

单词 serve
释义 serve (noun) serve 7 ENTRIES FOUND: serve (verb) serve (noun) come (verb) first (adverb) master (noun) right (adverb) two (noun) 1 serve /ˈsɚv/ verb serves; served; serving 1 serve /ˈsɚv/ verb serves; served; serving Learner's definition of SERVE 1  a  [+ object] : to give (food or drink) to someone at a meal, in a restaurant, etc.侍候进餐;端上;给…提供(餐饮) Soup was served as the first course.汤作为头盘上桌了。 The waiter served our meals quickly.这名侍应生给我们上菜非常快。 The restaurant serves excellent Italian food.这家餐厅供应美味的意式餐。 Dinner is served. [=dinner is on the table and ready to be eaten]晚餐已准备好了。 — see also serve up (below) b  : to give food or drink to (someone)侍候…进餐;为…端上(食物或饮料) [+ object] The waiter who served us was very nice.为我们上菜的侍应生态度非常友善。 Feel free to serve yourself at the salad bar.沙拉吧台上的食物可随意自取。 [no object] You carve the turkey, and I'll serve.你切火鸡,我端上桌。 2  [+ object] : to be enough food for (a particular number of people)足够…吃的 We need to make enough soup to serve [=feed] eight people.我们需要做够八人喝的汤。 The roast should serve six.烤肉要够六个人吃。 3  [+ object] : to provide service to (a customer) : to help (a customer) make purchases接待(顾客);为(顾客)提供服务 I'm afraid all of our salespeople are serving other customers right now.恐怕现在我们所有的销售人员都在接待其他顾客。 What can we do to serve our customers better?我们怎样才能为顾客提供更好的服务呢? 4  [no object] a  : to be used or seen in a particular way用作;看作 — + as The trees can serve as shelter from the rain.这些树可以当遮雨棚。 The organization serves as a model of social responsibility.这个组织堪称是社会责任的楷模。 The accident serves as [=is] a reminder of the dangers of drunk driving.这场事故提醒大家醉酒驾车的危险。 Let that serve as [=be] a lesson to you.把它看作是对你的一次教训吧。 b  : to have a particular result or effect产生…的结果(或效果) — often + as Babysitting his nieces served as a test of his patience.临时照看侄女可以测出他的耐心程度。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 She tried hard but her efforts only served to bring more attention to her lack of experience.她十分努力,但结果却暴露出她缺乏经验。 5  a  [+ object] : to be useful or helpful to (someone)对…有用;对…有帮助 Her quick wit has served her well on many occasions.她的机敏在很多场合帮了她大忙。 b  : to provide what is needed by or for (someone or something)使满足;为…服务 [+ object] The library serves the community. = The library serves the needs of the community. [=provides things that the community needs]图书馆为这个社区提供服务。 He argued that government too often serves the interests of big business. [=does things to help big business instead of ordinary people]他认为政府为大企业提供了过多的益处。 Arguing with him serves no purpose. [=is not useful or helpful in any way]跟他争论毫无用处。 If (my) memory serves me (right/correctly) [=if I remember correctly], she is from Los Angeles.如果我没记错的话,她来自洛杉矶。 [no object] If memory serves, she is from Los Angeles.如果没记错,她来自洛杉矶。 Many people do not believe that justice has been served in his case. [=that he has been given proper punishment or fair treatment by the legal system]许多人认为在他这个案子中,正义没有得到伸张。 — see also self-serving c  [+ object] : to provide (an area or group of people) with a particular service为(某地区或某群体)提供服务 This neighborhood is not served with/by garbage collection.这个街区没有垃圾收集服务。 Two elementary schools serve the town.这个镇有两所小学。 6  : to hold a particular office, position, etc. : to perform a duty or job担任;任职 [no object] They served on the jury.他们担任陪审员。 She served on the city council for years.她在市议会任职多年。 He served as the club's adviser.他担任过该俱乐部的顾问。 He served for five years in the army. = He served in the army for five years.他在军中服役五年。 She was elected to serve for a second term.她获选连任。 [+ object] We honor those who serve our country.我们尊敬那些为国效力的人。 She served a two-year apprenticeship.她当过两年学徒。 7  [+ object] : to be in prison for or during (a period of time)服刑;服劳役 He's serving two years for robbery.他因抢劫罪要服刑两年。 She is serving a life/10-year sentence.她正在服无期/10年期徒刑。 He has served time [=spent time in prison] for drug possession.他因私藏毒品而入狱。 8  [+ object] law : to send or give (someone) official legal papers向(某人)发传票;向…送交(法律文件) He served her with divorce papers.他向她送交了离婚协议书。 The police officer served a summons/writ on him.警官向他送交了传票/令状。 9  [+ object] : to give respect and service to (someone or something)侍奉 She dedicated her whole life to serving God.她把一生都用来侍奉上帝。 10  sports : to throw a ball into the air and hit it over a net to start play in tennis, volleyball, etc.(在网球、排球等比赛中)发球,开球 [no object] It's your turn to serve.轮到你发球了。 [+ object] They flipped a coin to decide who would serve the ball first.他们掷硬币决定谁先发球。 first come, first served — see 2first serve out [phrasal verb] serve (something) out or serve out (something) : to complete (a term in office, a prison sentence, etc.)供职(到任期结束);服满(刑期) He vowed that he would serve out his five-year term as chairperson.他宣誓他会担任主席之职到五年期满。 She served out her sentence in a prison in New York.她在纽约的监狱中服满了刑期。 serve (someone) right — used to say that someone who has behaved badly deserves a particular punishment, problem, etc.应得的;活该 “I hear his wife is divorcing him.” “It serves him right after the way he's treated her.”“我听说他老婆在和他闹离婚。”“他活该,谁让他对老婆不好的。” “He won't even talk to me.” “(It) Serves you right for lying to him.”“他甚至不愿跟我说话。”“活该,谁让你欺骗他的。” serve two masters : to give equal support to two different causes, groups, etc.一仆侍二主;一心二用 You cannot serve two masters.你不能一心二用。 serve up [phrasal verb] serve up (something) or serve (something) up : to give (food) to someone at a meal, in a restaurant, etc.供应,端上(食物) That little restaurant serves up some of the best Indian food in the city.那家小餐馆供应的几道印度菜是全市最好的。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The movie serves up a ton of laughs. [=the movie is very funny]这部影片十分搞笑。 2 serve /ˈsɚv/ noun plural serves 2 serve /ˈsɚv/ noun plural serves Learner's definition of SERVE [count] sports : the act or action of throwing a ball into the air and hitting it over a net to start play in tennis, volleyball, etc.(网球、排球等的)发球 She started the game with a powerful serve.她开场就来了个大力发球。 It's your serve. [=it's your turn to serve the ball]该你发球了。




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