear the way for further discussions between the two groups.停战协议为双方的进一步沟通排除了障碍。 give way 1  : to break apart and fall down断裂;倒塌 The step feels like it will give way soon.这楼梯走起来好像快要塌了似的。 The roof gave way [=collapsed] under heavy snow.屋顶被大雪压塌了。 2  formal : to stop trying to fight or resist something : to agree to do or accept something that you have been resisting or opposing屈服;让步;退让 After several hours of debate, the opposition finally gave way. [=gave in]经过数小时辩论,对手最终屈服了。 3  : to be replaced by something specified被…代替 — often + to Our frustration soon gave way to anger.我们的沮丧很快被愤怒取代。 Much of the state's farmland has given way to shopping malls.这个州的大片农田都已被购物中心取代了。 time-honored traditions giving way to more modern methods被更现代的方式所取代的历史悠久的传统 4  British : to allow another car or person to go ahead of you or in front of you(给车或人)让路 — often + to Cars must give way [=(US) yield] to pedestrians.汽车必须给行人让路。 go all the way informal 1  sports : to win a championship, title, etc.获得冠军(或头衔等) The team has the talent to go all the way this year.球队有能力在今年问鼎冠军。 2  : to have sex with someone(与某人)性交 Did you go all the way (with him/her)?你(同他/她)发生性关系了吗? go either way — used to say that either of two possible results is likely to occur and that neither is more likely than the other表示两种结果皆有可能 I don't know who's going to win. The game could go either way. [=either team could win]我不知道哪个队会赢,这两队都有可能赢得比赛。 go out of your way : to make a special effort to do something特地做…;不怕麻烦地做… She frequently goes out of her way to help people in need.她经常尽心尽力地帮助那些需要帮助的人。 I hate to make you go out of your way, but yes, I could use your help.我不想麻烦你,但你的帮助确实对我有用。 go someone's way 1  : to travel in the same direction as someone与某人同路 Let me walk with you—I'm going your way.咱俩一起走吧,我和你同路。 2  : to happen in a way that helps someone于某人有利 Things haven't been going our way lately.形势最近对我们不利。 go your own way : to do the things that you want to do rather than doing the things that other people expect you to do按自己的意愿行事;一意孤行 She was the kind of woman who always went her own way.她是那种我行我素的女人。 go your separate ways — see 1separate harm's way — see 1harm have a way of ◊ If someone or something has a way of being or doing something, the person or thing often has that characteristic or frequently does that thing.有…的特点;有…的习惯 Remakes have a way of being [=remakes are often] worse than the original movies.翻拍影片往往没有原版影片好看。 She has a way of exaggerating [=she often exaggerates] when she tells stories.她讲故事时常常夸大其词。 Life has a way of surprising us now and then.生活有时会出乎我们的意料。 have a way with : to be able to use (something) or to deal with (something or someone) well善于处理;善于应付;有能力对付 She has a way with kids/dogs. [=she is good at dealing with kids/dogs; kids/dogs like her and behave well when they are with her]她很会和孩子/狗打交道。 He has a way with words. [=he is good with words; he uses words in a skillful and effective way]他很善于表达。 have/get your (own) way : to get or do what you want to get or do despite the desires, plans, etc., of other people随心所欲;为所欲为;一意孤行 If I had my way, students at the school would all wear uniforms.要是我说了算,学生们在学校都要穿校服。 — often disapproving常用作贬义 He is a spoiled child who always gets his (own) way.他是个被宠坏的孩子,总是想怎么样就怎么样。 All right. Have it your way. [=do what you want to do] I'm done arguing with you.好吧,你想干什么就干吧,我不跟你吵了。 have your way with : to do exactly what you want to do to or with (something or someone) especially : to have sex with (someone, and especially someone over whom you have control, influence, etc.)对…为所欲为;(尤指)与(可控制或可影响的人)性交 He has had his way with many women.他和许多女人有过性关系。 in any way, shape, or form : under any circumstances or conditions无论如何 That behavior is not acceptable in any way, shape, or form. [=is not at all acceptable]那种行为无论如何都不能容许。 That is not in any way, shape, or form an acceptable or appropriate topic for class discussion.无论怎么讲,那绝对不是一个可以或适合在课堂上讨论的话题。 