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词汇 position
释义 position (verb) position 5 ENTRIES FOUND: position (noun) position (verb) position paper (noun) fetal position (noun) pole position (noun) 1 position /pəˈzɪʃən/ noun plural positions 1 position /pəˈzɪʃən/ noun plural positions Learner's definition of POSITION 1  a  [count] : the place where someone or something is in relation to other people or things(所在的)位置,方位 From this position, you can see all of New York City's skyline.从这个位置你可以看到整个纽约的天际线。 The chart shows the positions [=locations] of the constellations in the night sky.这张图标出了夜空中各个星座的方位。 b  [noncount] : the place where someone or something should be(应在的)位置 — used after in, into, or out of用在in、into或out of后 The actors were all in position.所有演员都就位了。 The nail fell out of position before I could hammer it.没等我动手钉,钉子就掉下来了。 He maneuvered the car into position.他熟练地将车开进车位。 The defensive players fell back into position.防守队员退回原位。 Police were in position to catch the fleeing suspect.警察已经就位,准备捉拿在逃嫌犯。 The switch is in the on position, but nothing is happening.开关开着,但没有任何动静。 2  a  : the way someone stands, sits, or lies down姿态;姿势 [count] Actors, please assume/take your positions. The show is about to begin.请演员各就各位,演出就要开始了。 The child fell asleep in a sitting position.那孩子坐着就睡着了。 I was in an uncomfortable position and had to move.我当时觉得姿势不舒服,得动一动。 [noncount] I was uncomfortable, so I shifted position.我觉得不舒服,所以换了个姿势。 — see also fetal position b  [count] : the way something is arranged or placed安置方式;摆放位置 Return your seat to an upright position for landing.飞机准备降落,请调直座椅。 3  [count] : the situation that someone or something is in处境;境况 — usually singular通常用单数 I've been in your position before, so I think I can help you.我以前也遇到过你这样的事,所以我觉得能帮你。 The company's financial position has worsened over the past year.过去的一年里,公司的财务状况更糟了。 The manager was placed in the awkward/difficult position of having to lay off dozens of workers.经理不得不裁员几十人,因而十分为难。 Put yourself in my position for a moment. What would you do?你要是在我的处境下,会怎么做? He is in a position of power/authority.他处于有权力/权威的地位。 I'm in no position to lend you any money. [=I cannot lend you any money]我没办法借钱给你。 4  [count] : an opinion or judgment on a particular subject观点;立场 The Supreme Court has taken the position that the First Amendment does not apply in these kinds of cases.最高法院已经裁决《第一修正案》不适用于此类案件。 Allow me to explain my position.请允许我表明我的立场 — often + on I was forced to rethink my positions on certain issues.我不得不重新考虑我对某些事情的看法。 He criticized his opponent for not taking a position on gun control.他批评对手在枪支管制上未表明立场。 5  : the rank or role of someone or something in an organization or society职务;级别;地位 [count] He rose to a position of leadership and authority.他晋升至管理层。 They dedicated their lives to improving the position of women in a male-dominated society.他们毕生致力于提高女性在男性统治的社会中的地位。 [noncount] Wealth and position are not important to her.金钱与地位对她来说都不重要。 6  [count] : job Does your company have any entry-level positions available?你们公司有没有空缺的初级职位? The position has been filled. [=someone has been hired for the job]这个职位已经招到人了。 Requirements for the position include a master's degree and at least five years of work experience.这个职位要求具备硕士学历和不少于五年的工作经验。 She was named to the position of senior vice president of marketing.她被任命为市场营销高级副总裁。 7  : the place of someone or something in a race, contest, competition, etc.(比赛、竞赛等的)名次 [count] She finished the race in fourth position.她在比赛中获得第四名。 [noncount] The cars jockeyed for position in the first lap of the race. [=each car tried to get into a better position in the first lap of the race]比赛第一圈时,每辆车都在争夺有利位置。 The candidates jockeyed for position in the debates. [=they tried to do better than others in the debates]几位候选人在辩论中唇枪舌剑,争占上风。 — see also pole position 8  [count] sports : the particular place and job of a player on a sports team(运动员的)位置,职责 I think goalie is the hardest position to play in hockey.我认为守门员是冰球运动中最难打的位置。 9  [count] : a place where an army has put soldiers, guns, etc.阵地 — usually plural通常用复数 Artillery bombarded our positions.炮兵轰炸了我们的阵地。 2 position /pəˈzɪʃən/ verb positions; positioned; positioning 2 position /pəˈzɪʃən/ verb positions; positioned; positioning Learner's definition of POSITION [+ object] : to put (something or someone) in a particular position安放;安置;安装 He positioned the chairs around the table.他将几把椅子放在了桌子周围。 The company is positioning itself to take advantage of a new market.这家公司计划抢占一个新市场。 The shortstop was positioned well to make the play.游击手被安排在接球的有利位置。 She positioned herself by the door.她在门边找了个位置。




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