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词汇 down
释义 down (adjective) down (preposition) down (noun) down (noun) down (verb) down 209 ENTRIES FOUND: down (adverb) down (adjective) down (preposition) down (noun) down (noun) down (verb) down-and-dirty (adjective) down-and-out (adjective) down-at-the-heels (adjective) down-home (adjective) down-market (adjective) downs (noun) Down's (noun) Down's syndrome (noun) down-to-earth (adjective) down payment (noun) Down syndrome (noun) broken-down (adjective) button-down (adjective) dress-down (adjective) dressing-down (noun) drop-down menu (noun) first down (noun) hand-me-down (adjective) hands down (adverb) knock-down, drag-out (adjective) lie-down (noun) low-down (adjective) pull-down menu (noun) put-down (noun) run-down (adjective) sit-down (adjective) sit-down (noun) thumbs-down (noun) top-down (adjective) trickle-down (adjective) upside down (adverb) upside-down cake (noun) watered-down (adjective) aisle (noun) alley (noun) arm (noun) back (verb) balloon (noun) batten (verb) bear (verb) beat (verb) bed (verb) bog (verb) boil (verb) bow (verb) brass (noun) break (verb) breathe (verb) bring (verb) bucket (verb) buckle (verb) burn (verb) call (verb) change (verb) chase (verb) chip (noun) choke (verb) chop (verb) chow (verb) clamp (verb) climb (verb) close (verb) come (verb) copy (verb) count (verb) count (noun) crack (verb) cut (verb) deep (adverb) defeat (noun) die (verb) do (verb) drag (verb) drain (noun) dress (verb) dumb (verb) dump (noun) eye (noun) fall (verb) foot (noun) force (verb) fort (noun) garden (noun) gauntlet (noun) get (verb) go (verb) grind (verb) ground (noun) gun (verb) hair (noun) hand (verb) hatch (noun) head (noun) history (noun) hold (verb) hunker (verb) hunt (verb) job (noun) jump (verb) keep (verb) knock (verb) knuckle (verb) law (noun) lay (verb) lead (verb) lead (noun) let (verb) lie (verb) life (noun) lift (verb) line (noun) live (verb) load (verb) look (verb) luck (noun) mark (verb) melt (verb) mouth (noun) mow (verb) nail (verb) neck (noun) nose (noun) note (verb) pan (noun) pants (noun) pass (verb) pat (verb) path (noun) peg (noun) pike (noun) pin (verb) pipe (verb) piss (verb) play (verb) plonk (verb) plop (verb) plughole (noun) plunk (verb) pull (verb) put (verb) quiet (verb) quieten (verb) ram (verb) river (noun) road (noun) roll (verb) root (noun) rub (verb) run (verb) saw (verb) scale (verb) sell (verb) send (verb) set (verb) settle (verb) shake (verb) shoot (verb) shout (verb) shove (verb) shut (verb) side (noun) simmer (verb) sit (verb) size (noun) slick (verb) slim (verb) slow (verb) smash (verb) south (adverb) spine (noun) splash (verb) stand (verb) stare (verb) step (verb) strike (verb) tack (noun) take (verb) talk (verb) tear (verb) throat (noun) tie (verb) toilet (noun) tone (verb) touch (verb) trade (verb) trickle (verb) trim (verb) trousers (noun) tube (noun) turn (verb) up (adverb) up (adjective) vote (verb) walk (verb) wash (verb) water (verb) wear (verb) weigh (verb) whittle (verb) wind (verb) wipe (verb) world (noun) write (verb) 1 down /ˈdaʊn/ adverb 1 down /ˈdaʊn/ adverb Learner's definition of DOWN 1  a  : from a higher to a lower place or position由高向低;向下 The land slopes down to the sea.陆面顺坡向下延伸至大海。 Please pull down the window shade. = Please pull the window shade down.请拉下百叶窗。 I'll come down [=downstairs] in a minute.我马上就下楼。 She called down to her friends in the street below.她朝着下面街上的朋友喊叫。 