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词汇 with
释义 with 234 ENTRIES FOUND: with (preposition) abound (verb) accord (noun) accord (verb) accordance (noun) aforethought (adjective) agree (verb) along (adverb) apace (adverb) arm (noun) baby (noun) bad (adjective) bang (noun) bargepole (noun) bated (adjective) bathwater (noun) bear (verb) begin (verb) being (noun) benefit (noun) big (adjective) bird (noun) blue (adjective) born (adjective) break (verb) breath (noun) bristle (verb) brush (noun) child (noun) closed (adjective) cold (noun) color (noun) comb (noun) come (verb) compare (verb) complete (adjective) compliance (noun) comport (verb) conjunction (noun) conjure (verb) connection (noun) consort (verb) contend (verb) content (verb) could (verb) couple (verb) dally (verb) damn (verb) deal (verb) dispatch (noun) dispense (verb) do (verb) done (adjective) down (adverb) down (adjective) due (adjective) end (verb) engage (verb) exception (noun) eye (noun) faint (adjective) faith (noun) fall (verb) familiar (adjective) favor (noun) fiber (noun) fiddle (verb) fidget (verb) fight (verb) fine-tooth comb (noun) finish (verb) fire (noun) fist (noun) fix (verb) floor (noun) flow (noun) fly (verb) flying (adjective) fool (verb) foot (noun) forked (adjective) fraught (adjective) fuck (verb) full (adjective) fuss (verb) gifted (adjective) go (verb) good (adjective) good (noun) grace (noun) grace (verb) great (adjective) grip (noun) gun (noun) hand (noun) hang (verb) have (verb) heart (noun) heavy (adjective) hell (noun) hoist (verb) hold (verb) identify (verb) ill (adjective) interfere (verb) iron (adjective) issue (noun) Joneses (noun) keep (verb) keeping (noun) kid gloves (noun) kill (verb) kindness (noun) knob (noun) land (verb) lard (verb) lavish (verb) lead (verb) league (noun) leg (noun) let (verb) level (verb) lie (verb) line (noun) live (verb) load (verb) loaded (adjective) lot (noun) lousy (adjective) lumber (verb) make (verb) malice (noun) meet (verb) menace (noun) mess (verb) monkey (verb) mouth (noun) murder (noun) name (noun) number (noun) one (noun) open (adjective) orange (noun) out (adverb) over (adverb) pace (noun) pal (verb) pants (noun) par (noun) parallel (noun) part (verb) passion (noun) peace (noun) pepper (verb) petard (noun) pinch (noun) play (verb) pleasure (noun) ply (verb) police (noun) praise (noun) presence (noun) program (noun) puff (verb) punch (noun) reason (verb) reckon (verb) reference (noun) regale (verb) regard (noun) respect (noun) rest (verb) rife (adjective) rod (noun) roll (verb) rough (noun) rub (verb) rule (verb) run (verb) saddle (verb) salt (noun) salt (verb) shoulder (noun) shout (noun) shut (adjective) side (verb) silver (adjective) slap (verb) sleep (verb) smooth (adjective) sore (adjective) spoon (noun) square (verb) stare (noun) start (verb) stay (verb) stick (noun) stick (verb) stone (noun) surround (verb) swim (verb) swing (noun) tail (noun) tamper (verb) tangle (verb) tar (verb) tax (verb) teem (verb) territory (noun) thing (noun) tide (noun) together (adverb) tongue (noun) touch (verb) toy (verb) trifle (verb) trousers (noun) truck (noun) trust (verb) unfamiliar (adjective) vengeance (noun) view (noun) visit (verb) voice (noun) vote (verb) wallet (noun) waltz (verb) want (verb) way (noun) what (pronoun) what (adverb) will (noun) wipe (verb) word (noun) with /ˈwɪθ/ /ˈwɪð/ preposition with /ˈwɪθ/ /ˈwɪð/ preposition Learner's definition of WITH 1  — used to say that people or things are together in one place和…一起;和;同 Do you have your books with you?你带书了吗? I left the money in the car (along) with my keys.我把钱和钥匙都落在了车里。 The children are home with their father.孩子们跟父亲一起待在家里。 The doctor will be with you shortly. [=the doctor will come to see you soon]医生很快会来给你看病。 We barely escaped with our lives. [=we almost died while trying to escape]逃跑时我们几乎丢掉性命。 2  — used to say that two or more people or things are doing something together or are involved in something和…一起做;和…一起卷入某事 He went to the store with her.他陪她逛街。 Do you want to come with us?