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词汇 work
释义 work (noun) work (adjective) work 37 ENTRIES FOUND: work (verb) work (noun) work (adjective) worked up (adjective) working (adjective) working capital (noun) working class (noun) working day (noun) working girl (noun) working papers (noun) working party (noun) working week (noun) work-shy (adjective) work-study program (noun) work-to-rule (noun) work camp (noun) work of art (noun) work release (noun) donkey work (noun) life's work (noun) out-of-work (adjective) piece of work (noun) public works (noun) social work (noun) bone (noun) charm (noun) finger (noun) get (verb) magic (noun) short (adjective) spanner (noun) stroke (noun) Trojan (noun) way (noun) wonder (noun) wrench (noun) yeoman (noun) 1 work /ˈwɚk/ verb works; worked; working 1 work /ˈwɚk/ verb works; worked; working Learner's definition of WORK 1  a  : to have a job从事…工作 [no object] I started working when I was sixteen.我十六岁就开始工作了。 Her husband doesn't work.她的丈夫不工作。 She works part-time at the restaurant.她在这家餐馆做兼职。 She has always wanted to work in advertising.她一直想从事广告工作。 She works with me. = She and I work together. [=she and I have jobs at the same place]她和我在一起工作。 men and women who work outside the home [=who have jobs in factories, restaurants, office buildings, etc.]在外工作的男男女女 [+ object] She has to work two jobs to support her family.为了养家,她不得不打两份工。 He works construction. [=he has a job in which he helps build things]他从事建筑工作。 b  : to do things as part of your job工作;干活儿 [no object] She worked through lunch to get the report done.为了完成报告,她连午餐时间都在工作。 I'm not working tomorrow—the boss gave me the day off.我明天不用上班——老板放了我一天假。 He works from home. [=his job allows him to stay home and do his work]他在家工作。 I work for him. [=I am his employee]我给他打工。 I work under her. [=she is my boss/supervisor]我在她手下工作。 [+ object] He works about 60 hours a week.他一周工作大约60个小时。 The job requires that you work some nights and weekends.这份工作要求你有时要在夜间和周末上班。 She is used to working long hours.她习惯了长时间的工作。 c  [+ object] : to do work in, on, or at (an area, event, etc.)在…工作;从事…工作 She works the Northeast region of the state selling insurance.她在东北部地区从事保险销售工作。 He was hired as a sportscaster to work the games this season.他被聘为体育节目解说员评论本赛季的比赛。 Crews work the quarry all day and night.采石场的工人不分昼夜地劳动。 farmers working the fields在田间劳作的农民 Our family has worked this land for centuries.我们家族已在这片土地上耕作了几个世纪。 2  a  [no object] : to do something that involves physical or mental effort从事体力(或脑力)劳动 She is working in the garden.她正在园子里干活儿。 They worked all day (at) cleaning the house.他们一整天都在打扫房子。 I can't work with all of this noise.我无法在这种噪声中工作。 The principal worked hard to improve the school.校长努力提高学校的办学质量。 We're working toward a solution.我们正在寻找解决方案。 I enjoy working with my hands. [=using my hands to do or make things]我喜欢干手工活儿。 a sculptor who works in/with stone [=who makes things out of stone]石料雕刻家 b  [+ object] : to force (someone or something) to do something that involves physical or mental effort迫使…做体力(或脑力)工作 The exercise is designed to work the muscles in your chest.这项运动是为锻炼胸部肌肉而设计的。 The coach worked her team hard during practice.在练习过程中,教练对她的团队进行了高强度训练。 She worked us into the ground. [=she made us work very hard and become very tired]她把我们都累趴下了。 3  [+ object] : to use and control (something)使用;操作;操纵 I don't know how to work your cell phone.我不会使用你的手机。 Who is working the machine?谁在操作这台机器? The pump is worked by hand.这是台手摇泵。 