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词汇 cover
释义 cover (noun) cover 18 ENTRIES FOUND: cover (verb) cover (noun) covered (adjective) covered wagon (noun) covering (noun) cover-up (noun) cover charge (noun) cover girl (noun) cover letter (noun) cover story (noun) dust cover (noun) ground cover (noun) re-cover (verb) base (noun) blow (verb) break (verb) separate (adjective) track (noun) 1 cover /ˈkʌvɚ/ verb covers; covered; covering 1 cover /ˈkʌvɚ/ verb covers; covered; covering Learner's definition of COVER 1  : to put something over, on top of, or in front of (something else) especially in order to protect, hide, or close it遮蔽;掩蔽 [+ object] The gardener covered the soil with mulch.园艺工人用覆盖物把土壤盖住。 The furniture had been covered in a protective cloth.家具上盖了一块防护布。 Be sure to cover the pot. [=put a cover on the pot]一定要盖好罐子。 He covered his face with his hands. [=he put his hands over his face; he hid his face behind his hands]他用手遮住脸。 We covered the stains on the wall with a fresh coat of paint.我们在墙上刷了一层新漆把上面的污迹覆盖了。 You should cover your mouth when you cough.你咳嗽的时候应该捂住嘴。 She covered her head with a scarf.她用头巾包住头。 tables covered with white linen盖着白色亚麻布的桌子 He wears a hair piece to cover [=hide, conceal] his bald spot.他戴了一块发片遮住秃头的地方。 [no object] — used in recipes and instructions用于菜谱和说明书 The recipe said: “Reduce heat. Cover [=put a cover/lid on the pot/pan] and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.”菜谱上说:“调小火,盖上盖后再煮10分钟。” Place the seed in the hole and cover with soil.把种子放进小坑里,再培上土。 2  [+ object] a  : to be spread over or on top of (something)覆盖 Water covered the floor.地板上都是水。 Snow covered the hills.雪覆盖了山冈。 b  : to be over much or all of the surface of (something)盖满;布满 Lakes cover much of the state.湖泊覆盖了这个州的大部分地区。 — usually used as (be) covered通常用作(be) covered Much of the state is covered with lakes.这个州的大部分地区被湖泊覆盖了。 The wall is completely covered with graffiti.墙上满是涂鸦。 His legs were covered in mosquito bites.他腿上全是蚊子叮咬的痕迹。 3  [+ object] : to pass over or through (an area, distance, etc.)穿越;穿过 The hikers covered long distances every day.这些徒步旅行者每天都走很长的路程。 The bird may cover thousands of miles during its migration.这种鸟迁徙时可以飞翔数千英里。 4  [+ object] a  : to have (something) as a subject : to relate to or provide information about (a particular subject)包含;涉及 The course will cover the country's early history.这门课程将涉及这个国家的早期历史。 an exam covering a semester's worth of material涵盖一学期学习内容的考试 This material was covered in the book's first chapter.这部分内容在本书的第一章中讲到过。 We'd better get started because we have a lot (of information) to cover in one hour.我们最好开始吧,因为我们一小时内要涉及的信息很多。 b  : to relate to or have an effect on (something)与…有关;对…有影响 The patent covers [=applies to] both kinds of devices/systems.这项专利对两种装置/系统都适用。 The term “house” covers a wide array of buildings. [=many different kinds of buildings can be called houses]“房子”这个术语适用于各种不同的建筑。 5  [+ object] : to report news about (something)报道 He is an experienced journalist who has covered several presidential campaigns.他是位经验丰富的记者,报道过几届总统竞选。 She covers political news for the network.她为那家电视网报道政治新闻。 6  [+ object] of insurance a  : to protect (someone) by promising to pay for loss, damage, etc. : to provide financial protection to (someone)给…保险 The policy covers the traveler in any accident.旅客发生任何事故,这张保单都予以赔付。 b  : to provide protection by promising to pay for (a problem, accident, etc.) : to provide financial protection against (something)保…险 The policy covers water damage.这份保单保水渍损害险。 a policy covering loss by fire火灾保险单 c  : to provide payment for (something)承担…费用 My health insurance doesn't cover this treatment/drug.我的健康险不承保这类治疗/药物费用。 7  [+ object] a  : to have enough money for (something)足以支付 Your checking account balance will not cover the check. [=there is not enough money in your checking account to pay for the amount of the check]你的支票账户余额不够支付账单。 