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词汇 bother
释义 bother (noun) bother 2 ENTRIES FOUND: bother (verb) bother (noun) 1 bother /ˈbɑːðɚ/ verb bothers; bothered; bothering 1 bother /ˈbɑːðɚ/ verb bothers; bothered; bothering Learner's definition of BOTHER 1  [+ object] : to cause (someone) to feel troubled, worried, or concerned使烦扰;使不安 He's so easygoing. Nothing seems to bother him.他悠闲得很。似乎任何事都不会让他心烦。 It didn't bother [=trouble] her in the least that she wasn't offered the job.她没得到那份工作,但她一点儿也不在乎。 It bothers [=worries] them that there's no hospital nearby.附近没有医院,这让他们头疼。 Something he said at the meeting has been bothering me.他在会上说的话让我忧心忡忡。 ◊ To not bother yourself about/with something or not bother your head about/with something is to not worry or be concerned about something.不为某事而忧虑;不操心 He decided he wasn't going to bother himself about the opinions of others.他决定不再为别人的看法而自寻烦恼。 Don't bother your head with those questions right now.现在别为那些问题发愁了。 2  [+ object] : to annoy (someone) : to cause (someone) to feel annoyed使恼怒 It bothers [=irks] her when people throw trash on the ground.她讨厌别人把垃圾扔到地上。 He's bothered [=annoyed] by drivers who don't use their turn signals.他最烦不打转向灯的司机。 The entire car trip was filled with complaints like, “Mom, David keeps bothering me!” and “Will you tell him to quit bothering me?”整个车程中抱怨声不断:“妈,戴维总是烦我!”“叫他别再烦我,行吗?” 3  [no object] a  : to take the time to do something : to make an effort to do something费时间或精力做某事 Mother used to cook elaborate dinners, but with only herself to cook for, she doesn't bother anymore.过去妈妈晚餐总是做得很丰盛,但现在只她一个人吃,也就不再费这个神了。 “Should I call later?” “No, don't bother.”“要我过会儿打电话过去吗?”“不用麻烦了。” — often followed by to + verb or by -ing verb常接动词不定式或动词-ing形式 Nobody bothered [=took the trouble] to tell me the school would be closed today.没人费这个劲告诉我今天学校停课。 He never bothered to explain what happened.他向来懒得解释发生了什么。 Don't bother asking him about it. He won't tell you anything.别费口舌问他了,他什么都不会告诉你的。 Why bother talking if no one is listening?既然没人听,干吗白费口舌呢? ◊ If you can't be bothered to do something, you do not want to make an effort to do it or are not interested in doing it.懒得做某事;对某事不感兴趣 The trick is somewhat dangerous, so if you can't be bothered to do it right, then don't even attempt it.这个戏法有些危险,所以如果你不愿意按正确步骤做,干脆就别试了。 I asked her to send a picture, but apparently she just couldn't be bothered (to send one).我叫她寄张照片,但她显然懒得去寄。 b  : to be concerned with or about something关心某事 I'm not going to bother with the details.我才不去操心那些细节。 We were told not to bother about the early data [=not to consider or use early data] when writing the report.我们被告知,写报告时无须考虑早期数据。 4  [+ object] : to interrupt or talk to (someone who is working or who wants to be alone)打断;打扰 Don't bother your mother right now. She's very tired.现在别去打扰你妈妈,她很累。 I hate to bother [=trouble] you, but I was wondering if you could help me with something.抱歉打扰一下,你能帮我个忙吗? Sorry to bother [=inconvenience] you. I just had a quick question.抱歉打扰一下,我只有一个简短的问题。 5  [+ object] a  : to make (someone) feel sick or uncomfortable使不舒服 He said his stomach was bothering him.他说他胃不舒服。 Her arthritis has been bothering her.关节炎一直让她备受煎熬。 b  : to cause a painful or unpleasant feeling in (part of someone's body)使感到(身体部位)疼痛;使不舒服 The camera strap bothers my shoulder.相机带子勒得我肩膀疼。 The bright light bothered her eyes.强光让她眼睛很不舒服。 6  chiefly British, somewhat old-fashioned — used as an interjection to express annoyance or frustration讨厌,烦人(用作感叹词,表示气恼) Bother this car! It won't start!这车真讨厌!发动不起来了! Oh, bother (it). I forgot my keys.真烦人!我忘了带钥匙! 2 bother /ˈbɑːðɚ/ noun 2 bother /ˈbɑːðɚ/ noun Learner's definition of BOTHER 1  [singular] : someone or something that is annoying or that causes trouble制造麻烦的人;麻烦的事 Replacing the windows could be more of a bother than it's worth.换掉窗户太麻烦,不值得。 Sorry to be such a bother [=nuisance], but I was wondering if you could help me with something.对不起,打扰你了,你能帮我个忙吗? I know what a bother driving into the city can be this time of day.我知道现在这个时候开车进城有多么麻烦。 2  [noncount] : trouble or difficulty : inconvenience麻烦;困难;不便 “Sorry to bother you.” “That's okay, it's no bother at all.”“对不起,打扰你了。”“没关系,一点儿也不打扰。” I considered replacing that part of the floor but decided it wasn't worth the bother.我考虑过换掉那块地板,但又觉得不值得这么麻烦。 He doesn't want the bother of filling out all those forms again.他不想费神重新填那些表格。 Will you mail this for me? It will save me the bother of going to the post office.帮我把这寄出去可以吗?省得我去邮局了。




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