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词汇 mark
释义 mark (verb) mark (noun) mark 27 ENTRIES FOUND: mark (noun) mark (verb) mark (noun) marked (adjective) marking (noun) accent mark (noun) beauty mark (noun) black mark (noun) check mark (noun) deutsche mark (noun) full marks (noun) German mark (noun) high-water mark (noun) punctuation mark (noun) question mark (noun) quotation mark (noun) service mark (noun) strawberry mark (noun) stress mark (noun) stretch marks (noun) close (adjective) find (verb) miss (verb) quick (adjective) slow (adjective) time (noun) word (noun) 1 mark /ˈmɑɚk/ noun plural marks 1 mark /ˈmɑɚk/ noun plural marks Learner's definition of MARK 1  [count] a  : a small area on the surface of something that is dirty, damaged, etc.痕迹;污点 a burn/scratch mark烧痕;抓痕 The glass left a water mark on the wooden table.玻璃杯在木桌上留下了一个水印。 — see also black mark b  : an area of something (such as an animal's fur or skin) that is a different color from the area around it色斑;斑点 The cat has white fur with some black marks on its head and tail.这只猫浑身雪白,头部和尾部带有一些黑斑点。 — see also birthmark, strawberry mark, stretch marks 2  [count] a  : a written or printed shape or symbol符号 proofreading marks校对符号 — see also punctuation mark b  : a symbol or shape on something that identifies it, shows its quality, etc.标签;标识 The goldsmith's mark is stamped on the back.金匠的标识印在后面。 — see also landmark, postmark, trademark c  : a cross made in place of a signature by someone who cannot read and write(不能读写的人用来代替签名的)画押 We read him the document and he made his mark on it.我们给他念了文件后,他在上面画了押。 3  [count] : something that shows how someone feels about something : a sign or indication of something象征;标志 He gave her the necklace as a mark of his esteem.他送给她这条项链以表敬意。 They left flowers on the grave as a mark of respect.他们在墓地上放了一些鲜花以表尊重。 Those extra responsibilities he's giving you are a mark of confidence. [=they show that he has confidence in you]他让你多承担一些责任表明他对你有信心。 4  [count] : a quality or trait that is typical of a particular type of person or thing特点;特征 — + of Courtesy is the mark [=hallmark, sign] of a true gentleman.谦逊有礼是一名真正的绅士的特征。 A willingness to ask tough questions is the mark of a good journalist.勇于提尖锐的问题是一名好记者的特征。 He thinks that indecisiveness is a mark of weakness. [=indecisiveness shows weakness]他认为优柔寡断是软弱的表现。 5  [count] : a number or letter that indicates how a student has performed in a class or on a test : grade(考试的)分数,成绩 I got a good/high/low mark in/for English.我英语考试得了好的分数/高分/低分。 I got a good/high/low mark on the spelling test.我的拼写测试得了好的分数/高分/低分。 She barely earned passing marks in her first year of college.她在大学一年级时学习成绩勉强及格。 failing marks不及格的成绩 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 I'll give them high/top marks for honesty. [=they are very honest; I give them a lot of praise and credit for being honest]因为他们很诚实,我要给予他们高度评价。 — see also full marks 6  [singular] : a specified point or level(某一)标准点,水平 We're at the halfway mark in the first period of play.我们现在是在第一节比赛赛程的中间点。 The population has topped the 1,000,000 mark.人口已超过百万大关。 — see also high-water mark 7  [count] : something that is aimed at or shot at : target目标;靶子 The arrow hit/missed/overshot the mark.箭射中了/射偏了/没射中靶子。 The bullet found its mark. [=hit the target that was aimed for]这颗子弹击中了靶子。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Our fund-raising fell/was short of the mark. [=we did not raise as much money as we needed]我们没有募集到足够的资金。 8  [count] US : a person who is tricked into losing money or property被骗财的人 They proved to be easy marks for the swindler.他们被证明很容易上当受骗。 9  [count] : the line or place where a race starts(比赛的)起点 The runners were told to take their marks. [=to get into position for the start of the race]赛跑运动员听见口令各就各位。 On your mark, get set, go!各就各位,预备,跑! close to the mark or near the mark : fairly accurate : almost correct接近准确;几乎无误 Their estimate was pretty close to the mark.他们的估计非常接近事实。 