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词汇 call
释义 call (noun) call 46 ENTRIES FOUND: call (verb) call (noun) call-in (noun) calling (noun) calling card (noun) call-up (noun) call box (noun) call forwarding (noun) call girl (noun) call letters (noun) call number (noun) call of nature (noun) call sign (noun) call waiting (noun) cattle call (noun) clarion call (noun) close call (noun) cold call (noun) conference call (noun) curtain call (noun) house call (noun) judgment call (noun) last call (noun) name-calling (noun) port of call (noun) roll call (noun) so-called (adjective) toll call (noun) trunk call (noun) wake-up call (noun) account (noun) arm (noun) beck (noun) bluff (noun) carpet (noun) day (noun) forth (adverb) mind (noun) order (noun) pay (verb) quits (adjective) shot (noun) sick (adjective) spade (noun) time (noun) tune (noun) 1 call /ˈkɑːl/ verb calls; called; calling 1 call /ˈkɑːl/ verb calls; called; calling Learner's definition of CALL 1  a  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to speak in a loud voice大声说;喊;叫 [no object] He called to passersby for help.他向路人大声呼喊求助。 She called up to her husband, who was at the top of the stairs.她向站在楼梯顶上的丈夫大声喊话。 Her husband called back down to her.她丈夫从上面向她回喊。 She saw her friends across the street and called over/across to them.她看见朋友们在马路对面,就隔着马路向他们喊起来。 [+ object] He called her name in his sleep.他在睡梦中喊她的名字。 — see also call out 1 (below) b  [+ object] : to announce or read (something) in a loud voice广播通知,大声念出 call the roll大声点名 call (off) a row of figures大声念出一组数字 They're calling [=announcing] our flight: it's boarding at gate 57.广播通知我们的航班在57号登机口登机。 — see also call out 1 (below) c  [no object] of a bird or animal : to make the sound that is usual for a particular type of bird or animal(鸟、兽)啼,鸣叫,发出叫声 The birds were calling as the sun rose.日出时百鸟齐鸣。 2  : to make a telephone call打电话 [no object] I call once a week to talk to my parents.我每周给父母打一次电话 Where are you calling from?请问你是从哪里打电话来的? May I say who's calling?请问你是谁? Thank you for calling.谢谢你打电话过来。 Please call back/again later.请稍后再拨。 She called long-distance.她打了长途电话。 [+ object] I try to call my parents at least once a week.我尽量每周至少给父母打一次电话。 She called me long-distance.她给我打了长途电话。 I called the office to get some information.我给那个办事处打电话询问了一些信息。 Please call us back/again later.请过一会儿再打过来。 Don't call us—we'll call you.别给我们打电话,我们会打给你的。 In an emergency you should call [=dial] 911.紧急情况应拨打911。 Call me when you get back from your vacation.休假回来后给我打个电话。 — see also call 3b (below), call in 1 (below), call up 1 (below) 3  [+ object] a  : to tell, order, or ask (someone or something) to come召唤;呼唤;传唤 I called the waiter over (to my table) and asked for the check, and then I called him back to order something else.我把服务员叫过来结账,然后又叫他回来点了别的东西。 My dog comes running when he's called.我的狗听到召唤会跑过来。 She was called to court to testify.她被传唤出庭做证。 He was called to the office for an interview.他被叫到办公室面试。 soldiers who have been called to active duty被召服役的军人 He's not home because he was called away on business.他不在家,被叫去出差了。 b  : to make a telephone call to tell, order, or ask (someone or something) to come打电话叫…来 We had to call an ambulance.我们不得不打电话叫了一辆救护车来。 He called a taxi but it still hasn't come.他打电话叫了辆出租车,可到现在还没来。 He called a taxi for me. = He called me a taxi.他打电话为我叫了辆出租车。 — see also call 2 (above) 4  [+ object] a  : to give a name to (someone or something)给…取名 Her parents called [=named] her Katherine after/for her grandmother.她的父母给她取了祖母的名字凯瑟琳。 The immigrants settled along the river and called their new town “Brookhaven.”移民们沿河岸定居,并给他们的新城取名为“布鲁克黑文”。 b  : to talk to or refer to (someone or something) with a specified name将…称作 Her name is Katherine but her friends all call her “Kitty.”她名叫凯瑟琳,但朋友们都称她为“姬蒂”。 This part of the city is called “The Old Town.”城市的这一片被称作“老城区”。 It's important to call things by their right names.准确地说出事物的名称是十分重要的。 Human beings belong to a large group of animals called “mammals.”