They set/put the cake down on the table.他们把蛋糕放到桌上。 Lay down your book for a minute.把你的书放下一会儿。 We watched the sun go down.我们看着太阳下山。 b  : in a low position or place在下方;在低处 Keep your head down.低下头。 We keep our wine collection down in the basement.我们把收藏的红酒放在地窖里。 What's going on down there?那边发生了什么事? 2  : to or toward the ground or floor向地面 He fell down and hurt his knee.他摔下来伤了膝盖。 Climb down out of that tree!从树上爬下来! He knocked him down with one punch.他一拳把他打倒在地。 Don't look down!别往下看! Brightly colored flags hang down from the ceiling.色彩鲜艳的旗子挂在天花板上。 3  : to a lying or sitting position(躺)下;(坐)下 Please, sit down.请坐。 Lie down and go to sleep.躺下睡觉。 4  a  : to or toward the south向南方 They went down to Florida for two weeks.他们南下佛罗里达州住了两个星期。 We drove down from New York.我们从纽约驱车南下。 The weather's much warmer down south.南方的天气暖和得多。 b  informal : to or toward a place that is thought of as below or away from another place向低处;向远处 She drove down to our house.她一路开车到我们家。 Come on down and see us sometime.改天过来看看我们。 c  : to or toward a place that is away from the speaker向那边 He is heading down to the store.他正往商店那边走去。 Would you mind moving (further) down so that we can sit here, too?麻烦您往那边挪一挪,让我们也坐坐行吗? 5  : on a piece of paper在纸上 Write down everything he says.把他说的话都写下来。 Take down this number.记下这个号码。 Did you get that down?你记下那个了吗? 6  : at a lower or lesser important position in a list or series(在列表或序列中)处于较低位置,处于次要地位 Supporting public education seems to be far down [=low] on the government's agenda.支持公共教育在政府的议程中似很不重要。 Cleaning my house ranks pretty far down on my list. [=there are many other things I'd rather do]在我的清单上,打扫屋子排得很靠后。 — opposite up 7  : to a lower or lesser degree, level, or rate在较低的位置(或程度、水平、速度等) Slow down.慢下来。 Could you turn the volume down, please?请把声音调小点好吗? We should give them some time to cool down.我们需要给他们些时间冷静一下。 We should wait for the winds to calm down before we set sail.我们应该等风小点再起航。 The company's stock went down last week.公司股票上周下跌了。 The team was 10 points down [=it had 10 fewer points than the other team] in the third quarter.这个队在第三节落后10分。 The price of gasoline is starting to go down again.汽油价格又开始下降了。 — opposite up 8  : to a smaller or weaker state减到更小;变得更弱 We have scaled down our plans for the new building.我们已经缩小了新楼的建筑规划。 Some people want to use the budget surplus to pay down the national debt. [=to make payments that will reduce the a national debt]有些人想用预算盈余进行支付以减少国家债务。 They have cut/whittled down the number of candidates.他们削减了候选人的数量。 — often + to He finally got his report down to three pages.他最终将报告压缩到三页。 9  : to a state of failure or defeat失利;落后 The school board voted the budget down 55 to 15. [=it voted not to pass the budget]校董会以55:15投票否决了预算案。 10  : in a way that causes someone or something to be less able to move不能动弹地;不能移动地 Remember to tie down the load.记住把货物绑紧。 They had to strap the patient down to his bed.他们只得把病人绑在床上。 11  : in a thorough or complete way完全地;彻底地 The car needs to be washed down.这辆汽车需要彻底清洗。 Hose the dog down outside.在屋外用喷水软管把狗好好冲洗一下。 12  : to the place where a person or thing is or came from朝向…的方向 They use dogs to hunt down escaped prisoners.他们用狗追捕逃犯。 He chased the ball down and threw it to third base.他追上球,将球投向三垒。 Every attempt to pin down the cause of the disease has proved unsuccessful.确定病因的所有努力都失败了。 I haven't been able to track down that quotation.我没能查到那句引语的出处。 13  : from a past time来自过去 This vase has been handed down in our family for several generations.这个花瓶已经在我们家族中传了几代人了。 