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词汇 bring
释义 bring 19 ENTRIES FOUND: bring (verb) bring-and-buy sale (noun) account (noun) alive (adjective) bacon (noun) bear (verb) best (noun) book (noun) bottle (noun) forth (adverb) forward (adverb) home (adverb) knee (noun) life (noun) light (noun) mind (noun) peg (noun) rear (noun) worst (noun) bring /ˈbrɪŋ/ verb brings; brought /ˈbrɑːt/ ; bringing bring /ˈbrɪŋ/ verb brings; brought /ˈbrɑːt/ ; bringing Learner's definition of BRING [+ object] 1  : to come with (something or someone) to a place把…带至某处;带来 I'll bring a bottle of wine (with me) when I come to your party.我会带上一瓶葡萄酒来参加你的聚会。 “Should I send you a check?” “Why not just bring me the money when you come?”“要我给你寄张支票吗?”“干吗不过来时把钱带上呢?” Have you brought the money with you from the bank?你从银行把钱带来了吗? She brought her boyfriend home to meet her parents.她把男友带回家见父母。 You stay where you are and I'll bring you another drink. = I'll bring another drink to you.你待在这儿,我去给你再拿一杯喝的。 2  : to cause (something or someone) to come引来;招致 Her screams brought [=attracted] help.她大声喊叫,引来人们帮忙。 Her screams brought the neighbors running. [=the neighbors ran to help her when they heard her screams]她大声喊叫,引得邻居们都跑来帮忙。 Love of adventure brought her here before taking her to many other places.对冒险的热爱使她在去往许多其他地方之前首先来到了这里。 This radio station brings you all the news as it happens.这家电台为你带来实时新闻报道。 3  : to cause (something) to exist, happen, or start使存在;使发生;使开始 Can anything bring peace to this troubled region?有什么能给这个动荡的地区带来和平吗? In this part of the country, winter brings snow (with it).在这个国家的这个地区,冬天会下雪。 The tablets may bring (you) some relief.这种药片可以减轻(你的)症状。 Having a baby has brought great happiness into her life.孩子的出生给她的生活带来了巨大的幸福。 The sad story brought tears to our eyes [=made us cry] but its happy ending brought smiles to our lips. [=made us smile]这个悲伤的故事让我们落泪,但最终欢喜的结局又把我们逗笑了。 4  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to cause (something or someone) to reach a specified state, place, condition, etc.使…处于;使…达到 The dancer brought his hands up to his face.舞者把双手举到脸前。 (US) Bring the water to a boil. = (Brit) Bring the water to the boil. [=heat the water so that it boils]把水烧开。 The pilot brought them safely out of danger.飞行员使他们平安脱险。 Winter snow brought traffic to a stop.冬雪使得交通停滞。 A few steps brought us to the front door.几级台阶把我们引到前门。 The thrilling climax brought the audience to its/their feet.扣人心弦的高潮使得观众都站了起来。 This history book brings us up to the present day.这本史书追古溯今,一直讲到当代。 5  : to have (a particular talent, quality, etc.) when you start to do something (such as a job)具备,具有(做某工作等的才能、素质等) — + to She brings years of experience to the position. [=she comes to the position with years of experience]她任职时已有多年工作经验。 He brings a rare talent for solving problems to his new job as company president.他首次担任公司总裁时,已具备难能可贵的处理问题的才能。 6  law : to start a case against someone in a court of law提起(诉讼);起诉 They threatened to bring [=institute] legal action against him.他们威胁说要控告他。 They are going to bring charges against him. [=they are going to charge him with a crime]他们打算起诉他。 7  : to cause (something) to reach a total使(某物)总计达;总额达 — + to Last week's sales figures brought our pretax profits for the year to just over $35,000,000.算上上周销售额,我们年度税前利润总计达到3500多万美元。 The donation brought the fund to over a million dollars.这笔捐款使基金总额达到了100多万美元。 8  : to get (an amount of money) as a price : to be sold for (a price)标价;售价为 The painting ought to bring [=fetch] a high price.这幅画应该卖个好价钱。 ◊ In addition to the phrases shown below, bring occurs in many idioms that are shown at appropriate entries throughout the dictionary. For example, bring to bear can be found at 2bear and bring to an end can be found at 1end.除下列短语外,还有许多带有bring的习语被收入本词典其他相应的词条中。如bring to bear见于²bear,bring to an end见于¹end。 bring about [phrasal verb] bring about (something) also bring (something) about : to cause (something)导致;引起 “What brought about the crisis?” “It was brought about by many factors.”“什么引发了危机?”“它是由许多因素造成的。” bring around (chiefly US) [phrasal verb] or chiefly British bring round 1  bring (someone) around : to cause (someone) to come around: such as使回来;使苏醒 a  : to cause (someone) to accept and support something (such as an idea) after opposing it使回心转意;说服 She still says she won't support us, but we'll bring her around eventually. [=we'll convince/persuade her to support us eventually]她还是说不会支持我们,不过,我们最终会说服她的。 — often + to I'm sure we can bring her around to our way of thinking.我确信我们能够让她接受我们的思维方式。 b  : to cause (someone) to become awake again after being unconscious使苏醒;使恢复知觉 The boxer was knocked out and it took the doctor several minutes to bring him around. [=bring him to]拳击手被打昏了,医生花了好几分钟才使他苏醒过来。 