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词汇 will
释义 will (noun) will (verb) will (verb) will 21 ENTRIES FOUND: will (verb) will (noun) will (verb) will (verb) willing (adjective) will-o'-the-wisp (noun) free will (noun) ill will (noun) living will (noun) self-willed (adjective) strong-willed (adjective) whip-poor-will (noun) boy (noun) god (noun) how (adverb) show (verb) spirit (noun) that (pronoun) time (noun) wash (noun) weak (adjective) 1 will /ˈwɪl/ /wəl/ verb past tense would /ˈwʊd/ /wəd/ present tense for both singular and plural will negative will not or won't /ˈwoʊnt/ 1 will /ˈwɪl/ /wəl/ verb past tense would /ˈwʊd/ /wəd/ present tense for both singular and plural will negative will not or won't /ˈwoʊnt/ Learner's definition of WILL [modal verb] 1  — used to say that something is expected to happen in the future将要;将会 We will [=we are going to] leave tomorrow.我们将于明天离开。 I will be there in fifteen minutes.我十五分钟后会到达那里。 Tomorrow will be partly cloudy and cool.明天局部多云,天气凉爽。 What do you think will happen?你觉得会发生什么事? Who do you think will win?你觉得谁会赢? He will be severely punished for this crime.他将因这项罪行受到严厉惩罚。 We will continue our efforts, and we will succeed. [=we are determined to succeed]我们将不懈努力,我们必定会成功。 2  a  — used to say that you want something想要(某物) I will [=(more commonly) I'll] have a hamburger and fries.我想要汉堡包和炸薯条。 “Will you have another cup of tea?” “Yes, I will, thank you.”“你要再来杯茶吗?”“好的,来一杯吧,谢谢。” b  — used to say that you are willing to do something愿意;乐意 Yes, I will marry you.是的,我愿意和你结婚。 The doctor will see you now.医生现在来给你看病。 “Will you help him?” “No, I most certainly will not!”“你愿意帮助他吗?”“不,坚决不帮!” No one would do it.没人愿意做这件事。 3  — used to ask someone to do something好吗,行不行(用于请求或要求某人做某事) Will [=would] you please pass the salt?请你递一下盐好吗? Will you help me with my homework?你能帮我做作业吗? Will you please stop talking?请你不要讲话好吗? Shut the window, will you?关上窗户,好吗? If you will follow me, ladies and gentlemen, I'll take you to the next gallery.女士们、先生们,请跟我来,我带你们去下一个展厅。 4  — used to give a command or to say what must happen or not happen必须,一定(用于下达命令或要求某事必须发生,或禁止某事发生) You will do as I say.你必须按我说的去做。 Everyone will leave immediately!大家必须马上离开! I will not have my own children talking to me like that!我决不允许我的孩子那样跟我讲话! No one will leave this room until a decision has been made.做出决定之前,谁也不能离开这个房间。 5  a  — used to say that something is likely or certain to be true可能;一定 That will be the babysitter at the door.门口那个人应该就是临时保姆。 The gray house on the left will be theirs. [=must be theirs]左边那栋灰色房子一定是他们的。 Try this soup—you will like it. [=(more commonly) you'll like it]尝尝这汤——你一定会喜欢的。 Ask anyone and they will tell you the same thing.随便你问谁,他们说的肯定都一样。 b  — used to describe a situation that is continuing一直;不断 He won't stop bothering me. [=he keeps bothering me; he refuses to stop bothering me]他一直在烦我。 The door won't open.这扇门打不开。 6  — used to say that something usually happens or that a person or thing usually does something经常;总是 The dog will growl if you get too close to it.如果你离这只狗太近,它就会低声吼叫。 She will wait until the last minute to finish her homework.她总是等到最后一刻才去完成作业。 People will talk if they see us together.看到我们在一起,人们就会议论。 Accidents will happen. [=accidents sometimes happens; it isn't possible to avoid all accidents]天有不测风云。 ◊ In British English, this sense is sometimes used to show that you are annoyed that someone does something often.此义项在英国英语中有时用于表示对某人常做某事感到不满。 He will leave his coat on the chair instead of hanging it up.他总是把外套扔在椅子上,而不是挂起来。 7  — used to say that something is able to do something or contain a certain amount能,可以(表示某物能做某事或能容纳一定数量) The batteries will last a maximum of four hours.这些电池最长能使用四个小时。 The back seat will [=can] hold three people. [=it is capable of holding three people]这个后座能容纳三个人。 This will do if there is nothing better.如果没有更好的,这个也行。 — compare 3will, 4will 2 will /ˈwɪl/ noun plural wills 2 will /ˈwɪl/ noun plural wills Learner's definition of WILL 1  [count] law : a legal document in which a person states who should receive his or her possessions after he or she dies遗嘱 In her will, she asked that her money be donated to the church.在遗嘱里,她要求将她的钱捐献给教会。 