

单词 worth
释义 worth (noun) worth 17 ENTRIES FOUND: worth (preposition) worth (noun) self-worth (noun) Fort Worth (proper noun) bird (noun) bush (noun) candle (noun) gold (noun) hand (noun) money (noun) picture (noun) salt (noun) thousand (noun) two (noun) weight (noun) while (noun) word (noun) 1 worth /ˈwɚθ/ preposition 1 worth /ˈwɚθ/ preposition Learner's definition of WORTH 1  a  — used to indicate the value of something价值…;有…价值 a ruby worth five million dollars价值五百万美元的红宝石 This painting is worth a fortune.这幅画值一大笔钱。 You should be paid what your labor is worth.你当然应该按劳取酬。 Each correct answer is worth five points.每次回答正确可得五分。 b  : having money and possessions equal in value to (an amount)值…钱;相当于…价值 an actor worth several million dollars身价数百万美元的演员 The corporation is worth billions of dollars.这家公司价值数十亿美元。 2  : good, valuable, or important enough for (something) : deserving of (something)(某事)值得做,有价值 A carefully written cover letter and resume is worth the effort.下功夫认真写一份求职信和简历是值得的。 It takes a long time to get a table at the restaurant, but the food is well worth the wait.在那家餐馆吃饭等桌位要花很长时间,但那里的菜的确值得等。 The movie was good, but I didn't think it was worth all the fuss/hype.这部电影是不错,但我认为用不着那么大吹大播。 It's worth a try. = It's worth trying.值得一试。 Chicago is worth a visit. I think you'll really like it.芝加哥值得一游,我想你一定会喜欢那里。 Do you think the car is worth buying?你觉得这车值得买吗? It is worth noting/mentioning that his father and mother are also doctors.值得注意/一提的是,他的父母也是医生。 This book is not worth reading.这本书不值得读。 an idea well worth consideration值得认真考虑的想法 Going to college was worth every penny.上大学花的每一分钱都值得。 This contract isn't worth the paper it's written/printed on. [=this contract has no real value; this contract is not legally valid]这份合同毫无价值。 I promise that speaking with her will be worth your while. [=speaking with her will be a good/useful thing for you to do]我保证跟她谈谈对你是值得的。 I had to sacrifice all of my free time to make this film, but in the end, it was all worth it.我不得不牺牲所有闲暇时间做这部电影,但最终还是很值得的。 The repairs cost a lot of money, but they were worth it.这些维修花了很多钱,但是值得的。 It's not worth fixing the car. = It's not worth it to fix the car. = The car is not worth fixing.这辆车不值得修了。 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush — see bird a picture is worth a thousand words — used to say that it is often easier to show something in a picture than to describe it with words一张图片抵千言 for all something or someone is worth : to the fullest extent possible : as much as possible or with as much effort as possible竭力;拼命 They milked/exploited their advantage for all it was worth. [=they used their advantage to help themselves as much as they could]他们已经把优势发挥到了极致。 He was fighting for all he was worth. [=fighting as hard as he could]他在尽力拼搏。 I ran for all I was worth. [=as fast as I could]我拼命跑了起来。 for what it's worth — used to say that you are not sure how helpful something you are about to say will be不管有用没用,不管对错(表示自己没有把握) For what it's worth, I don't think your dad meant to insult you.我说的未必对,但我认为你爸爸不是有意要辱骂你。 not worth the candle — see candle worth your salt — see 1salt worth your weight in gold — see 1gold 2 worth /ˈwɚθ/ noun 2 worth /ˈwɚθ/ noun Learner's definition of WORTH [noncount] 1  : an amount of something that has a specified value, that lasts for a specified length of time, etc.价值…的东西;持续(…时间)的东西 — + of He bought 40 dollars' worth of gas. [=an amount of gas that costs 40 dollars]他买了40美元的汽油。 We carried a week's worth of food [=an amount of food that will last for a week] on the hike.远足时我们带了足够一星期吃的食物。 She has 15 years' worth of experience in advertising. [=she has worked in advertising for 15 years]她有15年的广告从业经验。 30 pounds' worth of rice [=an amount of rice weighing 30 pounds]重30磅的大米 She wrote a whole album's worth of songs. [=she wrote enough songs to make an album]她写的歌够出一整张专辑了。 A whole day's worth of work was erased when I deleted the file.我删除那个文件夹时就把一整天做的工作全给清除了。 2  : the amount of money that something is worth : value价值 A diamond's worth is determined partly by its cut and clarity.钻石的价值部分取决于它的切割和净度。 The worth of the stocks has increased.这些股票已经升值了。 The furniture was of little worth since it was in such bad condition.这件家具过于破旧,几乎没什么价值了。 His personal worth is estimated at five million dollars. [=all of his money and possessions are worth about five million dollars]他的个人资产估计有五百万美元。 3  : usefulness or importance : value作用;用处;价值 The painting is of little artistic worth. = The painting has little artistic worth. [=merit]这幅画没有什么艺术价值。 He has proved his worth to the team.他证明了自己对团队的价值。 The book has proved its worth by saving me hundreds of dollars.这本书帮我省了数百美元,证明了它的价值。 your money's worth — see money




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