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词汇 note
释义 note (verb) note 17 ENTRIES FOUND: note (noun) note (verb) noted (adjective) C-note (noun) eighth note (noun) half note (noun) liner notes (noun) mash note (noun) one-note (adjective) promissory note (noun) quarter note (noun) sixteenth note (noun) sleeve notes (noun) sticky note (noun) whole note (noun) compare (verb) take (verb) 1 note /ˈnoʊt/ noun plural notes 1 note /ˈnoʊt/ noun plural notes Learner's definition of NOTE 1  a  [count] : a short piece of writing that is used to help someone remember something(简短的)笔记,记录 She wrote a note to remind herself about the appointment.她写了张纸条提醒自己有个约会。 I left you a note on the kitchen table.我在厨房的桌上给你留了张字条。 making/writing notes in the margins of a book在书页边的空白处做笔记 She jotted down a few notes during the interview.采访中她草草做了些记录。 I'll make a mental note [=I'll try to remember] to reschedule the meeting.我要记得重新安排会议。 b  notes [plural] : an informal written record of things that are said and done记录;学习笔记 After class, I usually study my notes and read the next chapter.课后,我通常学习自己的笔记并且预习下一章。 I can't come to class today. Would you mind taking notes for me?今天我不能去上课了。你能帮我记一下笔记吗? His secretary took notes during our meeting.他的秘书在我们开会时做了记录。 2  [count] a  : a short piece of writing that gives you information : a brief comment or explanation短评;注释 Please include a brief note about where the picture was taken.请注明照片的拍摄地点。 He writes in the program notes that the play was inspired by his own childhood.在戏剧节目单的按语中,他写到这部剧的灵感源于他的童年。 The dictionary includes many usage notes. [=short explanations about how a word or phrase is used]这本词典有许多用法说明。 One final note: tickets will be available at the door the night of the concert.最后再说明一下:音乐会当晚入口处将有票出售。 — see also liner notes b  : a comment or added piece of information that is separate from the main writing of a book批注;注解 For further details, see the notes to Chapter 3.更多细节见第3章的注释。 — see also footnote 3  [count] : a short and usually informal letter短笺;便条 Remember to send a thank-you note to the host of the party.记住要给主办聚会的人送上表示感谢的短笺。 This is just a brief note to say how much I enjoyed your party.仅以此短笺表达我非常喜欢你的派对。 Drop me a note while you're away.你离开时请留个便条给我。 I have a handwritten note here from the governor.我这儿有州长亲笔写的便条。 If you are out sick for more than one week, you will need a note from your doctor.如果你因病缺勤超过一周,你得有医生开具的病假证明。 The girl's kidnappers left a ransom note.绑走女孩的绑匪留下了一封勒索信。 — see also mash note 4  [count] music a  : a specific musical tone音;音调 musical notes音调 That note's a B not a C.那是B调,不是C调。 Despite a few wrong notes, the pianist gave a generally good performance.除弹错几个音外,这位钢琴演奏者的表演总体上不错。 b  : a written symbol that is used to show what note should be played and how long it should last音符 — see also eighth note, half note, quarter note, sixteenth note, whole note 5  [singular] : a characteristic or quality that expresses a mood or feeling特征;口气;气氛 I detected a note of sadness in his voice.我察觉到他话音里的悲伤。 — often used after on常用在on后 Let's try to end our conversation on a lighter/happier note.让我们试着在轻松/愉快的气氛中结束谈话。 If I may end on a personal note, I'd like to wish my father a happy 85th birthday!如果允许我个人讲几句作为结语,我想祝愿我的父亲85岁生日快乐! The party ended on a high note. [=the party ended pleasantly or well]聚会在欢乐的气氛中结束。 Their relationship ended on a sour note. [=ended unpleasantly]他们的爱情关系在痛苦中结束。 — often used with hit, strike or sound常与hit、strike或sound连用 The movie hits just the right note with young audiences.这部电影恰到好处地迎合了年轻观众。 Her judgment rarely strikes a wrong note.她的判断很少出错。 In her chapter about rising oil prices, she sounds a cautionary note.在有关油价上涨的章节中,她用的是一种警告性口吻。 Most reviewers loved the show, but one critic struck a discordant note, finding it “clichéd” and “predictable.”大部分评论家喜爱这个表演,但有一位批评家发出了不协调的声音,认为它老套且毫无悬念。 6  [count] British : bill a ten-pound note十英镑纸币 compare notes — see 1compare of note : important and deserving to be noticed or remembered重要的;引人注目的 American writers of note include Herman Melville, Mark Twain, and Emily Dickinson.美国著名作家包括赫尔曼·梅尔维尔、马克·吐温和埃米莉·狄更生。 historical events of note重要的历史事件 take note : to notice or give special attention to someone or something注意到 She has been extremely successful in her own country, and now the rest of the world is beginning to take note.她已经在本国取得巨大成功,现在世界其他国家已开始注意到她。 She took note of the exact time.她注意了一下准确时间。 2 note /ˈnoʊt/ verb notes; noted; noting 2 note /ˈnoʊt/ verb notes; noted; noting Learner's definition of NOTE [+ object] formal 1  : to notice or pay attention to (something)注意;留意 You may have noted my late arrival.你可能已经注意到我迟到了。 The thing to note here is that people are suffering.这里要注意的事是人们正在受苦。 It's interesting to note how quickly things have changed.看到形势变化如此之快很有趣。 Their objections were duly noted.他们的反对理由得到了充分注意。 — often + that Please note that the office will close today at noon.请注意营业所将于今天中午关闭。 Note that I have enclosed full payment with this letter.注意我已将全额付款随信附上。 2  : to say or write (something)指出;表明 As one official noted, the situation has begun to get out of control.正如一位官员所说,局势已经开始失控。 As noted above/earlier/previously, most people survive the disease.正如前面所指出的,大部分人战胜了这种疾病。 “They've asked us to leave,” he noted with amusement.“他们已经要我们离开。”他乐不可支地说。 — often + that She said she was unaware of the problem and noted that everything was fine when she went home that night.她说她没意识到这个问题,并且指出那晚当她回家时一切正常。 It should be noted, however, that no one was injured in the accident.不管怎样,应该指出的是没人在此次事故中受伤。 It's worth noting that he gave no reason for his decision.值得一提的是,对于他的决定他没有给出理由。 note down [phrasal verb] note (something) down or note down (something) : to write down (a piece of information that you want to remember)记录;记下 Let me note down your telephone number.让我记下你的电话号码。 The police officer noted down the names of all the people present during the incident.警官记下了事故中所有在场人员的名字。




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