人类属于“哺乳动物”这样一个大的动物种群。 The other children called him (bad) names. [=the other children spoke to him with cruel and insulting words in place of his name]其他孩子都辱骂他,不叫他的名字。 — see also name-calling c  : to regard or think of (someone or something) in a certain way把…看作;认为…是 Some people say he's a good man, but I call him a fool. [=I consider him to be a fool]有些人说他是好人,可我认为他是个傻瓜。 She went out in the rain without an umbrella? I call that pretty foolish.她下雨天外出不打伞?我看这可真是太傻了。 He's not what you would call a generous man. [=he's not a generous man]他并不像你认为的那么慷慨。 Her sense of humor is what you might call subtle. [=she has a subtle sense of humor]她的幽默感不太容易被察觉。 (You can) Call me foolish if you like, but I still think people are basically good.喜欢的话你们可以说我傻,可我仍然相信人的本质是好的。 It costs 99 cents: let's call it an even dollar for simplicity's sake.价钱是99美分,为方便起见就算作1美元吧。 You may not agree with him, but he calls them like he sees them! [=he states his opinion in an open, honest, and direct way]你可能不同意他所说的,可他讲的全都是真心话! You did me a favor and I did you a favor, so let's call it even.你帮过我,我也帮过你,现在咱俩扯平了。 5  [+ object] : to give the order for (something, such as a meeting)召开;召集;下令举行 call [=convene] a meeting召开会议 call an election举行选举 The union has threatened to call a strike against the company.工会威胁公司说要下令举行罢工。 The chairman called a halt to [=stopped] the discussion.主席宣布停止讨论。 6  [no object] : to make a brief visit拜访;访问 He called to pay his respects.他来拜访以表敬意。 We're planning to call [=stop] at a friend's house on the way home.我们打算在回家的路上去几位朋友家拜访。 — see also call at (below), call for 2 (below), call in 2 (below), call on 5 (below) 7  [+ object] : to say or guess what the result of something will be推测;预测 Nobody else thought the election would turn out as it did, but he called [=predicted] it exactly right!其他任何人都没有想到选举结果会是这样的,但他却预测得完全正确! You called it! [=you correctly said what would happen]你的预测真准! call the toss of a coin抛硬币猜测正反面 We flipped a coin; he called heads, and heads it was!我们掷硬币,他猜是正面,结果真的是正面! The election is still too close to call. [=the election is too close to say who will win]选举双方旗鼓相当,很难预测谁将胜出。 8  [+ object] sports a  : to stop or cancel (something, such as a baseball game) because of bad conditions(棒球比赛等因条件限制而)停止,取消 The game was called on account of rain.比赛因下雨取消了。 b  : to make an official ruling or decision about (something, such as a pitched ball or a player's action)(裁判员)裁定,判定 Only the umpire has the right to call balls and strikes.只有裁判有权判定是坏球还是好球。 The pitch was called a strike. [=the umpire said that the pitch was a strike]这一投被判为好球。 The umpire called the runner safe/out.裁判员判跑垒员安全进垒/出局。 call a serve in/out裁定发球界内/界外 She was called for being offside. [=the official said that she was offside]她被判定越位。 c  American football : to say or decide what kind of play will be used指挥,决定(进攻战术) The quarterback called a running play.四分卫决定进行跑阵进攻。 9  poker : to require (a player) to show a hand by making an equal bet(扑克牌下同等赌注)叫(对方)摊牌,叫牌 [+ object] I call you.我叫你摊牌。 [no object] I call.我叫牌。 call a spade a spade — see spade call at [phrasal verb] call at (a place) of a boat or ship : to stop at (a place) briefly(船)停靠;在短暂停留 The ship called at the port.船只临时在这个港口停靠。 call down [phrasal verb] call down (something) or call (something) down literary : to pray or ask God to do something to someone祈求上帝 He called down a blessing/curse on the king. [=he prayed that the king would be blessed/cursed]他祈求上帝保佑/惩罚国王。 call for [phrasal verb] 1  call for (something) a  : to say or demand publicly that something is needed or should be done号召;呼吁;倡议 The opposition has called for an investigation.反对派要求进行调查。 The government has called for [=asked for] calm and restraint.政府呼吁保持冷静和克制。 b  : to indicate that something is needed or should be done规定;要求 The plan calls for three windows to be added.这个规划要求增加三扇窗户。 You've won! That calls for a celebration! [=we should celebrate because you've won]你赢啦!