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词汇 just
释义 just (adverb) just 20 ENTRIES FOUND: just (adjective) just (adverb) because (conjunction) boat (noun) corner (noun) doctor (noun) face (noun) like (preposition) luck (noun) minute (noun) moment (noun) now (adverb) order (verb) same (pronoun) second (noun) so (adjective) soon (adverb) thing (noun) well (adjective) yet (adverb) 1 just /ˈʤʌst/ adjective 1 just /ˈʤʌst/ adjective Learner's definition of JUST [more just; most just] formal 1  a  : agreeing with what is considered morally right or good : fair公正的;公平的 a just society公正的社会 a just cause for war战争的正当理由 a just decision公正的决定 b  : treating people in a way that is considered morally right正直的 a just man正直的人 2  a  : reasonable or proper合理的;适当的 The college treated the allegation with just seriousness.这所学院严肃而恰当地处理了此项指控。 b  : deserved and appropriate应得的 They got their just punishment for the crime.他们的罪行得到了应有的惩罚。 a just reward应得的报偿 We all want to see this criminal get his just deserts. [=get the punishment that he deserves]我们都想看到这个罪犯得到应有的惩罚。 — justly adverb She is justly [=properly] admired for her charitable work.她因从事慈善事业而理所当然地备受称赞。 — justness /ˈʤʌstnəs/ noun [noncount] the justness of their decision他们决策的公正性 2 just /ˈʤʌst/ adverb 2 just /ˈʤʌst/ adverb Learner's definition of JUST 1  : to an exact degree or in an exact manner正好;恰恰是 You look just [=exactly] like your father.你看上去真像你父亲。 The store has just the tool you need.那家商店正好有你需要的工具。 That's just what I expected.那正是我所期待的。 You have to accept me just as I am.我就是这个样子,反正你得接受我。 This shirt fits just right.这件衬衫正合身。 She called him a liar and told him he was just like all the other men she'd met.她称他为骗子,并对他说他和她过去见到的其他男人完全一样。 It's just like you to be jealous every time I speak to another woman. [=you're always jealous when I speak to another woman]你就是这个样子,每次我和别的女人说话,你都吃醋。 — see also just my luck at 1luck 2  a  : very recently刚才;方才 The bell just rang.铃刚刚响过。 He was just here a minute ago.他刚才还在这里。 She had just returned when he entered.他进门时她刚回来。 She has just acted in her first play. = (chiefly US) She just acted in her first play.她刚刚演完自己的第一部戏。 I've just been trying to call you! = (chiefly US) I was just trying to call you!我刚才一直在给你打电话! b  : at this or that exact moment or time此时;那时 I was just going to telephone you!我刚才正准备给你打电话! She's just finishing a letter, and she'll be with you shortly.她快要写完信了,很快就来陪你。 c  — used to say that two or more events are happening at the same time or with very little time between them正要,就要(用于说明两个或多个事件同时发生或相隔时间极短) He confessed just before he died.他临终前做了忏悔。 The phone rang just as/when we were leaving.我们正要离开时电话响了。 I came just as soon as I heard the news.我一听到这个消息就赶来了。 d  — used to emphasize that a moment or time is not far from the present moment用于强调某一时间离此刻不远 She'll be back in just a minute. [=she'll be back very soon]她很快就会回来。 I saw her here just yesterday.我昨天还在这里见过她。 3  a  : by a small amount(数量上)勉强地,差一点就不 I had just [=barely] enough time to eat breakfast before leaving.我出发前刚好还有时间吃早餐。 I arrived just in time to see him win.我正好及时赶到看见他获胜。 We could (only) just see the ship coming over the horizon.我们刚好(仅能)看到那艘船从地平线驶过来。 The horse's time for the race was just short of the record. = The horse just missed breaking the record.这匹马差一点就打破比赛纪录了。 It should take us just [=slightly] under/over an hour to get there.我们到那儿应该要花将近一个小时/一个小时多一点。 b  : by a small distance(距离上)就在,正位于 She lives just west of here.她就住在西面。 The bathroom is just down the hall.卫生间就在走廊那头。 Just [=directly] across from the bank is a hotel.银行正对面是一家宾馆。 The restaurant is just around the corner.那家餐厅就在拐角处。 — see also just around the corner at 1corner 4  a  : nothing more than : only仅仅;只是 This is just [=simply] a note to say I love you.我寄这封信完全是为了向你表示我爱你。 He is just an assistant to the manager.他仅仅是经理的助手。 She was just a baby when her father went off to war.她父亲去打仗时她只是个婴儿。 Is it just a coincidence that I see him everywhere I go?去哪我都碰见他,难道这只是巧合吗? He has just two months left before his retirement.他只剩两个月就要退休了。 “Will you have another drink?” “Well, perhaps just (the) one.”“你还要饮料吗?”“嗯,可能一杯就够了。” I don't know him well: I've met him just (the) once. [=I've met him only one time]我不太了解他,我只见过他一次。 “Who is she?” “Oh, just somebody who works in the same office as me.”“她是谁?”“哦,只是和我在同一间办公室里工作的人。” I love just you and nobody else but you.我只爱你,除了你我谁都不爱。 She'll be away from her desk for just a few minutes. = She'll just be away from her desk for a few minutes.她只是要离开办公桌一小会。 They took a nice field and turned it into just another shopping mall.他们选了块好地段,把它建成了另一家购物中心。 He's just another guy trying to get rich without working too hard.他也是这样一个人,既想发财,又不肯出力。 b  — used to stress the simple truth of a description or statement确实,完全(用于强调一个描述或一句话的真实性) We'd like to buy a new car. We just [=simply] don't have enough money.