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词汇 over
释义 over (preposition) over (adjective) over 142 ENTRIES FOUND: over (adverb) over (preposition) over (adjective) over- (prefix) over-the-counter (adjective) over-the-top (adjective) going-over (noun) hung over (adjective) once-over (noun) voice-over (noun) warmed-over (adjective) above (preposition) against (preposition) all (adverb) backward (adverb) balloon (noun) barrel (noun) bend (verb) big (adverb) bind (verb) blow (verb) body (noun) boil (verb) bowl (verb) carry (verb) cast (verb) change (verb) check (verb) chew (verb) coal (noun) comb (noun) come (verb) counter (noun) cross (verb) cry (verb) dead (adjective) death (noun) do (verb) done (adjective) easy (adjective) edge (noun) eye (noun) fall (verb) fat (adjective) fine-tooth comb (noun) fist (noun) freeze (verb) fuss (verb) get (verb) give (verb) gloss (verb) go (verb) hand (noun) hand (verb) hang (verb) haul (verb) have (verb) head (noun) heel (noun) hell (noun) hill (noun) hold (verb) hump (noun) ice (verb) jump (verb) keel (verb) knock (verb) knuckle (noun) lady (noun) lay (verb) lead (noun) leaf (noun) lean (verb) leg (noun) limit (noun) look (verb) lord (verb) lose (verb) make (verb) map (noun) matter (noun) milk (noun) mind (noun) moon (noun) moon (verb) new (adjective) odds (noun) paint (verb) paper (verb) pass (verb) pave (verb) pick (verb) place (noun) plaster (verb) pore (verb) preside (verb) pull (verb) push (verb) put (verb) puzzle (verb) rake (verb) rap (noun) rap (verb) read (verb) roll (verb) run (verb) see (verb) shop (noun) shoulder (noun) shove (verb) sign (verb) skate (verb) sleep (verb) sleep (noun) slobber (verb) smooth (verb) spill (verb) splash (verb) stake (noun) start (verb) stay (verb) stop (verb) swing (verb) take (verb) talk (verb) think (verb) tick (verb) tide (verb) tip (verb) top (noun) tower (verb) transom (noun) turn (verb) walk (verb) warm (verb) wash (verb) watch (verb) win (verb) wool (noun) work (verb) world (noun) write (verb) 1 over /ˈoʊvɚ/ adverb 1 over /ˈoʊvɚ/ adverb Learner's definition of OVER 1  : in an upward and forward direction across something越过 The wall's too high for us to climb over.墙太高,我们爬不过去。 We came to a stream and jumped over.我们来到小河旁,跳了过去。 Throw the ball over.把球抛过来。 2  a  : downward from an upright position弯下 She leaned over and kissed him.她俯身吻他。 I hurt my back bending over [=down] to pick up my child.我弯下身抱孩子时扭伤了背。 b  : downward to a flat or horizontal position倒下 She knocked over the lamp.她把那盏灯碰倒了。 He tripped and fell over. [=down]他被绊了一下,摔倒了。 A couple of trees fell over during the storm.几棵树在暴风中被刮倒了。 3  : so that the bottom or opposite side is on top翻转 The baby rolled over onto his stomach.婴儿翻身俯卧。 Turn/Flip your cards over.把你的牌翻过来。 4  a  : from one place to another place去往;从一处到另一处 We sent over a card and a basket of fruit.我们送过去一张卡和一篮水果。 The teacher called the three girls over.老师叫这三个女生过来。 Come over here. I need to talk to you.过来,我有话跟你说。 I'm flying over to London this afternoon.我今天下午飞往伦敦。 He ran over to his neighbor's house to see what was going on.他跑到邻居家去看看出了什么事。 Let's head over to the cafeteria.咱们去食堂吧。 I'll be right over.我马上就过去。 Could you move over a little, please? I need some more space.请你往那边挪挪好吗?我这儿有些挤不下了。 Do you want to come over to my place?你想到我这儿来吗? b  : to your home到家来 I invited some friends over for dinner.我邀了几个朋友到家里吃饭。 They're nice. Why don't you ask them over some time?他们挺讨人喜欢的。你干吗不请他们哪天到家里来玩呢? c  : in a particular place在…那边 Their house is two streets over (from here).他们家离这儿两条街远。 They're building a new library over by the high school.他们正在高中那边盖一座新图书馆。 Who's that man over by the door?