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词汇 pride
释义 pride (verb) pride 4 ENTRIES FOUND: pride (noun) pride (verb) place (noun) puff (verb) 1 pride /ˈpraɪd/ noun plural prides 1 pride /ˈpraɪd/ noun plural prides Learner's definition of PRIDE 1  [noncount] a  : a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by other people : self- respect自尊;自尊心 Being able to work again gave him his pride back.能够重新工作使他恢复了自尊。 Getting caught cheating stripped him of his pride.作弊被抓这件事使他丧失了自尊。 Pride would not allow her to give up.她的自尊心不会允许她放弃。 It's a matter of pride that he does the work all by himself.他独自一人做这项工作是出于自尊心。 b  : a feeling that you are more important or better than other people傲慢;自负;自大 The novel is about a family consumed with pride and vanity.这部小说讲述一个家族在傲慢和虚荣中衰败的故事。 They needed help, but their pride wouldn't let them ask for it.他们需要帮助,但他们的自尊心不让他们求助于人。 I had to swallow my pride and admit I made a mistake.我只得放下架子,承认自己犯了错。 2  a  : a feeling of happiness that you get when you or someone you know does something good, difficult, etc.自豪;满足 [noncount] The sight of her son holding the trophy filled her with pride. [=made her very proud]看到儿子捧着奖杯,她充满了自豪。 She spoke with pride [=she spoke proudly] about her son's achievements.她自豪地讲述了儿子的成就。 She looked at her painting with pride. [=satisfaction]她满意地看着自己的画作。 He takes pride in [=is proud of] his work.他对自己的工作感到自豪。 [singular] He showed a great/immense pride in his family.他为自己的家庭感到十分自豪。 b  [singular] : a person or thing that makes you feel proud引以为傲的人(或事物) These young people are the pride of their community.这些年轻人是他们社区的骄傲。 3  [count] : a group of lions狮群 pride and joy : someone or something that makes you very proud and happy能带来骄傲和快乐的人(或事物) Our children are our pride and joy.孩子是我们引以为荣的开心果。 The car is his pride and joy.这辆车给他带来了骄傲和快乐。 pride of place : the highest position or best place显要地位;最佳位置 The Nobel Prize winner was given pride of place at the conference.这名诺贝尔奖得主在会议上被安排坐在最重要的位置。 The statue has pride of place in the center of town.这座塑像立在镇中心的最显要位置。 A picture of their children took pride of place on the wall.他们孩子们的一张照片挂在墙上的显要位置。 — prideful /ˈpraɪdfəl/ adjective, US [more prideful; most prideful] a prideful [=proud] parent自豪的父母 He was too prideful to accept their help.他自尊心太强,不愿接受他们的帮助。 — pridefully adverb, US 2 pride /ˈpraɪd/ verb prides; prided; priding 2 pride /ˈpraɪd/ verb prides; prided; priding Learner's definition of PRIDE pride yourself on : to be proud because of having (an ability, quality, etc.)以…自豪;以…骄傲;因…感到得意 I pride myself on my math skills. [=I am proud of my math skills]我对自己的数学才能感到得意。 The restaurant prides itself on having the best pizza in town.这家餐厅以烤制全城最棒的比萨饼为荣。




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