c  : to come with (someone) for a social visit带(某人)串门 Why don't you bring your friend around (to my house) after work today?今天下班后,你不妨带上朋友到我家来坐坐吧。 2  bring (something) around : to cause (something, such as a conversation) to go to a desired subject or area使(话题等)导向;使转到 — + to We gradually brought the conversation around to the subject of his unpaid bills.我们逐渐将话题转到他的未付账单上。 bring back [phrasal verb] 1  bring (something or someone) back or bring back (something or someone) a  : to come back with (something or someone)带…回来 What did you bring back (with you) from your vacation?假期你有些什么收获? You promised to bring back a present for me. = You promised to bring me back a present.你答应过给我带礼物回来。 b  : to cause (something or someone) to return使返回;恢复 The death penalty was done away with in this area many years ago, but some people now want it to be brought back.这个地区多年前废止了死刑,但现在有些人又想要恢复它。 The movie is a fantasy about a man who is brought back (to life) from the dead.这部电影讲的是一个人死而复生的虚幻故事。 The company is doing poorly, and its former president is being brought back to help solve its problems.公司业绩不佳,前任总裁正被召回帮助解决问题。 c  : to cause (something or someone) to return to a condition, subject, etc.使回到(某情况、主题等) That question brings us back (again) to the fundamental problem of world peace.那个问题把我们(又)带回到世界和平这个根本问题上来了。 We gradually brought the conversation back to the subject of his unpaid bills.我们逐渐把话题引回到他的未付账单上。 2  bring (something) back or bring back (something) : to cause (something) to return to someone's memory使回忆起;使想起 Seeing her again brought back a lot of happy memories.再次见到她勾起了许多美好的回忆。 I had almost forgotten about the time we spent together, but seeing her again brought it all back (to me).我几乎已经忘记了我们一起度过的那段时光,但再次见到她又(让我)记起了一切。 bring before [phrasal verb] bring (someone or something) before (someone or something) formal : to cause (someone or something) to come to (someone or something) for an official decision or judgment将…提交裁定(或审判) He was brought (up) before the judge on a charge of obstructing justice.他因妨碍司法公正被送交法庭审判。 The case was finally brought before the Supreme Court.这个案子最后上诉至最高法院。 bring down [phrasal verb] 1  bring down (someone or something) or bring (someone or something) down : to cause (someone or something) to fall down onto the ground使倒下;使落下 The deer was brought down by a single shot.那只鹿被一枪打倒了。 The plane was brought down by enemy fire.飞机被敌人的炮火击落。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The government was brought down by a vote of no confidence.政府因被投不信任票而下台。 a famous politician who was brought down by scandal因丑闻而下台的著名政治人物 2  bring (something) down or bring down (something) : to cause (something) to become lower使降低 Will anything ever bring house prices down?有没有什么会使房价降下来? 3  bring (someone) down informal : to cause (someone) to become sad or depressed使心情低落;使沮丧 All this rainy weather is really bringing me down. [=getting me down]这样的下雨天真让我心情低落。 bring forth [phrasal verb] bring (something) forth or bring forth (something) somewhat formal : to produce (something)生产;产出 The rosebushes brought forth an abundance of flowers.玫瑰丛开了很多花。 He was able to bring forth persuasive arguments in support of his position.他可以拿出有力的论据来支持自己的观点。 : to cause (something) to occur or exist引起;导致 Her controversial comments brought forth [=provoked] strong reactions from the public.她那有争议的评论引起了公众的强烈反应。 bring forward [phrasal verb] 1  bring (something) forward or bring forward (something) : to talk about or show (something) so that it can be seen or discussed by others提议;提出供讨论 The police have brought new evidence forward.警方提出了新的证据。 2  : to make the time of (something) earlier or sooner将(时间)提前 We need to bring the meeting forward from Tuesday to Monday so that more people can attend.我们需要把会议从周二提前到周一,以便更多的人能够参加。 bring in [phrasal verb] 1  bring in (someone) or bring (someone) in : to cause (someone) to become involved in a process, activity, etc.使参加;使卷入 The company has decided to bring in outside experts to help on the project.公司决定请外部专家来帮助做这个项目。 2  bring in (something) or bring (something) in a  : to produce or earn (an amount of money)赚得;挣得 Each sale brought in $5.每笔买卖赚5美元。 He works at a large company and brings in a good salary.他在一家大公司上班,工资不菲。 b  law : to report (an official decision) to a court(在法庭上)宣布,做出(裁决) The jury brought in [=returned] a verdict of not guilty. [=the jury said that the defendant was not guilty]陪审团做出无罪宣判。 c  chiefly British : to introduce (a new law, rule, etc.)提出,引进(新法案、新规则等) The government is going to bring in legislation to make such practices illegal.政府打算提出一项法案,将此类行为规定为非法。 