leave/make a/your mark : to do something that causes you to be remembered : to create a lasting or strong impression给人留下深刻印象 He worked at several jobs, but he didn't make much of a mark in any of them.他做过好几份工作,但每份工作都没给人留下深刻的印象。 From the moment we saw her in action, we knew she would make her mark as a teacher.我们从见她上课的那一刻起,就知道她会成为一名好老师。 Her kindness left its mark on her students.她的善良给学生们留下了深刻的印象。 miss its/the mark : to fail or be wrong失败;错误 Their estimates completely missed the mark. [=were not accurate]他们的估计完全错误。 The ad campaign was supposed to appeal to young people but it missed the mark.这场广告宣传旨在吸引年轻人,却未达到目的。 — see also 1mark 7 (above) off the mark or wide of the mark : not accurate or correct : not achieving the desired result没有获得预期的结果 The results of the fund-raising were wide of the mark.集资的成果不尽人意。 His efforts to console her were off the mark. [=his efforts to console her did not help]他试着安慰她,但没起到作用。 quick/slow off the mark : quick or slow to act or to understand something行动快/慢;理解快/慢 As soon as the opportunity arose, he was quick off the mark in exploiting it.机会一出现,他马上就抓住了。 I was slow off the mark [=I did not act quickly] and missed my chance.我反应慢,错失了良机。 up to the mark : up to the usual standard of performance, quality, etc. : as good as usual达到标准;符合要求 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 I haven't been feeling up to the mark lately.我最近一直感觉不在状态。 His work hasn't been up to the mark.他的工作没有达到标准。 — compare 3mark 2 mark /ˈmɑɚk/ verb marks; marked; marking 2 mark /ˈmɑɚk/ verb marks; marked; marking Learner's definition of MARK 1  : to make or leave a visible mark on (something)留下痕迹 [+ object] Any little bit of dirt will mark that fabric.任何细小的灰尘都会在织物上留下痕迹。 Be careful not to mark the floor with your shoes.小心不要在地板上留下你的脚印。 [no object] a fabric that marks easily [=that easily becomes dirty or stained]不耐脏的织物 2  [+ object] a  : to write or make (a mark)写上(标记);做(记号) mark an accent on/over a letter给字母标上重音符号 She marked an “X” on each box.她在每个盒子上都画了一个“X”。 b  : to write a note about (something)(给…)做记号 I have marked the event on my calendar.我已经在日历上标记了这件事。 Mark [=jot] down these names.把这些名字记下来。 c  : to write or make a mark on (something)在…上做记号 She marked each box with an “X.”她在每个盒子上都画了一个“X”。 Mark that page.在那页上做记号。 also : to write on (something) in order to indicate what it is标明 The officials marked the document “Top Secret.” = The officials marked the document as top secret.官员们在那份文件上标上了“绝密”。 d  : to write or put a mark around or near (something) so that it will be easily seen or noticed标注 I've marked several items on the first page. [=I've put marks next to several items on the first page]我已经在第一页上做了好几项标注。 3  [+ object] a  : to indicate (a location, such as a location on a map) with a mark or symbol用符号标明(位置等) X marks the spot where the suspect was last seen.标有“X”的地方是最后一次见到嫌犯的地点。 I have marked (out) the best route on the map.我已经在地图上标出了最佳路线。 b  : to put something on or near (a particular place) in order to find it later标记(某地点) Use a bookmark to mark your place.用书签标出你读到的地方。 We put some tape on the floor to mark where the tables should go.我们在地板上贴一些胶带标示出桌子该放的位置。 c  of an animal : to leave urine, feces, body oils, etc., in (a place) as a signal to other animals(动物留下尿液、粪便等)在…上做记号 The dog marked the base of the tree by urinating.那只狗在树根处撒尿做记号。 a tiger marking its territory给自己的地盘做记号的老虎 4  [+ object] : to be a typical feature or quality of (someone or something) : characterize成为…的特征 the flamboyance that marks her style成为她的风格特征的浮华 — often used as (be) marked常用作(be) marked His artwork is marked by unusual uses of color. [=color is used in unusual ways in his artwork]他的画作的主要特征是颜色的使用与众不同。 The adjective “paranoid” can be defined as “marked by paranoia.”形容词paranoid(多疑的)可以解释为marked by paranoia(以多疑为特征的)。 5  [+ object] : to have a permanent and usually bad effect on (someone or something)(对人或物)造成永久性伤害 Her time in prison marked her for life.她在狱中度过的时日对她一生都有负面影响。 