4  [no object] : to perform or operate in the correct way(正常)运行,运作,运转 The computer isn't working (properly).这台计算机坏了。 Is the elevator working again?电梯又能运行了吗? I can't get this thing to work.我没法让它正常运行。 5  [no object] a  : to have the intended effect or result起效;奏效;产生预期的效果 The medicine seems to be working.这药似乎开始奏效了。 Their plan worked.他们的计划奏效了。 The idea sounds good in theory, but it will never work in practice.这个主意听上去很合理,但实际上根本行不通。 The commercial doesn't work for me. [=I don't like it; it doesn't affect me the way it is supposed to]这则广告对我不起作用。 a dish detergent that works like magic [=that is very effective]效果显著的餐具洗涤剂 b  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to have a particular effect or result产生…作用;导致…结果 You need to do what works best for you.你得去做最适合你的事情。 Red curtains would work well in this room.红色窗帘会和这个房间特别相配。 I think you'll get the job. Being bilingual definitely works in your favor. [=it helps or benefits you]我想你会得到这份工作,会说两种语言一定会给你加分的。 Her lack of experience worked against her in the election. [=it made her less likely to win in the election]她经验上的不足使她在竞选中处于劣势。 6  [+ object] : to cause (something) to happen使(某事)发生 I'll do my best, but I can't work miracles. [=I can't make miracles happen]我会尽我最大的努力,但是我没法创造奇迹。 He's a brilliant chef who works magic [=does special or remarkable things] with the most basic ingredients.他是名出色的厨师,能用最基本的食材做出美味佳肴。 7  : to move (something) into or out of a particular position slowly or with difficulty(缓慢或艰难地)移动(到某位置),移出… [+ object] She worked her foot into the shoe.她把脚慢慢伸进鞋里。 The screw had worked itself loose. [=the screw had become loose]这个螺丝慢慢就变松动了。 [no object] The glue would stop the knot from working loose. [=from becoming loose]胶水会防止绳结松动。 — see also work your way (below) 8  [+ object] : to bring (something) into a desired shape or form by cutting it, pressing it, etc.(通过切割、按压等)使成形,使定形 Work the dough with your hands until it is smooth.用双手将面团揉至表面光滑。 a blacksmith working a piece of iron正在打铁的铁匠 9  [+ object] : to talk to and try to gain the friendship or support of (the people in a group)(努力)获取…的支持,赢得…的友谊 The singer worked the crowd throughout the whole concert.那个歌手整场演唱会都在努力打动观众。 He's a politician who really knows how to work a room. [=how to talk to the people in a room to get their support, approval, etc.]他是个很会笼络人心的政治家。 work around [phrasal verb] or chiefly British work round 1  work around/round (something) : to organize things or proceed in a way that avoids (something, such as a problem)绕过,避免(问题等) We'll just have to find a way to work around the problem.我们不得不找出一个绕开这个问题的方式。 2  work around/round to (something) : to start talking or writing about (a subject, issue, etc.) after talking or writing about other things开始谈论…;转而谈论… He eventually worked around to the company's financial situation.他最后才开始谈公司的财务状况。 work at [phrasal verb] work at (something) : to make an effort to do (something) better努力改善;致力于 He needs to work at his handwriting.他还需要多练习书写。 She has been working (harder) at controlling her temper.她一直在努力控制自己的脾气。 work in [phrasal verb] 1  work (something) in or work in (something) a  : to add or include (something) in a conversation, essay, etc.把…包括到,把…加进(对话或文章等中) During the speech, he worked in a few jokes.他在演讲中插了几个笑话。 She worked in several important points in her article.她在她的文章中加进了几个要点。 b  : to stir or mix (something) into something掺入;把…搅拌进 Work in the blueberries.把蓝莓拌入。 2  work (someone or something) in US : to make an amount of time available for (someone or something)为…腾出时间;为…安排时间 My schedule is pretty full, but I think I can work you in [=fit you in] at 11:30.