in the way or in someone's or something's way : making it more difficult for a person to do something : preventing something from happening妨碍;阻碍;挡着…的路 I left because I felt that I was just in their way.我离开是因为我觉得我妨碍到了他们。 We have important issues to deal with, but these petty arguments keep getting in the way.我们有很多重要的事情要办,但这些小纠纷总妨碍着我们。 We won't let anything stand in the way of progress!我们不会让进展受到任何阻碍的! — see also 1way 4a (above) in the way of — used to indicate the type of thing that is being described, thought of, etc.关于;就…而言 His parents offered him little in the way of emotional support. [=they did not give him much emotional support]他的父母在情感上几乎没有关心过他。 How much money has she received in the way of campaign contributions?她获得了多少竞选捐款? in the worst way — see 1worst lose your way : to become confused or uncertain about where you are : to become lost失去方向;迷路 I lost my way [=lost my bearings] while hiking and ended up spending the night in the woods.我徒步旅行时迷了路,结果在森林里过了一夜。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Some say that the political party has lost its way and really doesn't know how to connect with voters anymore.有人说这个政党迷失了方向,全然不知如何继续与选民建立良好关系。 make way : to create a path or open space so that someone or something can use it让路;让…通过;腾出地方 Several houses were torn down to make way for the shopping center.几座房子被拆了,以便腾出地方建造购物中心。 Make way for the paramedics. [=move aside so that the paramedics can pass through]给护理人员让一下路。 Make way! I'm coming through!让开!我要穿过去! make your way : to move forward usually by following a path(通常指沿着某一路线)去,前往 When his name was called, he made his way to the stage.叫到他的名字时,他朝舞台走去。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 After college, she set out to make her way in the world as a lawyer.大学毕业后,她以律师的身份开辟了一片新天地。 mend your ways — see 1mend no two ways about it — used to say that something is definitely true毫无疑问;别无他途 No two ways about it—that was the best performance she has ever given. [=that was definitely her best performance]毋庸置疑——那是她最精彩的表演。 They were rude—(there are) no two ways about it.他们十分粗鲁——这一点毫无疑问。 no way informal 1  — used to say that you will definitely not do something不可能;决不;没门儿 There is no way I'm going to swim with a shark.我决不会和鲨鱼一起游泳。 “Do you want to try skydiving?” “No way.”“你想尝试一下特技跳伞吗?”“决不。” No, I'm not doing it. No way José.不,我不会去干的,绝对不会。 2  US — used to show that you are very surprised by something or do not believe that something is true不会吧;不可能 “He's 40 years old.” “No way! I would have guessed he was 25.”“他40岁了。”“不会吧!我还以为他25岁呢。” on the way or on someone's or something's way 1  : in a state of development : in progress在运作中;在进行中 More layoffs are said to be on the way. [=more layoffs will happen soon]听说很快就要再次裁员。 2  : moving from one place to another place在去…的路上 The package should be on its way.那件包裹应该在邮路上了。 I'm afraid I must be on my way. [=I must leave now]恐怕我得走了。 A funny thing happened to me on my/the way here. [=while I was traveling here]我来这里的路上遇到一件有趣的事。 You need help? I'm on my way. [=I am coming to help you now]你需要帮助?我马上到。 She stopped for gas on the way home. [=while she was traveling home]她在回家的路上停车加油。 I have to run a few errands on my way home.我在回家的路上得跑腿办几件事。 3  : changing from one level or condition to another level or condition正处于达到某水平(或状态)的过程中 House prices are on their way up. [=are increasing]房价正在上涨。 on the way out or on someone's or something's way out 1  : leaving a place or position即将离开某地;即将离职 The phone rang while I was on my way out. [=while I was trying to leave]我正要离开时电话铃响了。 Would you mind closing the door on your way out?你出去时关上门好吗? There are rumors that the superintendent of schools is on the way out. [=leaving his/her job]有传言说教育局局长要离职。 2  : becoming no longer popular即将过时 Bell-bottom pants are, once again, on their way out.喇叭裤又要过时了。 He incorrectly predicted that the Internet would be on its way out within three years.他错误地预测互联网会在三年内过时。 