

单词 arrive
释义 arrive 1 ENTRIES FOUND: arrive (verb) arrive /əˈraɪv/ verb arrives; arrived; arriving arrive /əˈraɪv/ verb arrives; arrived; arriving Learner's definition of ARRIVE [no object] 1  : to come to or reach a place after traveling, being sent, etc.到达;到来 He arrived home at six o'clock.他六点到的家。 We had some dinner before/on/upon/after arriving at the station.到火车站前/一到火车站/到火车站后,我们吃了点儿饭。 When do you expect them to arrive in Boston?你预计他们什么时候到波士顿? Their flight is due to arrive at 11:30.他们的航班应该在11:30到。 The train from New York is now arriving.从纽约方向来的列车马上就要进站了。 They arrived late at the party.他们参加聚会到晚了。 The mail hasn't arrived yet.邮件现在还没到。 The new version of the software has finally arrived in stores.新版软件终于上市销售了。 2  a  of a day, season, time, etc. : to happen or begin(某天、某个季节、某个时间等)开始,到来 The day of their wedding has almost arrived. [=come]他们结婚的日子就要到了。 The time has arrived [=come] to address the problem.时机到了,该处理这个问题了。 There's always a lot to do when spring arrives.春天一到总有很多事情要做。 b  of a baby : to be born(婴儿)出生,降生 When is their baby expected to arrive?他们的孩子预计什么时候出生? 3  informal : to become successful成功;出名— used with a form of have与have的某一形式连用 After years of climbing the corporate ladder, he felt he had finally arrived.在公司奋斗多年之后,他认为自己终于成功了。 arrive at [phrasal verb] arrive at (something) : to make or reach (something, such as a decision) after a lot of thought or effort(经过思考或努力后)达成,做出 She finally arrived at a decision.她终于做出了一个决定。 They've arrived at the conclusion that the plan won't work.他们最终得出结论,认为这个计划行不通。 I hope we can arrive at some sort of understanding/consensus.我希望我们能够达成某种程度的理解/共识。




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