我的日程表已经很满了,但我想我可以把你安排在11:30。 work into [phrasal verb] 1  work (something) into (something) a  : to add or include (something) in (something)把…加入;把…包含在 You should work more fresh fruit into your diet.你应该在饮食中加入更多的新鲜水果。 She tried to find a way of working her question into the conversation.她努力想在谈话中插入自己的提问。 b  : to stir or mix (something) into (something)把…掺入;把…拌进 Work the blueberries into the mixture.把蓝莓拌入混合料中。 2  work (someone) into (something) : to gradually cause (someone) to be in (an excited, angry, or frightened state)使(某人)逐渐进入(兴奋、气愤或害怕状态) The DJ worked the crowd into a frenzy.音乐节目主持人使人群渐渐狂热起来。 He worked himself into a rage/panic.他使自己陷入愤怒/恐慌之中。 work it/things informal : to arrange your activities in a particular way so that it is possible for something to happen or be done(为某事)进行巧妙安排,特意安排 I'm supposed to be helping my sister that night, but I'll try to work things so that I can come to your party.那天晚上我要去给妹妹帮忙,但是我会设法安排一下,好去参加你的聚会。 work off [phrasal verb] 1  work off (something) or work (something) off : to pay (a debt) by working靠工作偿债 She worked off her loan.她靠工作还清了贷款。 His parents are making him work off the cost of the bike he ruined.他的父母让他干活以补偿那辆被他弄坏的自行车的费用。 2  : to lose or get rid of (something) by physical activity(通过体力活动)消除,去除 He walks every day to work the extra weight off.他每天散步以减去多余的体重。 Jogging is a great way to work off stress.慢跑是一种减压的好方法。 work on [phrasal verb] 1  a  work on (something) : to be in the process of making (something), doing (something), etc.做(某事);从事 The director is working on a new movie.这位导演正在拍一部新电影。 I worked on this physics problem for three hours.这道物理题我钻研了三个小时。 He is in the garage working on the car.他正在车库里修车。 Scientists are beginning to work on a cure.科学家们开始研究一种治疗方法。 b  work on doing (something) : to make an effort to do (something)致力于;努力做 They are currently working on finding a cure. [=trying to find a cure]目前他们正在努力寻找一种治疗方法。 You have to work on controlling your temper.你必须尽量控制你的脾气。 2  work on (someone) : to try to influence or persuade (someone) to do something试图影响;努力说服 She is working on them to change their votes.她正在努力说服他们更改投票。 work out [phrasal verb] 1  : to perform athletic exercises in order to improve your health or physical fitness锻炼;健身;做运动 She works out at the gym twice a week.她每周在健身房锻炼两次。 2  a  : to happen, develop, or end in a desired or successful way(如愿)发生,结束;(顺利地)发展 Our plan worked out perfectly.我们的计划贯彻得很到位。 We broke up because things didn't work out between us.我们分手了,因为我们相处得并不顺利。 b  : to happen, develop, or end in a particular way or to have a particular result(以某种方式)发生,发展,结束,产生结果 Despite some difficulties, everything worked out well.尽管出现了一些困难,但一切都还不错。 Things don't always work out the way you want them to.事情并非总是按你的意愿发展。 I'm not sure how the story will work out.我不确定这个故事将会怎样结束。 How is your new roommate working out? [=how are things going with your new roommate?]你的新室友怎么样? It will work out (to be) cheaper [=it will be cheaper] if we take the bus instead of the train.如果我们搭乘公共汽车,价格会比坐火车便宜。 With tax, it worked out at/to just over $115. [=the total amount was just over $115]加上税,总价刚过115美元。 3  work out (something) or work (something) out a  : to find or create (something, such as a solution or a plan) by thinking想出,制订出(计划等);做出(决策等) I'm trying to work out [=figure out] a way to do it.我正努力想办法去做这件事。 We worked out a plan to save money.我们想出一个省钱的计划。 We'll work the details out later.稍后我们会敲定细节。 