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词汇 hit
释义 hit (noun) hit 44 ENTRIES FOUND: hit (verb) hit (noun) hit-and-miss (adjective) hit-and-run (adjective) hit-and-run (noun) hit-or-miss (adjective) hit list (noun) hit man (noun) base hit (noun) extra-base hit (noun) hard-hitting (adjective) no-hit (adjective) one-hit wonder (noun) pinch-hit (verb) big (adverb) book (noun) buffer (noun) ceiling (noun) deck (noun) dirt (noun) fan (noun) ground (noun) hay (noun) head (noun) home (adverb) jackpot (noun) know (verb) nail (noun) nerve (noun) panic button (noun) pavement (noun) pay dirt (noun) road (noun) roof (noun) shit (noun) six (noun) skid (noun) spot (noun) street (noun) stride (noun) switch-hitter (noun) town (noun) trail (noun) wall (noun) 1 hit /ˈhɪt/ verb hits; hit; hitting 1 hit /ˈhɪt/ verb hits; hit; hitting Learner's definition of HIT 1  a  : to move your hand, a bat, etc., quickly so that it touches someone or something in a forceful or violent way打;击;击打 [+ object] She told her son to stop hitting his sister.她告诉儿子别打他妹妹了。 She hit him hard with her purse.她用自己的手提包狠狠地打了他一下。 He hit the fence with a stick. = He hit a stick against/on the fence.他用棍子击打篱笆。 The boxers hit each other with their fists.拳击选手用拳头相互猛击对方。 [no object] The boxers were hitting furiously at each other.拳击选手正在激烈对打。 b  [+ object] : to cause (something, such as a ball) to move by hitting it forcefully with a bat, racket, etc.(用球棒、球拍等)猛击 He hit a fastball (over the fence) for a home run.他用力打出一个快球(飞出外野护栏),得到一个本垒打。 She hit the ball right to the shortstop.她把球正好打在游击手的位置上。 c  : to touch (something or someone) in a forceful or violent way after moving at a high speed击中;打中 [+ object] The ball hit the house.球击中房子。 The plate shattered when it hit the floor.盘子摔到地上碎了。 The tank was hit by enemy fire.坦克被敌军火力击中。 He was hit by a car.他被车撞了。 The ship hit an iceberg.船撞上了冰山。 [no object] The plate shattered when it hit.盘子掉地上摔碎了。 d  [+ object] : to cause or allow (something, such as part of your body) to touch something in a forceful or violent way使碰撞 I accidentally hit my head on/against the side of the door while I was getting into the car.我上车时不小心把头碰到了车门框上。 She hit her elbow on the edge of the table.她的胳膊肘猛地碰到了桌沿上。 2  a  [+ object] : to attack (something or someone)攻击 Our plan is to hit the enemy before they can hit us.我们的计划是在敌方攻击我方之前攻击敌人。 b  : to affect (something or someone) in a harmful or damaging way袭击;破坏 [+ object] The ship was hit by a sudden storm.那艘船受到一场突如其来的风暴的袭击。 A powerful earthquake hit the city.一次强烈地震严重破坏了这座城市。 Many families have been hit hard by the layoffs. = Many families have been hard hit by the layoffs. [=many families have been badly affected/hurt by the layoffs]很多家庭受到裁员的严重打击。 If you really want to teach your son a lesson you should hit him where it hurts and take away his cell phone.你要是真想教训你儿子,就该触到他的痛处,拿走他的手机。 [no object] Many people were unprepared when the storm hit.风暴来袭时很多人毫无防备。 The layoffs have hit hard here.这里受裁员影响严重。 3  [+ object] a  : to come to (something) by chance or accident while you are moving偶然碰到 We hit a west wind coming out of port.我们出港时碰到了一股西风。 I was late because I hit a traffic jam on the way over.我来晚了,因为来时碰上堵车。 b  : to begin to have or experience (problems, trouble, etc.)开始遇到(问题、麻烦等) The project went smoothly at first, but then we started to hit [=encounter] some problems.工程起初进展顺利,但很快我们就开始遇到了一些问题。 4  [+ object] informal : to become suddenly or completely clear to (someone) : strike突然明白;突然意识到 It suddenly hit [=occurred to] me that I was doing something wrong. [=I suddenly realized that I was doing something wrong]我突然意识到自己在干错事。 The importance of the victory hasn't really hit her yet.她还没真正明白这场胜利的重要性。 I was just about to give up when the solution hit me.我正想放弃时,突然想到一个解决办法。 When you meet him, the first thing that hits you [=the first thing that you notice] is his air of confidence.你看见他时,首先感到的就是他自信的状态。 The smell hit me [=I noticed the smell] as soon as I opened the door.我一打开门臭味就扑鼻而来。 5  [+ object] : to get or come to (a goal, level, etc.) : reach达到(目标、水平等) He hit 100 mph on his motorcycle.他驾驶摩托车开到时速100英里。 They expect the temperature to hit 90 this afternoon.他们预计温度在今天下午升至90度。 Sales hit $100 million last year alone.仅去年销售额就达到了1亿美元。 Gold prices hit an all-time high last week.上周金价达到了历史新高。 a singer who can hit the high notes一位能唱高音的歌手 He kept digging until he hit [=struck] water.他不停地挖,直到挖出水为止。 The stock market hit bottom. [=reached an extremely low point]股市跌倒了最低谷。 (informal) Next year he'll hit the big four-oh/five-oh. [=turn 40/50 years of age]明年他就四十/五十岁了。 6  [+ object] informal : to arrive or appear at, in, or on (a place)到达(某地) We hit [=went to] the beach nearly every day this summer.我们今年夏天几乎每天都去海滩。 They got up early and headed out to hit the (ski) slopes. [=to go skiing]他们早早起床然后出发去斜坡滑雪了。 The magazine's new issue hits newsstands tomorrow. [=the new issue becomes available on newsstands tomorrow]新一期的杂志明天在报摊上可以见到。 The new product should hit the shelves/market soon. = The new product should hit stores soon. [=the new product should be available in stores soon]新产品应该很快就会上架出售。 These new illegal drugs only recently hit the street. [=became available for illegal purchase]这些新的毒品只是在最近才出现在街头。 7  [+ object] informal a  : to turn (something) on or off with a switch按开关 Could someone please hit the lights?请哪位按一下灯的开关好吗? b  : to move (a switch) to an on or off position开;关 The lights came on when she hit the switch.她按动开关后灯就亮了。 c  : to push down on (the brake pedal or accelerator in a vehicle) in a sudden and forceful way突然猛踩(刹车或油门) I had to hit the brakes hard to avoid an accident.我不得不使劲踩刹车才避免了一场事故。 She suddenly hit the accelerator and sped away. = (US) She suddenly hit the gas and sped away.她突然猛踩油门疾驰而去。 8  a  : to succeed in hitting (something aimed at) with a shot, throw, etc.击中;命中 [+ object] hit the bull's-eye正中靶心 hit the target击中目标 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Her criticism really hit the mark. [=her criticism was very accurate]她的批评一语中的。 [no object] The first shot hit but the second shot missed.第一投中了,但第二投偏了。 b  [+ object] : to succeed in making (a shot)投中;射中 She hit [=made, sank] 40 percent of her shots last season.上个赛季她的命中率达到了40%。 She hit her first basket but then missed the next one.她第一次投篮得分,但后来第二次投篮没有中。 c  [+ object] : to succeed in making a pass to (another player)成功传球 The quarterback hit the wide receiver (with a pass) for a touchdown.四分卫传球给外接手,达阵得分。 9  a  [no object] : to try to hit the ball with a bat in baseball, cricket, or a similar game(在棒球、板球等运动中)击球 It's your turn to hit. [=bat]该你击球了。 b  [+ object] : to produce (a home run, a ground ball, etc.) by batting击出(本垒打、滚地球等) He hit 30 home runs last year.他去年击出30次本垒打。 He hit a ground ball to the shortstop.他朝游击手击出一个滚地球。 She hit a double to left field.她击出一个二垒打把球击到左外野。 c  [no object] : to have a specified batting average击球率达… This year he's hitting [=batting] .300. [=his batting average is .300]今年他的平均打击率为.300。 d  : to hit the pitches thrown by (a pitcher)(对抗某一投手)击球 [+ object] He has hit this pitcher well/poorly in the past.过去他击打这个投手的投球很好/差。 [no object] He has hit well/poorly against this pitcher in the past.过去他击打这个投手的投球很好/差。 10  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] informal : to deal another card to (a player in blackjack)给(21点纸牌游戏玩家)发另一张纸牌 Hit me. [=deal another card to me]再发一张牌给我。 hit a nerve — see nerve hit a/the wall — see 1wall hit back [phrasal verb] : to attack or criticize someone who has attacked or criticized you还击;反击 If you hit me, I'll hit back.你要是攻击我,我就还击。 The team hit back with a touchdown of their own.这支球队以一个达阵得分来还击对方。 — often + at The Senator hit back at his critics.这位参议员反驳了对他的批评。 hit home — see 2home hit it informal — used to tell a group of musicians to begin playing表示要演奏者开始演奏 Hit it, boys! [=let's begin playing music]咱们演奏开始! hit it big or hit big — see big hit it off informal : to become friends : to get along well成为朋友;相处得好 The two of them hit it off (with each other) immediately.他们俩很快成了朋友。 Though we work together, we've never really hit it off.虽然我们一起工作,但我们从未真正成为朋友。 hit on/upon [phrasal verb] 1  hit on (someone) US, informal : to talk to (someone) in order to try to start a sexual relationship勾引:试图调情 She's always being/getting hit on at the gym.在健身房总有人想跟她调情。 Some drunk at the bar was hitting on her.酒吧里有个醉汉在勾引她。 2  hit on/upon (something) : to succeed in finding (something, such as a solution)找到(解决方案等) She thought about the problem for days before she finally hit on a solution.这个问题她考虑了好多天才想到一个办法。 He hit on a new way to do things.他找到一个做事的新方法。 We hit upon the answer accidentally.我们无意中找到了答案。 hit out at [phrasal verb] hit out at (someone) informal : to make an angry attack against (someone)严厉斥责;抨击 The singer hit out at [=(more commonly) lashed out at] her critics.歌手严厉斥责了她的批评者。 hit someone for six — see six hit the books — see 1book hit the buffers — see 1buffer hit the deck or hit the dirt or hit the ground : to drop down to the ground or floor suddenly突然卧倒 She hit the deck when the gunfire started.