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词汇 where
释义 where (conjunction) where 10 ENTRIES FOUND: where (adverb) where (conjunction) at (preposition) chip (noun) fall (verb) fire (noun) money (noun) mouth (noun) smoke (noun) will (noun) 1 where /ˈweɚ/ adverb 1 where /ˈweɚ/ adverb Learner's definition of WHERE 1  a  : at or in what place在哪里 Where are my keys?我的钥匙在哪儿? Where did you meet her?你在哪儿遇见她的? Where did you hear that?你在哪儿听说的? Where can I find books about gardening?我在哪里能找到园艺方面的书? Where are you from?你从哪里来? I don't know where that came from.我不知道那是从哪里来的。 — sometimes + at in very informal speech在很不正式的口语中有时与at连用 Where's the party at?聚会在哪儿办? b  : to what place去哪里 Where are we going?我们要去哪里? Where is she taking us?她要带我们去哪儿? Do you know where we're going?你知道我们要去哪儿吗? — often + to Where are we going to?我们要去哪里? Where to, Miss? [=what place do you want to go to?]小姐,你想去什么地方? 2  : when or at what point从某一点;在某处 Where does the story get interesting?那个故事是从哪里开始变得有意思的? 3  : how or in what way怎么;哪里 Where am I wrong?我哪儿错了? Where do the two candidates disagree on the issue?那这两位候选人对此问题的分歧在哪儿? 4  : to what goal or result达到…目标;取得…结果 Where will this course of action lead us?这种做法会给我们带来什么结果? where it's at informal 1  : the best or most exciting or interesting place to be最佳去处;最热闹的地方;最令人感兴趣的地方 Los Angeles, California, is where it's at if you want to get into the film industry.如果你想进入电影业,加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶是最佳去处。 2  : a subject, field of interest, etc., that is very popular or important首要关心的问题;最重要的事情 Education is where it's at in politics.教育是政治的关键所在。 where (someone) is at informal : someone's true position, state, or nature(某人的)真正立场,真正本质 I haven't quite figured out where she's at [=where she stands; what her opinions are] on that issue.我还没弄清她在那个问题上的真正立场。 2 where /ˈweɚ/ conjunction 2 where /ˈweɚ/ conjunction Learner's definition of WHERE 1  a  : at or in the place that在…的地方 Please stay where you are.请待在原地别动。 We sat down where there was some shade.我们在阴凉处坐了下来。 He put the note where she could easily see it.他把纸条放在她容易看见的地方。 b  : to or in what place去某地;在某地 He doesn't know where he is going.他不知道他要去哪里。 It doesn't matter to me where we eat.我们在哪儿吃,我都无所谓。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 She didn't know where to go.她不知道该去哪儿。 He tells me where to shop for the best bargains.他告诉我去哪里能买到最物美价廉的东西。 c  : the place that…地点;…地方 We could see the players very clearly from where we sat.从我们坐的地方能很清楚地看到这些球员。 I know where their house is.我知道他们家在什么地方。 d  : that is the place in which在…地方 The town where we live is having an arts and crafts fair.我们居住的镇子正在举办工艺品展销会。 This is the room where the children sleep.这是孩子们的卧室。 The store where we shop is closing.我们购物的那家商店要打烊了。 2  : to or in whatever place : wherever无论去什么地方;无论在什么地方 I can go where I want, when I want.我可以想去哪儿就去哪儿,想什么时候去就什么时候去。 People may sit where they like.人们愿意坐哪里就坐哪里。 3  a  — used to refer to a particular point in a story, process, etc.(故事、进程等)在…阶段 My favorite part is toward the end of the book, where the heroine returns home.我最喜欢的是这本书快到结尾的部分,那时女主人公回到家乡。 The town has reached the size where traffic is a problem.这个镇子发展到交通都成问题的规模了。 The project is at a point where the end is in sight.这个项目到了胜利在望的阶段。 b  — used to refer to a particular part of what is being discussed…的所在 That's where you're wrong.那就是你的错误所在。 Where the two candidates differ is in how to reform health care.如何进行医疗改革是这两位候选人的分歧所在。 4  : in a situation in which处于…情形 We must be especially careful where children are concerned.有关孩子的问题,我们必须要特别小心。 Where most people saw a worthless investment, she saw opportunity.在大多数人认为是毫无价值的投资的情况下,她从中看到了机遇。




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