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词汇 word
释义 word (verb) word 41 ENTRIES FOUND: word (noun) word (verb) wording (noun) word-perfect (adjective) word processing (noun) word processor (noun) code word (noun) dirty word (noun) four-letter word (noun) function word (noun) f-word (noun) guide word (noun) weasel word (noun) bandy (verb) ear (noun) eat (verb) few (adjective) final (adjective) good (adjective) honor (noun) know (verb) last (adjective) law (noun) loss (noun) lost (adjective) loud (adjective) mark (verb) mince (verb) mouth (noun) mum (adjective) other (adjective) picture (noun) play (verb) say (verb) speak (verb) syllable (noun) thousand (noun) true (adjective) war (noun) wise (adjective) worth (preposition) 1 word /ˈwɚd/ noun plural words 1 word /ˈwɚd/ noun plural words Learner's definition of WORD 1  [count] : a sound or combination of sounds that has a meaning and is spoken or written单词;词;字 How do you spell that word?你怎么拼写那个单词? “Please” is a useful word.please是个很有用的词。 Our teacher often used words I didn't know.我们的老师常使用一些我不认识的单词。 What is the French word for car?“轿车”用法语怎么说? She was a genius in every sense of the word. [=she was truly a genius]从任何意义上来说,她都是一个天才。 You don't need to use big words [=difficult words used to try to impress people] to make your point.你没必要用那些高深的词语来表达你的观点。 Words fail me. [=I don't know what to say]我不知道该说什么了。 — see also buzzword, four-letter word, function word, password, swearword, watchword, weasel word 2  [count] : a brief remark or conversation : something that a person says(简短的)话语,谈话;言语;说的话 You can't believe a word (of what) she says. [=you can't believe anything she says]她说的话,你一句都不能信。 Describe the experience in your own words.用你自己的话来描述这次经历。 The lawyer used Joe's words against him.律师借用乔自己的话来反驳他。 Could I have a word with you? [=could I talk with you briefly?]我能和您谈一下吗? They gave me a word of warning [=they told me about] about the slippery roads.他们提醒我道路湿滑。 Don't say/breathe a word [=don't talk] about this to anyone.不要把这件事告诉任何人。 My grandfather was a man of few words. [=a man who did not talk very much]我的祖父是个话不多的人。 I've been asked to say a few words [=make a short speech or statement] about the new play.我应邀简短地评价一下这部新剧。 3  [singular] : an order or command命令;指示 She gave the word to begin.她下令开始。 We will wait for your word before we serve dinner.我们会等你发话后才上菜。 4  [singular] : news or information消息;讯息;信息 (Is there) Any word on how they are?关于他们的情况有任何消息吗? If word of this gets out, we're all in trouble.如果这事泄露出去,我们都得倒霉。 What's the word?有什么消息吗? There is still no word from the hospital.医院那边仍然没有消息。 Spread the word [=tell the others] that we're leaving in five minutes.告诉大家我们五分钟后离开。 They sent word [=sent a message] that they'd be late.他们捎信来说会晚一点到。 Word has it [=I have heard] that the neighbors are moving next month.我听说邻居们下个月要搬走。 The police put/got the word out that they were looking for him. [=the police let people know that they were looking for him]警方放出消息说他们正在寻找他。 5  [singular] : a promise to do something承诺;许诺;保证 I'll be there. I give you my word. [=I promise]我会到的,我向你保证。 You'd better keep your word. [=keep your promise to do something]你最好信守诺言。 He is a man of his word. = His word is his bond. [=he always keeps his promises]他是一个信守诺言的人。 I told her I'd help. I can't go back on my word. [=I can't break my promise]我告诉她我会帮忙,我不能食言。 You'll have to take my word for it. [=you'll have to believe me]你得相信我的话。 She was true to her word. [=she did what she said she would do]她说到做到了。 — see also word of honor (below) 6  words [plural] : angry remarks争吵;吵架 Words were exchanged [=people said angry things to each other] and a fight broke out.人们互相争吵,随后就打了起来。 He had words [=had an argument] with his boss.他和老板争执了起来。 7  the Word religion : stories and lessons of the Bible《圣经》故事和圣训 the Word of God《圣经》 actions speak louder than words — see action a picture is worth a thousand words — see 1worth at a loss for words — see loss a word in someone's ear chiefly British : a remark that is made privately to someone(和…)说悄悄话,说私房话,私下谈话 May I have a word in your ear [=may I speak to you privately] before you leave?