3  bring in (someone or something) or bring (someone or something) in : to cause (someone or something) to come to a place带进;引入 The store is having a special sale in order to bring in [=attract] new customers/business.这家店正在进行特卖,想以此招揽新顾客/生意。 The police brought him in (to the police station) for questioning.警察把他带去(警察局)问话。 bring off [phrasal verb] bring (something) off also bring off (something) : to do (something difficult) : to achieve or accomplish (something)完成,做完(艰难的工作) It's a challenging role. She's the only actress I know with enough talent to bring it off.这是一个有挑战性的角色。她是我知道的唯一有足够才华能够胜任的女演员。 bring on [phrasal verb] 1  bring on (something) or bring (something) on : to cause (something) to appear or occur引起;导致 The crisis was brought on by many factors.危机是由多种因素造成的。 2  bring (something) on (someone) : to cause (something bad) to happen to (someone)使遭受;使承受 You've brought nothing but shame on your family since the day you were born!从你出生那天起,你给家里带来的就只有耻辱,没有别的! I can't help thinking you've brought some of this trouble on yourself.我不得不认为,你是自找了一些麻烦。 bring out [phrasal verb] 1  bring out (something) or bring (something) out a  : to show (something) : to cause (something) to appear or to be more easily seen显示;使明显 The debate brought out [=highlighted] the differences between the two candidates.这场辩论暴露出两位候选人之间的分歧。 That blue sweater really brings out the color in your eyes.那件蓝色毛衣正能衬出你眼睛的颜色。 Our school aims to bring out [=develop] the talents in each of our students.我们学校的目标是让每一名学生的才华都能得以施展。 A crisis brings out the best in some people and brings out the worst in others. [=a crisis causes some people to behave very well and other people to behave very badly]危机使一些人表现出其最好的一面,而使另一些人暴露出其最坏的一面。 b  : to produce (something, such as a book) : to cause (something) to become available or to come out生产;出版 a writer who's expected to bring out a new novel next year预计明年推出小说新作的作家 2  bring (someone) out in (something) British : to cause (someone) to begin to have (something, such as a rash) on the skin使(某人)皮肤长出(皮疹等) Eating strawberries brings me out in spots. [=eating strawberries makes me break out in spots]吃草莓使我起了疹子。 bring round — see bring around (above) bring to [phrasal verb] bring (someone) to : to cause (someone) to become awake again after being unconscious使苏醒;使恢复知觉 The boxer was knocked out and it took the doctor several minutes to bring him to. [=bring him around]拳击手被打昏了,医生花了好几分钟才使他苏醒过来。 bring together [phrasal verb] bring (people) together or bring together (people) : to cause (people) to join or meet : to cause (people) to come together使联合;使走到一起 She and her husband were brought together by a shared love of the natural world.对自然界共同的热爱使她和丈夫走到了一起。 The conference has brought together some of the world's leading experts on laser technology.这次会议聚集了激光技术方面的一些世界顶级专家。 bring up [phrasal verb] 1  bring (someone) up or bring up (someone) : to take care of and teach (a child who is growing up)抚养;养育 I was born and brought up [=raised, reared] in Chicago.我在芝加哥出生长大。 My grandparents brought me up after my parents died.父母去世后,爷爷奶奶把我养大。 My parents brought me up to respect authority. [=my parents taught me to respect authority when I was a child]从小父母就教导我要尊重权威。 2  bring (something) up or bring up (something) a  : to mention (something) when talking : to start to talk about (something)提及;提出 We were waiting for a suitable moment to bring up [=introduce, raise] the subject of his unpaid bills.我们正等待适当时机,好将他的未付账单一事提出来。 I wasn't going to talk about money, but since you've brought it up, I guess it's something we should really discuss.我本不打算谈钱的问题,不过,既然你提到了,我想咱们还真得好好谈谈。 I'm glad you mentioned money. That brings up the question of how much we can afford to spend.我很高兴你谈到了钱,这便引出了我们能够负担多少开销的问题。 b  computers : to cause (something, such as a file or picture) to appear on a computer screen使(文件、图片等)显示在计算机屏幕上;调出 The system makes it easy to bring up (on the screen) information about any customer.这个系统可以使人轻易地调出任何客户的信息。 c  : 1vomit The patient tried to eat some breakfast but immediately brought it back up again.病人尽量吃了点早餐,但马上又吐了出来。 3  bring (someone) up : to cause (someone) to stop suddenly使(某人)突然停止 — used in phrases like bring up short and bring up suddenly用于bring up short、bring up suddenly等短语 He was just starting to argue when her scream brought him up short.他刚要开口争辩,就被她的尖叫声给镇住了。 bring yourself : to force yourself to do something that you do not want to do迫使自己做 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 He knew that he should apologize, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.他知道自己应该道歉,但实在无法使自己这样做。 — bringer noun, plural bringers [count] a bringer of good news带来好消息的人




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