你想和我们一起去吗? I need to speak with you for a moment.我需要和你谈一会儿。 She was talking with a friend on the phone.她正和朋友通电话。 They usually study with me after class.课后他们通常和我一起学习。 He works with his mother at the restaurant.他和母亲一起在饭店工作。 We are in competition for customers with a lot of other companies.我们同多家公司一起争抢客源。 3  : having (a particular characteristic, possession, etc.)具有;拥有;带有 a boy with green eyes [=a boy who has green eyes]碧眼男孩 She's the one with (the) long hair and sunglasses.留长发戴太阳镜的那个人就是她。 He wants to marry someone with a lot of money.他想和有钱人结婚。 You will be competing against people with more experience than you.你将和比你经验更丰富的人竞争。 people with pets养宠物的人 She taught a class with [=that had] 20 students in it.她教的这个班有20名学生。 They graduated from college with honors.他们以优异的成绩从大学毕业。 4  : using (something specified)使用… She opened the door with her key.她用钥匙开了门。 He broke the window with a rock.他用石头砸碎窗户。 She walks with (the help of) a cane.她拄着拐杖走路。 The sauce is made with milk and cheese.这个调味汁是用牛奶和奶酪做的。 He welcomed each of his guests with a handshake.他与每位客人握手以示欢迎。 He entertained the crowd with a few jokes.他讲了几个笑话逗大家乐。 She ended her speech with a quote from Shakespeare.她引用莎士比亚的一句话结束了她的演说。 With one kiss, the princess awoke and the spell was broken.一个吻让公主苏醒了,魔咒被破除了。 “With this ring, I thee wed.”“戴上这枚戒指,我们结为夫妻。” 5  — used to refer to the feeling, thought, quality, etc., that someone has or experiences when doing something以…方式 Please accept this gift with our thanks.请把这份礼物连同我们的谢意一起收下吧。 He spoke about his daughter with great pride. [=he spoke about his daughter very proudly]他非常自豪地说起他的女儿。 She supports the idea, with reservations. [=she supports the idea but she has some concerns about it]她支持这个观点,但有所保留。 They accepted the offer with certain conditions.他们有条件地接受这个报价。 You acted with great courage and skill.你行事既大胆又巧妙。 They did it with no difficulty at all. [=they did it very easily]他们轻而易举地完成了。 6  — used to indicate the cause of something由于;因为 His face was wet with [=because of] tears.眼泪打湿了他的脸颊。 She was red with embarrassment.她羞红了脸。 They all wept with sorrow at the news of his death.听到他的死讯,他们全都伤心落泪了。 He was sick with the flu for a week.他因流感病了一周。 7  — used to say that something fills something, covers something, etc.以…(填充);以…(覆盖) The garage is filled with junk.车库里堆满了无用的东西。 8  — used to indicate a related fact or situation伴随 He stood there with [=holding] his hat in his hand.他站在那里,手里拿着帽子。 It's hard to concentrate on my homework with the television on. [=while the television is on]开着电视我很难集中精力做作业。 Our products have been designed with you in mind. [=especially for you]我们的产品是专门为你们设计的。 They made it there with no time to spare.他们赶到了那里,一点富余时间也没有。 The coach called time out with [=when there were] 10 seconds left on the clock.时钟显示还剩10秒的时候,教练叫了暂停。 With her on our team, there's no way we can lose.有她在我们队,想输都难。 With friends like that [=when you have such bad friends], who needs enemies?有那样糟糕的朋友,谁还需要敌人? 9  — used to indicate the specific thing or person that is being referred to涉及;对…来说 Please be careful with those boxes. [=please handle those boxes carefully]请小心搬那些箱子。 They are on friendly terms with their neighbors.他们与邻居们关系融洽。 He's great with children. [=children like him and behave well for him]他与孩子们相处融洽。 I'm not very good with computers. [=I am not able to use computers well]我不太会用电脑。 She no longer has any influence with [=on, over] them.她对他们已不再有任何影响了。 10  — used to say that someone has a relationship with a person, organization, etc.与(某人)在一起;处于(某组织)中 He has been with the same woman for 35 years.他和同一个女人在一起35年了。 I plan to be with [=I plan to work for] the company until I retire.我打算在这家公司工作到退休。 11  — used to say that someone or something is the object of attention, behavior, or a feeling对于…(有某种情感或态度) I'm in love with you.我爱上了你。 She is very angry with them.她对他们很生气。 He seems to be quite happy with his new job.他似乎十分喜欢他的新工作。 Were you satisfied with the way things turned out?你对事情的发展态势满意吗? I don't want to get tough with you, but you have to learn to obey your mother.我不想对你严厉,但你必须学会听你母亲的话。 