我们得庆祝一下! c  : to require or demand (something) as necessary or proper需要;要求 The job calls for typing skills. [=you must have typing skills to do the job]这份工作要求会打字。 Action is urgently called for [=needed] in order to avert catastrophe!为避免灾难发生,需要立即采取行动! These new problems call for [=require] further investigation.这些新问题需要进一步调查。 His rude behavior was not called for. [=his behavior was uncalled-for/inappropriate]他粗鲁的行为是不应该的。 2  call for (someone or something) : to go to a place to get (someone or something)去接;去取 I'll call for you (at your house) after dinner.晚饭后我去(你家)接你。 call forth [phrasal verb] call forth (something) or call (something) forth : to bring (a memory, image, etc.) into the mind唤起,引起,产生(记忆、形象等) These events call forth [=elicit, evoke] strong feelings.这些事件引起了强烈的感情波动。 call in [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to make a telephone call to a place (such as the place where you work)打电话到(工作单位等) She called in sick yesterday. [=she telephoned the place where she works to say that she was sick and would not be coming to work]昨天她打了电话来请病假。 b  : to make a telephone call to a radio or television program打电话(给电台或电视台栏目组) Thousands of people called in to make a donation.数千人给栏目组打电话捐款。 Many people have called in (to the show) with questions about the new law.很多人打电话(给栏目组)咨询关于新法的问题。 — see also call-in c  call (something) in or call in (something) : to deliver (something, such as a message) by making a telephone call打电话(送某物,如带信) He called in an order for pizza.他打电话叫了一份比萨饼外卖。 2  : to go in somewhere to make a visit到…拜访 — often + on I called in on an old friend [=I visited an old friend] while I was in New York on business.我在纽约出差时去拜访了一位老友。 3  call (something) in or call in (something) a  : to say that something that has been given or sent should be returned召回;要求退回 The manufacturer has called in all its defective products.厂家已召回它所生产的全部有缺陷的产品。 b  : to demand payment of (a loan)要求付清(贷款) The bank has called in the loan.银行要求还清贷款。 4  call (someone) in or call in (someone) : to ask for the help or services of (someone)请求(某人)帮助;召来,叫来(服务) They may have to call in a mediator to settle the strike.他们可能只得请求调停人来平息这场罢工。 Rescue workers have been called in to help search for survivors.救援人员接到请求帮助搜寻幸存者。 call into action — see action call into question also US call into doubt : to make people doubt something使人怀疑;使…受到质疑 His report calls into question the earlier reports we had. [=his report makes us feel not certain that the earlier reports were true]他的报道使我们对之前的报道产生了怀疑。 This news calls her loyalty into question. [=makes people doubt that she is loyal]这则新闻使她的忠诚遭到质疑。 call it a day/night : to stop an activity (such as work) for the remainder of the day or night结束一天的工作;收工;到此为止 We've done enough work for now: let's call it a day.我们目前已经干得够多了,今天到此为止吧。 It's getting late. I think we should call it a night.天不早了,咱们收工吧。 call it quits — see quits call off [phrasal verb] 1  call off (something) or call (something) off : to stop doing or planning to do (something)停止;取消 We had to call off [=cancel] our trip.我们不得不取消这次旅行。 The police have decided to call the investigation off. [=to stop the investigation]警方决定停止调查。 2  call off (someone or something) or call (someone or something) off : to cause or tell (a person or animal) to stop attacking, chasing, etc.使(人或动物)停止(袭击、追捕等) The dog was barking and growling at me until its owner called it off.那条狗对着我狂吠,直到主人喊它才安静下来。 call on/upon [phrasal verb] 1  call on/upon (someone or something) : to ask (someone or something) to do something : to say that someone or something should do something请求,要求(…做某事)— followed by to + verb接动词不定式 The opposition has called on/upon the governor to resign. [=the opposition has said that the governor should resign]反对派要求州长辞职。 You may be called upon to do several jobs.你可能会被要求做多项工作。 Universities are called upon to produce trained professionals. [=it is the job of universities to produce trained professionals]高校的任务就是培养训练有素的专业人才。 2  call on/upon (someone) : to ask for help from (someone)(向某人)寻求帮助 Is there anyone you can call on in an emergency?