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词汇 luck
释义 luck (verb) luck 11 ENTRIES FOUND: luck (noun) luck (verb) hard-luck (adjective) best (noun) better (adjective) down (adjective) draw (noun) potluck (noun) push (verb) time (noun) try (verb) 1 luck /ˈlʌk/ noun 1 luck /ˈlʌk/ noun Learner's definition of LUCK [noncount] 1  : the things that happen to a person because of chance : the accidental way things happen without being planned偶然;机遇;运气 Our meeting happened by (pure) luck. [=chance]我们不期而遇。 Her business has been doing poorly, but she's hoping that her luck will change. [=she's hoping that she will begin to have success]她生意一直做得很惨淡,但她希望时来运转。 We had good/bad luck fishing.我们钓鱼时运气很好/不好。 He's been having nothing but bad/rotten/hard/tough/lousy luck.除了坏运气外他一无所有。 He cursed his luck.他抱怨自己不走运。 ◊ When luck is on your side or luck is with you, your luck is good. When luck is against you, your luck is bad.运气好;运气不好 Our car broke down on the road, but luck was on our side and there was a garage nearby.我们的车半路抛锚了,但我们运气好,附近恰好有一个汽车修理厂。 I arrived a little late and luck was against me: the last ticket had just been sold.我晚到了一小会儿,不走运的是,最后一张票刚售完。 2  a  : good fortune : good luck好运 He succeeded through hard work and a little luck.他的成功是靠勤奋工作和一点运气。 We need a bit of luck.我们需要点儿好运。 If our luck holds [=if our luck continues to be good], we should be able to arrive on time.如果还这么走运,我们应该能按时到达。 Before her husband left for his job interview, she gave him a kiss for luck. [=so that he would have good luck]在丈夫前去面试时,她给了他一个吻以给他带去好运。 I can't believe they gave the job to that guy. Some people/guys have all the luck. [=some people are very lucky]我不敢相信他们居然把工作交给那家伙。有些人就是运气好。 The success of his first restaurant was just beginner's luck. [=he succeeded because he was lucky, as beginners sometimes are]他第一家餐馆的成功不过是新手的好运气罢了。 With (any) luck [=if we are lucky, if what we want to happen does happen] there'll still be some tickets left when we arrive.运气好的话,我们到达后还会有票。 By a stroke of luck, there were still a few tickets left when we arrived.我们运气真好,到达时还剩几张票。 b  : success in doing or getting something顺利做成;成功得到 Have you had any luck [=success] (in) finding a new apartment?你顺利找到新的公寓了吗? “I've been looking for a new apartment.” “Any luck?” “No, not yet.”“我一直在找一套新的公寓。“找到了吗?“还没有。” I've had no luck in finding a new apartment.我没能找到新的公寓。 He had no better luck than I did.他的运气不比我好多少。 as luck would have it — used to say that something happened because of good or bad luck碰巧;幸而;不巧 Our car broke down on the road, but as luck would have it [=as it turned out], there was a garage nearby.我们的车在路上抛锚了,但幸运的是旁边有个修车厂。 I arrived a little late and, as luck would have it, the last ticket had just been sold.我晚到了一小会儿,真不巧,最后一张票刚售完。 bad luck or British hard luck — used in speech to show sympathy for someone who has failed or has been disappointed(用于口语,表同情)真不走运,真是不幸 “I didn't get the job.” “Bad luck!”“我没得到那份工作。”“真不走运!” best of luck informal — used to say that you hope someone will succeed祝成功;祝好运 We're sorry that you're leaving. Best of luck to you in your new job.很遗憾你要离开了。希望你在新的工作岗位上万事如意。 — see also wish someone (the best of) luck (below) better luck next time — used to say that you hope someone will have more success in doing or trying something in the future祝下次好运 I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get the job. Better luck next time.听说你没有得到那份工作,我深表遗憾。祝你下次好运。 down on your luck ◊ When you are down on your luck, your luck is bad.运气不好 She's been down on her luck lately. [=she has been suffering through a difficult time lately]她最近运气一直不佳。 good luck 1  — used to say that you hope someone will succeed祝成功;祝顺利 We're sorry that you're leaving. Good luck in your new job.很遗憾你要走了。祝你新工作顺利! 2  informal — used to say that you think what someone is trying to do is difficult or impossible(认为某人所做的事情非常困难或不可能时)祝好运 “I'm planning to ask for a raise.” “Oh, really? Well, good luck (to you).” [=I think it is unlikely that you will get a raise]“我打算要求加薪。”“哦,真的吗?那祝你好运。” in luck ◊ When you are in luck, something that you want to do is possible.运气好 “Are there any tickets?” “You're in luck. We still have a few more left.”“还有票吗?”“你运气真好。还剩了几张票。” just my luck informal — used to say that bad or unpleasant things often happen to you because you are unlucky就这运气;总这样倒霉 The last ticket was sold a minute before I got there—just my luck.最后一张票在我到达前一分钟卖出去了,我就这么倒霉。 Lady Luck or lady luck — used to refer to luck as if it were a woman幸运女神 He blamed his problems on lady luck.他将自己的问题都归咎为没有碰到幸运女神。 no such luck informal — used to say that you could not do or have something you wanted没这样的好运 We hoped we could still get tickets, but no such luck—they had all been sold.我们希望还能买到票,可惜没那么走运,票都卖光了。 out of luck ◊ When you are out of luck, something that you want to do is not possible.不走运 We hoped we could still get tickets, but we were out of luck—they had all been sold.我们希望还能买到票,可惜运气不佳,票都卖光了。 push your luck or US press your luck ◊ If you are pushing/pressing your luck, you are taking more risks than you should or you are asking for more favors than you should.心存侥幸;不知足;得寸进尺 “Can I have more time to finish the job?” “Don't press/push your luck. You've already been given extra time.”“能再多给我些时间来完成这项工作吗?”“别得寸进尺,已经宽限你很多了。” the luck of the draw — used to say that the result of something cannot be controlled and depends on chance碰运气;靠运气 The weather may be good or bad that day—it all depends on the luck of the draw.那天的天气可能好也可能不好,全凭运气了。 tough luck informal ◊ Tough luck can be used in speech to show sympathy for someone who has failed or has been disappointed, but it is more commonly used in an ironic way to show that you do not feel sympathy for someone.(可用于口语中表示同情,但更常用作讽刺之意)真不走运,真是不幸 “I need more time to finish the job.” “Tough luck. You knew the job was supposed to be done by today.”“我需要更多时间来完成这项工作。”“真倒霉啊,你知道这工作今天就该完成的。” try your luck ◊ To try your luck at something is to do something in the hope that you will succeed.碰运气;试试运气 He's trying his luck at starting his own restaurant.他想试试运气,自己开个餐馆。 wish someone (the best of) luck : to say that you hope someone will have success祝…好运 I wish you (the best of) luck in your new job.希望你在新的工作中取得成功。 I have a job interview this morning. Wish me luck!今天上午我有一个求职面试,祝我好运吧! — luckless /ˈlʌkləs/ adjective a luckless loser倒霉的失败者 2 luck /ˈlʌk/ verb lucks; lucked; lucking 2 luck /ˈlʌk/ verb lucks; lucked; lucking Learner's definition of LUCK luck into [phrasal verb] luck into (something) US, informal : to find or get (something) because of good luck碰巧发现;幸运得到 She lucked into a good job.她幸运地得到一份好工作。 luck out [phrasal verb] US, informal : to have good luck走好运;运气不错 We arrived late but we lucked out—there were still a few tickets left.我们来晚了,但运气不错,还剩了几张票。




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