门那边的那个男人是谁? It's summer now over in Australia.澳大利亚那边现在是夏天。 I grew up in the next town over. [=the town that is next to this town]我是在邻近的镇子长大的。 5  : from one person or group to another从一方到另一方 And now over to our foreign correspondent for the news from abroad.现在请听驻外记者从国外发回的报道。 It's mine! Hand it over!那是我的!把它递过来! They turned over the stolen money to the police.他们将偷来的钱交给了警方。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 After years of supporting the Democrats, she suddenly went over to the Republican side.在拥护民主党多年之后,她突然转到共和党一边。 He's gone over to the opposition.他投靠到了对方那边。 6  : more than an expected or stated amount or number超过;…以上 The show ran a minute over. = The show ran over by a minute.那个节目超出了规定时间一分钟。 The condition is most common in women 65 and over.这种疾病在65岁及以上年龄的妇女中最常见。 Children eight and over [=children who are eight years old and older] may participate in the contest.八岁及以上年龄的儿童可以参加比赛。 At this restaurant, parties of six or over will have a 20 percent gratuity added to their bill.这家餐馆对六人或六人以上的聚餐将加收20%的小费。 7  : remaining and not used剩余;留下 We ate the turkey that was left over from Thanksgiving Day dinner.我们吃了感恩节晚宴剩下的火鸡。 Most of the money would be spent on fixing the house with some left over for emergencies.除了留下一些备急用的钱外,大部分钱将用于装修房子。 8  : during or throughout a period of time : until a later time (such as the next day)度过一段时间 Do you have enough money to tide you over?你的钱够你渡过难关吗? Feel free to stay over [=overnight] if you don't want to drive home tonight.如果你今晚不想开车回家,尽管在这住一晚好了。 Mom, can I sleep over [=can I spend the night] at Carrie's house?妈,我可以在卡丽家过夜妈? 9  : so as to cover the entire surface of something遮盖 The sky had clouded over [=it had become covered with clouds], and it was beginning to rain.天空阴云密布,开始下起雨来。 The empty house's windows had been boarded over several years ago.空房的窗户几年前就用木板封上了。 He's become famous the world over. [=throughout the world]他已举世闻名了。 10  a  : in a complete and thorough way彻底 I'll have to talk the matter over with my wife.我必须和妻子彻底地谈谈这件事。 She's still thinking it over.她仍在认真考虑。 b  : from the beginning to the end从头至尾;全部 Read it over [=through] and let me know what you think.把这从头到尾地看一遍,然后告诉我你的看法。 11  a  chiefly US : one more time : again又;再一次 You've done it wrong. Do it over.你做错了。再做一遍。 Let's start over (again) from the beginning.我们从头再做一遍吧。 He lost the computer file and had to do his assignment over.他的计算机文档找不到了,只得再做一遍作业。 b  — used to say how many times something is done or repeated重复…遍 I had to read the poem twice over [=two times] before I understood its meaning.我读了两遍才搞懂这首诗的意思。 c  — used to say that something is done or happens repeatedly反复;再三地 She became a millionaire many times over. [=she earned many millions of dollars]她成了有好几百万的富婆。 I remind him over and over (again) not to leave the door open.我再三地提醒他别把门敞开。 Say the lines over and over until you have memorized them.反复念这些台词,直到记住为止。 12  — used when talking on a radio to show that a message is complete通话完毕(无线电通话用语) “We are ready for takeoff instructions. Over.”“我们已准备好,等待起飞指令。通话完毕。” all over — see 2all over (and done) with : finished or completed完成;结束 Don't worry. The operation will be over with before you know it.别担心。手术很快就结束了,你都不会感觉到。 I'd like to get this over with as soon as possible.我想尽快把这件事完成。 No one wants to be here, so let's just get this meeting over with.没有人愿意来这里,咱们结束这次集会吧。 I'm just glad to have the test over and done with.测验终于结束了,我真高兴。 The past is over and done with.往事已烟消云散。 2 over /ˈoʊvɚ/ preposition 2 over /ˈoʊvɚ/ preposition Learner's definition of OVER 1  : from, to, or at a place that is higher than (someone or something) : above从…上面;向…高处;在…高处 The sun's coming up over the mountain.