在紧急情况下,你能联系到人寻求帮助吗? 3  call on/upon (something) : to use (something, such as a talent or skill)使用;运用,调用 She had to call on/upon all her reserves of strength and skill to meet the challenge.她必须尽全力面对挑战。 4  call on (someone) : to ask for a response from (someone, such as a student)要求(某人)回答问题 I was hoping the teacher wouldn't call on me, because I didn't know the answer.我真希望老师别点我名,因为我不知道答案。 5  call on (someone) : to make a brief visit to (someone)拜访;探望 I'm planning to call on an old friend after I leave here.我打算离开此地后去探望一位老朋友。 6  call (someone) on (something) US, informal : to directly criticize (someone) for (something, such as bad behavior)直截了当地批评 He's incredibly rude, but no one ever calls him on it. [=no one ever tells him that he should stop being so rude]他极其粗暴,可竟然没人制止他。 call out [phrasal verb] 1  call out or call (something) out or call out (something) : to speak in a loud voice(大声地)说,喊 He called out to passersby for help.他向路人大声呼救。 He called out in his sleep.他在睡梦中呼喊。 : to say (something) in a loud voice(大声)说出,喊出 He called out her name in his sleep.他在睡梦中呼喊她的名字。 He called out a cry for help.他大声呼救。 : to announce or read (something) in a loud voice大声播报;大声念出 call out a number大声念出一个数字 2  call out (someone) or call (someone) out a  : to order or tell (a group of people, such as soldiers) to come or go somewhere命令行动;调动 The governor has called out troops to help control the riot.州长已调动军队协助控制骚乱。 Emergency workers were called out to help with efforts to control the flood.紧急救援队被派去协助控制洪水。 b  : to order or tell (workers) to go on strike下令(工人)罢工 Factory workers are expected to be called out on strike if a new contract isn't signed by tomorrow.如果明天之内不签署新合同,工人可能会奉命举行罢工。 call (someone) on the carpet — see 1carpet call (something) to order — see 1order call the shots — see 1shot call the tune — see 1tune call time — see 1time call to account — see 1account call to mind — see 1mind call up [phrasal verb] 1  call (someone) up or call up (someone) chiefly US : to make a telephone call to (someone)打电话给 I haven't spoken to her in years, but I called her up last night and we talked for hours.我好多年都没跟她通过话了,但昨晚我拨通了她的电话并聊了好几个小时。 Call me up when you get back from your vacation.你度假回来后给我打个电话。 I called up my doctor and made an appointment.我打电话给我的医生,约了就诊时间。 2  call (something) up or call up (something) a  : to bring (something, such as a memory) into the mind使想起;使回忆起 The sound of the ocean called up [=brought back] memories of my childhood.大海的涛声勾起了我童年的记忆。 b  : to bring (strength, courage, etc.) from within yourself发挥出;激发出 He will have to call up all his reserves of strength to meet this challenge.他将必须尽全力应对挑战。 c  : to get (something) from the memory of a computer and show it on the screen从计算机中调出 call up an old document for revision调出旧文档来修改 3  call (someone) up or call up (someone) a  : to order or tell (someone) to come or appear命令过来;传唤 The prisoner was called up before a magistrate.囚犯被地方执法官传唤。 b  : to bring (an athlete) to a higher league(高一级联盟)选调,征调(运动员) a minor-league player who is being called up to the major leagues被选调入天联盟的小联盟球员 c  : to order (soldiers) to come for active military duty征召(士兵)入伍 call up the reserves征召后备役 — see also call-up call your bluff — see 2bluff 2 call /ˈkɑːl/ noun plural calls 2 call /ˈkɑːl/ noun plural calls Learner's definition of CALL 1  [count] : an act of using the telephone : an act of calling someone on the telephone打电话;通话 a phone/telephone call一个电话 A local call costs less than a long-distance or an international call.本地电话费要低于长途或国际话费。 If there are any calls for me during the meeting, say that I'll call back later.开会时如果有人给我打电话,就说我稍后打过去。 I got a call from my brother last night.昨晚我接到了哥哥打来的电话。 incoming/outgoing calls打进/打出的电话 “There's someone on the phone for you, sir.” “Tell them I can't take their call now [=I can't speak to them on the phone now] but I'll return their call [=I'll call them back] as soon as I can.”“先生,您的电话。”