I don't know how you're going to get there. You have to work that out for yourself.我不清楚你怎么才能到那儿,你得自己想办法。 b  : to use mathematics to solve (something)(用数学)解决;算出 She worked out the problem on a piece of paper.她在一张纸上算出了这道题。 4  work (someone) out or work out (someone) British : to understand the behavior of (someone)理解;了解 He does these crazy things, and I just can't work him out. [=figure him out]他干的事这么疯狂,我简直无法理解他。 work over [phrasal verb] work (someone) over informal : to hurt (someone) by hitting, kicking, etc.殴打;伤害 He looked like someone had worked him over [=beat him up] pretty good.他看上去就像被人狠揍了一顿。 work through [phrasal verb] : to deal with (something that is difficult or unpleasant) successfully解决(难题);处理(不快的事) He saw a psychologist to help him work through his depression.他看了心理医生以寻求摆脱抑郁。 She worked through the pain without medication.在没有药物的情况下,她扛过了疼痛。 work to [phrasal verb] work to (something) chiefly British : to work within the limits of (something)依照…行事;以…为限办事 We have to work to a very tight budget.我们只能在很有限的预算内办事。 work up [phrasal verb] 1  work (someone) up : to make (someone) feel very angry, excited, upset, etc.使生气;使兴奋;使沮丧 Don't work yourself up again.你别再大动肝火了。 — see also worked up 2  work up (something) or work (something) up a  : to produce (something) by physical or mental effort(由身体或精神上的努力而)引起,产生 I worked up a sweat at the gym.我在健身房里练出了一身汗。 He managed to work up the courage to ask her out on a date.他总算鼓起勇气约她出去了。 b  chiefly British : to improve your skill at (something) or increase your knowledge of (something)提高技能;增长知识 I need to work up my French for the exam.为了考试我必须提高法语水平。 c  chiefly British : to develop or expand (something)发展;拓展 — usually + into He worked up the short story into a novel.他将这个短篇故事扩展成一部长篇小说。 3  work up to (something) : to reach (something, such as a rate or level) by gradually increasing in speed, intensity, etc.逐步达到;渐渐发展到 The ship gradually worked up to full speed.这艘船渐渐提至全速。 The story starts slow but works up to a brilliant conclusion.这个故事开始部分情节发展缓慢,但逐渐过渡到了一个精彩的结尾。 work wonders — see 1wonder work your fingers to the bone — see 1finger work your magic — see 1magic work your way : to move yourself into or out of a particular position slowly or with difficulty(缓慢或艰难地)移动 The prisoner somehow worked his way out of the handcuffs.这个囚犯不知怎么挣脱了手铐。 I worked my way to the center of the crowd.我费力地挤到人群的中心。 They started working their way cautiously down the side of the mountain.他们开始小心翼翼地沿着山坡下山了。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He had worked his way into her heart.他渐渐地走进了她心里。 She is slowly working her way to the top of the company.她正慢慢地晋升为公司高管。 ◊ If you work your way through college/school, you have a job that helps you pay for your expenses while you go to college/school.勤工俭学 He is working his way through college.他正靠勤工俭学读大学。 2 work /ˈwɚk/ noun plural works 2 work /ˈwɚk/ noun plural works Learner's definition of WORK 1  [noncount] a  : a job or activity that you do regularly especially in order to earn money工作;职业 How is work [=your job] going?你的工作还好吧? She is trying to find work in publishing.她正努力在出版界找一份工作。 How long have you been looking for work?你找工作有多长时间了? He started work as a car salesman.他开始工作时是名汽车销售员。 I know him through work.我和他是在工作中认识的。 When do you get off work? [=when do you stop working for the day?]你什么时候下班? She goes to the gym after work. [=after she has finished working]她通常下班后去健身房。 full-time/part-time work全职/兼职工作 She plans to return to work [=start working her job again] in four months.她打算四个月后重返职场。 