太阳从山的上空升起。 She looked at him over the top of her glasses.她从眼镜的上面看着他。 He stood over me [=he stood near me while I was sitting, kneeling, etc.] and asked what I was doing.他高高地站在我身旁问我在干什么。 Their balcony looks out over the city.他们可从阳台上俯瞰这座城市。 He looked over the fence.他从栅栏上方张望。 A plane was flying low over the trees.一架飞机从树木的上方低空掠过。 The meat was cooked over an open fire.肉在露天篝火上炖着。 2  : on top of (something)在…上面 Someone hit him over [=on] the head with a rock.有人用石头击中了他的头。 She slung the bag over her shoulder.她把背包挎在肩上。 They served grilled chicken breast over [=on] a bed of rice.他们供应烤鸡胸肉盖饭。 : so as to cover (something)盖住;罩在…上面 His hat was pulled low over his eyes.他把帽子向下拉,遮住了眼睛。 3  : beyond and down from (something)从…落下;从…向下 Throw the rocks over the side of the boat.将石块从船边抛下去。 He fell over the cliff's edge.他从悬崖边上掉了下去。 She knocked the glass over the edge of the table.玻璃杯被她打翻,从桌边掉了下去。 4  a  : from one side to the other side of (something or someone)从一侧至另一侧;横越… We've just crossed over the border into Canada.我们刚越过边境进入加拿大。 walking over [=across] a bridge走过一座桥 Excuse me, I need to reach over you to get the salt.对不起,我得越过您伸手去拿点盐。 Tomato vines grew up and over the fence.番茄藤长出来,越过了篱笆。 b  : upward and across (something)越过 We both jumped over the stream.我们俩都跳过了小溪。 They couldn't climb over the wall, so they dug a hole under/underneath it.他们爬不过那堵墙,就在墙下面挖了个洞。 c  : on the other side of (something)在…另一侧;在…对面 Our house is just over that hill.我们的房子就在山的那一边。 5  : in the direction of (something)在…这边;在…那边 Hey, look over there!嘿,看那边! We're over here!我们可到了这儿了! those trees over yonder那边的那些树 6  : more than (a specified number or amount)多于;超过 I've been waiting for over an hour.我已经等了一个多小时了。 We haven't seen each other in over a year.我们已经一年多没见面了。 The condition is most common in women over 65.这种疾病在65岁以上的妇女中最常见。 It was really hot yesterday. It must have been over 100 degrees.昨天天气真热,气温一定超过了100华氏度。 They had over 300 people at their wedding.有300多人参加了他们的婚礼。 That car costs well over [=much more than] $50,000.那辆车的价格远远超过5万美元。 7  — used to say that a person or thing is better than (someone or something else)比…更好;优于 The new model has several advantages over the old one.新款式比旧款式多几个优点。 This is a big improvement over our last apartment.比起我们上次的公寓,这个可好多了。 I would choose you over any other woman in the world.在全世界的女人中我就要选你。 She now has a two-minute lead over [=she is two minutes ahead of] the other runners.她现在以两分钟的优势领先于其他赛跑运动员。 When it comes to creative thinking, humans have it over [=are better than] computers. = When it comes to creative thinking, humans have the advantage over computers.说到创造性思维,人就胜过电脑了。 8  : in a position of power and authority that allows a person or thing to control (someone or something)(权力、权威等)高于…,在…之上 We must respect those over us.我们必须尊重上司。 The vice president presides over every meeting.每次会议都由副总裁主持。 She should be given more authority over her staff.她应被赋予更多权威来管理职员。 We have no control over the situation.我们控制不了局势。 countries that hold power over their neighbors对邻邦有控制力的国家 In this case, federal law takes precedence over state law.在这个判例中,联邦政府的法律优先于州政府的法律。 9  a  : so as to cover the surface of (something)遮盖;笼罩 A strange expression came over his face.他一脸奇怪的表情。 People were boarding over their windows in preparation for the storm.人们都在用木板将窗户封闭以防风暴袭击。 b  : in every part of (a place)到处;遍及 These trees once flourished over [=throughout] much of North America.这些树木曾经在北美洲的大部分地区茂盛地生长。 10  : throughout or during (a particular amount of time)在(整个)…期间 I'll think about it over the weekend and give you my answer on Monday.我周末考虑一下这个问题,周一答复你。 He has accomplished many remarkable things over the course of his career.