“告诉他们我现在没工夫接,但我会尽快回电话的。” Give me a call when you get back from your trip. [=call me when you get back]你旅行回来后给我打个电话。 — see also toll call, trunk call, wake-up call 2  [count] a  : an act of calling with the voice : a loud cry or shout喊叫;呼叫 He gave a call to passersby for help.他向路人呼救。 b  : the sound made by an animal or bird(鸟、兽的)叫声 We heard a bird that had a very loud and unusual call.我们听到一只鸟发出了响亮而特别的叫声。 c  : an imitation of the sound made by a bird or animal模仿(鸟、兽)的叫声 He's an expert at doing bird calls.他是模仿鸟叫的专家。 d  : a device that is used to imitate the sound made by a bird模仿鸟叫声的哨子 He has a large collection of duck calls.他收藏有许多模仿鸭叫声的哨子。 e  : a loud sound or signal made with a musical instrument器乐声 a bugle call军号声 the call of a trumpet小号声 3  a  [count] : a public request or statement that asks or tells people to do something号召;呼吁 The government has issued a call to its supporters to defend it and hopes they will answer/heed its call.政府已经向其支持者发出保卫政体的号召,并希望他们能响应。 issue a call = put out a call发出号令 The campaigners renewed their calls for reform.运动领导者们重申了他们的改革主张。 Their calls have gone unheeded.他们的呼吁被置若罔闻了。 The political party has issued a call to action.这个政党发出了行动号令。 — see also clarion call, curtain call, call to arms at 2arm b  : a request for something需求;要求;请求 [count] We get many calls for Christmas stories.我们接到许多想要(听)圣诞故事的请求。 [noncount] There's not much call for ice cream at this time of year. [=not many people want ice cream at this time of year]每年这个时候都是冰激凌销售的淡季。 There is very little call for his services during the summer.夏季他的服务极少有人问津。 c  [noncount] : a reason for doing something必要;理由 — used in negative statements to criticize someone's behavior用于否定句以批评某人的行为 There was no call for your rudeness. = There was no call for you to behave so rudely. [=you were wrong to behave so rudely; your rudeness was uncalled-for]你没有理由这样粗鲁。 4  [count] : a brief visit(短暂的)拜访,访问 I made/paid a brief social call on an old friend. = I paid an old friend a brief social call.我对老朋友做了一次简短的社交访问。 The ship made a call at Newport [=the ship stopped briefly at Newport] before proceeding to New Orleans.这条船在驶往新奥尔良之前,临时停靠在新港。 The doctor was on a call when her patient came to the office.患者前来就诊时,这位医生正在出诊。 — see also house call, port of call 5  [count] : something that is called or announced说出的;喊出的 I flipped a coin, and the call was heads.我抛了一枚硬币,并喊是正面。 especially : an announcement telling passengers to get on a plane, train, etc., that will be leaving soon登机(上车)通知 This is the last call for Flight 139, now boarding at Gate 57. = This is the last call for passengers to board Flight 139 at Gate 57.这是最后一次139航班登机广播:请到57号登机口登机。 — see also last call 6  [count] a  : a decision made by an official in a sports contest裁决;判定 The runner was called out at home plate, and the manager came out to argue about the call.跑垒员在本垒被罚下,球队主教练站出来对这一判罚进行争辩 b  chiefly US : a decision决定 “Should we stay or go?” “I don't know. It's a tough call (to make).”“我们应该留下来还是离开?”“我不知道,这是个艰难的决定。” I'll let you make the call.我会让你来决定。 “How should we deal with this problem?” “I don't know: it's your call.” [=you can decide how we should deal with this problem]“我们应该如何解决这个问题?”“我不知道,你拿主意吧。” — see also close call, judgment call 7  [singular] : the appeal or attraction of something that makes a person want to go somewhere(风光等的)吸引力,诱惑力 sailors who cannot resist the call of the open ocean抵御不了广阔海洋诱惑的水手 He heard the call of the wild. [=he felt the desire to go out to wild places far away from most people]他听到了原野的召唤。 — see also call of nature 8  [count] : something that requires a person's attention or effort需要关注或努力的事— + on There are many calls [=demands] on the time of a busy housewife. [=there are many things that a busy housewife must spend time doing]繁忙的家庭主妇有许多事情要做。 at someone's beck and call — see 1beck on call : available to be called when needed : ready to come when needed随叫随到的;听候召唤的 a doctor who is on call throughout the day全天随时听候召唤的医生




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