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词汇 after
释义 after (preposition) after (conjunction) after (adjective) after 33 ENTRIES FOUND: after (adverb) after (preposition) after (conjunction) after (adjective) afters (noun) after-sales (adjective) after-school (adjective) morning-after pill (noun) sought-after (adjective) all (pronoun) another (pronoun) ask (verb) come (verb) day (noun) ever (adverb) fact (noun) fashion (noun) get (verb) go (verb) hour (noun) inquire (verb) keep (verb) look (verb) model (verb) moon (verb) one (pronoun) pattern (verb) pine (verb) run (verb) see (verb) take (verb) thing (noun) time (noun) 1 after /ˈæftɚ/ Brit /ˈɑːftə/ adverb 1 after /ˈæftɚ/ Brit /ˈɑːftə/ adverb Learner's definition of AFTER : following in time : at a later time以后;后来 Dinner was at six and we arrived shortly after. [=thereafter]晚餐定在六点。我们是六点过一点儿到的。 He returned 20 years after. [=later]他20年之后回来了。 Don't tell them until after.以后再告诉他们。 I expected her then, but she arrived the week after.我以为她当时要来,可她一周后才到。 He ate lunch and left just/right/immediately after.他吃完午饭就离开了。 I saw her again the day after. [=the following day]第二天我又见到她了。 He vowed to love her forever/ever after. [=from that time on, forever]他发誓今后会永远爱她。 2 after /ˈæftɚ/ Brit /ˈɑːftə/ preposition 2 after /ˈæftɚ/ Brit /ˈɑːftə/ preposition Learner's definition of AFTER 1  a  : at a time following (something or someone) : later than (something or someone)(时间)在…之后 We arrived shortly after six o'clock.我们六点过一点儿到的。 He returned after 20 years.他20年之后回来了。 before, during, and after the war战前、战争期间和战后 He left just/right/immediately/soon/shortly after nightfall/dark.天刚擦黑他就离开了。 Night fell, and soon after that [=soon afterward] he left.夜幕降临之后不久他便离开了。 He finished the exam after me.他在我之后完成了考试。 I stood up after the judge (did). [=the judge stood up before I (did)]我在法官起立之后站起身来。 Call me after your arrival.到了之后给我打电话。 She was going to arrive tomorrow but I'm now expecting her the day after tomorrow instead.她打算明天到,但是我现在希望她后天来。 She hasn't lived there since (the time) after the war.战争结束以后她就不在那儿住了。 They earned $30,000 after (paying) taxes.他们的税后收入是3万美元。 He left after an hour.一小时之后他离开了。 Let's get going! It's after [=past] 12 (o'clock).我们出发吧!已经过12点了。 The job got easier after a while. [=after some time had passed]过段时间这工作就变得容易些了。 b  US — used to describe a time following a specified hour用于描述几点钟之后的时间 It's 20 (minutes) after 12. [=it's 20 past 12; it's 12:20]现在是12:20。 2  a  : following and because of (something)鉴于;由于 After all our advice, she's certain to do better. [=she's certain to do better because we have given her our advice]由于我们给了她这些建议,她一定会做得更好。 b  : following and in spite of (something)尽管;虽然 Even after all our advice, she still did badly! [=she did badly even though we gave her our advice]尽管我们给了她建议,她还是做得很差。 How can you say that after what happened last night?经过昨晚的事你怎么还能说出那样的话来? 3  a  : following (something or someone) in order or in a series(排序)在…之后,继…之后 It's the highest mountain after Mount Everest.这是仅次于珠穆朗玛峰的最高的山。 You'll see my house just before the bank and after the school.你会看到我家就在银行的前面学校的后面。 The number 2 comes before 3 and after 1. [=2 comes between 1 and 3]数字2排在1的后面、3的前面。 My name is listed after yours.我的名字列在你的名字之后。 You go first and I'll go/follow after you.你先走,我跟在后面。 The children marched out one after the other in single file.孩子们排成一列纵队一个接一个地出场。 ◊ The phrase after you is used as a polite way of saying that someone should go ahead of you or do something before you do it.您先请(礼貌用语,请别人先走或先做某事) After you, Madam!女士,您先请! ◊ In British English, you can say after you with something to ask the person who is using something to let you use it next.在英国英语中,after you with表示请求别人用完某物之后让你用一下。 