他在创业期间曾获得许多显著的成就。 The festival is spread (out) over three days.节日庆祝活动延续三天。 happening/occurring/developing over a period of 20 years在20年间发生的/出现的/发展起来的 Over the past 25 years, she has been a valuable asset to our company.在过去的25年中,她一直是我们公司的宝贵财富。 I've come to understand him better over the years.经过多年,我现在对他有了更深刻的了解。 Over time, the paper begins to turn yellow and brittle.随着时间的流逝,纸开始变黄、变脆。 11  : by using (a radio, television, computer, etc.)通过(无线电、电视、电脑等)途径;以…方式 I heard it over [=on] the radio.我从广播中听到了这件事。 We spoke over the phone just yesterday.我们昨天还通过电话。 sending messages over the Internet通过互联网发送信息 The game was broadcast over the air/airwaves. [=on television or the radio]电视(或广播)播放了这场比赛。 12  : because of (someone or something)因为;由于 Don't get angry over [=about] something so silly.别为一些无聊的事生气。 He got into trouble over a comment about his wife's mother.他因议论岳母而惹出是非。 She was crying over her old boyfriend.她曾为过去的男朋友哭泣。 Afterwards, we laughed over the incident.后来,我们因为这件事大笑起来。 13  : concerning or regarding (something)关于;对于 There is still some controversy over [=about] the use of the drug.对于麻醉药品的使用仍存在一些争议。 a dispute over the land关于土地的纠纷 the debate over assisted suicide关于辅助自杀的辩论 14  — used to describe something that is done while some activity (such as a meal) is taking place在…期间;一边…一边… I plan to meet with my advisers over lunch. [=while we eat lunch together]我打算在吃午饭时和我的顾问们见面。 We sat over our wine [=drinking our wine] and talked.我们一边坐着喝酒一边谈话。 15  : finished with (something) : past or beyond (something)完结;渡过(难关等) I think we're over the worst of it. Things should get better from now on.我认为我们已渡过了最大的难关,从现在起一切都会好起来。 After she got over the initial surprise of being tricked, she started getting angry.最初她对被骗感到惊讶,过后开始生气。 He's upset now, but he'll get over it [=he will stop being upset about it] soon.他现在很沮丧,但很快就会好起来。 16  : without being stopped or prevented by (something) : despite尽管 She spoke to the police over the objections of her lawyer.尽管她的律师不同意,她还是向警方讲了。 Over the protests of several members, the committee passed the bill.尽管有数名成员提出异议,但委员会还是通过了这项法案。 17  : without including or considering (someone or something)漏掉;略过 You can skip over that paragraph.你可以略过那一段。 I agree with what you've said, but you passed over an important point.我同意你所讲的话,但你漏掉了重要的一点。 18  : more loudly and clearly than (another sound)(声音)超过 The players couldn't hear their coach over [=above] the roar of the crowd.由于观众的吼叫声太大,运动员听不清教练说的话。 talking/shouting over the noise of the engines压过发动机噪声的大声谈话/喊叫 all over — see 2all over against — used to describe things that are being compared or that are somehow opposed to each other与…相比;与…形成对照 comparing the results of one method over against another将一种方法所获得的结果与另一种方法的结果相比较 over and above : in addition to (something) : along with (something)此外;另外 Over and above the fact that I don't like cats, I am allergic to them.我不喜欢猫,除此之外,我还对猫过敏。 We each received a bonus over and above our regular paychecks.我们除了正常的工资外,每人还得到一笔奖金。 3 over /ˈoʊvɚ/ adjective 3 over /ˈoʊvɚ/ adjective Learner's definition of OVER not used before a noun : having reached the end : finished结束 When is this class over?这节课什么时候结束? And before we knew it, the storm was over.我们还没察觉,暴风雨就过去了。 Those days are over.那些日子已经一去不复返。 When it's over, it's over. You don't get a second chance.过去的就过去了。机不可失,失不再来。 It's over between them. [=their relationship has ended]他们的关系到此为止。 over easy not used before a noun US, of eggs : fried on one side then turned and fried for a short time on the other side(鸡蛋)一面煎老另一面煎嫩 He ordered two eggs over easy.他点了两个双面煎鸡蛋。




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