词汇 | thing |
释义 | thing 22 ENTRIES FOUND: thing (noun) chance (noun) consider (verb) day (noun) equal (adjective) fine (adjective) first (adjective) hear (verb) just (adverb) know (verb) last (adjective) package (noun) push (verb) real (adjective) same (adjective) scheme (noun) see (verb) slice (verb) sure (adjective) swim (noun) two (noun) work (verb) thing /ˈθɪŋ/ noun plural things thing /ˈθɪŋ/ noun plural things Learner's definition of THING 1 [count] a : an object whose name is not known or stated东西;物 What is that thing on the floor?地板上那是什么东西? That thing is loud.那东西声音很大。 He is good at making things out of clay.他擅长用黏土捏塑。 b : an object, animal, quality, etc., of a specified kind(某类)物件,动物,特性 My doctor told me to avoid fatty things like donuts and potato chips.我的医生叫我避开甜甜圈和薯条那些高脂肪的食品 We must respect all living things.我们必须尊重一切生物。 She loves all things chocolate. [=she loves anything made out of chocolate]她爱吃用巧克力做的任何东西。 Her voice is a thing of great beauty. [=her voice is very beautiful]她的嗓音很美。 The disease is said to be a thing of the past. [=the disease no longer exists]这种疾病据说已经绝迹。 The drawer has pens, paper clips, and things (like that).抽屉里有钢笔、回形针和其他文具。 c : a particular event, occurrence, or situation事件;事情 Birth is a miraculous thing.生命的诞生是件很奇妙的事。 It was the worst thing that could have happened.那就是可能发生的最糟糕的事了。 That sunset was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.那次日落是我见过的最美的景致。 Let's just forget about the whole thing and move on.让我们把这件事全都忘掉继续前行吧。 The one thing I hate most is being lied to.我最讨厌的就是别人对我撒谎。 It's a good thing (that) no one was injured.没人受伤就是好事。 Becoming friends with your boss is not a bad thing. = Becoming friends with your boss is no bad thing. [=becoming friends with your boss could have good results]和老板做朋友不是件坏事。 2 things [plural] : objects that belong to a person : personal possessions or belongings个人物品 Are all your things packed?你的东西都收拾好了吗? I need a place to store my things.我需要个地方来放我的东西。 The children's things are always lying around on the floor.孩子们的东西老是扔得满地都是。 When she realized she was late for work, she quickly put on her things [=she put on her clothes, shoes, etc.] and left.意识到上班迟到了,她迅速穿戴完毕出了门。 3 things [plural] : objects that are used for a particular activity器具;用品 Put the cleaning things away when you are done.打扫完卫生之后请把清洁用品放好。 She got out the cooking things to bake some cookies.她把烘焙用具拿出来做烤曲奇饼。 4 [count] : an action that is done, that will be done, or that needs to be done(已经做的、将要做的或需要做的)事情 I have many things to do today. = I have lots of things that need to get done today.今天我有好多事情要做。 There are a few things we still have to deal with.我们还有几件事情要处理。 There is actually one thing you can do to help.你确实可以帮忙做一件事情。 Let's get this thing over with quickly.我们快点把这件事做完吧。 That was a mean/cruel/kind/generous/thoughtful thing to do.那是件卑鄙/残忍/善良/慷慨/考虑周到的事。 They expect great things from her. [=they expect her to be very successful]他们指望她能功成名就。 The boy did the right thing and gave back the toy he took.男孩把拿走的玩具送了回去,他这样做是对的。 It's no easy thing [=it's not easy] to raise three children by yourself.你一个人拉扯大三个孩子,可真不容易。 Cathy and I hit it off on our first date. One thing led to another, and pretty soon we were engaged.我和凯茜第一次约会就很投缘。一来二去,我们很快就订婚了。 — sometimes used to say that one action is more serious, difficult, or important than another…是一回事,…是另一回事 It is one thing to say you're sorry but (it is) another (thing) to actually mean it.道歉是一回事,诚意又是另外一回事。 Planning a project is one thing; doing it is another.计划一个项目是一回事,实施又是另外一回事。 5 [count] a : an activity活动 What things do you like to do in your spare time?业余时间你喜欢做什么? I like hiking, biking—that sort of thing.我喜欢远足、骑自行车之类的活动。 The students are allowed to do their own thing. [=do the activities that they want to do]学生们得到允许,可以自由活动。 Just do your thing [=do what you usually do] and pretend I'm not here.你该干什么就干什么,就当我不在这。 b informal : an activity that is done by a particular group of people(特定人群做的)事情 They spent the evening doing guy things. [=doing the kind of things that guys/men tend to like doing]他们一晚上都在做那些男人们的事 You wouldn't understand, Dad. It's a girl thing.你不会明白的,爸爸。那是女孩的事情。 c US, informal : an activity and everything that is related to it某件事情及其相关的一切 — usually singular通常用单数 He tried the college thing [=he tried going to college] but dropped out after the first semester.他尝试过上大学,但是第一学期之后就退学了。 She's done with the whole rebellious teenager thing. [=she is no longer a rebellious teenager]她已经完全没有了青春期逆反的那些表现了。 d informal : an activity that someone enjoys or does well(某人喜欢或擅长的)事情 — usually singular通常用单数 Ballroom dancing is his thing, not mine.