He made/prepared/wrote a will only days before his death.他去世前几天才立下遗嘱。 — see also living will 2  : a strong desire or determination to do something意志;决心;强烈的愿望 [count] She has a strong will. = She has a will of iron. = She has an iron will.她意志坚定。 He won the battle/clash of wills with his wife. [=he got what he wanted]在与妻子的意志较量中他取得了胜利。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 During her illness, she never lost her will to live/survive.生病期间,她从未丧失活下去的决心。 He has the will to succeed. [=he has a strong desire to succeed]他渴望成功。 [noncount] He has no will of his own.他没有自己的意愿。 Does he have the strength of will [=is he willing to work extremely hard] to complete such demanding training?他有决心完成这项严苛的训练吗? — see also free will, strong-willed 3  [noncount] : a person's choice or desire in a particular situation(某人在特定情况下的)意愿,愿望 They were obedient to the king's will. [=they did what the king wanted them to do]他们服从了国王的意愿。 a government that reflects the will of the people体现人民意愿的政府 As a child, he was forced to play the violin against his will. [=even though he did not want to play it]小时候,他很不情愿地被迫学拉小提琴。 She chose to go against her parents' will and marry him anyway. [=she chose to marry him even though her parents did not want her to marry him]她决意违背父母的意愿,无论如何都要嫁给他。 She is always trying to impose her will on other people. [=trying to force other people to do what she wants]她总是试图把自己的意愿强加于人。 at will : when you want or in a way that you want任意地;随心所欲地;自由地 She is free to come and go at will.她来去随意。 The document can be modified at will.这份文件可以任意修改。 The soldiers were told to fire at will.士兵们得令进行自由射击。 where there's a will, there's a way — used to say that if you want to do something very much, you can find a way to do it有志者事竟成 “Do you think she can finish the project on time?” “She can if she really wants to. Where there's a will, there's a way.”“你觉得她能按时完成这个项目吗?”“她真想完成就能完成。有志者事竟成嘛。” with a will : with a lot enthusiasm and energy热情地;积极地;努力地 She set about the work with a will.她积极地开始工作了。 with the best will in the world British : with the most sincere desire and effort to do something good or worthwhile尽管已尽心竭力;尽管真心愿意 — used especially to say that it is not possible to do something even if you want to do it very much尤用于表示尽管真心愿意也不能做成某事 Even with the best will in the world, the work cannot be done that quickly.即使满腔热忱,也不可能那么快完成这项工作。 — see also goodwill, ill will 3 will /ˈwɪl/ verb present tense for both singular and plural will 3 will /ˈwɪl/ verb present tense for both singular and plural will Learner's definition of WILL [+ object] : to want or desire (something)想要,渴望(某物) ◊ This verb is only used in the simple present tense.此动词仅用于一般现在时。 You can say what you will [=you can say whatever you want to say], but I will always love her.不管你说什么,我依然永远爱她。 Call it what you will, it is still illegal. [=it is illegal no matter what you call it]不管怎么说,这都是非法的。 Imagine, if you will, life without computers.试着想象一下,没有电脑人们生活会是什么样。 Baseball is my love, my obsession if you will. [=if you want to call it that]我非常喜欢棒球,可以说,已经到了痴迷的地步。 — compare 1will, 4will 4 will /ˈwɪl/ verb wills; willed; willing 4 will /ˈwɪl/ verb wills; willed; willing Learner's definition of WILL [+ object] 1  a  : to cause or try to cause (something) to happen by using the power of your mind凭意志促使某事发生 She was haunted by the thought that she had willed his death. [=that she had caused his death by wishing that he would die]她一直觉得是自己的诅咒害死了他。 b  : to cause or try to cause (someone or something) to do something by using the power of your mind凭意志促使…做某事 He willed himself to stay awake.他努力使自己保持清醒。 As she neared the finish line she willed her legs to keep running.快到终点时,她尽力坚持继续奔跑。 2  : to want or intend (something) to happen希望,想要(某事发生) It will happen if God wills it.只要上帝想让它发生,它就会发生。 3  law : to state in a will that (your property) will be given to a particular person, organization, etc., after you die立遗嘱遗赠 She willed her property to her children.她立下遗嘱,将财产留给她的孩子们。 He willed his entire estate to the church. = He willed the church his entire estate.他立下遗嘱,将全部财产赠予教会。 — compare 1will, 3will




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