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词汇 sir
释义 sir 1 ENTRIES FOUND: sir (noun) sir /ˈsɚ/ noun plural sirs sir /ˈsɚ/ noun plural sirs Learner's definition of SIR 1  [noncount] a  — used without a name as a form of polite address to a man you do not know先生(对陌生男性的礼貌称呼) May I help you, sir?先生,我能为您做些什么? Sir, your order is ready.先生,您点的菜已经准备好了。 — compare ma'am, madam, miss b  — used without a name as a form of polite address to a man of rank or authority (such as a military or police officer, teacher, or master)先生,长官,老师(用作对相当级别的人士或权威人士的礼貌称呼) “At ease, lieutenant.” “Yes sir, captain.”“稍息,中尉。”“是,上尉长官。” Sir, I don't think I was speeding.长官,我认为我没有超速行驶。 Sir, can you help me with this math problem?老师,您能给我讲解一下这道数学题吗? Dinner is ready, sir.晚饭准备好了,先生。 2  Sir [count] — used without a name as a form of address at the beginning of a formal letter先生,阁下(正式信函中不指明收信人姓名的称呼) Dear Sir or Madam亲爱的先生或女士 Dear Sir/Sirs亲爱的先生/诸位先生 3  Sir [noncount] — used as a title before the name of a knight or baronet爵士(用作爵士或准男爵姓名前的称呼) Sir Lancelot兰斯洛特爵士 Sir Charles查尔斯爵士 Sir Elton John艾尔顿·约翰爵士 Sir Walter Scott沃尔特·斯科特爵士 4  [noncount] US, informal — used in the phrases no sir and yes sir for emphasis, to show surprise, etc.决不,的确(用于短语,强调惊讶等) I will not have that man in my home, no sir. [=no sirree]我不会让那个男人出现在我家里,决不。 That was a wonderful dinner. Yes sir. [=yes sirree]那真是一次美妙的晚餐。的确如此。 “She couldn't have said that to her mom.” “Yes sir, she sure did.”“她不可能对她妈妈那样说。”“千真万确,她就是说了。” “The teacher caught them kissing.” “No sir! She did?”“他们正在接吻的时候被老师抓了个正着。”“不!她抓到他们了?”




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