6  : to give a mark to (a student or a student's work) : grade(给学生或功课)打分,评分 [+ object] Students will be marked on their reading ability.学生们的阅读能力会被打分。 She spent the evening marking the students' exams/papers.她整个晚上都在给学生判试卷。 [no object] She generally marks high/low. [=she generally gives high/low marks]她通常给学生打分很高/低。 — see also mark down (below) 7  [+ object] a  : to be or occur at (a particular time)标志(某一时间) This year marks her 10th year with the company. [=this is her 10th year with the company]今年是她加入公司的第十个年头。 b  : to indicate the occurrence of (an important event or time)标志(重要事件或时刻) Her death marked the end of an era. [=an era ended when she died]她的死标志着一个时代的终结。 c  : to celebrate (an important event or time) by doing something庆祝(重要事件或时刻) We'll have a big party to mark our 50th anniversary.我们将举办一个热闹的聚会来庆祝我们结婚50周年。 8  [+ object] : to show that (someone or something) is special or different in some way显示…与众不同 Her very first book marked her as a great poet. [=showed that she was a great poet]她的第一本书就显示出了她伟大诗人的气质。 She was evidently marked [=destined] for greatness.她注定会成为伟人。 — see also mark out (below) mark down [phrasal verb] 1  mark down or mark (someone or something) down or mark down (someone or something) : to give a lower mark to (someone or something)打低分 mark a student down for not acknowledging his sources因未标明出处而给一个学生打低分 Your paper was well-written, but I had to mark it down [=give it a lower grade] for being late.你的论文写得不错,但由于交晚了,我不得不给你打低分。 Some teachers mark down for poor penmanship.有些老师会因为字迹潦草而给低分。 2  mark (something) down or mark down (something) : to give (something) a lower price降价 a product marked down from $15 to $13.75标价从15美元降到13.75美元的产品 Everything has been marked down for the sale.全场降价促销。 — see also markdown mark my words — used to tell someone to listen to and remember what you are saying(用于提醒某人)留心听着 Mark my words: nothing good will come of this!留心听着:这不会有什么好结果的! mark off [phrasal verb] mark (something) off or mark off (something) : to make (an area) separate with a line, fence, etc.画出;画线标示 We marked off an area where people could wait.我们画出了一个区域,让人们在此等候。 mark out [phrasal verb] 1  mark (something) out or mark out (something) : to draw lines around (something) so that it can be clearly seen标出;标明 He marked out his mining claim.他标明了他的矿产。 2  mark (something) out or mark out (something) : to plan the details of (a course of action)制订出(详细的处理方法) She talked about the course the European Union has marked out [=mapped out] for itself.她谈论了欧盟为自身详细制订的行动方案。 3  mark (someone or something) out or mark out (someone or something) chiefly British : to show that (someone or something) is special or different in some way显示…与众不同 Her very first book marked her out as a great poet. [=showed that she was a great poet]她的第一本书就显示出她伟大诗人的气质。 She was marked out [=destined, marked] for greatness.她注定会成为伟人。 mark time 1  : to move your feet up and down like someone who is marching but without moving forward原地踏步 The soldiers marked time until ordered to advance.士兵们原地踏步直至接到前进命令。 2  : to live without doing much while you wait for something to happen拖延时间 I'm just marking time until I retire.我现在是混日子,就等退休了。 mark up [phrasal verb] 1  mark (something) up or mark up (something) : to make marks and write comments in or on (something)在…上加批注;审校 mark up a manuscript审校手稿 2  mark (something) up or mark up (something) : to give (something) a higher price提价;加价;涨价 a product marked up from $15 to $15.99价格从15美元提高到15.99美元的产品 a product marked up by 10 percent涨价10%的产品 — see also markup mark you British, old-fashioned — used in speech to give stress to a statement that you are making so that a preceding or following statement will not be misunderstood留心,留意,注意(在口语中用于强调正在说的话,以避免前后文被人误解) I don't always agree with him. Mark you, [=mind you] I'm not criticizing him!我并不总是赞成他的观点。注意,我不是在批评他! — see also marked 3 mark /ˈmɑɚk/ noun plural marks 3 mark /ˈmɑɚk/ noun plural marks Learner's definition of MARK [count] : deutsche mark — compare 1mark




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