

单词 lid
释义 lid 3 ENTRIES FOUND: lid (noun) lidded (adjective) flip (verb) lid /ˈlɪd/ noun plural lids lid /ˈlɪd/ noun plural lids Learner's definition of LID [count] 1  : a cover on a box, can, jar, etc., that can be lifted or removed(盒、罐等的)盖子 — see picture at kitchen 2  : eyelid blow the lid off (chiefly US) or chiefly British lift the lid on : to reveal the truth about (something)揭露…的真相 The investigation blew the lid off corruption in city hall.这项调查揭露了市政厅的腐败现象。 flip your lid — see 1flip keep a lid on 1  : to keep (something secret) from being known保守…的秘密;隐瞒 She tried to keep a lid on the news.她尽力隐瞒这个消息。 2  : to control (something) : to keep (something) from becoming worse制止住;抑制住 The government has been unable to keep a lid on inflation.政府已经控制不住通货膨胀了。 put a lid on 1  : to stop (something) from growing or becoming worse限制;抑制 These changes are intended to put a lid on rising medical costs.这些改革旨在抑制不断增长的医疗费。 2  informal : to stop doing or saying (something)终止,结束(做或说某事) He angrily told them to put a lid on their complaints. [=to stop complaining]他愤怒地叫他们不要再抱怨了。 I'm tired of listening to your complaints, so just put a lid on it! [=shut up]我听够了你的牢骚,闭嘴吧! 3  or put the lid on : to cause the end or failure of (something)使结束;使失败 The government used the army to put a lid on [=stop] the rebellion.政府动用军队平定了叛乱。 The new official vowed that he would put the lid on violence once and for all.这位新任官员信誓旦旦地说他将彻底铲除暴力。 (chiefly Brit) The rain has really put the lid on our holiday plans. [=has ruined our holiday plans]这场雨使我们的度假计划彻底泡汤了。




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