跳交谊舞是他的强项,我可不行。 It's not really my (kind of) thing.那真不是我的强项。 6 things [plural] : the conditions that exist at a particular time and in a particular place情况;形势 Things are improving. [=the situation is improving]情况在好转。 How are things with the new baby?新生婴儿情况如何? You're just making things more difficult for yourself.你把事情弄得让自己更难办了。 As things stand now [=in the current situation], we can't afford a new car.以现在的情况,我们可买不起新车。 An apology would not change things between us.一个道歉改变不了我们之间的情况。 All things considered [=overall; when you think about everything that happened], the party went very well.总的来看,这次派对很成功。 7 [count] : a fact or piece of information about something or someone事实 He checks every little thing. [=detail]他检查了每一个细节。 There are a lot of things you don't know about us.你对我们的很多情况还不了解。 The thing I don't understand is why the car costs so much.我不明白的是这辆车为什么那么贵。 When buying a car, price and performance are important things to consider.买车的时候,价格和性能是需要考虑的重要因素。 There is one more thing I'd like to ask you.还有一件事我想问问你。 Several things were discussed at the meeting.会上讨论了几件事情。 I'll give you a couple of days to think things over. [=to think about the situation and make a decision]我会给你几天时间考虑一下再做决定。 We are always arguing, but the (funny) thing is, I think I love him.我们总是吵架,但有趣的是,我认为我是爱他的。 The thing is that [=it is important to understand that] you can never predict who will win.重要的是根本无法预测谁会赢。 I make excellent chili. The thing is to use the right peppers. [=to make excellent chili, you need to use the right peppers]我的辣味肉豆做得很好。关键是得选对辣椒。 The thing with/about him [=an important characteristic to know about him] is that he is not reliable.他的主要问题是不靠谱。 8 [count] : a thought, idea, or opinion想法;主意;观点 He just says the first thing that pops into his mind.他脑子里一有闪念就会说出来。 Don't say things you might regret later.不要说那些日后会让你后悔的话。 That was a terrible thing to say.那话可真损。 He had some interesting things to suggest.他提出了一些有趣的想法。 She always knows the right thing to say.她总是知道该说什么。 9 [singular] : a reason for something原因 I can't stand being around him. For one thing, he smokes. For another, he's rude.我无法忍受跟他在一起。首先,他抽烟;其次,他很粗鲁。 OK, here's the thing: I don't have enough money to go to college.好吧,原因就是:我上不起大学。 I'm sorry I didn't call you. The thing is, I've been really busy with work and school.抱歉没有给你打电话。主要原因是我最近工作和学习实在是太忙了。 The thing is that I haven't had time to call you.原因是我没有时间给你打电话。 10 [singular] a : a goal or purpose目标;目的 The thing is to get well, and then you can think about playing again.首先要恢复健康,然后再考虑重返赛场。 b : a way of reaching or achieving a goal(实现目标的)方式,办法 There is only one thing left for us to do: fight back!我们只有一件事情要做,那就是:反击! (Brit) There's only one thing for it: we must fight.只有一个办法:我们必须战斗。 11 [count] informal — used for a person, animal, or object that causes strong feelings of affection or dislike in you家伙,东西(用于指让人喜爱或厌恶的人、动物或物品) You poor thing, you must be freezing.小可怜,你一定冻坏了。 She's a pretty little thing, isn't she!她太可爱了,不是吗! Get that dirty thing out of my house!把那脏东西从我家扔出去! 12 [count] informal : a strong feeling of liking or disliking something or someone(对某事物或某人的)喜欢,憎恶— usually singular通常用单数; — used with have与have连用 She has a thing about snakes. [=she's afraid of snakes]她害怕蛇。 He has always had this thing with flying.他一直酷爱飞行。 My teacher had this/a thing against me. [=my teacher disliked me for some unknown reason]不知为什么,我的老师不喜欢我。 He has a thing for [=he likes] women with red hair.他钟情于红发女子。 13 the thing a : the item that is the most fashionable or popular(时髦或流行的)物品 Long skirts are the thing to wear this season.这个季节流行穿长裙。 It's the newest/latest thing in fashion.那是当下最时髦的东西。 b : the fashionable or proper way of behaving, talking, or dressing(举止、言谈或衣着的)时髦,得体 It's the thing this year to buy products made from recycled materials.今年流行的是购买用回收再利用的材料制成的商品。 Wearing athletic shoes with a suit is not quite the thing.西装配运动鞋不太协调。 all/other things being equal formal — used to say what should happen or be true if two situations, products, etc., are different in a specified way but not in other ways同等条件下 All things being equal, a person with a PhD should be getting a higher salary than someone with only a Master's degree.同等条件下,有博士学位的人应该比只有硕士学位的人工资高。 all things to all people/men : a person or thing that makes all people happy by giving them what they want or need使所有人满意的人(或事物) It was clear that the senator was trying to be all things to all people in her campaign.很显然,那位女参议员在竞选中想取悦所有选民。 The museum is all things to all people, young and old.这家博物馆适合所有参观者,老少皆宜。 