枪声一响她马上卧倒在地。 hit the fan — see 1fan hit the ground running : to begin an effort or activity in a quick, energetic, and effective way迅速展开;积极推进 The new administration hit the ground running after the inauguration.新一届政府在就职典礼后就迅速展开工作。 hit the hay informal or hit the sack : to go to bed睡觉 I'm tired. I'm going to hit the hay.我累了,要睡觉了。 hit the jackpot — see jackpot hit the nail on the head informal : to be exactly right绝对正确 He hit the nail on the head with that analysis.他的分析绝对正确。 hit the panic button — see panic button hit the road — see road hit the roof informal or hit the ceiling : to become very angry or upset愤怒;不安 His parents really hit the roof when they found out he had flunked out of school.他的父母发现他因考试不及格被劝退学后非常生气。 hit the skids — see 2skid hit the spot — see 1spot hit the streets informal or US hit the pavement : to go out in search of something or for a specific purpose外出寻找 I grabbed the classifieds and hit the pavement, looking for a new job.我一把拿起这个分类广告到外面四处转,寻找一份新的工作。 The reporters hit the streets to interview passersby.记者们外出采访路人。 — see also 1hit 6 (above) hit the town — see town hit the trail — see 2trail hit up [phrasal verb] hit (someone) up or hit up (someone) US, informal : to ask (someone) for something (such as money)向(某人)要求(借钱等) She's waiting for the right moment to hit up her father for a loan. [=to ask her father for a loan]她正等待合适时机向她父亲借钱。 I donated money to that charity a few months ago, and they're already hitting me up for more.我几个月前给那家慈善机构捐过钱,他们现在还要我再捐。 hit your stride — see 2stride know what hit you — see 1know 2 hit /ˈhɪt/ noun plural hits 2 hit /ˈhɪt/ noun plural hits Learner's definition of HIT [count] 1  a  : an act of hitting someone or something一击;撞击 The player was penalized for an illegal hit from behind.这个运动员因从背后撞人而被判罚。 The torpedo made a direct hit.这颗鱼雷直接命中目标。 b  — used to describe being hit by something (such as a bullet, bomb, punch, etc.) — usually used with take被…击中(通常与take连用) The bunker took a direct hit from the bombers.掩体被轰炸机直接击中。 The plane took some hits, but the pilot was able to fly back to the base.这架飞机有几处被击中,但驾驶员还是飞回了基地。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 His pride took a hit. [=his pride was hurt]他的自尊心受到了打击。 The company took a public relations hit when it lost the lawsuit. [=the company's public image was damaged when it lost the lawsuit]这家公司败诉后公共形象受到了损害。 She took a big financial hit when the stock market fell. [=she lost a lot of money]股市下跌时她损失惨重。 2  a  : something that is very successful巨大成功 The show was a (smash/big) hit.这场演出非常成功。 The album is a collection of the group's greatest hits. [=the group's most popular and successful songs]这张专辑收录了该乐队最流行最成功的歌曲。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a hit record/song风靡一时的唱片/歌曲 a hit movie卖座的电影 — see also one-hit wonder b  : someone or something that is liked by someone very much受欢迎的人(或事物) The pony ride was/made a big hit at the party.在派对上骑小马很受人欢迎。 — usually + with The pony ride was a big hit with the kids at the party. [=the kids at the party enjoyed the pony ride very much]在派对上骑小马很受孩子们的欢迎。 3  : a successful effort to reach a desired goal or result成功 His business ventures have been a mixture of hits and misses. [=some of his business ventures have been successful and some have failed]他的商业投机活动有得有失。 4  baseball : base hit He got/had two hits in last night's game.他在昨晚的比赛中打出两个安打。 5  computers a  : an act of connecting to a particular Web site点击链接 The site had/got over a million hits last month. [=people connected to the site more than a million times last month]上个月该网站的点击量超过百万次。 b  : a successful attempt to find something in a search of a computer database or the Internet(在数据库或互联网)成功搜索 A search for his name in the newspaper's database produced/found more than 30 hits.在这家报纸的数据库中搜索他的名字,查到30多个结果。 6  informal : a single dose of an illegal drug一剂毒品 Can I get a hit?我能来一剂吗? He took a hit of LSD.他注射了一剂强力迷幻药。 7  informal : a planned murder done by a paid killer做掉;干掉;雇人谋杀 an attempted hit on the gang's leader企图干掉这位黑帮老大 — see also hit man — hitless /ˈhɪtləs/ adjective a hitless musical group [=a musical group that has not had any hit songs]没有出过任何流行歌曲的乐队 She has gone/been hitless [=has not had any base hits] in her last three games.她在最后三场比赛中没有打出一个安打。 He pitched six hitless innings. [=six innings in which no batter got a base hit]他投球六局,没有一个击球手打出安打。




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