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词汇 yield
释义 yield (noun) yield 3 ENTRIES FOUND: yield (verb) yield (noun) yielding (adjective) 1 yield /ˈjiːld/ verb yields; yielded; yielding 1 yield /ˈjiːld/ verb yields; yielded; yielding Learner's definition of YIELD 1  [+ object] a  : to produce or provide (something, such as a plant or crop)产出;生长出;结出 The apple/peach trees yielded an abundant harvest.苹果/桃子大丰收。 This soil should yield good crops.这片地应该能长出好庄稼。 The seeds yield a rich oil.这些种子可以榨出很多油。 b  : to produce (something) as a result of time, effort, or work(因时间、努力或劳动而)产生 New methods have yielded promising results in the field.新方法已经在这一领域产生了不错的效果。 The studies yielded clear evidence.这些研究提供了清楚的证据。 — sometimes + up Their research has yielded up some surprising results.他们的研究得出了一些惊人的结果。 c  : to produce (a profit, an amount of money, etc.)产生(收益、效益等) The tax is expected to yield millions.这项税收预计会带来数百万的收入。 The bond yields seven percent annually.这种债券的年收益率为百分之七。 2  [no object] : to agree to do or accept something that you have been resisting : to stop trying to resist or oppose something屈服;让步 After several hours of debate, the opposition yielded.经过几个小时的辩论,反对派做出了让步。 — often + to The company refused to yield to the protesters' demands.公司拒绝了抗议者提出的要求。 The architect yielded to critics and changed the design.建筑师听取了批评者们的意见,更改了设计。 I finally yielded to temptation and had some cake.我最后经不住诱惑,吃了一些蛋糕。 3  a  [+ object] : to allow (something) to be taken or controlled by another person, group, etc.放弃;缴出;让出 Ground troops refused to yield [=(more commonly) surrender] the fortress to the enemy.地面部队拒绝将要塞拱手让给敌人。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Despite all my arguments she was unwilling to yield the point to me. [=she was unwilling to admit that I was right]尽管我理论了半天,她还是不愿意承认我是对的。 b  formal : to give (someone) the chance to speak at a public meeting请(某人)讲话 — + to [+ object] I yield the floor to the Senator from Maine.现在请缅因州参议员讲话。 [no object] I yield to the Senator.请参议员讲话。 c  [no object] : to stop trying to fight someone or something屈服;投降 The enemy refused to yield. [=give up]敌人拒绝投降。 4  [no object] : to bend, stretch, or break because of physical force or pressure(因受力或受压而)弯曲,变形,折断 Ripe fruit should yield slightly to pressure. [=ripe fruit should be just a little bit soft]成熟的水果会有点发软。 The heavy weight caused the rope to yield.巨大的重量导致绳索断裂。 5  US : to allow another car or person to go ahead of you or in front of you让道;让行 [no object] The driver failed to yield [=(Brit) give way] and was hit by another car.司机没有让道,被另一辆车撞了。 You must yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk.在人行横道上你必须给行人让道。 [+ object] Oncoming traffic must yield the right-of-way.迎面驶来的车辆必须让行。 2 yield /ˈjiːld/ noun plural yields 2 yield /ˈjiːld/ noun plural yields Learner's definition of YIELD [count] 1  : the amount of something that is produced by a plant, farm, etc.产量 Our yield of wheat increased this year.我们的小麦今年增产了。 The average yield per tree is about one bushel.每棵树的平均产出量约为一蒲式耳。 2  : the profit made from an investment(投资的)收益 The yield on government bonds is currently seven percent.政府公债的收益率目前是百分之七。 stocks with high-percentage yields高收益率的股票




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