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词汇 obscure
释义 obscure (verb) obscure 2 ENTRIES FOUND: obscure (adjective) obscure (verb) 1 obscure /ɑbˈskjɚ/ adjective 1 obscure /ɑbˈskjɚ/ adjective Learner's definition of OBSCURE [more obscure; most obscure] 1  : not well-known : not known to most people不知名的;鲜为人知的 obscure books/titles鲜为人知的图书/标题 a little antique shop in an obscure [=out-of-the-way] corner of the city在城市一个不起眼的角落里的一家小古玩店 2  a  : difficult to understand : likely to be understood by only a few people晦涩的;费解的 The movie is full of obscure references that only pop culture enthusiasts will understand.这部电影含有许多晦涩的暗示,只有热衷于流行文化的观众才看得明白。 b  : difficult or impossible to know completely and with certainty难以了解清楚的;不可能确切知道的 The origins of the language are obscure.这一语言的起源无从查考。 — obscurely adverb an obscurely titled book书名费解的书 Synonyms同义词 obscure, vague, and ambiguous mean not clearly understandable.均指含糊费解的。 obscure often suggests a meaning that cannot be easily understood because it has not been clearly expressed or because special knowledge is needed.obscure常指由于表达不清或需要专业知识而让人费解。 an obscure poem朦胧诗 vague suggests something that cannot be described clearly.vague指无法描述清楚。 She felt a vague sense of obligation.她觉得有种隐约的责任感。It can also describe something that is difficult to understand because it is not specific.它也可指某事因为不具体而难懂。 vague instructions含糊难懂的指令 ambiguous describes language that can be understood in more than one way.ambiguous指语言模棱两可。 an ambiguous statement模棱两可的陈述 2 obscure /ɑbˈskjɚ/ verb obscures; obscured; obscuring 2 obscure /ɑbˈskjɚ/ verb obscures; obscured; obscuring Learner's definition of OBSCURE [+ object] 1  : to make (something) difficult to understand or know : to make (something) obscure使难懂;使费解;使模糊 The true history has been obscured by legends about what happened.各种传说混淆了历史的真相。 They accused the company of trying to obscure the fact that the product poses a health risk.他们指控这家公司试图掩盖其产品存在健康风险的事实。 2  : to hide or cover (something) : to be in front of (something) so that it cannot be seen遮掩;遮蔽 Low clouds obscured the mountains. = The mountains were obscured by low clouds.低低的云层遮住了群山。 Her view of the game was obscured [=blocked] by a post.一根柱子挡住了她观看比赛的视线。




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