

单词 blood
释义 blood 45 ENTRIES FOUND: blood (noun) blood-red (adjective) blood bank (noun) blood brother (noun) blood cell (noun) blood clot (noun) blood count (noun) blood doping (noun) blood feud (noun) blood group (noun) blood heat (noun) blood money (noun) blood orange (noun) blood platelet (noun) blood poisoning (noun) blood pressure (noun) blood relative (noun) blood sausage (noun) blood sport (noun) blood sugar (noun) blood test (noun) blood transfusion (noun) blood type (noun) blood vessel (noun) bad blood (noun) blue blood (noun) cold-blooded (adjective) full-blooded (adjective) hot-blooded (adjective) red blood cell (noun) red-blooded (adjective) warm-blooded (adjective) white blood cell (noun) boil (verb) cold (adjective) curdle (verb) draw (verb) flesh (noun) gut (noun) shed (verb) spill (verb) sweat (verb) taste (verb) thick (adjective) water (noun) blood /ˈblʌd/ noun blood /ˈblʌd/ noun Learner's definition of BLOOD [noncount] 1  : the red liquid that flows through the bodies of people and animals血;血液 The accident victim has already lost a lot of blood.事故的受害者已大量失血。 the blood in your veins静脉血 She donates/gives blood twice a year. [=twice a year she has blood taken out of her body so that it can be put into the body of a person who needs it]她一年献两次血。 — see also bad blood, cold-blooded, full-blooded, hot-blooded, red-blooded, warm-blooded 2  — used to say that a person's ancestors were of a particular kind血统 There's some Italian blood in her family. [=one or more of her family's ancestors was Italian]她的家族有一些意大利血统。 a man of royal blood [=a man with kings and queens in his family]有皇室血统的人 — see also blue blood, blue-blooded 3  : members of a team, company, or organization成员;人员 — usually used in the phrases new blood or young blood通常用于短语new blood或young blood Our company could benefit from some new blood. [=new employees]我们公司会因增加一些新生力量而受益。 We've just added some young blood to the team.我们刚刚为这个队增添了新人。 blood and guts — see 1gut blood is thicker than water ◊ The saying blood is thicker than water means that a person's family is more important than a person's other relationships or needs.血浓于水;亲人总比外人亲 blood is up ◊ In British English, when you say that someone's blood is up, you mean that someone is angry and wants to fight or argue.怒气冲天;怒不可遏 It's best to avoid her when her blood is up.她发怒时,最好躲着点她。 blood on your hands ◊ If someone's blood is on your hands, you are responsible for that person's death.对某人的死负有责任 Her blood is on your hands!对于她的死,你罪责难逃! by blood : by a relationship that connects two people through their natural parents, grandparents, etc.血缘关系 My aunt and I are related by blood. [=my aunt is the sister of one of my parents]我的姑妈跟我有血缘关系。 My aunt and I are not related by blood. [=my aunt is/was married to the brother of one of my parents]我的婶婶跟我没有血缘关系。 draw blood 1  : to take blood from a person's body for medical reasons抽血 We need to draw some blood to test you for the virus.我们需要为你抽血检查病毒。 2  : to cause blood to flow from a person's body使出血;使流血 The punch to the nose drew blood. [=caused the nose to bleed]这一拳把鼻子打出了血。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Some politicians view debates as chances to draw blood from their opponents.一些政治人物把辩论看作是打击对手的机会。 flesh and blood — see 1flesh in cold blood : in a deliberate way : following a plan蓄意地;有预谋地 They were killed in cold blood by terrorists.他们被恐怖分子蓄意杀害。 in your blood ◊ If something (such as an ability or activity) is in your blood, it is part of your nature and is often shared by your family members.与生俱来的;遗传下来的;先天就有的 With two parents who are painters, art is in her blood.父母都是画家,她天生就有艺术细胞。 make someone's blood boil : to make someone very angry使某人怒不可遏;使某人怒火中烧 His hate-filled speeches make my blood boil! [=make me see red]他充满仇恨的演说使我怒火中烧。 make someone's blood curdle or make someone's blood run cold : to cause someone to be very afraid or disgusted使某人不寒而栗;使某人厌恶 The horrible news made our blood run cold.这个可怕的消息让我们不寒而栗。 a ghost story that will make your blood curdle会让你毛骨悚然的鬼故事 The mere sight of a cockroach makes my blood curdle.只要一看见蟑螂我就恶心。 out for blood ◊ If you are out for blood or out for someone's blood, you are very angry and you want to kill someone or to cause someone pain or discomfort.恨不得要某人的命;要让某人痛苦(或不痛快) Those soldiers were out for blood.那些士兵决心杀敌。 His ex-wife is out for his blood.他的前妻决不让他有好日子过。 spill/shed blood : to kill people violently屠杀;残杀 The blood of too many young people has been spilled/shed.太多年轻人被残杀。 sweat blood informal : to care a lot about something and work very hard for it累死累活地干;卖命地干 basketball players who sweat blood for their teams为球队奋力打拼的篮球运动员们 taste blood informal : to experience pleasure as a result of defeating an opponent尝到胜利的甜头;体验到胜利的喜悦 She has tasted blood now, and can't wait to meet her rival on the court again.她已经尝到了获胜的甜头,迫不及待地想要与她的对手再次在球场上交手。




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