What line of work is your wife in? = What does your wife do for work?你妻子是从事什么行业的? — see also life's work, social work b  : the place where you do your job办公室;办公地点;工作场所 She didn't come to work today.她今天没来上班。 He left work a few minutes ago.他几分钟前离开了办公室。 She's not here right now. She's at work.她现在不在这儿,她在上班。 We met at work.我们是在工作中认识的。 She went out with her friends from work.她和工作单位的几个朋友一起外出了。 2  [noncount] a  : the things that you do especially as part of your job职责;工作内容 Can you describe your work to the class?你能向全班同学介绍一下你的职责吗? A large part of the work is responding to e-mails.这个工作的大部分内容是回复电子邮件。 administrative/secretarial work行政/秘书工作 My brother did the electrical work on the house.这房子的电工活是我哥哥做的。 After you finish your work, you can go outside and play.你做完作业就能出去玩。 I have a lot of work to do.我有好多工作要做。 b  : things (such as papers, files, etc.) that you use to do your job(文件、文档等)工作所需的材料 His work cluttered his desk.他的文件凌乱地堆放在办公桌上。 She brought some work home with her from the office.她把一些文件从办公室带回了家。 — see also donkey work, fieldwork, groundwork, homework, housework, legwork, paperwork, piecework, schoolwork 3  [noncount] a  : physical or mental effort that is used to perform a job or achieve a goal(体力或脑力的)劳动,工作;努力 Getting my PhD took a lot of work, but it was worth it.拿博士学位耗费了我大量精力,但这是值得的。 Hard work is the key to success.勤奋是成功的关键。 Careful police work led to the murderer's capture.细致严谨的侦破工作使杀人犯得以落网。 She hasn't done any work since she got here.她到这儿之后就没干活。 b  : the process or activity of working工作过程 He plans to start work on a new novel soon.他计划不久后开始创作一部新小说。 The rain forced the crew to stop work on the building.下雨天迫使施工队停止对大楼的施工。 Work on the project is already underway. [=people have started working on the project]这项工程已经开始。 You need to get down to work [=start working] if you want to finish the assignment on time.如果你想按时完成任务,现在就要开始工作了。 She set to work [=started working] on the project immediately.她立即着手这一项目。 She diligently went about her work. [=did her work]她工作非常勤奋。 He was told to keep up the good work. [=to continue doing good work]他被告诫要再接再厉做好工作。 ◊ Phrases like good work, nice work, etc., are used to tell people that they have done something very well.干得好;做得好 “I finished the project ahead of schedule.” “Good work!”“我提前完成了这个项目。”“干得好!” 4  a  [noncount] : something that is produced or done by someone工作成果;产品 Some clever camera work gave the illusion that she was standing next to him.一些巧妙的摄影效果使人产生一种她站在他身旁的错觉。 The cabinets are the work of a skilled carpenter. [=the cabinets were made by a skilled carpenter]这些橱柜是一个技术熟练的木工的作品。 The robberies were the work of [=were done by] the same gang.这几起抢劫案是同一伙歹徒所为。 b  : something (such as a book, song, or painting) that is produced by a writer, musician, artist, etc.(歌曲、绘画等)作品;著作 [noncount] I love this painter's work.我喜欢这位画家的作品。 the author's entire body of work这位作者的全部著作 [count] the complete/collected works of Charles Dickens查尔斯·狄更斯全集/作品集 literary works文学作品 the painter's latest work这位画家最新的作品 The painting is a work in progress. [=it is not yet finished]这幅画还在创作当中。 — see also artwork, handiwork, handwork 5  works [plural] : roads, bridges, dams, and similar structures : structures that are built by engineers土木工程;建筑 engineering works from the 19th century19世纪的建筑 — see also public works, waterworks 6  works : a place where industrial labor is done : a factory工厂;制造厂 [singular] He got a job at a cement/lead/steel works.他在水泥厂/铅厂/钢铁厂找到了一份工作。 [plural] The local steel works have shut down.当地的钢铁厂已经关停。 — see also gasworks 7  the works : the moving parts of a machine(机器的)活动部件;机械装置 the works of a clock时钟的活动部件 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The office used to be very efficient, but the new regulations have gummed up the works. [=made the work more difficult and slow]这个办公室的工作人员过去工作效率很高,但是新的规章制度却使工作变得更加困难和缓慢。 8  the works informal : everything所有东西;全套物品 They ordered a pizza with the works. [=with all the different toppings that were available]他们订了一份带全部辅料的比萨饼。 When we went to New York, we visited the museums, did some shopping, saw some shows—the whole works.我们去纽约时参观了一些博物馆,买了些东西,还看了几场演出——全部都体验了。 9  [noncount] physics : the energy that is used when a force is applied over a given distance(物理学)功 at work 1  a  : actively doing work积极工作 He kept us hard at work but paid us well.他总让我们卖力工作,但给我们的薪水也很高。 We're at work on the new project.我们正在做那个新项目。 b  : doing your regular job工作;上班 He has been out with a back injury, but he'll be back at work soon.他因背部受伤没来上班,但是他很快会回来工作。 2  : having an effect or influence起作用;影响 She felt that a higher power was at work.她感到有种更大的力量在掌控局面。 have your work cut out for you ◊ If you have your work cut out for you, the thing you need to do is very difficult, and you have to work very hard to achieve it.(做某事)困难很大,得付出极大努力 She knew she had her work cut out for her, but she was willing to do whatever it took to succeed.她知道这事困难很大,但她愿尽一切努力做到。 in the works informal : in the process of being prepared, developed, or completed在筹备中;在进行中;即将完成 Her next movie is already in the works.她的下一部电影已经在拍摄中了。 Plans are in the works for building three new schools in the area.在这个地区新建三所学校的计划正在筹备中。 in work British : having a regular job(有固定的)工作;上班 the percentage of people who are in work [=people who have jobs]就业人群的百分比 make short/quick/light work of 1  : to make it possible for (something) to be done quickly or easily使变得容易;使快捷 This new snow shovel makes short work of clearing off the driveway.这把新雪铲清扫起私家车道来容易多了。 ◊ The expression many hands make light work means that people can do things more quickly and easily when they work together.人多做事快;人多好办事;众人拾柴火焰高 2  : to finish (something) or defeat (someone) quickly and easily迅速完成(某事);轻松击败(某人) She made short work of her opponents.她轻松击败了对手。 The kids made quick work of the french fries. [=the kids ate the french fries quickly]孩子们很快就吃完了炸薯条。 He made light work of the problem. [=he solved the problem quickly and easily]他轻而易举地解决了这个问题。 out of work : without a regular job失业 The factory closed and left/put 5,000 people out of work.这家工厂倒闭了,造成5000人失业。 He has been out of work since January. [=he has not had a job since January]他从一月份起就失业了。 put/throw a spanner in the works — see spanner throw a wrench into the works — see 1wrench — see also piece of work 3 work /ˈwɚk/ adjective 3 work /ˈwɚk/ adjective Learner's definition of WORK always used before a noun 1  : suitable to be worn while you are working适合工作时穿戴的 work clothes/boots工作服/靴 2  : used for work用于工作的 a clean work surface/table干净的工作台面 3  : of or relating to a person's job工作的;与工作有关的 What does your work schedule look like this week?你这周的工作日程是怎样安排的? a 12-hour work shift12小时轮一班 There is a place to list your work experience [=the jobs that you have had] on the application.申请表上有一处要列出你的工作经历。 My parents both had a very strong work ethic. [=a strong belief in the value and importance of work]我的父母都有很强的职业道德。 She filed for a work permit. [=an official document that shows that a person is allowed to work]她申请了工作许可证。




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