

单词 wit
释义 wit 3 ENTRIES FOUND: wit (noun) half-wit (noun) end (noun) wit /ˈwɪt/ noun plural wits wit /ˈwɪt/ noun plural wits Learner's definition of WIT 1  [noncount] : an ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny(说话或写作的)机智,风趣 She is full of wit and vivacity.她机智风趣而又充满活力。 His latest book doesn't have the same wit as his earlier books.他最新出版的书不如以前的作品那样有风趣。 The book is a collection of his wit and wisdom.这本书凝结了他的才思与智慧。 2  [count] : a person who is known for making clever and funny remarks说话诙谐的人;机智幽默的人 She was a famous writer and wit.她是位著名作家,妙语连珠。 — see also half-wit, nitwit 3  a  wits [plural] : the ability to think or reason头脑;理智 She's got the wits [=intelligence] to make it work.她有那样的头脑,可以办到。 He learned to live by his wits. [=to survive by doing clever and sometimes dishonest things]他学会了靠耍小聪明混日子。 She can keep her wits about her [=remain calm and able to think clearly] in a crisis.在危机中她能够保持头脑清醒。 He needed a moment to gather/collect his wits [=to become calm and able to think clearly] after the collision.冲突过后他需要一点时间恢复理智。 (chiefly US) The chess champion will match wits [=compete] with a computer. = (chiefly Brit) He will pit his wits against a computer.这名国际象棋冠军将和电脑对弈。 — see also battle of wits at 1battle b  the wit : the ability to make good decisions明智 She had the wit [=the good sense] to leave before the situation got any worse.在形势变糟之前她明智地离开了。 at (your) wit's end (chiefly US) or at (your) wits' end : not able to continue thinking or trying to solve a problem : upset and unable to think of what needs to be done智穷计尽;完全不知所措 I've spent six hours trying to fix my computer, but now I'm at my wit's end.我花了六个小时想要修好我的电脑,但现在我已无计可施。 She's at her wit's end trying to keep her brother out of trouble.她试图让弟弟摆脱困境,但一筹莫展。 out of your wits informal — used for emphasis with verbs like scare and frighten吓得魂不附体 I was scared out of my wits! [=I was very scared; I was so scared that I couldn't think clearly]我吓得魂不附体! to wit formal — used before stating the specific thing or example being discussed即;也就是说 This can only mean two things, to wit: that he lied, or that he is wrong.这只能意味着两点,即要么他撒谎了,要么他错了。




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