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词汇 at least
释义 at least 1  : not less than a specified amount, level, etc.至少;起码 At least once a year, we visit our grandparents.我们至少每年探望祖父母一次。 We meet at least once a month. = We meet once a month at least.我们至少一个月见一次面。 You must be at least 21 years of age to enter.年满21周岁者方能人内。 He was at least six feet tall.他至少有六英尺高。 He must have at least 300 CDs!他至少有300张CD! 2  — used to say that something (such as a bad situation) could be or have been worse至少(表示某事物可能或原本可能更糟) The weather was cold, but at least it didn't rain.天气虽冷,但至少没下雨。 I was tired and hungry, but at least I was free.虽然我又累又饿,但至少我自由了。 We don't have much money, but at least we still have each other.虽然我们没多少钱,但至少我们拥有彼此。 3  — used to indicate the smallest or easiest thing that someone can or should do至少(表示某人能够或应该做到的最起码的事情) Well, he could have at least apologized.嗯,他至少应该道歉。 4  a  — used to indicate that the truth of a statement might change or has changed至少(表示一句话的真实性可能或已经发生改变) We're going to have a picnic, at least if it doesn't rain.如果不下雨,至少我们会去野餐。 I'm fine for now at least. [=I'm fine for now although I may not be fine later]我还好,至少目前如此。 He was unknown in the music world, at least until recently.他过去在乐坛默默无闻,至少前不久仍是如此。 b  — used to indicate that the truth of a previous statement is not certain至少(表示前一句话的真实性不确定) Her name is Sue, or at least I think it is.她的名字叫苏,或者至少我是这么认为的。 He is coming today. At least that's what he told me.他今天要来。至少他是这么跟我说的。 least




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