b  : to pay for (something)支付 He has enough money to cover tuition, but he can't afford to buy the textbooks he needs.他的钱够付学费,但他买不起所需的课本。 This money should cover the cost of repairing the wall.这笔钱应该够支付修墙的费用。 8  [+ object] a  : to guard or protect (something or someone) by being ready to shoot a gun or fire a weapon防卫;掩护 The ships were covering approaches to the harbor.这些舰艇在通往港口的各条航道上布防。 Officer Blake's partner yelled “Cover me!” and ran for the door.布莱克警官的搭档喊道:“掩护我!”然后向门口冲去。 b  : to protect (yourself or someone else) from possible trouble or danger保护 He was trying to cover himself by lying about his involvement in the scandal.他为自己卷入丑闻一事撒谎,以求自保。 (US, informal + impolite) He was trying to cover his ass/butt by lying.他试图通过撒谎免受批评。 9  [+ object] a  sports : to guard (an opponent) as part of your team's effort to prevent the other team from scoring防守 He was assigned to cover the tight end.他被派去防守近端锋。 b  baseball : to be in a position to receive a throw to (a base)补漏;填补;补接 The shortstop was covering second base.游击手正跑向二垒补接球。 — see also cover all the bases at 1base 10  [no object] a  : to help you by doing your job when you are away or not able to do it替补;代替— + for A coworker covered for me during my vacation.我休假时,有同事替我的班。 She'll be out for a week, so the rest of us will have to cover for her.她要离开一个星期,这样我们大家就得替她的班。 b  : to hide the truth or lie for someone隐瞒;遮掩— + for He covered for his friend, insisting that he hadn't seen him all day.他为朋友打掩护,坚持说自己一整天都没见过他。 11  [+ object] a  : to be responsible for selling or providing something to all the people in (an area) for a company, organization, etc.负责…的销售(或供给) One salesperson covers the whole state.一个推销员负责整个州的销售。 b  : to provide something to (a group of people)供给 There should be enough of the vaccine to cover everyone.应该有足够的疫苗提供给每个人。 12  [+ object] : to record or perform (a song that was previously recorded by someone else)转录;翻唱 The band has covered many hits from the 1980s.这个乐队翻唱了多首20世纪80年代的热门歌曲。 cover up [phrasal verb] 1  cover up or cover (something) up or cover up (something) : to cover yourself, part of your body, etc., with something (such as clothing or a blanket)盖住,遮住(自己的身体或其部位) She quickly covered up with a robe.她迅速用浴袍裹住自己。 She quickly covered herself up.她迅速裹住自己。 2  cover (something) up or cover up (something) : to prevent people from learning the truth about (something, such as a crime) : to hide (something)隐瞒,掩盖(罪行等的真相) They tried to cover up the crime/mistake/problem/scandal.他们试图隐瞒罪行/过失/问题/丑闻。 I think they stole the money and then lied about it to cover up their guilt.我认为他们偷了钱,然后又撒谎掩盖罪责。 — see also cover-up cover your tracks — see 1track have (got) someone or something covered informal : to have done, gotten, or provided whatever is needed解决了;处理好了 Don't worry about a thing. We've got you covered. [=we have taken care of everything that you might need]什么都不用担心,我们已经帮你处理好了。 You don't need to buy soda for the party. We've already got that covered. [=we already have enough soda]你不用为聚会买汽水,我们已准备好了。 2 cover /ˈkʌvɚ/ noun plural covers 2 cover /ˈkʌvɚ/ noun plural covers Learner's definition of COVER 1  [count] : something that is put around or on top of another thing especially to protect, hide, or close it遮盖物;覆盖物 She placed a cover over the pan so that the oil wouldn't spatter.她给平底锅盖上盖子,免得油溅出来。 I put a cover on the sofa to protect it.我在沙发上盖了一层布,免得弄脏。 a mattress cover床套 I lifted the cover of the box and peeked inside.我揭开盒盖偷看里面有什么。 He unscrewed the cover [=top, lid] of the jar.他拧开罐子盖。 2  [count] : a blanket or sheet on a bed被单;毯子 — usually plural通常用复数 She was in bed lying under the covers.她躺在床上,盖着毯子。 He threw off the covers and rose to begin the day.他掀开毯子起床,开始新的一天。 