在您走之前,我能和您私下谈谈吗? a word to the wise — used to say that you are about to give someone advice or a warning(给某人)提建议,提出警告 A word to the wise: never sign a contract without reading it first.给你提个建议:签合同之前一定要先看仔细。 by word of mouth : by being told by another person经口述;经介绍 We found this hotel by word of mouth.我们通过别人介绍找到了这家宾馆。 eat your words — see eat from the word go informal : from the beginning从一开始 The show was a success from the word go.这场演出从一开场就很成功。 We were in trouble (right) from the word go.我们一上来就遇到了麻烦。 get a word in edgewise — see edgewise good word : a favorable comment好评;赞美之言 Please put in a good word for me [=say something good about me] when you talk to the boss.你和老板谈话时,请替我美言几句。 (US, informal) I haven't seen you in ages! What's the good word? [=how's it going?; how are you?]我好长时间没见你了!现在过得怎么样? hang on someone's every word — see 1hang in a word : very briefly : in short简言之 — used to indicate that you are saying something by using only one word or by using as few words as possible指用尽可能少的话讲明某事 Our answer, in a word, is no.简言之,我们的回答是否定的。 in other words — used to introduce a statement that repeats what has been said in a different and usually a simpler or more exact way换句话说;换言之 “She said the movie was a bit predictable.” “In other words, she didn't like it.”“她说这部电影有点老套。”“也就是说,她不喜欢这部电影。” So, in other words, you're saying that you forgot to do it.所以,换句话说,你是说你忘记做了。 in so many words also in as many words : in exactly those words or in exactly that way一字不差地;原原本本地 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 “Did he say he wouldn't do it?” “Not in so many words, but that was the impression I got.”“他说了他不会去干这事吗?”“没那么直截了当,但是我感觉出来了。” in words of one syllable : in clear and simple terms用清楚简单的措辞 We explained our views to the press in words of one syllable.我们用简单明了的措辞向媒体解释了我们的观点。 lost for words — see 2lost mark my words — see 2mark mum's the word — see 1mum play with words — see 1play put words in/into someone's mouth : to suggest that someone said or meant something that he or she did not say or mean硬说某人说过某些话;把话强加于某人 Don't put words in my mouth. I wasn't defending his actions, despite what you may think.别把那些话扣在我头上。不管你怎么想,我不是在为他的行为辩解。 say the word : to give an order命令;指示 When you want to leave (just) say the word.你想离开时,只需吩咐一声就行。 take the words right out of someone's mouth : to say exactly what someone was thinking说出某人的心里话;说出某人想说的话 I agree! You took the words right out of my mouth!我同意!你说出了我的心里话! the last/final word 1  : the final thing said in an argument or a discussion(辩论或讨论中的)结论,最终决定 Your mother's decision is the final word on the matter.这个问题由你妈妈最后拍板决定。 Why do you always have to have the last word? [=to be the last person to speak]为什么总是非得你来最后下结论? 2  : the power to make a final decision最终决定权 The judge will have the last word [=the final say] on the divorce agreement.法官对离婚协议将有最终决定权。 3  informal : the most modern or best one of its kind(某类事物中)最新的,最好的 This is the last word in wireless phones.这是最新款的无绳电话。 The van's design is the last word in safety.这款面包车的设计在安全性能上是最好的。 (upon) my word somewhat old-fashioned — used to express surprise天哪(表惊讶) My word, what a beautiful dress!天哪,多么漂亮的一条连衣裙! war of words : an argument in which people or groups criticize and disagree with each other publicly and repeatedly for usually a long time口水战;口舌之争 Rival groups have engaged in a war of words over the new law.对立集团之间围绕这项新法律展开了口水战。 word for word : in the exact words一字不差地;逐字逐句地 He gave the same speech word for word [=verbatim] yesterday.他昨天把演讲一字不差地又重复了一遍。 word of honor ◊ Your word of honor is your promise that you will do something, that something is true, etc.保证;诺言;承诺 I give you my word of honor that I will pay the money back.我向你保证我会把钱还给你。 2 word /ˈwɚd/ verb words; worded; wording 2 word /ˈwɚd/ verb words; worded; wording Learner's definition of WORD [+ object] : to say (something) in a particular way by choosing which words to use措辞;用词 They worded [=phrased] their request with great care.他们措辞谨慎地提出要求。 Could we word the headline differently?我们能换种方式表述这个标题吗? — often used as (be) worded常用作(be) worded Their request was worded very carefully.他们的请求用词很谨慎。 a carefully worded statement措辞谨慎的声明




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