After you with the pencil, please. [=I would like to use the pencil when you have finished using it]你用完铅笔之后,请让我用用。 b  — used in phrases to describe something that happens many times or for a long period of time一次接着一次;持续不断地 They have suffered misfortune after misfortune. [=they have suffered a long series of misfortunes]他们的倒霉事儿接连不断。 Wave after [=upon] wave was beating against the shore.海浪不断地拍打着海岸。 She does her job day after day without complaining.她日复一日任劳任怨地工作。 He's done the same thing time after time.同样的事他做了一次又一次。 4  : trying to catch or get (something or someone)追捕;擒获 The dog ran after the ball. [=the dog ran to get the ball]这条狗跑去叼球。 The police went/chased after the escaped criminal.警方追捕那名逃犯。 The police are after him. [=are trying to catch him]警方正在追捕他。 What do you think he's after with all his questions? [=what is he trying to achieve by asking his questions?]他问了这么多问题,你说他到底想知道什么呢? ◊ If people are after you to do something, they want you to do it and they tell you to do it repeatedly.反复催促(某人做某事) Mom was after me to clean my room. [=Mom repeatedly told me to clean my room]妈妈一个劲儿地催我收拾房间。 5  : following the actions or departure of (someone)跟随;随后 She called/shouted after him as he walked away. [=she called/shouted at/toward him as he walked away]他刚走开她就追在身后大喊起来。 They made a mess and didn't clean up after themselves. [=they didn't clean up the mess they made]他们弄得乱七八糟,没收拾就离开了。 If you make a mess, don't expect me to clean up after you.如果你弄得乱七八糟,别指望我替你收拾。 6  a  : with the name of (someone or something)以…命名;依照 He was called George after his father.他叫乔治,与其父同名。 She was named after her grandmother. [=she was given the same name as her grandmother]她以她祖母的名字取名。 The game rugby was named after Rugby School in England, where it began.橄榄球(rugby)运动是根据英格兰的拉格比学校(Rugby School)命名的,那里是此项运动的发源地。 b  : in the manner of (someone or something)仿效,按照…的样式 a building patterned after [=on] a cathedral仿教堂式建筑 (formal) a story after (the manner of) Hemingway模仿海明威(创作方式)的小说 7  : in a lower or less important position than (something)低于;次于;亚于 They put quality after quantity. [=they cared more about quantity than about quality]相对于质量,他们更加关注数量。 8  : about or concerning (someone or something)关于 I met one of your old friends and she was asking/inquiring after you. [=she was asking about you; she was asking how you are]我碰到了你的一位老朋友,她向我询问你的状况。 She was asking after your health.她刚才还问你的身体状况呢。 after all 1  : in spite of what was said : even though the opposite was expected不管怎样;终究 They decided to go after all.他们最终还是决定去。 It didn't rain after all.结果还是没下雨。 2  — used to emphasize something that needs to be considered毕竟 It's only Tuesday, after all. We have plenty of time.毕竟才星期二。我们有足够的时间。 You should apologize to her. After all, she is your best friend.你应该向她道歉。不管怎么说,她是你最好的朋友。 3 after /ˈæftɚ/ Brit /ˈɑːftə/ conjunction 3 after /ˈæftɚ/ Brit /ˈɑːftə/ conjunction Learner's definition of AFTER : later than the time that : later than when(时间)在…之后 He returned after 20 years had passed.他20年之后回来了。 The defendant stood up after the judge did. [=the judge stood up before the defendant did]法官起立后被告随之起立。 Don't tell them until after they've had dinner.等他们吃完饭再告诉他们。 He left just/right/immediately/soon/shortly after the show ended.演出刚一结束他就离开了。 Call me after you arrive.到了之后给我打电话。 He finished the exam after I did.他在我之后完成了考试。 It happened not long after he graduated from college.这事发生在他大学毕业后不久。 4 after /ˈæftɚ/ Brit /ˈɑːftə/ adjective 4 after /ˈæftɚ/ Brit /ˈɑːftə/ adjective Learner's definition of AFTER always used before a noun old-fashioned + literary : later in time后来的;以后的 in after [=later] years在以后的岁月里




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