out of the way 1  : far from other places that are well-known偏远的;远离闹市的 They rented a cottage that was quiet and out of the way.他们租了间僻静的小屋,远离喧嚣。 2  : done or dealt with completely(完全)被处理好,得到解决 She got her homework out of the way [=she finished her homework] so that she could watch TV.她把作业全部做完了,所以她能看电视。 Let's get these issues out of the way before we start working on any other issues.在处理其他任何问题之前,我们先把这些问题全部处理完吧。 3  : unusual or remarkable不寻常的;奇特的 There is nothing out of the way about the plan.这项计划没有什么独特之处。 — see also out-of-the-way, 1way 4a (above) parting of the ways — see 1parting part ways — see 2part see your way (clear) to : to be willing to (do something)愿意(做某事) I'd be very grateful if you could see your way clear to lend/lending me a few dollars. [=if you would lend me a few dollars]如果你愿意借给我几美元,我将感激不尽。 the other way around also chiefly British the other way round 1  : in the opposite position, direction, or order相反地;反过来 You put the fork on the right and the knife on the left. They should be the other way around. [=the fork should be on the left and the knife on the right]你把叉子放在了右边,刀放在了左边。应该反过来放。 2  — used to say that the opposite situation is true情况相反 Sometimes I cook and she does the dishes and sometimes it is the other way around. [=and sometimes she cooks and I do the dishes]有时候我做饭她洗碗,有时候情况正好相反。 “I thought he wanted a divorce.” “No, it was the other way around.” [=she wanted a divorce]“我觉得他想离婚。”“不,情况正好相反,是她想离婚。” the way informal 1  — used to say what someone's way of speaking, behaving, etc., seems to suggest从(某人的言谈、举止等)来看 You'd think she was rich, the way she spends money! [=she spends money like a rich person]从她花钱的习惯来看,你会以为她很有钱! The way he talks, you would think he ran the company. [=he talks as if he were the person who runs the company]从他说话的口气看,你会觉得这家公司是他开的。 2  — used to say that something happens or is done with the same attitude, at the same pace, etc., as something else以同样的态度(或速度等) They replace their cars the way [=like] other people replace shoes.他们换起新车来就跟别人换双新鞋似的。 the way/ways of the world : how things happen or how people behave事情发生的规律;世道常情;人们的行为模式 Success comes easier for some people. That's just the way of the world.对一些人来说,成功来得更容易。这就是世道。 Because he was young and inexperienced in the ways of the world, people were able to take advantage of him.由于年轻且涉世不深,他很容易被人利用。 way of life 1  : the habits, customs, and beliefs of a particular person or group of people(特定的个人或群体的)生活方式,习惯,习俗,信仰 modern and traditional ways of life现代的和传统的生活方式 Unhampered development is threatening these farmers' way of life. [=it could force them to stop farming]大肆开发正威胁着这些农民的生活。 2  : an important activity, job, etc., that affects all parts of someone's life(影响某人生活的)重要活动,重要工作 For me, tennis is not just a sport, it's a way of life.对我来说,网球不只是一项运动,它也是一种生活方式。 way to go US, informal — used to tell someone that he or she has done something well干得好 Nice job, guys! Way to go!活儿不错,伙计们!干得好! work your way — see 1work — see also milky way, under way, ways and means 2 way /ˈweɪ/ adverb 2 way /ˈweɪ/ adverb Learner's definition of WAY informal 1  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to a great distance or extent : very far远远地;很大程度地;很远 He is way ahead of the other runners.他遥遥领先于其他赛跑选手。 They live way out in the country.他们住在偏远的乡下。 We sat way back in the last row.我们远远地坐在最后一排。 I missed a week of class and fell way behind.我耽误了一个星期的课,远远落后了。 Her political views are way to the left/right. [=they are very liberal/conservative]她的政治观点过于开放/保守。 2  : by a great amount大量地 I ate way [=far] too much.我吃得太多了。 The car is way [=much] too expensive.这辆汽车太贵了。 3  always followed by an adjective, US : very非常 Your parents are way cool.你的父母非常酷。 We're way excited.我们非常激动。 way back : from a time in the distant past很久以前 The group was popular way back in the 1960s.这个乐队早在20世纪60年代就家喻户晓了。 They are friends from way back. [=they have been friends for a long time]他们是多年的朋友了。




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