Most of these stories were passed down by word of mouth.这些故事大多数是通过口头流传下来的。 14  : as a first payment : as a down payment作为首期款(或定金) We put 10 percent down [=we made a 10 percent down payment] on the house.这栋房子我们付了10%的定金。 Buy a car now with no money down. [=without making a down payment]不需定金,立即买车。 15  : in the stomach在肚子里 The baby is having trouble keeping food down.那个婴儿吃什么吐什么。 16  British : away from a school or university离开学校(或大学) He was sent down for misconduct and never earned his degree.他因行为不当被开除,没能取得学位。 down in the mouth — see 1mouth down to 1  : in a way that includes even (the smallest or least important part)甚至包含(最细微或最不重要部分)地 Our work must be accurate down to the last detail.我们的工作必须每个细节都准确无误。 They knew everything about him down to the cologne he wore.他们对他了如指掌,甚至连他用的古龙香水都知道。 2  : to the last person or thing that can be used只剩下(某人或某物) It looks like it's down to you and me. [=we are the last two people that are available]看样子只剩下你我二人了。 I'm down to my last dollar. [=I have only one dollar left]我只剩一美元了。 down with — used to say that you do not like something and want it to stop or fail打倒 Down with racism!打倒种族主义! Down with the government!打倒政府! keep your head down — see 1head let your hair down — see hair put your foot down — see 1foot up and down — see 1up with your pants down — see pants 2 down /ˈdaʊn/ adjective 2 down /ˈdaʊn/ adjective Learner's definition of DOWN 1  : in a low place or position在低处的;在下方的 The window shades were down.百叶窗拉下来了。 The candy is down on the bottom shelf.糖果在底层架子上。 : on the ground or floor在地上的 There was a pile of dirty clothes down on the floor.地板上有一堆脏衣服。 2  : going downward向下的 She took the down escalator.她乘坐了下行自动扶梯。 3  : lower in price or value便宜的;低廉的 These changes should help keep prices down.这些改变应该有助于保持低价。 Stocks are down again today.今天股票又下跌了。 4  : less than an earlier or normal level降低的;低于正常水平的 Attendance has been down lately.最近出勤率下降了。 New construction is down sharply this month.这个月新建工程急剧下降。 5  : having a lower level of activity不活跃的;萧条的 Our business is having a down year.我们的生意今年很惨淡。 a down market/economy萧条的市场/经济 6  : having fewer points than an opponent比分落后于对手的 His team was down by 10 points [=trailed by 10 points] in the third quarter.他的队在第三节还落后对手10分。 We're down two runs.我们还落后两分。 7  : not operating properly : not able to function不运转的;出故障的 We can't get any work done while the network/system is系统出故障时,我们什么事都干不了。 8  [more down; most down] : sad or unhappy悲伤的;低落的 You look pretty down. What's the matter?你看起来闷闷不乐。出什么事了? She was feeling down.她感觉很沮丧。 9  : finished or completed已完成的;完结了的 I've got eight down and only two more to go. [=I've finished eight and have two more to do]我已经完成了八个,还剩两个。 10  : learned in a complete way完全掌握的 Do you all have your lines down? [=memorized]你把所有台词都记下了吗? We have our routine down pat. [=we have mastered our routine; we can do it easily]我们完全掌握了日常工作。 11  : having something written or recorded in an official way正式签署(或记录)的 You are down for two tickets. [=you are signed up to get two tickets]您登记了两张票。 12  US slang — used to say that you understand or approve of something了解的;赞成的 — usually + with I told them I wasn't down with lying to people. [=I don't think that lying to people is right]我告诉他们我不赞成撒谎骗人。 Yeah, I'm down with that.是的,我明白了。 13  baseball — used to say how many outs have been made in the inning by the team that is batting(某人数)出局的 There are now two (men) down in the top of the third inning.才第三局开头,目前已有两人出局。 