我们想买辆新车,可就是钱不够。 Sometimes a person just wants to be left alone.有时一个人就想单独待着。 She just wanted to say goodbye.她只是想要告别一声。 You'll just have to be patient.你就得耐心点。 I'm sorry if I seem grouchy. I'm just tired.如果我看起来脾气不好,那不好意思,我真是累了。 The wedding was just wonderful.那场婚礼实在是太棒了。 I feel just great!我感觉棒极了! The kids want to camp in the backyard, just for fun. [=simply to have fun]孩子们想在后院露营,只是为了好玩。 c  — used in polite requests用于礼貌地提出请求 Could I just borrow that pen for a minute? Thanks!我能借用一下那支笔吗?谢谢! Would you just step this way, please, ladies and gentlemen.请走这边,女士们先生们。 d  — used for emphasis when you give an order or make a suggestion发出命令或提出建议时用于强调 Why don't we just forget the whole thing.我们干脆把整件事忘了吧。 Just hold on a minute! Did you say you'd solved the problem?!请等一下!你是说你已经解决了这个问题?! Just [=simply] tell him you don't feel like going out.就告诉他你不想出去。 Just (you) wait until your father sees this mess, young lady!小姐,你就等着吧,让你父亲看看这副混乱的样子! Don't argue with me: just do it!别和我争,做就是了! Just imagine how silly she'll feel when she realizes that she was wrong.试想一下,一旦她意识到自己错了,会觉得自己有多傻。 Just look at the size of that thing!看那个东西多大呀! Just think how happy we could be.想想看我们会有多幸福。 e  — used to describe what someone does instead of doing what is necessary or expected用于描述某人所做的事并非必要的或期望的 Don't just stand there: do something!别傻站在那里,做点什么! She just stood there watching as he walked away.她就站在那里看着他离去。 I can't just pretend nothing happened.我不能就假装什么事都没发生过。 5  — used with words like might and may to refer to something that is possible与might和may等词连用,表可能性 I know you don't expect him to succeed, but he might just surprise you. [=he might succeed]我知道你不看好他,但他可能会让你大吃一惊。 It's a crazy idea, but it just might work!真是个疯狂的想法,但它也许会奏效! You know, you just might be right about that.你知道吗,你对那件事的看法也许是对的。 6  British, informal : indeed Isn't the city hot, just!这座城市很热,真的! just about : almost or nearly差不多;几乎 It was just about time to leave.差不多到了该走的时候了。 The work is just about done.工作差不多干完了。 That is just about the biggest horse I have ever seen. [=that is a very big horse]那几乎是我见过的最大的马。 That is just about the stupidest thing she has ever done.那差不多是她做过的最蠢的事。 just a minute/second/moment 1  — used to ask someone to wait or stop briefly等一下;请稍候 Just a second and I will get that book for you.请稍等,我这就把书给你拿来。 2  — used to demand that someone stop or listen用于要求某人停下或倾听 Just a minute, young lady! You can't park there!且慢,小姐!你不能在那儿停车! just anyone : any person at all任何人 I don't lend money to just anyone.不是谁来借钱我都借。 just as : to an equal degree as(程度)正像 Our house is just as nice as theirs.我们的房子和他们的一样漂亮。 This one is just as good as that one.这个和那个一样好。 She performs just as well as he does.她表现得和他一样好。 : in the same way as(方式)正如,和…一样 Just as we hope to be forgiven, so we should forgive others.正如我们希望得到宽恕一样,我们也应该宽恕他人。 Just as I thought/suspected, the door is locked. [=I thought that the door would be locked, and it is]如我所料,门是锁着的。 just as soon ◊ If you would just as soon do something, you would prefer to do it.宁愿;宁可 We asked him to come with us, but he said he'd just as soon stay home.我们叫他一起来,但他说他宁愿待在家里。 just as well ◊ If it is just as well that something happens, then it is a good thing, even if it was not expected or intended.幸而;幸好;无妨 It's just as well she didn't get that job, since she will now be closer to home.幸好她当时没得到那份工作,她现在可以离家近点。 I really didn't want to stay home this weekend, but it's just as well. I have a lot to do.本来这个周末我不想待在家里,但也无妨。我有很多事要做。 just because — see because just like that : very suddenly突然地;冷不防 The girl vanished just like that.那个女孩突然消失了。 Just like that it started raining.天突然下起了雨。 just now or just this minute/second 1  : a moment ago刚才;方才 I saw him just now.我刚刚见到他。 I was just this minute thinking about calling you.我刚刚想要给你打电话。 2  : at this moment现在;此刻;眼下 They are just now heading out the door.他们正朝门外走去。 just on British, informal : exactly It was just on midnight.那会儿正好是午夜。 just so : in a particular way按要求的方式;用特定的方式 They feel they have to dress just so to be popular.他们觉得要想受欢迎,自己就得穿成那样。 : arranged in a very neat and tidy way井然;有条不紊 Everything in her house has to be just so or she gets upset. [=everything has to be exactly as she likes it]她房间里所有的东西都必须井井有条,否则她就觉得不舒服。 just the same — see 2same just the thing : the best or perfect thing I have just the thing for your hair. just yet : right now立刻;马上 — used in negative constructions to say that something is not done yet or true yet but will be soon用于否定结构,表某事还未完成或实现,但很快就会完成或实现 I don't have the table finished just yet.我马上收拾好桌子。 “Are you ready to leave?” “Not just yet.”“你准备好出发了吗?”“这会儿还没有。” not just — used to say that one thing is true and that another thing is also true不仅仅;不只是 She's not just my friend, she's my lawyer.她不仅是我的朋友,还是我的律师。




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