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词汇 world
释义 world (adjective) world 36 ENTRIES FOUND: world (noun) world (adjective) world-beater (noun) world-class (adjective) world-famous (adjective) world-renowned (adjective) world's fair (noun) world-weary (adjective) World Cup (noun) world music (noun) world power (noun) World Series (noun) world war (noun) World Wide Web (noun) brave new world (noun) first world (noun) man of the world (noun) New World (noun) Old World (noun) old-world (adjective) third world (noun) twilight world (noun) woman of the world (noun) New World (proper noun) Old World (proper noun) court (noun) dead (adjective) end (noun) long (adjective) opinion (noun) oyster (noun) promise (verb) small (adjective) top (noun) way (noun) will (noun) 1 world /ˈwɚld/ noun plural worlds 1 world /ˈwɚld/ noun plural worlds Learner's definition of WORLD 1  a  the world : the earth and all the people and things on it地球;世界;天下 the countries/people/languages of the world全世界的国家/人民/语言 He is famous throughout the world.他名扬天下。 They sailed around the world.他们曾环球航行。 people from (all) around/across the world = people from all over the world来自世界各地的人 the tallest building in the (whole/entire) world = the world's tallest building全世界最高的建筑 It can be found anywhere/everywhere in the world.这在世界各地都可以找得到。 The product is shipped halfway around/across the world.运输这种产品要横跨半个地球。 The problem occurs in many/other/different parts of the world.这个问题出现在世界许多/其他/不同的地方。 The island was cut off from the rest of the world.这个岛过去与世界其他地区是完全隔绝的。 They want to see/travel the world.他们想见见世面/周游世界。 b  [count] : a part of the world and the people and things that exist there(某地区、某类人及事物组成的)世界,社会 the Eastern and Western worlds东方和西方世界 the industrialized world工业化社会 people living in the English-speaking world生活在英语世界的人 — see also first world, new world, old world, third world 2  [count] : human society人类社会;世界 the history of the world世界历史 the ancient and modern worlds古代和现代社会 I felt alone in the world.在这个世界上我感到很孤单。 She became depressed and withdrew from the world.她变得心灰意冷,把自己与外界隔绝开来。 In an ideal/perfect world, no one would go hungry.在一个理想/完美的世界里,没有人会挨饿。 ambitious students who want to change the world志在改变世界的学生们 She seems ignorant of the ways of the world.她好像不懂处世之道。 ◊ The real world is the world where everyone lives, works, and deals with everyday problems.现实世界 After college, she went out into the real world and got a job.大学毕业后,她步入社会并找了一份工作。 He seems out of touch with the real world.他似乎与现实世界完全脱节了。 3  the world : the people in the world人类;全世界的人 She felt that the world was against her.她觉得全世界都在跟她作对。 We had no help or support. It was just us against the world.我们得不到任何帮助或支持,就只有我们自己孤军奋战。 They announced their discovery to the world.他们向全世界公布了他们的发现。 He sat in a café watching the world go by. [=watching people go by]他坐在咖啡馆里,看着来来往往的人们。 The world watched as he attempted to break the Olympic record.他努力打破奥运会纪录之际,全世界的人都在关注。 She felt the eyes of the world watching her.她感到世人的眼睛都在盯着她。 It's a private matter. I wish you wouldn't tell the whole world about it!这是私事,我希望你不要满世界地说! ◊ The outside world refers to the people who live outside of a particular place or who do not belong to a particular group.外界 The inmates have little contact with the outside world.囚犯们与外界几乎没有联系。 a local artist who was unknown to the outside world不为外界所知的当地艺术家 4  [count] a  : a particular kind of interest, activity, or social situation, or the people who are involved in it(按兴趣、活动、社会地位以及参与的人划分的)特定领域,界 the art/music/fashion world艺术/音乐/时尚界 the business and financial worlds商界和金融界 the world of the rich and famous社会名流 — see also twilight world b  : a group of things of a particular type某种类别;某种群体;界 the animal/plant/insect world动物/植物/昆虫界 c  : a particular environment特定环境 the natural world自然界 exploring the underwater world探索水下世界 Technology is forever changing our world.技术永远在不断改变着我们的世界。 5  [count] a  : a particular part of human life and experience生活领域 the physical/material/spiritual world客观/物质/精神世界 b  : the life and experiences of a particular person生活;经历 His (whole/entire) world fell apart when his wife left him.妻子离开他后,他的(整个)世界都崩溃了。 She acts as if she doesn't have a care in the world. [=she acts as if she has no worries at all]她表现得似乎对什么都不在乎。 6  [count] : a planet where there is life : a planet that is like Earth(与地球类似的)星球,行星 stories about other worlds关于外星球的故事 a creature from another world来自另一星球的生物 7  [singular] informal : a great amount of something大量;无数 He's in a world of trouble. [=a lot of trouble]他深陷困境。 The new mattress made a world of difference.这张新床垫的效果完全不同。 A vacation would do you a world of good.休假会对你大有益处。 8  the world : all that is important : everything一切;重要性 I would give my children the world if I could.如果可以的话,我会把一切都给我的孩子们。 She means the world to me. [=she is extremely important to me; I care about her very much]她对我来说意味着一切。 It would mean the world to me if you came with me.如果你和我一起来,那对我来说将非常重要。 He thinks the world of you. [=he thinks very highly of you]他非常看重你。 all the time in the world : a great deal of time to do something(做某事的)大量时间 Hurry up! We don't have all the time in the world!快点!