3  [count] a  : the outer part of a book or magazine封面;封皮 There's a picture of the author on the book's back/front cover.书的封底/封面有作者的肖像。 The model appeared on the (front) covers of many weeklies.这名模特出现在很多周刊的封面上。 She read the book from cover to cover. [=she read all of the book]她把这本书从头到尾读了一遍。 — see also cover girl, cover story b  : the part of the case of a record album, CD, DVD, etc., that is seen from the outside(唱片专辑、CD、DVD等的包装的)封面 The singer is posing in jeans and cowboy boots on the album cover.专辑封面是歌手穿着牛仔裤和牛仔靴的身姿。 4  : something that covers the ground or the sky覆盖物;遮挡物 [singular] The ground was hidden under a cover of snow.地面上覆盖着一层雪。 The moon was hidden behind a thick cloud cover. [=behind thick clouds]月亮隐没在厚厚的云层后面。 [noncount] areas of light plant cover [=areas in which there are few plants]植被稀疏的地区 — see also ground cover 5  [noncount] : a place or situation in which you are protected庇护所;躲避处 The roof provided cover from the rain.屋顶挡住了雨。 The soldiers sought cover behind the wall.士兵到墙后隐蔽起来。 The officer ordered the soldiers to take cover as the enemy began shooting.敌人开始射击时,长官命令士兵隐蔽起来。 The hikers took cover under a tree and waited for the storm to pass.徒步旅行者们躲到一棵树下,等待暴风雨过去。 The hikers ran/dashed/headed for cover as the storm approached.暴风雨来临时,徒步旅行者们跑/冲上前去找躲雨的地方。 ◊ If you break cover, you come out from a place where you have been safe or hidden.离开安全(或隐蔽)的地方 The rabbit suddenly broke cover and ran across the field.兔子突然从藏身处跳出来,窜过田野。 6  [noncount] : something that prevents actions, information, etc., from being seen or known掩护物;保护物 The crime was committed under (the) cover of darkness/night. [=when it was dark; at night]犯罪活动是在夜幕/夜晚的掩护下进行的。 an official speaking to a reporter under cover of anonymity [=with the understanding that the reporter would not reveal the official's name]一位正与记者交谈的不愿透露姓名的官员 7  [count] : something that is not what it seems to be but is actually used to hide something else掩护;掩盖;幌子— usually singular通常用单数 The business was a cover for a criminal gang.这家公司是犯罪团伙对外的一个幌子。 Her job as a consultant was just a cover for her true identity as a secret agent.她的顾问工作只是为其特工的真实身份打掩护的。 He acts tough, but that's just a cover. He's a real softy underneath.他作风强硬,但那只是假象。骨子里他是个心肠软的人。 ◊ A person who is under cover has his or her true identity hidden. The phrase usually describes a person (such as a police officer) who pretends to be someone else in order to get information.(为探听情报)伪装着,隐蔽着 The policeman went under cover to collect more evidence.这名警察隐匿身份以收集更多证据。 The agent was working under cover.这位特工在用假身份工作。 ◊ To blow someone's cover is to reveal someone's true identity.揭开…假面目;揭示…真实身份 The agent posed as a consultant until someone blew her cover.在身份暴露之前,这位女特工对外声称是顾问。 — see also undercover 8  [count] : a recording or performance of a song that was previously recorded by someone else翻录;翻唱 a cover (version) of a popular song流行歌曲的翻唱版 a cover band [=a band that plays songs previously recorded by other performers]翻唱他人歌曲的乐队 9  [count] informal : cover charge The nightclub has a $5 cover.这家夜总会收5美元的服务费。 10  [noncount] British : insurance coverage保险范围 a policy that provides cover [=(US) coverage] for loss by fire承保了火险的保单 11  [noncount] : protection from danger, an attack, etc.掩护;保护 They had to land in enemy territory without any air cover. [=protection by military airplanes]他们不得不在没有空军掩护的情况下登陆敌军阵地。 traveling with the benefit of diplomatic cover [=the special protection that is given to a diplomat]有外交保护便利的旅行 12  [noncount] British : work done by someone other than the person who usually does it替代工作;替补工作 A small crew will provide emergency cover during the strike.罢工期间,一小部分工作人员将提供紧急替班。 under separate cover : in a separate envelope在另函中 The manuscript is being sent to you under separate cover.手稿已另函寄给您。




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