14  American football — used to say that the ball or the player who has the ball is on the ground and the play has ended成死球的 The runner was down on the fify-yard line.跑球队员在五十码线处被压倒在地。 The ball was down.球成了死球。 down for the count — see 2count down on informal : having a bad opinion of someone or something对…不满的 My coach has been down on me lately.我的教练最近对我很不满。 down on your luck — see 1luck down with : affected by (an illness)患…病的 She has been down with the flu for a week.她感冒已经一周了。 when the chips are down — see 1chip 3 down /ˈdaʊn/ preposition 3 down /ˈdaʊn/ preposition Learner's definition of DOWN 1  : from a higher to a lower part of (something)(从高处)向下,往下 Sweat dripped down her neck.汗水顺着她的脖子流下来。 The children ran down the hill.孩子们跑下了山。 She fell down the stairs.她从楼梯上摔下来。 He climbed down the ladder.他从梯子上爬下来。 He spilled mustard down the front of his shirt.他把芥末溅在了衬衫前襟上。 Her hair hung loosely down her back.她的头发松散地披在背后。 2  : along the course or path of (something)沿着…道路 Go down the road/street and turn left.沿着路走然后左转。 We grew up down the block from each other.我们在街区那边一起长大,相互离得很近。 There's a bridge three miles down the river. [=three miles in the same direction that the water is going in the river]沿河而下三英里处有一座桥。 ships sailing down the coast [=along the coast usually toward the south]沿海岸(向南)航行的船只 The bathroom is halfway down the hall on the right.卫生间在走廊中间的右手边。 His pitches were right down the middle of the plate.他的投球正中本垒板中部。 I usually part my hair down the center.我通常梳中分头。 He is still pacing up and down [=back and forth in] the room.他仍在房间里来回走动。 4 down /ˈdaʊn/ noun plural downs 4 down /ˈdaʊn/ noun plural downs Learner's definition of DOWN 1  [count] : a period or state of failure, trouble, etc.失败;挫折 — usually plural通常用复数 The company has had more downs than ups this year.公司今年失败多于成功。 We have had our ups and downs.我们经历了起起落落。 2  American football : one of a series of four chances that a team has to move the ball forward 10 yards in order to keep the ball and begin a new series进攻,进攻机会(得球的队为向前推进10码连续四次进攻中的一次) [noncount] He caught the ball on second/third down.他在第二/三次进攻时接到了球。 [count] a series of downs一连串的进攻 — see also first down — compare 5down, downs 5 down /ˈdaʊn/ noun 5 down /ˈdaʊn/ noun Learner's definition of DOWN [noncount] 1  : small and very soft feathers羽绒 goose down鹅绒 a pillow filled with down羽绒枕头 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a down pillow/comforter/jacket羽绒枕/被/衫 2  : small soft hairs绒毛;软毛;汗毛 The young man had just a light trace of down on his cheeks.这个年轻人脸颊上有少许淡淡的汗毛。 the down of a peach桃子上的绒毛 — compare 4down, downs 6 down /ˈdaʊn/ verb downs; downed; downing 6 down /ˈdaʊn/ verb downs; downed; downing Learner's definition of DOWN [+ object] 1  : to cause (something) to fall to the ground使掉落 He downed [=shot down] four enemy planes.他击落了四架敌机。 The storm downed power lines throughout the city.风暴将贯穿市区的输电线刮倒。 a downed bird/plane被击落的鸟/飞机 a large number of downed power lines大量掉落的输电线 2  informal : to eat or drink (something) especially quickly(尤指快速地)吃掉,喝掉 She quickly downed [=took, swallowed] the pills I gave her.她迅速吞下了我给她的药片。 They were downing beers and watching the game on TV.他们大口喝着啤酒,看着电视上的比赛。 3  American football : to cause (a football) to be out of play使成死球 The quarterback downed the ball to stop the clock.四分卫制造死球让比赛暂停。 4  informal : defeat Smith downed Jones in the first round of the tournament.史密斯在联赛第一轮击败了琼斯。 The Cardinals downed the Braves by a score of 5-2.红雀队以5:2的比分击败了勇士队。




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