amount to the same thing ◊ If two or more things amount to the same thing, there is very little difference between them.几乎没有区别 “Lying and cheating amount to the same thing,” she said.“撒谎和欺骗别无二致。”她说。 a thing : anything — used in negative statements用于否定句 I can't see a thing [=I can see nothing] without my glasses on.不戴眼镜我什么也看不见。 The guests will be here soon, and I don't have a thing (that is appropriate) to wear.客人们很快就到了,可是我还没找到合适的衣服穿。 Don't worry about a thing. I'll take care of everything.什么也不用担心,我会照料好一切的。 I can't do a thing to stop them!我根本无法阻止他们。 I got there early so I wouldn't miss a thing.我很早就到了那里,所以我不会错过任何事情。 The police couldn't get a thing out of him.警方从他嘴里什么也没问出来。 She refused to tell me a thing about it.她拒绝向我透露任何消息。 I haven't heard a thing from him since graduation.毕业以来我就没听到过他的任何消息。 We haven't had a thing to eat all day.我们整整一天没吃东西了。 Forget what he said—it doesn't mean a thing. [=it has no meaning or importance; it's not true]忘掉他的话,那些话都毫无意义。 None of this will mean a thing if we lose.如果我们失败了,这一切就都没有任何意义了。 She doesn't look a thing like [=anything like] her older sister.她长得一点儿也不像她姐姐。 His new album doesn't sound a thing like his last one. [=his new album sounds nothing like his old one]他新专辑的风格和前一张截然不同。 a thing or two informal : some useful information某些有用信息 I know a thing or two about cars..我对车略有了解。 When it comes to cooking, she could teach you a thing or two.谈到烹饪,她可以教你一两招。 at the center of things — see 1center be hearing things — see hear chance would be a fine thing — see 1chance first thing — see 1first first things first — see 1first have another thing coming informal — used to say that someone is wrong or mistaken某人错了 If he thinks he can fool me, he has another thing coming.如果他认为可以骗过我,那他就错了。 just the thing : the thing that is most likely to be helpful最可能有帮助的东西 Chicken soup is just the thing for a cold.感冒时喝碗鸡汤最见效。 I know just the thing to cheer you up—ice cream!我知道最能使你打起精神的东西——冰激凌! He always does/says just the right thing to make me feel better.他总是知道该做/该说什么能让我感觉好一些。 last thing — see 2last make a big thing informal ◊ If you make a big thing (out) of (something) or make a big thing about (something), you act as if something is very important or serious when it is not.小题大做 It was a minor error, but she made a big thing out of it.那只是个小错误,她却大做文章。 Don't make such a big thing about missing the bus: there'll be another one along in a minute.错过公共汽车没什么大不了的,马上就会再来一辆的。 no such thing 1 — used to say that a particular person, object, etc., does not really exist(某人或某物等)不存在 A perfect person? There's no such thing.完美的人?那根本不存在。 — often + as There is no such thing as a unicorn.世上并没有独角兽这样的动物。 There is no such thing as bad publicity. All publicity is good.没有坏的宣传,所有宣传都是好的。 2 — used to say that you did not say or do something that someone believes or says you did没做过;没说过 “Why did you invite her?” “I did no such thing. She just showed up.”“你为什么邀请她来?”“我没有邀请她,是她自己来的。” “He said that you're not going with us.” “I said no such thing.”“他说你不准备和我们一起去。”“我没说过这话。” of all things — used to emphasize that the thing you are referring to is the thing you would least expect(用于强调)偏偏,真没想到 The coach is making the entire football team take, of all things, ballet classes.这个教练居然叫整个橄榄球队去上芭蕾舞课。 one of those things informal — used to refer to a bad or unfortunate experience that happened and to say that such experiences happen to everyone倒霉事;不可避免的事 I missed the train and had to take a later one. It was just one of those things, I guess.我错过了那趟火车,不得不搭下次列车。我想,这是难免的倒霉事。 one thing after another — used to complain about the large number of bad or unfortunate events that happen to someone倒霉事一件接一件 It's one thing after another with him. Now he's in jail for drunk driving.他的倒霉事一件接一件,现在他又因醉驾入狱。 First I locked my keys in the car, and then I spilled coffee all over myself. It was just one thing after another today!先是我把钥匙锁在了车里,然后又把咖啡洒了一身。今天的倒霉事真是一件接一件! push things — see 1push see things — see 1see sure thing — see 1sure the real thing : something that is genuine and not a copy or imitation : something that is truly valuable or important正品;有价值的事物 The diamond turned out to be the real thing.那颗钻石原来是真的。 a substitute for the real thing正品的替代物 You've done very well in your training. Let's just hope you're ready for the real thing.在培训期间你表现得很出色,希望你做好准备,迎接正式工作。 (what) with one thing and another informal — used to say that you have been very busy doing or dealing with many things事情接踵而至 What with one thing and another, I have very little free time.事情太多了,我几乎没有空闲时间。 |
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