What's going on with Jim? = What's happening with Jim?吉姆怎么了? 12  : in the performance, condition, behavior, or quality of (something or someone)处于…状态中;有…品质 What's the problem with your car?你的车出了什么问题? The trouble with this computer is that it is too slow.这台电脑的毛病在于速度太慢。 Is there a problem with your meal?你的饭菜有问题吗? The doctors are trying to figure out what is wrong with him.医生们正努力诊断他得了什么病。 What's the matter with you? Are you upset about something?你怎么了?有心事吗? (informal) What's with her? [=why is she acting so strangely?]她这是怎么了? 13  : in opposition to or against (someone)与…对立;反对 The boys were fighting/arguing with each other.男孩们打成/吵成一团。 We had a disagreement with our neighbors over the height of the new fence.对于新栅栏的高度我们与邻居们产生了分歧。 14  : so as to be separated from (someone or something)与…分离 She broke (ties) with her friends [=she no longer sees or talks to her friends] because of the incident.因为这件事她与朋友们绝交了。 They were my favorite books, and I hated to part with them.这些是我最喜爱的书籍,我不愿把它们丢掉。 15  a  — used to say that you agree with or understand someone理解;赞同 “Do you see why I feel this way?” “Oh yes, I'm with you completely.”“你能理解我为什么有这种感觉吗?”“哦,是的,我完全理解你。” Are you still with me? [=are you still listening to me and understanding what I am saying?]你还在听我说话吗? b  : supporting the beliefs or goals of (someone) : on the side of (someone)支持;与…同一立场 If he's for helping the poor, I'm with him all the way!如果他赞成帮助穷人,我完全支持他! You're either with [=for] us or against us.你要么支持我们,要么反对我们。 Let's do it. Are you with me?让我们一起行动吧。你支持我吗? 16  : in the opinion or judgment of (someone)在…看来;依…判断 It's fine with [=by] us if you want to come, too.如果你也想来,我们欢迎。 That's okay with me.对我来说那不是问题。 17  : according to the experience or behavior of (someone)依照,根据(某人的经历、行为) It became a habit with them [=it became their habit] to read before going to bed.睡前阅读成了他们的习惯。 As with many of her generation, she had lost interest in politics.与许多同龄人一样,她对政治失去了兴趣。 Promises are sacred with [=for] him.对他来说,承诺是神圣的。 With him, a promise is a promise.他这个人,一诺千金。 18  : as successfully as (someone)与…一样成功 He can ski with the best of them. [=he can ski as well as the best skiers]他的滑雪技术赶得上那些最棒的。 19  — used to say that things happen at the same time伴随…发生 The birds returned with the arrival of spring.春天一到,鸟儿就飞回来了。 The book fell to the floor with a loud bang.砰的一声响,书掉在了地板上。 All of their games begin with the singing of the national anthem.他们在所有比赛开始之前都要唱国歌。 20  : in a way that changes according to (something)随着…变化 The pressure varies with the depth.压力随深度而变。 Her health should improve with time.她的健康状况应该会越来越好。 The excitement grows with each passing day. [=there is more excitement each day]激动的情绪与日俱增。 21  : in the same direction as (something)与…方向一致;顺着 Sand the wood with the grain, not against it.顺着纹路打磨木头,不要逆着来。 We were sailing with the wind.我们顺风航行。 22  — used to say that someone or something is included in a total number or amount包括 With [=including] my husband and me, there were 12 people at the party.聚会共有12个人,包括我丈夫和我。 It costs $10.35 with tax.含税的价格是10.35美元。 23  : in spite of (something)尽管;虽然 It's hard to believe that, with all her talent and hard work, she still didn't win the competition.令人难以置信的是,尽管她有天资又肯苦练,但她却没有赢得这场比赛。 They love the team, with all its faults.他们热爱这支球队,尽管它不尽如人意。 24  — used to indicate the object of an adverb in a type of command指祈使句中副词的对象,表命令 Off with his head! [=cut off his head]砍下他的头! Away with her. [=take her away from here]把她带走。 Down with injustice!打破不公平! what with — see 3what with it informal 1  : in a state in which you are thinking clearly and aware of what is happening头脑清醒;了解周围情况 I had just woken up and wasn't quite with it yet.我刚刚醒来,头脑还不太清醒。 Come on, now. Get with it.来吧。留点神。 2  : knowing a lot about current styles, ideas, or events跟上(当前风格、思想、重大事件等) You have to be pretty with it if you want to talk to them about politics.如果想和他们谈论政治,你必须十分了解时政。 with that : immediately after doing or saying that紧接着;随即;然后 She said goodbye and closed the door behind her. And with that, she was gone.她道了别然后关上门,随即她就离开了。




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