我们没有太多时间! a world away from : completely different from (something)与…截然不同 This small village is a world away from the hustle and bustle of the city.这个小村庄与城市的喧嚣截然不同。 come down in the world : to become less wealthy, successful, etc.(财富、事业等)落魄,衰落,潦倒 It is sad to see how he has come down in the world.看到他落魄潦倒让人很难过。 come into the world formal + literary : to be born出生 Their son came into the world at 10:32 p.m. on January 14, 2003.他们的儿子出生于2003年1月14日晚上10:32。 dead to the world — see 1dead for all the world : in every way : exactly各方面;完全 The copy looked for all the world like the original.这个复制品和原作简直完全一样。 for the world informal : for any reason无论如何 — used to make a statement more forceful用于加强语气 I wouldn't miss your wedding for the world.我无论如何都不会错过你的婚礼。 in the world informal : among many possibilities究竟;到底;世界上 — used to make a question or statement more forceful用于加强疑问句或陈述句的语气 What in the world [=on earth] are you talking about?你到底在说什么? Where in the world were you?你究竟去哪儿了? How in the world could you do that to her?你怎么能那样对她? This is the best apple pie in the world.这是世界上最好吃的苹果派。 There is nothing in the world I would like better than to go to your wedding.在这个世界上没有比参加你的婚礼更让我开心的事了。 in your own world or in a world of your own ◊ If you are/live in a world of your own or are/live in your own (little) world, you spend so much time thinking about something that you do not notice what is happening around you.活在自己的小天地里 I tried to talk to him, but he was in his own little world and didn't seem to hear what I was saying.我尽力和他说话,但是他沉浸在自己的世界里,似乎没有听到我在说什么。 (it's a) small world — used to show surprise when you meet someone you know at an unexpected place or find out that you share a friend, acquaintance, etc., with another person世界真小 You know him, too? Wow, it's a small world.你也认识他?啊,这世界真小。 move up in the world : to become more wealthy, successful, etc.发迹;发达 He has really moved up in the world.他的确发达了。 not long for this world : about to die soon不久于人世 His grandfather is not long for this world.他爷爷将不久于人世了。 not the end of the world — see 1end on top of the world — see 1top out of this world informal : very good : excellent极好;很棒;好得不得了 My mom's apple pie is out of this world.我妈妈做的苹果派棒极了。 promise (someone) the world — see 2promise set the world on fire informal also chiefly British set the world alight : to be very successful and attract a lot of attention大获成功;引起轰动 The company is doing all right, but they haven't exactly set the world on fire.公司目前一切顺利,但还算不上大获成功。 the best of all (possible) worlds : the best possible situation最佳境况 The current economic situation is the best of all possible worlds for investors.目前的经济形势对投资者来说是最有利的。 the best/worst of both worlds ◊ When you have the best of both worlds, you have all the advantages of two different situations and none of the disadvantages.两全其美;两头受益 I have the best of both worlds—a wonderful family and a great job.我的生活两全其美——家庭美满,工作理想。 ◊ When you have the worst of both worlds, you have all the disadvantages of two different situations and none of the advantages.两方面都很差 Living in the suburbs is the worst of both worlds—there's neither the excitement of the city nor the quiet of the country.生活在郊区两头都够不上——既没有城里的热闹也没有乡村的宁静。 the (whole) world over : everywhere in the world世界各地 His books have entertained readers the world over.他的书世界各地的读者都喜欢看。 the world is your oyster — see oyster world (is) coming to ◊ People say that they don't know what the world is coming to or they ask What is the world coming to? when they are shocked or disgusted by something that has happened.这世道怎么了;这世界成什么样子了;太不像话了 I don't know what the world is coming to when so many poor children have to go to bed hungry every night.那么多穷孩子每晚要饿着肚子睡觉,这成什么世道了。 world revolves around 1  ◊ If you think the world revolves around you, you think that your own life, problems, etc., are more important than other people's.世界围着你转;以自我为中心 I can't just drop everything to help you. The world doesn't revolve around you, you know.我不能放下所有的事去帮你,你知道,这世界不是围着你转的。 2  ◊ If your world revolves around (someone or something), that person or thing is extremely important in your life.以…为中心 Their world revolves around their children.他们的生活是以自己的孩子为中心。 world(s) apart ◊ If something is a world apart from something else, or if two people or things are worlds apart, they are completely different.截然不同;天壤之别 The place where she lives now is a world apart from the small town where she grew up.她现在生活的地方与她长大的那个小镇有天壤之别。 They are worlds apart [=they disagree very much] on most issues.在大多数问题上,他们的意见都截然不同。 — see also man of the world, woman of the world 2 world /ˈwɚld/ adjective 2 world /ˈwɚld/ adjective Learner's definition of WORLD always used before a noun 1  : of or relating to the whole world全世界的 world history/leaders世界历史/领袖 She broke the world record.她打破了世界纪录。 They won the world championship.他们获得了世界冠军。 2  a  : extending or found throughout the world : worldwide世界范围的 world peace世界和平 b  : involving many parts of the world or the whole world环球的 a world tour环球旅行 c  : known or famous throughout the world世界闻名的 a world authority on gemstones闻名世界的宝石专家




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